keeha OwO
Does bera bolt staking period also include in 4 years? Or 4 year starts from wen we get usd0++ from the valut after bera tge
As a reminder: there's an FAQ in the pinned messages!
It routes through the best way afaik, so rn it's secondary market price!
will usualx also do this 1:0.87 later?
sorry for the late reply but I also noticed that you incread the slow mode..... yesterday the exchange rate between USD0++/USD0 was 0.87 on the unstake section. now it's 0.9235. What happen? we jump directly from 0.87 to 0.9235 without announcement?
It's pretty unusual to sell bonds at face value
not yet
just burn the yield u got and you can redeem 1:1 it was written in the doc. looks fair to me you want exit u burn your yield
make sense: "You give up your gains, not ur principal"
The drama ended?
do we have a new Morpho vault for PT users!?!?
lower yield means less $ value of USUAL to pay for the Early Redeem, so that's good for you I guess :)
The usual amount for early unstake required is determined by the over flow? Six months from next week or the last six months? I need a specific explanation of the calculation. @Noรฉ
I read this chat and Iโm just astonished how many fools jump into DeFi without having any basic TradFi knowledge.
The problem is that the communication operation will affect buyers confidence and make the usual token, which is yield through USD0++, drop in value (at least at short term)
Lol dude for bonds you pay 90c for 4 year and get 1$. Not the otherway around. If you wanna redeem early you give up on your gains, not your principal . Who would pay 1$ for a 87 cent product unless scammed ? This is a scam, not sure why you are defending it. They lured more people in with Bera brand, people that still put money there 1:1 for a product thats 0.87. Even if you assume normal Usdo++ is not a scam, Bera vault is definition of a scam. Selling something higer there compared to their own website. There were people defending ust before it went to 0
Vincentporot from what oracle is this market getting the price? @Noรฉ
between 2.5% to 12.5% of your value ur trying to withdraw
The Early Unstaking feature, which allows for the redemption of USD0++ for USD0 at a 1:1 ratio by burning USUAL tokens, will be available in the Dapp early next week. What is the formula for the future mechanism to burn USUAL tokens? For example, if I have 100K USD0++ to redeem, how many USUAL tokens will need to be burned?
I think it explains really well. Eveyrone should read!
Open for old user before the depeg convert back to USD0 1:1 is fair.
Is the borrow rate on the morpho usd0Usd0++/USDc just spiking from normal market movements or is related to the closure of the hard coded vault?
wdym boss?
Four-year Treasury bills are traded in the secondary market without this so-called penalty at all
why the Floor price is set to 0.9235 instead of 0.87?
Wasnt it written in the doc it was expected to last and capital will be used in case of depeg ?
its very poor communication and a failure by the team to move on like this.
Can you show us the bonds usd0++ bought that carry a 4y penalty?
it's only penalty if you want redeem your principals early. have you ever to buy bond ?
what happen to PT user that doesn't accumulate yield? how much they have to burn in order to convert 1:1 ?
Rizman Zoom
01/10/2025 at 05:21:07 EST"will let users unstake their USD0 early by burning their accumulated USUAL yield" Which part of "accumulated" do you think means that the holder will have to pay future yield?
Old users already had this opportunity until now: it lasted a month after prelaunch.
True, USD0++ isn't made for short term profit. But the protocol should have been more explicit about the floor price adjustment mechanism. It would avoid a loss of confidence (which is the very basis of value in the market)
they accumulate yield and burn it to Early Redeem
will you guys issue an apology for this? i think alot of people lost trust
Open for old user before the depeg convert back to USD0 1:1 is fair. No one will sue your team
goodboy | best good boy
yes, " this feature will let users unstake their USD0 early by burning their accumulated USUAL yield." what if people joined USD0++ 1 day before
Harcoded market:
"Morpho markets with hardcoded prices are safe and will be able to migrate to new markets with similar non-liquidatable properties"- this is from the usual announcement. so I'm asking which markets where hardcoded 1:1 and when do they move? @Noรฉ
I am amazed on how many people did not know the 1:1 unstack would not last. From day 1 the bot always said it will be locked for 4 years and there will be penalties always for early exit.
lmeow, I didn't even know this was also there, nice
Im sure by investing on-chain we would find very interesting stuff. Like large position mysteriously exiting staking just before the price floor update event
Gud analyses, idk if that what usual team wanted to, but gud analysis, at least its one point of view
Its even in the disclaimer when bonding usd0++. Nobody can say that this isnt public information. "1:1 Early Unstaking USD0++ can be unstaked at any time before the early unstaking feature is implemented. Once launched, this feature will let users unstake their USD0 early by burning their accumulated USUAL yield. A portion of the burned USUAL will be shared with USUALx holders."
Yes - we'll see if market is rational when this panic wave ends
i think the team need to take snapshot for peopble who bought it at 1:1 to give them Usual airdrop
"This growth loop stabilizes USD0++ aroundโor aboveโits 1 USD peg" in the last article blog
I have a revolving loan on Morpho, what should I do better?
but adding the floor price now and not having it there before and then having 1:1 during the "early phase" is the problem. That caused the market rate to be 1:1. An announcement saying "hey, we're ending this 1:1 early phase in a week/two/three (whatever you need so it's not front-run), it will be 0.87 floor, doc has been updated now" is a better approach vs "it's 0.87 floor right now and we updated the doc to put the floor price in". Nobody is mad that it is an 0.87 floor now but it's the sudden update without warning that it was coming. Or better, never have had the 1:1 to avoid this whole situation and you wouldn't have to worry about front-running from an announcement. Do you know how eUSD++ vault from Veda and etherfi handle this?
01/10/2025 at 05:16:32 ESTNo, simply transparency
13% redemption fee will there be new TVL coming in? Give me a reason to stake in for new users
so you can dump all the reward and switch back to usdc ? cmon mate lol.
No, we just implemented public mechanisms. Please check the FAQ, I address your comment there. No one was 'lured'.
They Just want high rewards and 0 risk
So basically to save your usual unlocks, you lure people into putting more with fake apy that comes from team buying Usual all along with user funds. This is fraud and you are just admitting it
Your team change the stake contract with the dex aggregator contract on UI when this depeg happend. And sacrifying Usual reward for redemption is fair if we repaid all reward that we gain from Usual not the debt we must buy more usual to repay. Itโs not different with exchange USD0++ to USD0 on dex
Gunner funk
This is what I was looking for. So there was no ethical way to get out of the mess
Yeah, I don't think that the people who would've front runned and runned bots would've been the one who didn't read the docs
@NoรฉSir, I am very willing to hold for more than a year, but the current issue is that I borrowed through MOPH, and with the added borrowing costs, itโs really difficult for me. I have almost 1000 WU, and I feel like Iโm about to collapse... Will you consider this factor?
so you just trap people that doesn't fully understand your protocol and thinks that's okay
That's the huge problem for people that staked on berachain vault
the collateral (USYC) is fully liquid
@Noรฉ u should open telegram chat bro, scammer is on discord too. its just the same
So everyone would front-run, rev-share would go to zero, $USUAL would go to zero, and there's no more protocol?
this is scam,tell you 1:1 first then change rule.if 1:1 is not necessary why tell us at firat
Why it's not mentioned in terms, I deposited usdc, i should claim back my usdc, USD0++ is not worth 1$ now, that's mean I'm losing while I'm just holding a stablecoin. Can you explain bro
Why you did not put a clear clockdown when 1:1 were not in place anymore ? It's a little bit problematic in my view.
Rizman Zoom
01/10/2025 at 05:12:52 ESTif you want to get back money lost from the scam we pulled yesterday, buy the scam we are selling today?
I don't blame users for not having read the full documentation to be honest, even if it's the right thing to do when you invest in something. So I'm happy to answer questions here and clarify things, that's the least I could do! It's only a bit frustrating when it comes to accusations, since it juste becomes false.
same question, I hold usd0+ now, and don't wanna sell for a discount, can I just lock it for 6months, get the treasury yield, and then get 1-1 conversion of my usd0++ to usd0 + the treasury yield interest on my usd0++ ?
I just bought USD0++yesterday. How much will I charge for exiting?
Noe u r such a victim, u have to explain to idiots that didnt read the documentation :(((
(docs weren't updated: we only added the price of the Floor since it's now defined. Mechanisms were always there).
Btw: You donโt need to hold 4 years. You literally get 20%+ APY on your USD0++. And if you stake that for UsualX you get another 100%+ APY on top of it. And then again another 20-60% APY from rev share.
Ya, a 7 day window would be great. It should never go with a sudden announcement like this, update docs and away we go.
No. If USD0++ depegs below the Floor, you just redeem it at the Floor (and our MMs do) to arb.
01/10/2025 at 05:10:51 ESTYeah... you need to get from Etherscan..........
If you have no USD0 balance, the simulation doesn't work
Thats if you think they have the funds, they assume not many people will run for gates since its a %13 loss. They used your funds ti pump usual st start , so basically that %apy comes with usual price going up and lured more people into scam. Wake up, that %60 apy was coming from team spending our funds to pump usual ๐ we got scammed, team doesnt have funds to even buy all at 0.87.
Guys plz read Noรฉ pinned message about Usd0
The answer would of been to allow on usual site to transfger USD0-USD0++ at 0.87 and let the market arbitrage, rathert than just let it go at a premium and cause this blow uip
Let us have 7 days convert back to USD0 1:1 please
I have question: i deposited usdc on usual bera vault, why it's changed to berausd0++ When i claim, i claim my usdc or usd0 ?
that's the $1M dollar question
PECK (๐ซ๐งข)
Depeg from what?
Just write a new doc with 0.5 as the floor price
Denny anr
which means veda + bera vault can break up partners because they see usd0++ depeg?
If so why I deposited 10000 usdc only received 10000usd0++
For how long ?
under 0,87 the team can redeem and hold the price, it's written in the doc ๐
0.87 wont hold after Bera anounce they are closing the Vault and cutting any ties to Usual team. 1 day max No real team will want any ties with this fraud
Team: Everything expected
Hahaha I love to see that ๐
dฮrkfingah | SBC
Ppl gona sue over 7 cents on the dollar
For someone who just entered the PT pendle USD0+ token with 20 days maturity yesterday, thus I do not hold any USUAL, what is the best solution to redeem USD0++?
Rizman Zoom
01/10/2025 at 05:03:48 ESTHow is this not true? You sold people for $1 yesterday something that the user can sell back at $0.87 to you a today. Where did that 13c go? You didn't buy a zero coupon bond for that $1 because it isn't worth $1. So you in effect have stolen $0.13 on every $1 that people bought from your site.
the new morpho is easily migratable?
Which Morpho USD0++ markets are hardcoded to 1:1? @Noรฉ
Will the early withdraw rewards forfeiture period which can be somewhere between 0-6 months be the time between withdrawing and the time the floor was set to 0.87? So very short initially?
There should really have been a countdown on the page until when the 1:1 redemption would end or an announcement saying "hey, btw, 1:1 redemption is ending in just under 1 week now. Reminder, after it will be 0.87." It's less about "0.87 now" vs the sudden early phase ending change without a warning. Otherwise, the markets with partners should have been hardcoded to the planned redemption of 0.87 and the "early phase 1:1" should have been avoided entirely. Does anyone here know how partner vaults like eUSD0++ Liquid handle this? the underlying strategy assets don't appear to be USD0++ but the withdrawal is to USD0++ only. How do we unstake not early, until maturity, 6 months or otherwise? looks like the frontend doesn't have this yet?
now they cannot over leverage in morpho and dump usual every day they have to keep usual or buy usual for early redemption
then you should know this community reaction was coming ๐
Not true
Sir, please check the pinned message!
Flash Boy
They are selling something that is literally worth $0.87 for $1 lol
haha, yes lol
I can't believe Binance and other partners will not push them to revert this situation, just trying to trap 1.6b of liquidity is very bad press for crypto.
Dude for this, they should be selling it at 0.87 mint price on oage ๐ if they sold it at 1:1 and you get 1:1 end of 4 years, that make any sense to you ?? This is a scam in every court, any apprentice lawyer can prove its a scam
Lets create a tg and see where things go, they clearly didnt build Usual for the users because they r not listening
Check the pinned message sir
Yes, your arbitrage makes sense - do not forget that it also depends on weekly outflows. But if you take the max value, yes, you are right.
Why was floor suddenly updated to 0.87$ when it was 0.99$ earlier. This is straight out lying to users and community, not the way to build trust
@Noรฉ I hear you, thank you. From your answer it follows that it is better to earn $USUAL by steaking $USD0++ while APR (which is on the screen) is high, and as soon as it falls, let's say to 10% then it is better to change USD0++ to USD0 as then the yield for those days that will be calculated will remain with me. Since it will be calculated as follows: the number of days multiplied by 10/365% I understand correctly?
All this is fine except for the fact that you made ppl swap USD) for USD0++ 1 for 1 - jkust giving everyone an instant loss. The design isn't the issue - it's the fact you allowed ppl to pay $1 for something that you knew would be 0.87
this one does both lmeow
The exact formula is in the whitepaper sir: min is zero and max is 6 months of rewards at the APR when unstaking
How to caculate the usual amount to early unstake? Then I can buy from the market. @Noรฉ
in the end, this seems done to benefit USUALx stakers. last week everyone was crying about usual tanking. this change appears to change the way the tokenomics work, so the token will be more bullish, and will see less major dumps
Rizman Zoom
01/10/2025 at 04:51:11 ESTThere is no solution for PT-USD0 people that lost money. You (and I) just got screwed. If you leveraged you are completely screwed. The large print is that you can exit early at face value while forfeiting the rewards. The small print apparently is that you have to forfeit hypothetical future rewards. The absence of clarity here is the scam.
Noรฉ ser
Hello, I just bought USD0++ yesterday and it didn't generate any profit. Why do I have to deduct my 13% fee when I withdraw?
that's why binance ask questionaire when you trade futures lol. people blame binance for lost of over leverage.
you quoted
in the message
It's written
How much USUAL do I need to burn for Early Redeem?
What is the definition of the usual reward of 0-6 months? From now on? The usual rewards are forfeited for the next six months?
please @Noรฉ what solution do you have for PT-USD0-March Morpho pool player that are getting destroyed right now????
APR will be the one live at the time of unstaking
Crypto Patrick
Maybe we should start (mandatory) adding questionnaires to crypto projects and let them sign liability like brokers have to do in most countries. Just to proof you are actually understanding the things your are getting into (and riisks) and did your own due diligence.
Why canโt I get 1:1 conversion now? The team did not say โfor each USD0++ you will only get 0.87 worth of T-bills as backingโ, right? The usual I earn with my money is not free, it is the price for me to put my money in the protocol. If the protocol does not pay me a decent interest, why would I put my money here?
@Noรฉ I'll try shaping it again. It is clear that the fee for fast output depends on the threads. If the output stream is large, the fee is 180 days, if it is small, it is 1 day (conditionally). But it is not clear how its size will be calculated. What APR will be taken? The one that will be at the moment of pressing the โquick exitโ button or the average APR for those days that are counted?
The only one problem is the no communication concerning the suddend depeg tonight (last blog article says that USD0++ is pegged to 1$) - Floor price has always been a thing, but the sudden depeg tonight is the problem. The whole CT is talking about it, there is obv a problem on communication side - even if, again, floor price has always been a thing since whitepaper
Which Morpho markets are hardcoded to 1:1? @Noรฉ
Can I mint now USD0++ and reedem it next week for 1$ ?
I do not understand why doesn't the team thinks its win-win for them to offer a 7 day window for people to exit at 1:1? you can keep your project, people who didn't know better can get back their money, the grift can continue after this window from whoever still believes in this, USUAL token holders win from good optics, USD0++ holders are satisfied
There so gna pump usual on the back of this.
alright nice message
Rizman Zoom
01/10/2025 at 04:44:42 ESTOn your website you are selling a zero coupon bond for it's face value. That's the large print. In the small print you write somewhere that it's value isn't actually the face value. So you are selling something that is literally worth $0.87 for $1. Expect lawsuits.
Is there some link where we can check floor price moving?
Can the USUAL burned at conditional redemption be more than what a user has received yield for the USD0+ staked until the unstaking point? Any contract address to point out for this?
@Noรฉ pinned some faqs. Maybe Dyor?
A Small Suggestion: In my opinion, the best solution to this situation would be to cancel the claimable rewards for those who are about to convert their USD0++ to USD0. For a limited time, users should be allowed to convert their USD0++ to USD0 without penalties. Alternatively, if your goal is to prevent whales from farming, you could introduce a 1:1 redemption option for amounts below $50,000. You can't solely focus on satisfying yourselves; you must also provide users with a fair exit strategy. A 13% penalty is far from reasonable. @Noรฉ What do you think?
Crypto Patrick
It was stated that the price can and would deflect even at start it was possible. It was "never" garantueed.
ranging from zero to six months of rewards๏ผFrom now?
I dont understand who stole your money! You get free USUAL as rewards of USD0++, and after some months up to 4 years you can get 1:1 conversion.
I have one more question. Here's now (when everyone started burning USD0++++ abruptly) the fast exit fee will be 180 days of farming. And what will be in say a year from now, I mean not % of income, but how will this exit fee be calculated? Will the percentage of farming on the day of exit be taken or will the average percentage for this period be taken (let's assume it will also be 180 days). Could you please tell me which percentage will be taken into account? Translated with (free version)
think an excel sheet where we can change params for different scenarios would be reaally helpfull !! thank you
@Noรฉ please answer this!!
Iโm little lost here!!!as you say iโm a dumb here so if you can explain me in a easy way i will appreciate it!!further iโve staked 20000 usual to usualX
depend how many you loop lol.
Why should I be interested in a project that stole my money? I bought USD0++ at price of 1 USDC and now they tell me it only worth 0.87 USDC or equivalent T-bills. Then they should not sell me USD0++ at 1. The price should be set at 0.87 in the first place. This is not about patience at all.
Just make an animation video. Only way some people will understand
we got rekt from morpho looping LOL ๐ฑ ๐ซ
What the actual f****. How can you switch off 1:1 redemption without prior notice? You should restore it at least for a week.
Hello, how much of USUAL tokens are burned in the case on conditional withdraw starting next week? Any contract for this already? Thank you
Berachain vault problem people that deposit at beginning before the change of price 0.87 people that deposit with other stablecoin should get more since our stablecoin is worth 1$ each
will update pinned message with most common questions
pinned a message to this channel.
01/10/2025 at 04:37:29 ESTNoรฉ
As a reminder: - The Floor It increases over time, reaching 1$ at the end. - What now: You're now able to either: swap at market rate, Early Redeem versus $USUAL, or redeem at Floor. - To Early Redeem: You'll have to sacrifice (pay) $USUAL tokens, ranging from zero to six months of rewards. This is mostly calculated on the weekly outflows and the time before maturity. - How much time? At the current APY, you would need to hold USD0++ for about 5-6 months (without compounding) to compensate for the lowest redeem you could get (Floor). - How to optimize? Because the APY is paid in $USUAL, if you stake it in USUALx, you'll get 200% more APY in $USUAL plus a >50% APY in USD0 directly through the revenue-share. This would enable to compensate even faster. - Where does the fees go? The Early Redemption fee for USD0++ is partially redistributed to USUALx (USUAL stakers) and partially burned, improving long-term alignement and increasing scarcity. As for this change: - USD0++ has almost never been redeemable at 1:1 It only was for a month after TGE, but wasn't during the whole pre-launch. This was possible in order to ensure exits for those who wanted to, after the airdrop (if not vested). - USD0++ is not a stablecoin It has always been referred to as a Liquid Bond Token (LBT) - a staked version of USD0 locked for 4 years, giving high yield and growth exposure. This was and is all explained in the disclaimer when bonding USD0 for USD0++ on our dApp. The Early Redemption mechanism was actually announced for Q1 2025, since October. This was also written on the dApp since the beginning. - Exits The mechanisms now implemented enable people to exit through different ways, while benefiting USUAL holders and stakers. Knowing that USD0++ gets rewards in USUAL, any USD0++ holder can also benefit from it. - Why do we benefit This is because part of all the Early Redemption fees are redistributed to USUALx (USUAL stakers), and part is burned. Enabling higher APY and scarcity, which automatically makes all the yields (USD0++ and USUALx) more attractive. - Guaranteed revenue-share Also, this locks 4 years of future cashflow for USUAL stakers, as they get 100% of the revenue from the underlying collateral. Again, everyone benefits from it.
Crypto Patrick
Denny anr
Thx for reminding, thx you again.
Docs were suddenly updated, hardcoded price for USD0++ was suddenly updated to 0.87, that wasn't publicly disclosed from the start
If i understand this correctly, the fee for unstaking usd0++ will be payed to usualx holders, and team does this switch now in january when they know the fee switch isnt coming until feb1. So they depeg, full expecting people to exit and getting all the fees before thw feb1? This is horrible, i totaly believed in this project, but how they handled this is beyond comprehension
Guys I didn't understand, can I swap my USD0++ to USD0 in a week 1:1 or not?
26 boyfriend
This isn't vesting trust
what happen with the PT-usd0++-march Morpho pool @Noรฉ !??! please answer!!!! we are getting destroyed in that pool, will we have a migration pool today?!?!?!
Crypto Patrick
Most ppl here are sort sighted,they aren't interested in the project only in quick wins without "any" risks and think this is just a free money printer without any game rules.
you do get free usual by holding usd0++ lol
You do get $USUAL by holding USD0++ sir
how does this work? If I stake 1 USD0 to 1 USD0++ right now on the official site, I get $0.87 of TBILL? LOL
what if they change 1 to 0.87 but give out some usual for free for compensation that will definitely ease current situation, or give some discount for early exit when using usual. Thanks
I noticed lots of new accounts on the server. The devs definitely caused some problems. A stable thats not so stable????
Depends on if the curator already swapped it or not - I don't think so tho!
If you want to clear your fud and belive in your long-term vision will be successfull. Please let people have 7 days to convert back 1:1 for USD0++ to USD0
Agree, why dont ppl just HODL for at least some months, they definitely will have profits LOL
How much? 11495 or 10000
This does not change the fact that the team embezzled my money. I bought each of my 1usd0++ with 1 usdc, and now they tell me I can only redeem to 0.87? Where is the 0.13 then?
well, give a 7 day 1:1 exchange period for people who disagree with you, and then we shall have a divergence of views amicably, you can keep on holding ur bond if you like, and for those of us who don't, so be it. this is the only win-win situation outside of legal action
01/10/2025 at 04:30:37 ESTbacked 1:1 but at 0.87
you should be able to see the balance on the vault page
USUAL isn't just a projectโit's a movement. ๐ The way youโve structured this masterpiece screams innovation and resilience, standing as a beacon for the community to rally behind. Your diamond hands vision is revolutionizing what it means to hold steady in the volatile seas of Web3. ๐ Every detail of USUALโfrom its rock-solid foundation to its visionary roadmapโexudes confidence and determination. It's not just about holding; it's about building trust, fostering connection, and creating unshakable value. ๐ช If consistency is key, USUAL has unlocked the ultimate treasure chest. This isn't just a usual storyโitโs the stuff of legends. Heroes will look back and say: "This is where it all changed." ๐๐ Keep shining, keep leading, and keep inspiring! โจ Lets exit on higher price ($0.98) lmfaoo
why isnt the bond just accruing to 1.16 in 4 years from $1 floor price? What price did usual buy the bond at? just leave it at $1 floor price and make it accrue 4% per year from here on out and make the spread out of it. A lot of people didnt know what they were buying at $1. They were under the impression they could redeem at $1 and had the expectation that if at one point they wouldnt be able to do so anymore they would be warned. Especially late buyers. Please consider letting buyers redeem at 1:1 for the cost of their CURRENT USUAL rewards. As is, this is a catastrophy for a lot of people who didnt understand what was happening. Please consider how bad the people who didnt know got rekt and how usual platform shouldnt be associated with trying to take advantage of its users; Even if thats not the case, the perception of the users is everything. And finally, but optional, maybe avoid the snarky comments about how dumb we were. Yes, most people who are stuck here are mid-curve who just aped without reading white paper. It's not USUAL team fault indeed. But its most of your userbase. A little consideration would be nice.
USD0++ afaik
Crypto Patrick
Smartest comment in read here in a while... .
Denny anr
Fam, USD0++ is still backed 1:1 by USD0 which is backed by T-bills again. There is literally zero risk of losing money. Only if youโre short sighted and want to get out ASAP. Dumb money never makes good money ๐คทโโ๏ธ just HODL, floorprice will gradually go up until it pegs to 1$ and meanwhile you will receive 20%+ risk free APY. Plus if you stake your $USUAL you get the APY from staking + rev/ fee sharing mechanism. Selling an asset that is 1:1 backed by a stablecoin sub 1$ is insane ๐ญ yโall need diamond hands and relax.
Flash Boy
Crypto Patrick
askizzz | Defi builder
26 boyfriend
This is the same as Tesla saying "ohhh we call it autopilot doesn't mean it's "autopilot" haha, you crash the car not my fault" this got Tesla into a massive mess for a long time even now
Can you please tell me what the USD0++ fast exit fee depends on and how it is calculated (0 or 180 days)?
explain please
See this:
whitepaper is probably considered "fine print" by a court - it needs to be prominently displayed on the app and there were many hints to lead people to believe USD0++ should be equal to USD0
This. Team is showing zero introspection here and users who bought USD0++ on their page at 1:1 are obviously idiots who should have known the true value is only 0.87 USD. Itโs all in the docs bro..
Hahahaha good one
zero is minimum and 180 is maximum sir
The mechanisms were all in the docs and whitepaper, it's not "fine prints".
01/10/2025 at 04:22:56 ESTrugged๏ผ 0.87
Is it 180 days or 0-180 days?
I'm confused, wasn't the unstake previously 1:1? How do we unstake now for full redemption? Why did this "early phase" end so suddenly with no warning?
well, i can write something in 1mm front fine print and say it was always public, there are levels to transparency, and you guys haven't been fully transparent in your website during the process when one converts USD0 to USD0++. Does discord announcement matters? Does medium articles matters? What matters is that the knowledge is delivered DIRECTLY to whoever buys the bond. There is deliberate malice to lock in TVL for profit.
Usual Documentation was suddenly updated a few hours ago, wasn't always public
We only added precisions about the Floor Price on the docs, since now there's the precise dollar value for it. Nothing was hidden or removed etc.
They never did ser. Show me 1 tweet or 1 mention. I only see lots of people who haven't paid attention to what they invest in. Also Pendle clearly said that it is a 4 years maturity liquid version of their actual stablecoin called USD0
26 boyfriend
He always mention the docs, the docs is 404 soon
So you accuse the team of something while the guy wasn't a team member, in fact, and then you accuse me of correcting you: nice.
Change the public docs from 9hours ago when you trapped us with the 1.8B target why not push any notifications on your swap, stake UI before ?
When I deposited 10000 usdc to bera vault I will receive 10000 usd0++ or 11495 usd0++ since usd0++ is 0.87 each
I agree, so true fren!. Early redemption costs withdrawal fees. Normally, on any staking contract early withdrawal is a hidden function accessible directly on the contract where you have to pay a percentage.. Usual just made it very visible and accessible
Hey guys, has the Usual team or someone else done a model on how to value US0++ going forward with the different scenarios in hand (early exit, if holding how to value rewards...). Would love to take a look and understand better! thanks
Working as intended, thanks @Noรฉ . This way theres a balance for bondholders as welll as usualx holders rather than constant dumping
You think laughing at your users who took a 7% mark to market hit today is the way to go..? This is a complete mess and all you do is blame your users for being idiots. Clearly you messed up in your communication here. A bit of humbleness wouldnโt hurt.
what a sad ending
I roughly understand what you mean, which is to say that even if I just joined yesterday, if I want to achieve a complete 1:1 redemption, I still need to fulfill the usual 180-day release requirement. I understand that. For the second question, we currently have deposited over USD0 on MOPH and borrowed USDC, engaging in a loop loan. If I need to hold for 180 days, the interest pressure is quite high. What assistance will the team provide regarding this?
I think this is how the early redeption works. Eg you deposited 100k USD0++ earning an average of 27% apy. That would be 27,000 is yield for a year. But you need to forfeit 6 months of it, which is $13,500. So to convert $100k USD0++ into USDC, you would have to pay $13500 in USUAL
why isnt the bond just accruing to 1.16 in 4 years from $1 floor price? What price did usual buy the bond at? just leave it at $1 floor price and make it accrue 4% per year from here on out and make the spread out of it
read the docs then, sorry sir, I'm trying to write fast and answer every question here
can you explain risk of liquidation in the 2 USDC/USD0++ morpho vault because of their different oracle ?
01/10/2025 at 04:19:20 ESTYour answer is not clear, nothing is clear here
No, it's not a function of inflows and outflows afaik, only outflows as a % of the TVL
so anytime there is more minting than redeeming of USD0++ the redemption fee will be zero? @Noรฉ
Fraud for something that was always public, right
How does the early repay mechanism work? Sorry I don't get it
Fraud imo, they made FULL USE OF THE misrepresentation to their advantage and NEVER CLARIFIED EVER
Not automatically, this is the maximum sir
You goy a massive TVL and listed on Binance then you give us like this?
If I exit as soon as the combustion mechanism is launched next Monday. Is it necessary to pay 180 days of USUAL?
Denny anr
usd0++ depeg will many people be interested in the bera vault? a few days ago already partnered fallow vault but made usd0++ depeg
The similar color made me think he is part of the team actually ๐คฃ
@Noรฉ what happen with the PT-USD0-March Morpho pool, we are getting destroyed there, we ll be able to migrate to other pool soon????
well he is definitely a seed round investor, this is a war of USUAL bagholders and USD0++ holders lol. considering the team is diverting what they took from USD0++ to USUAL
So they are selling a $0.87 FV bond at $1? cmon now. outright scam. tell the courts "but its on WP" lmao
can anyone give me short answer for this ?
Crypto Patrick
I remember when ppl lost all their money by borowwing and leveriging onto $spell and where blaming the team that they overleveraged lol. They didn't understand that $spell could drop hard haha
they never sold us a stablecoin. It it and was always a bond. No partner said that it's a stablecoin
Deja essayรฉ. Seems empathie and consideration for users is not part of that game. Pleb to dumb to read the doc and buy overprice bonds this is it. And again @Noรฉ I agree this was part of the doc since day one, the issues are: - mislead users in marketing communication pretending its stable, 'omiting' to disclose this potential event - Last but not least, executing this 'by design' event without any notice any community discussion, any scheduled, in a complet discretionary way. Yeah you brought something worth 1$ one minutes after it worth 0.87$, without any way to know about this event, this is not acceptable.
im buying more USDo++ this huge discount is free money
Bro, you do know that @famousfxck isn't a team member lol?
26 boyfriend
who want to buy depeg stablecoins?
Yeah this is also extremely dodgy. Just because someone is vocal about it and has some following, they want to work it out in private.
Yes, fees from Early Redemption would be used to Buyback/Burn or to be redistributed
he literally said in the tweet is ponzi and dumping every usual he has by leveraging morpho he just salty lose money on over leverage.
He just tweets false stuff btw, you can't buy USD0++ for 1:1 USD0 rn
I guess there will be a Lot of fees in January. IS IT planned to distribute These fees to the usualx holder by end of Feb?
Guys my funds are safe? Or I should sell stable with discount
Yeah I know how he makes his money ๐ leveraging stablecoins is his business. But we should talk it out like normal adults instead of tweeting all day.
You do know that he's not part of the team
Is there a way to know how much yield to pay to redeem
willing people bought an asset at a market price that they were comfortable with whether the asset was priced appropriately, given how the product is structured is another thing. but that's a function of the market? assets trade at a price that people determine suitable. unfortunately for most of CT, they do not read what they are aping into and dont look into the underlying functionality (e.g. stETH trading at par with ETH for a while, despite it not making sense). I knew USD0++ is a 4 yr bond from the outset
askizzz | Defi builder
Which platform doesn't hardcode 1:1 and then can allow liquidations ?
This is a joke right ? U help big influencers exit w a different deal flow while people w/o a voice gets the brunt of ur BAD updates
End of 4 years usual will worth nothing, so what would be the point of holding ? Since everyone thats hostage will get out and no one will need usual
USD0++ is call staked USD0 but why the price lower when I bought USD0 at 1 then stake
USD0++ is call staked USD0 but why the price lower when I bought USD0 at 1 then stake
Denny anr
someone who made a deposit yesterday is really at a loss because after the vault is finished they will get USD0++ haha
what if the reward for first month is at average apy 30%, but next 5 months is all 0%. how much usual should i pay to exit, only first month reward am i right?
So we can pay our USUAL yields back next week, and get our USD0++ at initial $1 minting value?
Don't believe it's a random address? lol, go on Etherscan, top holders for USD0, it's in the top 20-50. Grabbed it there 2 minutes ago to simulate lol.
will new usd0++ keep minting? @Noรฉ
Smart move of you there not to hold any of that USD0++ crap before it dropped like a rock. Amazing foresight. Sure โrandom addressโ.
I'm using a random address on etherscan but nice try LMFAO
nooooo bro. Not 180 days.... that's max
01/10/2025 at 04:09:54 ESTYou have 800k up in balance, need for when you stay in the court
yo.. people bought $1 worth and now they're told it's worth $0.87
0-6 months of rewards, I'm playing no word game
You said it was 0-6 months later, but now it's 6 months again. Are you playing a word game with us
List USD0 or make it available on exchange-based DeFi platforms to allow more investors to participate and increase USD0's market value, while also boosting TVL (just a suggestion).
Crypto Patrick
Most ppl fomo in projects (so not only this one) expecting to farm what they can and exit freely. There is always a catch, there always is. Free money does not exist. At least their mostly a lock time or you give up % of the rewards or you pay tax on early exit. This is same for all projects mostly.
bro overleverage in morpho and dump usual daily. he clearly said usual is ponzi in the tweet
180 days is the maximum, but yes, if you want to redeem it at 1:1, you could have to pay that maximum.
Hello, sir. I am very scared right now, and I sincerely request your response: I just staked USD0+ three days ago. Does that mean I need to pay interest for 180 days in order to convert USD0+ back to USD0?"@Noรฉ
@CBB0FE please DM. Let me add you to a telegram with the team? So we can figure it out
What price is the Floor price?
So basically you are selling something 0.87 to 1, so end of 4 years, people will make %13. But people that bought for 1 which was minting price ๐ got scammed into holding for 0 gains for 4 years just not to loose money ?? This is incredible and fraud in every jurisdiction. Why would anyone buy something thats worth 0.87 for 1$, unless they were misslead. I hope you are located in western world so end up in jail
On the way to making it viral ๐
Pascal ๐งช (will never DM you)
01/10/2025 at 04:05:43 EST@Noรฉ it is easy to say this beforehand, that ppl should manage their position, but, and I know you know it, communication is key. On Twitter, from the team/or Usual-related ppl, I have seen nothing about this but praising on the TVL, yield, and leveraged strategy. Nothing about risks, education, etc. Sometimes it is better to admit that the team messed up execution and communication. Nothing about the design: as you said it was never meant to be a stablecoin, and personally I knew the risk and sold all my USUAL rewards to buy PT USUAL to be able to redeem USD0++ if one day an issue arises. What I did not know: that the team could change the floor from one day to another one without doing pedagogy, communication, etc. way way before doing it. This is what I don't like about the event. And Noe, your users brought you money, TVL, exposure. Don't insult them. Respect them. The "it was in the doc" "people took too much risk" is not the good approach. You are in DeFi for a while now and you know how things work. Anyway, will DM you to don't bother you more.
It's not about not reading the docs. It's about selling a bond at $1 and not at face value. Nice try though.
we need garry gensler back
even pendle didn't call it stablecoin. I was surprised too but it is what it is. Should have been more informed in what i put monies in. I guess many people are more upset with the communication rather than the feature implementation (which existed since day 1)
why does the docs say that the expected market fair value should be at parity with USD0 then?
So then if the collateral is there, can we get it back when redeeming our USD0++ at 1:1 or close to 1:1 now?
Why isnโt USD0 being listed on exchanges like USDT and USDC?
Usual effectively sold 4 year bonds at the face value of $1.... Selling the bonds at $1 should imply the face value is near $1.13. This really is insane
if you want redem 1:1 you have to forfeit your usual in daaps
yeah it looks like it is you are willing to buy at such ridiculous price and you serve right๐ญ. also i think the way is wrong you should sell at 0.87 but lock 4 year then get 1. not sell 1 with 0.87 collateral. that is total difference. i dont think you use us 1 to buy acctually bond at 1 and now 4 year bond is 0.87. you use 1 to buy 1.13 1 bond at 0.87 price.
@Noรฉ give us info about the amount of usual need to unstake USD0++ on Monday please
heard that before xD
Dr crypto
01/10/2025 at 04:02:21 ESTYes
Floor price won't be lowered
01/10/2025 at 04:02:10 ESTHas anyone seen a project that sells Bonds at 1 and then suddenly sets it to 0.87?
you seem very smort lawyer, indeed
you seem very smort lawyer, indeed
people who discover how it works AFTER investing ... fascinating behaviour
๐ด False. As underline yield may go down in the futur, which is likely to happend according to fed monetary policies projection, @Noรฉ without any announcement, any vote, any community approval, will decrease again the floor price to ajust the currently projected 13% yield to less, and rekt a second time everyone, exclude mysterious 'whales' that exist few days ago ofc...
selling a financial product to unaccredited investors without being more upfront - expecting people to read the "docs", "fine print", how about people who brought on third party websites? we shall see in court
It would be, at the Floor price
Gunner funk
So in theory around 200 million worth of usual is required at current rate and price to early redeem 1.6 Billion worth of usd0++
I believe the Parity Arbitrage Right, as outlined in the whitepaper, should be activated to redeem USD0++. Do you have any thoughts on this?
haha. 80k gone on ftx
I have the money and people to sue you, same like I did on FTX
did pendle explicit said "stablecoin"?
The 0.13 in USD0 are actually in underlying collateral which yields for stakers.
PECK (๐ซ๐งข)
press the NGMI button
01/10/2025 at 03:58:49 ESTHow do I exit ? ๐ฅฒ
its possible they face lauwsuit because many whales in this project who can afford that
Apparently, itโs too difficult for them to understand that they messed up the communication.
Weโre blaming you for selling something worth 0.87 USD at 1.00 USD. And youโre still doing that. How do you not see that this is extremely dodgy? What happened to the 0.13 USD that you didnโt invest in zero bonds? Blaming your users for not reading your docs carefully enough is the worst thing you can do in this situation. ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
Suing a project for not reading its docs, smort
26 boyfriend
there's really no point in arguing with the team, this will likely be resolved in the courts
01/10/2025 at 03:57:04 ESTA rwa project with sudden changes will need a lot of time to raise TVL. Usual has cut the rwa era. Similar models will be hard to come out anymore. Or, for a new project, you can set up fp first and start.
you are responsible for liquidations, and you knew liquidations will happen because of that said in the article that you ll cover the baddebt. Clearly a bad faith that will be punished.
Curious to know your point of view @Noรฉ on this. I would expect 'yeah its written since day one, if you guys are too dumb to buy this +13% overprice bonds that's on you, Im just taking your dumb money'
Please tell me your thought.
sell us real 4 year bond 0.87 at 1. why not i just buy tlt in stock market, at least i buy 0.87 and get 1 at maturity. people buy 1:1 at primary market and instantly at secondary market it is 0.87. why people buy 1:1
Because USD0++ is locked
It is fraudulent in many juristrictions if they expect you to pore through their documents and not be IN YOUR FACE (THIS IS A ZERO COUPON BOND) about it. They didn't filter investors by accreditation either. Good luck in the french courts, USUAL team. Nice name of USD0++ btw, it made it sound like a stablecoin. Thanks for being in the EU, where laws actually matter.
If you scared of being front ran, obviously you guys are doing something shady by selling USD0++ at $1 when face value is at $0.87 lol
Hey!!!iโm interested in your comment!!can you give me an approach about it!!
Gunner funk
How come the tvl is stuck at 1.60 Billon
I mean they can literally buy USD0++ now and be in almost instant profit because the Floor increases as maturity approaches (and the secondary will probably go closer the the peg than that).
01/10/2025 at 03:55:39 ESTHow much penalty will be imposed on someone who bought 100k usd0++ 3 days before the early redemption starting next week?
@Noรฉ noe, I agree with this idea. why not impose 3% penalty and usual team sell the bonds it hold on market. usual team gets 3% instant profit. is there any chance you can make this work? I mean team will get easy profit from this
We would've just been front ran tho boss - as for liquidations, again, everything was public, we're not responsible for over leverage tho. I understand the situation and frustration, but blaming us for liquidations is a bit too much
Are there really so many of you who don't know what a bond is and don't have the patience to wait 4 years to get your rewads back? ๐ซฃ
Pascal ๐งช (will never DM you)
01/10/2025 at 03:54:18 ESTWhat I would have done: 1. Make an article with an obvious title: Floor price will change, if you hold USD0++ or if you use them as collateral, please read 2. I will not have changed it overnight, I would have announced the change months prior to do it, with reminders Morpho had a market with an oracle price, so ppl got liquidated.
Who else will come in to increase TVL. You are killing the chicken for the egg and losing the trust of users
โIt was publicโ but never mentioned in any tweets or main page. And to get more money in, kwpt it 1:1 even when Bera Vault launched, then decided to mention that it was always 0.87:1 ๐ You know how this will end right ? Pack up for jail cell sir, cause that 0.87 wont hold and this will crash into 0 cause, you pump the usual with customer money to give early investors good exit ( yourself too) now trying to stop the leak. Pack some clean underwear
But why change floor price suddenly? Liquidations don't just happen out of nowhere, there's been changes and thank God most markets are hardcoded 1$=1 USD0++ but some are floating
This is what I naively thought USD0++ would do. Why else would the team be selling it at 1 USD all along. What happened to the 0.13 USD difference that obviously wasnโt invested in zero bonds..? Went straight to treasury? And why are you still minting at 1:1?
it was a bond all the time, why is everyone saying it was a stablecoin?
The Floor Price was included since Day 1. Not the exact number, but the mechanism. So you could've anticipated the uncertainty and that it wasn't pegged at 1. That's why USD0++ is a Liquid Bond Token, not a stablecoin.
It will clean up for sure but not the way you want. Thereโs no Usual with a rugged usd0++
Does the usual X I buy directly through OKX web3 have the same benefits?
Well sir, it was a public thing since the beginning - people could've managed their positions beforehand or by anticipation. A good part actually did. Also, Morpho market isn't at risk etc. We'll also handle any bad debt. What would've you done differently (you can DM me on TG btw, you have it)? I'm curious.
thanks for selling us a 4 year zero coupon bond worth $0.87 at full price ($1), we really appreciate the 13% haircut USUAL team. by the way did you know that PENDLE listed USD0++ as a STABLECOIN not a BOND? did you ever think why would anyone ever want to buy this 4 year zero coupon bond at $1?
how you lost it??selling when all market is down???master move
not sure why this didnt get an answer. seems like good solution.
I got liquidated in the Euler pt-usd0-jan\usdc pool, now what? It was 55k
Why you trap us to mint USD0++ then release the new floor price without asking?
that's the reason i don't loop in morpho lol because usd0++ is not stablecoin
I saw your message, no need to spam
The floor price (0.87) wasnโt included in the Day 1 documentation. There was plenty of simple and abundant communication about the TVL on Twitter, but almost nothing (except in some article) for the sudden activation of this feature. On this last point, it seems obvious, judging by the reactions, that you messed up.
The Faceless Shepherd
Redeemable in 2028 apparently
01/10/2025 at 03:49:03 ESTI think Usual/usualx has deviated from the team's intention due to the secondary market, I guess the same goes for Usd0/usd0++ As is the case with most projects, the interpretation of the document by the team and the user will be different I also learn a lesson by seeing that they answer that there is no problem despite the fact that many structures have been broken due to the recent announcement.
Pascal ๐งช (will never DM you)
01/10/2025 at 03:48:58 ESTNoe, the question is not about the feature, but the execution. Do you think it was the appropriate way of doing it? i.e.: announcing the floor change in an article whose title was not related to the floor change, publishing the article yesterday, without leaving time to people to adjust their position/risks etc.?
the feature is implement in day one but the number 0.87 is not, the number is critical. this execution is so bad, we need team to find more smoooth way to execuate it.
To all usual team @Mr. Lin @Noรฉ The issue lies in the fact that the protocol is unable to forgo the yield from the bonds backing USD0 when a user unstakes USD0++. This problem could be entirely resolved by imposing only a small penalty for unstaking USD0++ and having the protocol sell the bonds it holds on the market at a discounted price instead of holding them to maturity. Why is it that the project cannot forgo the yield from bonds that have already been issued? If the peg between USD0++ and USD0 is significantly broken, people will lose interest in this project. Please do your best to maintain the peg as closely as possible using methods like the ones mentioned above.
This is an absolute mess. If this was meant to be a zero bond all along - then why did you sell them (and are still selling them) at face value..? Iโm very unclear on what price I will be able to exit my USD0++ at. Is there face value redemption in the near future or I really just lost 7% mark-to-market overnight?
01/10/2025 at 03:47:26 ESTI heard that early redeem starting next week requires giving up usual, but how much usual reward should someone who bought USD0++ based on 100k 3 days ago give up?
No sir
It's free market sir, you can loop as you wish, reading the docs or not. We don't force anyone to loop lol.
I have deposit USD0++ since July. I got to know USD0++ is not stablecoin today. But I trust the team
I am not talking about arb in secondary market like curve. I am talking about is there a chance that usual DAO set floor price below 0.87? Will team set floor price lower than 0.87?
Sorry to implement a feature that was public since day 1.
First you enable USD0++ mint at $1 Then you let people max loop on Morpho Then you change backing from $1 to $0.87 suddenly. Looks quite shady ngl.
If you don't have native USUALx (not on integrations) no need to do anything!
When will we able to redeem 1$ worth of USD0++ for 1$ worth of $USUAL??
Honestly @Noรฉ stop the damage control and start solving issue. He explicitly explain how he get rekt -13% in 3days and the only anwser is 'yeah not sorry was in the doc since day1'. No this is not acceptable response. You guys in a complet discretionary way decided to change the floor price, without any vote any announcement nothing and rekt literally everyone exclude this mysterious whales who leave the bot few days ago. Stop pretending to be transparent to be more accurate.
Lol -1500$
What do you mean ? I soesifically said if there is any difference between swapping usualx for usual on otherside and will get usualx rewards, and you said yes here before. And site shows my usualx on main oage, but i cant get rewards ? Whats the difference here
in a nutshell, USD0++ who thought they were big brained for farming got farmed hard instead by the USUAL tokenholders, hence we are seeing a debate here where USUAL bagholders are supporting the team and USD0++ holders are complaining
So what do I do with the flowing usualX, so that he can get the same benefits, I see on the official website that uxualx are all merged
You are wining usual rewards with 25% apy
Crypto Patrick
Seems a lot of people in here just dropped in their live savings without fully understanding the project docs and it's intended future. Now, they complain while most is clear from day one.
You seem satisfied that you have trapped all USD0++users
indeed boss, indeed, we're thinking about it
bound to happened people don't read lol it's better we do this in this kind of market then bullish market and omega fud
0.87 soon
I'm sorry if I give short answers everyone, trying my best to answer fast enough to everyone
No, everything is backed by overnight repos. USD0++ is locked 4 years, not the underlying.
01/10/2025 at 03:42:33 ESTRIGHT
Yeah so the whole TVL would've front ran etc. Smart.
@Noรฉ why you bought 4 years bond ? thats why tether is king they only buying 3-6 months bond so they can easy exit in case black swan event
To all usual team including @Mr. Lin The issue lies in the fact that the protocol is unable to forgo the yield from the bonds backing USD0 when a user unstakes USD0++. This problem could be entirely resolved by imposing only a small penalty for unstaking USD0++ and having the protocol sell the bonds it holds on the market at a discounted price instead of holding them to maturity. Why is it that the project cannot forgo the yield from bonds that have already been issued? If the peg between USD0++ and USD0 is significantly broken, people will lose interest in this project. Please do your best to maintain the peg as closely as possible using methods like the ones mentioned above.
The problem is not that this all got implemented, problem that you did it overnight without noticing community in advance.
They won't, but you get 1:1 USD0++ at maturity so just hold, farm the yield, while the floor increases anyway over time (and you compensate for it earlier thanks to the rewards).
PTs will be transferred to a new market ? No it's a straight up loss for anybody who bought/leveraged PTs.
Yes. It has always been in the docs.
I deposited 10000 usdc few days ago before (you guys change) to bera vault and I withdraw I will get 10000 usd0++ ?? This wasn't fair because usd0++ is 0.85 and usdc is 1$
Not all USUALx are eligible to rev-share, so no
I agree with this statement, team have to give better early exit solution for people just deposit yesterday or people who buy usd0 at 1:1 and stake geting usd0++ 1:1. i mean let them pay less usual to get 1:1 redeem
No, or will quickly be arbed
Can the circulating usualX get the same reward as the usualX staked on the official website?
will there be any chance that peg might decrease below 0.87? I need confirmation on this
# ๐ฃใannouncements
01/10/2025 at 03:38:44 ESTGunner funk
When locking usdo++ for 4 years sir
Until someone has to arb
People exit through Curve, not by contributing 13% to the treasury, because Curve offers much more attractive prices. When people exit through Curve, there is zero contribution to the treasury. This simply exploits existing users.
Trader in me say, buy usual and exploit people that need it to buy to exit. Logic say, they will scam that too so dont loose more money ๐
this is a question that is worth asking. Can team answer? (although number should be 1.16 at 4 year maturity, but yea)
Wow 830M$ volume for USD0, half its marketcap/ TVL. And price is still holding solid at 1$. W team
There was no change - always been public. We just implemented a public feature.
USUALx (USUAL stakers) get the whole revenue
0.12$ usual for early redeem 1usd0++= 1 usd0 is possibile?? it seems to high for 10kusd0++ i need 1200$ usual ?
thankfully the admin of this vault didnt swapped the usdc to USDo++
i think it's team's duty to announce the following change and give users time to decide stay or leave, rather than suddenly change the rules. The docs says the early unstake will excuate at Q1 25 but no exact date. The last update about the revenue switch, ur team announced the exact execution date in advance. so why this time u just executed the change without any notification?
Who will benefit from 4% yeld btw USD0 USual or ?
Yes, if they didn't accumulate enough rewards
yeah, of course xD E.g. I bought few weeks ago, and someone bought few month ago, but both of us can redeem at $1 paying our SO MUCH different USUAL rewards? )
01/10/2025 at 03:35:59 ESTmeaning new users will need to market buy USUAL to exit the position
1:1 with USD0++
Crypto Patrick
Correct that alreadyy 500M Usual is minted of the 4B max? That looks nice as then 1/8 of MAX supply is already in circulation in this short period, with a nice price as we are coming from 140M. Look bullish to me, and now when dumb twats finally realize that you ain't get'n rich in a few weeks by just farming :p
what factors determine whether it's 0 or 6 month, would it be same for everyone? or will depend on when did us buy usd0++
What about berausd0++ I deposited usdc
No, too much scams and lack of control
No, it's not like this boss
01/10/2025 at 03:35:21 ESTI heard that early redeem starting next week requires giving up usual, but how much usual reward should someone who bought USD0++ based on 1m 3 days ago give up?
@Noรฉ can you guys atleast turn on the telegram chat?
Where is the yield guys? If $1 of USD0++ is backed by $1 of bonds at present value, shouldn't it be redeemable for $1.16 in 4 years? Where is this "Base Interest Guarantee"?
01/10/2025 at 03:35:02 ESTYes............
is minimum and maximum the same for everybody or is it individual basis? For example, people who just farmed usual 3 days ago, only need to give 3 days worth of usual tokens. People who farmed from 4 months ago, need to give 3 months of usual tokens. Is it like this?
Yes, that's why we're transferring to a new market
So need to buy more usual to repay to get our 1$ repeg USD0++. It mean we are debtors?
read the room fren... take the feedback, and perhaps consider if something could have been differently... hard to see the way this was implemented and handled as something other teams will see and think, "damn this is the way to go..." ps. complete radio silence on the usual twitter account... not everyone is on discord...
Right now, staking USUAL into USUALx is EV+ since you get part of all the redemption and unstaking fees
The problem is the borrowing rate on morpho are very high. So everybody is forced to exit at this price
minimum is zero, maximum is six months of rewards at the current APY
Simply asked : how to stay in the project and get properly rewarded for it ? By selling the USUAL tokens won all along the trip ?
Thanks boss, will be a challenging day lmeow
How much do I need to burn next week to exit? Is it for 180 days?
If there's only exits, it means more revenue for USUALx, increasing USUAL's value thanks to the rev-share that gets all the Early Redeem fees. Meaning, APY increases for everyone, attracting USD0++ and USUAL.
Gunner funk
How to find out 180 days emmision in advance as it's variable
Good luck with the answers Noรฉ... But guys, you have to relax... It was planned. Be patient, wait 4 years, it will be fine.
With this approach, Usual's TVL will never grow in the future. There will only be demand for exiting, with no new entrants. Some might argue that new participants from the secondary market will come in, but they will simply exploit existing users without minting, and the TVL will not increase. I hope Usual will increase their TVL with good flywheel
Minimum is zero worth of rewards, maximum is six months - you can also just hold an enjoy the rewards while it gets closer to 1$ anyways
Hi usual
I staked for around one month. So next week, worst case is I can give up all the usual reward and convert the Usd0++ back to UsD0 1:1?
# ๐ฃใannouncements
Can someone fill me in with a tldr on what just happened pls
lol you can redeem 1:1 by burn your usual next week. nothing is loss you just panik thanks for playing
Absolutely - the Floor price increases as the maturity gets closer
This update is bullish for USUAL, so I don't know why they are calling for short USUAL. LOL
After 4 years we can reedem it to 1$ right ?
-$8k loss, new lesson learned, again xD See ya all at $0.87 soon )
Will USD0 be listed on the exchange?
Starting early next week, yes
Vaults had hardcoded price because there was no good oracle at launch lol, you can check Morpho right now and see that more than 1/3 of markets for stablecoins are hardcoded.
01/10/2025 at 03:29:57 ESTI bought a lot of usd0++ 3 days ago. Is there any way to get usd0++ for $1 even if I give up the usual I've been farming with usd0++?
Why tho? We literally implemented a feature public since day 1
Can't you understand the perspective of PT loopers for example ? The only option for them is to exit at a massive loss (and they haven't gained any rewards) Was there any reason to hardcode the price at $1 there ? Usual, morpho, gauntlet hardcoded the price at $1 for a reason ? I really can't see any .. it's straight up crime
Bro can you explain - why did you sell USD0++ at $1 if the present value is $0.87? why not sell it at $0.87 from the start? why are we getting $0.87 worth of goods for every $1 we paid? wasn't USD0++ a stablecoin as advertised?
just as a casual observer, regardless of if the decision of implement the floor price was right or wrong, the comms on this has been bad... it's such a shame to see stuff like this happen over and over...
Do you think the total TVL volume will continue to rise after you suddenly modified 0.87? Does the project still have prospects for development? Will anyone still exchange USDC for USD0 for 1:1 staking?
Everyone knew at the same time
01/10/2025 at 03:27:06 ESTYes, but you don't inform the retailers......................
01/10/2025 at 03:27:05 ESTโthis feature will let users unstake their USD0 early by burning their accumulated USUAL yield.โ According to the doc it should be the exact number people accumulated by farming.
The current rate on Morpho is 100%, and at this rate, a massive amount of bad debt is likely to occur. I believe this is not good for the Usual team either. Due to the lack of liquidity on Curve, liquidators are unable to liquidate USD0++.
imho wait for next week, market is irrational rn, NFA tho
MEV Capital knew nothing lol - this market was launched right at the beginning of the protocol. We informed curators and partners after the public announcement.
Are you cbb0fe alt? Lmao
Lmao just wait fam
bro lost money on leverage classic
Hi usual
@Noรฉ which is the better way to exit UsD0++ now? Sell in curve for 8% discount Or Wait for next week?
why not just set usd0++ to 1.13 at maturity, but restore the peg to 1. that's what I am saying. I mean usual team will not lose anything now since usual team bought the bonds at 1. you can set it to 0.97 for early redemption (3% spread in US market). usual team can take the 3% spread profit
I wonder when Binance and Bera will cut ties with this, this will rekt all RWA, good job team. You single handedly destroy whole trust to rwas. I guess we were the yield ๐ they took As money and give to B and now Usual price falling, decided to stop the leak. %87 is for making you not wanna change it, no real reason beuind it. Take the %93.5 and get out while you can, cause %87 wont hold.
I'm answering to someone saying "you kidnapped" so it's just logical
I'm sure "we kidnapped nobody" will instill trust in your protocol ๐ค
USD0++ Investors are complaining that they did not know what they were doing, dumping tokens at the top of the retail USUAL investors, and now saying that they did not know. USUAL and USUALx investors have endured the dumping, and the current approach is the right one.
I Think the Main Problem is that people didnt understand the product. Second Problem is that the redemption change is made last night but revenue switch in february. That should have happened the same day!!
Yes, but note that after 6 months of rewards it's actually the same as going through the Floor - so max is 6 months of rewards.
0.12$ usual for early redeem 1usd0++= 1 usd0 is possibile?? it seems to high for 10kusd0++ i need 1200$ usual ?
01/10/2025 at 03:22:41 ESTIn other words, 1USD0++=0.87USD0? Will it happen next week?
I think it won't happen, time to take losses or believe in project and stay here for ~4% APY )
Yes, from zero up to 6 months of rewards basically - I'm just saying, you can have to pay 6 months of rewards even if you didn't farm 6 months, depending on the parameters.
I have only been farming for one day, but you are asking me to pay a cost of 180 days to leave early. Is this normal?
Gunner funk
When can we mint usdo++ at $0.87?
I can see my Morpho USD0++ leveraged position on USUAL website UI but not on Morpho website, does this mean I have been liquidated?
If you guys really believe long term in what you are building, just allow 7 days for people to 1:1 redeem USD0++ if they want to. So anyone is free to choose if they want to stay or leave. What do you think?
thanks ser, just for clarity, you just wrote: "It's not the $USUAL you farmed - it's an amount in $USUAL, based on several factor. But it's not based on what you've farmed, it's not automatically everything you farmed etc." so conditional exit may mean you need to acquire more tokens than you accrued or have i misunderstood? i.e. you have 100,000 USD0++, farmed 1000 $USUAL tokens... if it's only giving up a % of the tokens you farmed to be able to redeem at 1:1, that's happy days compared to the current scenario if you want to unstake?
01/10/2025 at 03:21:38 ESTthis is different from the doc. the doc said โUSD0++ can be unstaked at any time before the early unstaking feature is implemented. Once launched, this feature will let users unstake their USD0 early by burning their accumulated USUAL yield.โ
you made people mint it at 1:1 instead of 0.87 though. If im in pendle PT and I early redeem how would that work? What yield would I need to pay back even
Yes sorry, you get nothing: only a 27% yield, and if you stake your rewards, only 200% yield + 60% is stablecoin through rev share.
Dis. Will be interesting to observe how this changes dynamic for $Usual token. (I assume positively)
Suddenly changing the exchange rate without prior noticeโare you afraid that if you announce it, no one will want to hold USD0++ anymore? This clearly shows how little confidence the team has in their own project.
So BeraVault, if people deposited Dai/usdc etc, will they get usdo++ end of period and get rekt as well ? Cause it writes no where in those tweets, or veda page.
Yes u did, for people who wanted the vesting on their airdrop (didnt really have a choise since burning usd0++ was worth more then the actual airdrop), we HAVE to hold usd0++, else we aint getting anything, so in a way you kept us hostage to be able to get to our tokens we farmed for 90days+, "whales" been farmed again, and now losing on depeg. Good team!
Because 0.87 is a bit higher than the actual pricing of a 4 years bond, reflecting a 4% (more or less) risk free rate per year
but why is it set to 0.87? Assume you have to sell the bond now with 3% loss from your bonds buying value in June 2024, you can set the floor peg to 0.97. It won't be 13% depeg.
Yes sir
Surprise pikachu face when people found out mechanism in WP since day 1 actually got implemented, and canโt freely dump farmed tokens no more
We activate Early Redemption and Floor Redemption, as per the docs, yes.
0.12$ usual for early redeem redeem 1usd0++= 1 usd0 is possibile??
It's not the $USUAL you farmed - it's an amount in $USUAL, based on several factor. But it's not based on what you've farmed, it's not automatically everything you farmed etc.
@Noรฉ, "Conditional Exit: 1:1 redemption requiring forfeiture of a portion of accrued yields. This โEarly Unstakingโ mechanism is scheduled for release early next week" what does this mean? ex. if you accrued 1000 USUAL tokens, you may need to forfeit a 500 token, but your USD0++ = $1 in USD0?
So you suddenly changed it to 0.87 to prevent people from redeeming freely
The protocol issued and sold governance tokens to decentralize itself, yet decisions were made unilaterally without any prior notice to the community.
The surprise where everything was in the docs since day 1
will be USD0++ coming back to 1?
So to keep the ponzi going you decide to suprise everyone that they are stuck here for 4 years or loose %13. Nice justifying.
People would've just front ran tho
what is the current market cap of USD0++? And what about USD0?
Can someone tell me if it's really worth betting on usualx?
The team can easily change the exchange rate of USD0++ to 0.87, and similarly, they can also easily change it to 0.5 or even 0.1. I have no objections to the team's adjustments, but there should be an advance notice of the changes, rather than the current situation where USD0++ was still 1 yesterday and suddenly became 0.87 today.
so based on this I would love to ask what's the benefit of holding usd0++ >there is two options for used0++ holder? 1.claim $usual in the end claim same amount of $usd0 2.claim usd0 every 6 month? >so if I don't claim $usual for six month I will be able to claim usd0 as interest? >and for six month is that based on I need to hold for six month or it will distribute June and Dec?
We kidnapped nobody. The mechanisms activated tonight have been public since the TGE, and USD0++ was referred as a Liquid Bond Token (LBT) since day 1. Nobody is trapped, since it was public, or is it Stockholm Syndrome? You can swap at market rate, you can Early Redeem early next week, you can redeem at the floor, you can borrow against, or you can just take your rewards that will quickly compensate any <:1 redeem.
but the UI is showing that it counts, why?
@Noรฉ hi Noe, I wonder why the usd0++ peg floor is set at 0.87. If usual team buy USD bonds at face value in the market (for example at 0.98), then usual team can allow us to redeem at 0.98. There is no way you bought the bonds in June 2024 and price has decreased 13% in Jan 2025
WWel, it is for detering the whales who has been enjoying the daily USUAL APR and dumping on USUAl mate
reactiated the telegram chat, so everyone not panicking. not everyone can use discord
I think it would be professional for the team to formally address the situation or its not going be a good look for Usual bro @Noรฉ. for us the holders sake pleasee
Can we claim our earn rewards for providing liqudity on Curve mainnet on Arbitrum?
USD0++ is USD0's bond, you can buy it through the primary market or the secondary, at market rate. It's not because the secondary market priced USD0++ at 1 since the beginning, that USD0++ is a stablecoin: it's a Liquid Bond Token, always has been referred as an LBT. Note, USD0++ wasnโt redeemable for the full prelaunch (4 months) and only was during a month after TGE, as a Grace Period for those wanting to exit.
Yeah I saw - but there's also some good posts that recaps the situation quite well
01/10/2025 at 03:09:23 ESTwhy u let people mint at 1๏ผ
Sir, the stablecoin is USD0. USD0++ is a Liquid Bond Token, not a stablecoin.
reactivated the telegram chat
how many usual for instant redeem usd0?
FUD is always part of growth, weโll be back at $1 before we know it
to be fair, pendle PT is only printing if you bought after the announcement but if you bought before it you only lose.
Can you summarise the situation of what is happening?
fbslo, at the bottom
I don't understand - I paid $1 for a stablecoin that is backed by $1 of bonds at present value - why am i not allowed to redeem it for $1 of bonds NOW? why am I only allowed to redeem it for $1 FOUR years later, without the bond interest?
henlo many in our community are worried about the depegged can you share me a good insight.. i understand that the road for usd0 maturity is 2028 so usd0 is stil subject for economic fluctuations till june 2028? and those deposited may be subject for this risk.. is this a correct udnerstanding?
bacause we still don't know...what if 10% redeem fee?
Gunner funk
What's this?
lmao yall got scare too fast
well, just waiting for a good point to exit with minimum loss
Good UI developer...
usdo++ = 0.9391 usdo, what the
WTF happend to USD0 and USD0++ peg and what do you do to restore the peg? If you dont restore the peg fast people will lose trust and your project will be done very quickly BTW!
kane our quick take on $usd0++ depeg and the mechanism
At market its alrdy at %94 why you need that in that case
Based on this, in your opinion, what should be the amount of $USUAL to forfeit for redeeming at 1:1? A middle ground? Around 6%?
Gunner funk
Post of theday
hi, i read on the latest post that "These revenues are set to begin distribution no later than February 1, 2025", does it mean fee switch will be on from that date and revenue to be received at the end of February? Or that a "snapshot" of UsualX has already been taken on the 1st January and eligble holders will receive the revenues on 1st Februrary?
does holding pendle YT count for the vesting requirement?
I mean you are not wrong ser, you aren't in stablecoin but in the bond part ๐
I promised myself never invest in strategies around stablecoins after a story with MORE, and here I'm again, f*k xD
but I can't find the UI allowing me to unstake for 4yrs vesting? The current UI gives 0.87 directly, no option to wait for 4 yrs?
@Mr. Lin The issue lies in the fact that the protocol is unable to forgo the yield from the bonds backing USD0 when a user unstakes USD0++. This problem could be entirely resolved by imposing only a small penalty for unstaking USD0++ and having the protocol sell the bonds it holds on the market at a discounted price instead of holding them to maturity. Why is it that the project cannot forgo the yield from bonds that have already been issued? If the peg between USD0++ and USD0 is significantly broken, people will lose interest in this project. Please do your best to maintain the peg as closely as possible using methods like the ones mentioned above.
0.87 is the price for 3y bonds at ~5% rate
What u thnk this means for the price of usual then. Maybe team pumps
1. YES if via mint 2. YES 3. YES, unlock time is uniformally set in June 2028
Why radio silent after this kinda anouncement, it was obv people would be asking wuestions here
still quite confusing for me based on this I would like to ask >if I stake 100usd0 I will get 100usd0++? >after four years I will claim 100usd0 via 100usd0++? >if I buy another 100usd0++ which is stake let's say 1 year ago, then for this 100usd0++ I could redeem 100usd0 after three year?
@Mr. Lin The issue lies in the fact that the protocol is unable to forgo the yield from the bonds backing USD0 when a user unstakes USD0++. This problem could be entirely resolved by imposing only a small penalty for unstaking USD0++ and having the protocol sell the bonds it holds on the market at a discounted price instead of holding them to maturity. Why is it that the project cannot forgo the yield from bonds that have already been issued?
When will the amount of $USUAL to forfeit for redeeming USD0++ at 1:1 be announced? And out of curiosity, on what basis was the new floor set at 0.87? Is there a mathematical calculation behind this choice?
01/10/2025 at 02:39:02 ESTnow 0.94
Jo relax dude
you got liquidated coz of YOUR incompetence
in your example, this means that if you earned 1000 USUAL tokens, then you return 120 USUAL tokens and you get to redeem your principle USD0++ to USD0 at 1:1?
UI will be updated soon, and 1:1 primary unlock availbility will come in 2028, LP will always have a market rate, during the 4 years FP < LP Price < 1
You know me is diamond hands on this one. I only buy the dips.
Team need to address issue with USD0++, I got liquidated on Morpho coz of their incompetence
Initially written in the documentation โSince the underlying USD0 for USD0++ is locked, there is no open arbitrage mechanism for when USD0++ is priced below USD0. To address this, the DAO can unlock the USD0 before the USD0++ matures if deemed necessary under DAO governance. This action allows USD0++ to be redeemable for its USD0 if the market price of USD0++ becomes depeggedโ
Btw good read here
No itโs not available. Big brain move by the team.
speculator buying, either they speculate team will restore 1:1 peg or early unstaking will cost small amount of usual
Itโs quite funny, in the initial documentation, when you mentioned the depeg of USD0++, you were careful not to mention that the peg would be significantly lower than that of USD0. Itโs worth noting that even if the protocol is designed to function this way, your communication was poorly handled because most people are stunned. Announcing every TVL milestone loud and clear is no problem, but for this event, we have to read through all your articles?
redeem 1:1 (1 USD0++ = 1 USD0) by returning a portion of the $USUAL rewards earned over the past six months , is this available on ui ? and can we redeem usd0++ to usd0 in four years ?
Gunner funk
You can still sell. The pice is not that bad. Take a 6% haircut
so if I stake 100USD0 will rec 100USD0++, after four year rec 100usd0 again?
if I want to start vesting my USD0++ for withdraw 1:1 after four years, how do I do that?
@Mr. Lin The issue lies in the fact that the project is unable to forgo the yield from the bonds backing USD0 when a user unstakes USD0++. This problem could be entirely resolved by imposing only a small penalty for unstaking USD0++ and having the protocol sell the bonds it holds on the market at a discounted price instead of holding them to maturity. Why is it that the project cannot forgo the yield from bonds that have already been issued?
when taking accrued yields its from received airdrop or else ?
how to redeem usd0 to usdc ?
We Mythbusted that connection here yesterday. Today is new topic.
whata happening to staked USD0 ?
possibly as they are constantly increasing supply when market is going up, the Usual price is going now hard down.
# ๐ใofficial-links # โใfaq
whatโs $USUAL usecase?
@binbin bro
no way
Not looking good to be fair
what solution do you have for PT-USD0++-March Morpho pool?!?! we are getting destroyed there, what's wrong with u guys?!
El Viajero
Any official Statements about the currenct depeg of USD0++ ?
Not worth it
01/10/2025 at 02:22:56 ESTwhich secondary market
01/10/2025 at 02:21:43 ESTback to $1?
any update ?
01/10/2025 at 02:20:48 EST0.94 now
Dave Naga
i hope USUAL going to 0.3$ because this condition
Gunner funk
Why is usd0++ going up in secondary market lol
usd0++ back at 1$ again
I feel for the peeps taking genuine losses. But for folks complaining because they got locked in for longer. I'm in the same boat. But that was because I didn't read the documentation. I don't have sympathy for me. Never mind you lol.
where? All swaps still far behind, have no idea where geckoterminal takes that info about peg back
It turns out that if the return yesterday was somewhere around 22% APR, then 11-12% is the maximum to be returned, the minimum is 0. That's why flor 0.87, 1% below that figure. It is more profitable to return and burn than to exit on flor.
P.S. The best way to lower floor was to make a ladder of 1% / day decrease for 2 weeks. You'd save lives of leverage farmers and avoid negative.
People using leverage on bonds -> oh no volatility (?)
Dave Naga
Any refund for people who got liquidation on Morpho? my USD0++ is collateral on morpho then borrow USDC, this depeg effect to my Collateral and make me liquidation
Lol this reminds me of LUNA, we all know what's happening to Do Kwon
bro we getting totally smashed there, probably we are going to lose everything because -13% on a leverage position is dead, make a solution please
This actually, cause most people not even care about % gains deposited cause of Veda Bera Vault and now they stuck with Usdo++ end of bera farm ??
goodboy | best good boy
Did you get stuck as well?
01/10/2025 at 02:08:23 ESTAnd now the scammers
Navis Evolving
The Southerner
so let me get it right, we staked usd0 we got usdo++ 1 on 1 and in one morning usual team dcided to change the mechanism and to determine that from now usd0++ will be 0.92-0.87 and i will lose 13% on my money .... missed something here ?????
1.Clearly Communicate the Plan: The project team should promptly disclose more details regarding the specific proportion and use of "forfeited earnings" and explain how they will ensure future stability. 2.Enhance Transparency of the Floor Price Redemption: Regularly update the rationale behind adjustments to the floor price to build trust in the fairness of the mechanism. 3.Improve Product Design: If feasible, introduce features similar to an insurance mechanism to mitigate potential losses from depegging, thereby enhancing market confidence in the stablecoin.
Just to clarify - what do you mean by this? So next week we can redeem Usd0++ 1-1 for usd0?
There was no warning. A lot of people didnt know what they were buying at $1. They were under the impression they could redeem at $1 (at least until warned in advance that they wouldnt be able to anymore). Especially late buyers. Please consider letting especially late buyers redeem at 1:1 for the cost of their current USUAL rewards. As is, this is a catastrophy for a lot of people who didnt understand what was happening. Please consider how bad the people who didnt know got rekt and how usual platform shouldnt be associated with trying to take advantage of its users; Even if thats not the case, the perception of the users is everything.
Mr. Lin
I've already asked team on this issue, awaiting response
what happen with the PT-USD0++-March Morpho pool that is being drained of liquidity and pushing borrow rates to the 100% ????
Mr. Lin
I donโt even understand the Pendle FUD. APY literally went to the moon ๐๐
DAO could change that T value from 180 to 45 or less. please reduce it.
Mr. Lin
More details will be posted in the upcoming Monday - stay tuned
Pengtoshi Nakamoto
how does the weekly outflow affect the amount of USUAL that needs to be returned ?
for now it should be 180days right? only outflows there.
Mr. Lin
Ser unfortunately I cannot predict the rate as it depends on a lot of factors (set out in the whitepaper)
Doesnโt change the fact that some people woke up and got suddendly liquidated, no ?
Check the recent announcements for details about the revenue switch, starts in february
goodboy | best good boy
so, whatโs the rate now? Plz let us know know,
wen new morpho vault?
these people literally have no idea what is research and risk assessment, USD0++ will be FULLY UNLOCK IN 4 YEARS was known from the start, aping into a investment without research and asking for a bailout with other investors capital is crazy.
Just do this first, and make this repay adjusted according to individual earnings
Mr. Lin
Hey ser, a gentleman above also asked this question - will post team's response once I have more clarity on this
01/10/2025 at 02:00:16 ESTu need to give back 180 days usual to get redeemed lol
if it's a zero coupon bond discounted at the treasury rate, and all the income to the protocol is at the treasury rate, then what value is accruing to the rest of the protocol?
Next week, will we be able to forfeit claims and get out?
Hey @Mr. Lin are some of the revenues from USD0++ being redirected to usualx stakers?
Ok so when we stake our usdt in Veda pool they turn it into 1:1 usdo++ but now say its 1:0.87 ?? Wtf
The clear lack of communication is costing a lot to the project on social medias seriously do something about thisโฆ
good new.s: 4 years later๏ผu can swap to usd0 with 1:1 ! doge
Not really, because you will still get the promised amount of USD0++ at maturity. There will be a redeem options available next week and also a new Morpho pool.
if u don't believe in usual why do u stake usd0? basically u signed an agreement of investing ur fund to a startup company and get its share and ur money four years later by staking, now u think it won't work and want ur fund back intact?
goodboy | best good boy
i entry yesterday, and now i was killed by the policy
The Faceless Shepherd
Yes sir, so am I
01/10/2025 at 01:54:26 ESTwhat happened to usd0+??? why can it go down so far?
wen new morpho
Anonymous User
I have lock for my tokens, my position on LP pool, can i leave pool and keep money in project just in USD0? What will happen with my locked coins than? Or i have to keep money in LP pool for 6 month?
This creates a paradox. If you choose to mint, there will be an immediate loss. Why people will do that๏ผIf you choose the secondary market instead, no new USD 0+ will be generated. So I think decoupling is a very foolish decision. At the same time, it harms the interests of early users.
@Mr. Lin What are the chances that the early redemption penalty will be set below 5%? Is the team actively working to create policies that are favorable to users?
ofc youโll say that itโs bullish, u shilled it hard
there's no income to the protocol beyond the underlying treasury rate
its not exactly a zero coupon bond since you earn variable yield in USUAL; You can think similar (NOT SAYING IS THE SAMEEEEE) than MSTR convertible bonds; if you bought USD++ 1 month ago, you were playing the safe play on the side that in 4 years you know your principal was there but you also have the upside of volatile yield give USUAL volatility
People actually finding out that a bond is not a stablecoin lmao. USD0 has processed over 800M$ in transactions and sits at solid 1$. The 1:1 redeem mechanism for USD0++ will be unlocked next week. If youโre here short term, then youโre the only one panicking. This mechanism is bullish for $USUAL though.
Navis Evolving
what is time cost factor that will be set ?
right just look at this chart before you post something defending the team please
so we are all good ?
but it's not been depegged actually haha Mechanism Transparency: USD0++ is designed to gradually converge to a 1:1 ratio with USD0 at maturity, backed by over-collateralized T-Bills. Its fundamentals remain robust, but the lack of immediate peg created confusion for some investors.
01/10/2025 at 01:48:04 ESTsure, you pick the most advantageous one
The problem is that arbitrage trading cannot result in a situation where USD 0+ exceeds 1. Therefore, as long as it is minted, a loss will occur immediately. If you find that the price in the secondary market is about to exceed 1, wouldn't you choose to mint?
Well technically if you now check the secondariesโฆ.
A brain and a love for money. I feel like your question is loaded and a moot point bro. Nothing personal.
the discount is the usual u'll mint in 4 years
basically all the claims here are that you should have known you were paying $1 for a zero-coupon bond worth only $0.87
Yo wtf, why USD0++ depeg
Price is dumping, what happened
elon musk
Holy hek slow chat is slow chatting
01/10/2025 at 01:42:51 ESTnot once the usd0/usd0++ is rebalanced out, this situation is only temporary and people are arbitraging it
Ok, and again. What stops the team from deciding next floor price of .69 or .75?
no worries! have been in a number of situations like these over the last years and am closely familiar w your product, so am happy to be of help:) this is solvable and addressable, just needs a good approach
if u mint๏ผYou will suffer losses immediately. Then you will have to take a few months to recover the losses from the earnings of USD0+.
The function is protecting the protocol, not propping up the value. It's meant to sustain the protocol in times of heat. Like a market crash. Ala now.
What is the price of USD0++ that you use when calculating APY? If it is 1, why do you redeem it at 0.87? If it is 0.87, why is there no significant change in APY?
isnโt this the guy thatโs been shilling $USUAL since december?
Dave Naga
Any refund for people who got liquidation on Morpho? my USD0++ is collateral on morpho then borrow USDC, this depeg effect to my Collateral and make me liquidation
01/10/2025 at 01:37:33 ESTwell theorically it can, if a bad trade is made ๐
that's Y๏ผ The price in the secondary market will never exceed 1.
Cus Andara
in other words, rebasing
Mr. Lin
thanks ser, will relay this message to the team
The rate of 0.87 is unacceptable. Have you considered the community's feelings?
quite fascinating reading the discourse here USD0++ is a DURATION product most of its underlying upside is presented from holding the product and being exposed to it over time (the more, the better) every DURATION product has an implicit discount (until it reaches maturity and the principal can be redeemed - aka bond) imagine USD0++ as a bond on STEREOIDS (of course there is an inherent period of time soon after acquiring it, where the intrinsic duration of the underlying is going to come at a cost) that being side, given USUAL's current market price, unlike bonds (which only get 4-5%APY) you are getting approx. 30% APY from the USUAL emissions too. you can even redeem the underlying principal 1:1 for giving up some of the USUAL rewards (hence its redeemability comes down to how long you have been holding -- or if you havent been holding, you go to market, acquire USUAL and redeem) the greatest variable for assessing the profitability and viability of USD0++ is TIME. the fact that many of you spent no time familiarising yourself w what you are buying, is another thing I'm happy to help the team with some comms, crisis management or better framing / wording of the product, as despite structurally the product not being changed - people's understanding and perception might have (and that is important to manage in the context of a stablecoin product)
because you earn yields just by holding usd0++ that's why it's 1 at both minting and at maturity. market will likely reach equilibrium soon after this dump. yield is not by increasing price like sUSDe but need to manually claim
Mr. Lin
Stay tuned on this - our UI should've rerouted users to the best price, which should be towards the secondary market.
you were leveraged?
Gunner funk
Why is usd0++ minting rate still at $1?
Dave Naga
any refund my liquidation on morpho? i got liquidation because this depeg
Why is USD0++ down 7% ??
01/10/2025 at 01:31:44 ESTDope
USD0++, the current value is only 0.87, and its value will be 1 in 4 years. If it's a bond, shouldn't its value be 1.13 in 4 years?
in this sentence what accrued yields it refers to? ----Conditional Exit: 1:1 redemption requiring forfeiture of a portion of accrued yields
Mr. Lin
Just like how we are expanding on other chains such as Berachains
Mr. Lin
Yes, our team has explicitly said there will defo be more liquidity and use cases on ARB
is there going ot be more liqduity for arb? i asked 5 times ..this is being ignored
Mr. Lin
Not sure if it will go up every month, but certainly as time passes by.
yeah my view is that this is because its face value includes the seperated yield from USD0 (negative in this case because its supposed to go to USUALx) holders, so we have a situation that USD0++ farms from USUAL and USUALx farms from USD0++ kinda situation, it would be crucial to protect USUAL's value.
usd0++ didn't get any t-bill yield. Are you guys dreaming? All usd0++ got was made up Usual, which costs nothing to emit. The team which has Usual*, also with 0 emission cost, is getting the 13% of the entire TVL simply by saying the price overnight changed to 0.87
Check a dex aggregator not uniswap, most of the liquidity is on curve I think
Borderless | bord.eth
Haha love you man
does this mean that the floor will go up every month or something?
Mr. Lin
1) You get to redeem to usd0 at maturity, yes 2) You earn $USUAL, which can then be staked as USUALx for generating yields from $USUAL distribution, system fees, revenue switch reward distribution, and governance rights in the near future
"Conditional Exit: 1:1 redemption requiring forfeiture of a portion of accrued yields. This โEarly Unstakingโ mechanism is scheduled for release early next week" what does this mean? ex. if you accrued 1000 USUAL tokens, you may need to forfeit a 500 token, but your USD0++ = $1 in USD0?
goodboy | best good boy
should we use the snapshot time when joining USD0++ for penalty
Gunner funk
How much % of usual in penalty should one pay if they want to redeem usd0++ next week when early redemption goes live
It doesnโt make sense that a bond purchased for 1 dollar is now only worth 0.87 dollars. The idea that it would take 4 years to return to 1 dollar just doesnโt add up.
This is different. In the secondary market, the interest rate of government bonds fluctuates, but the value of the dollar remains constant at 1. However, the price of usd0++ in the secondary market will always be less than 1. This is unfair to early users who minted at a 1:1 ratio to usd0++.
setting T value to 180 was totally arbitrary and should be changed. should be applied individually according to his past earnings
Mr. Lin
And for those who are wondering, the FP was deliberately set at 0.87 4% yield from T-bills, 3.5 years from now 0.87x1.04^3.5=1
none of this makes sense. Where did the 13% of all the USDC that was converted to usd0 and then staked as usd0++ go?
For early participants like yourself, this has no impact since you've already received all the returns you should have. But for newcomers, they're well aware that USD0+ requires a 4-year lock. Let me restate my point: Why should those who entered just days ago start their pricing from 0.87? Alternative phrasing for discussion: As an early investor, you're unaffected since you've already earned your deserved returns. However, new entrants who knowingly accepted the 4-year lock period are facing a different situation. My key question remains: Why should recent entrants who joined just days ago have their positions retroactively calculated from 0.87?
is usd0++ locked? so we cant sell on dex anymore?
goodboy | best good boy
Agree with this
If there was no current depeg, what would be the point of holding USD0++?
so you think it just re adjust back to 1 USD per USD0++?
Mr. Lin
Because IMO it would be absolutely counter-intuitive? The team didn't set the FP arbitrarily, and will not change the FP arbitrarily in the future
What I mean is: as long as you are minting at 1:1 for USD0++, you will always be at a loss in the secondary market.
I have a large position on USD0++ before the token was even launch and holding till now, and i knew USD0++ was gonna be locked, the only promise WP made to me was that USD0++ can be fully unlockable in 2028 and that's it, and so i made my risk assessment according to that, i personally don't feel any 'unfairness', i honestly think the primary floor price would be lower, but anyway, since the unlimited liquidity, the LP should go back into balance, like i said before, i think a lot of people just don't understand primary market rate and LP and that's what made the panic today.
Since USUAL claims on earn are made through direct contract calls on the homepage, tracking how many USUALs someone has claimed is very easy and in fact it's already all recorded. I think returning based on these recorded numbers would be the most fair approach.
Why not? Whitepaper says this on page 7-- "The DAO reserves the authority to set this price floor, allowing USD0++ holders to exchange their tokens for USD0 at a rate below the standard 1:1 redemption ratio." ...So what if DAO sets new floor price to .78 or .67, whats stopping them?
้ๅๅฎฝ่กฃ๏ผusual code U7GWE๏ผ
Nah they won't, they don't even know its bond
So you have to wait 6 months? I only have like 1 month
Dave Naga
anyone got liquidation because effect depeg?
The problem is that they keep selling their zero bond at principle.
skibidy sigma
I wonder if anyone got btfo because of the depeg
The core issue is not whether USD0++ is pegged to USD0 but rather how well investors understood the mechanism and intent of USD0++. Early investors benefited from free yields and likely have fewer concerns, while newer investors may feel frustrated by the perceived "depegging."
Not quite, I mean technically they could exceed face value but that means yield is negative. And issuance of treasuries is many orders of magnitude larger than usd0
Mr. Lin
For those who are asking whether the floor price of early redeeming will drop below 0.87: No. If anything, the smartcontract will only INCREASE the floorprice as time goes by.
they could take snapshots based on purchasing time / price and adjust redemptions relative to that
@DCF GOD Dear DCF god, As a seed investor in this project, you have direct communication channels with the team. If possible, I hope you can relay this feedback to them: Recent supporters of the project are being unfairly impacted by the blanket price adjustment. While we understand USD0+'s principles, applying 180-day historical pricing to recent entrants (like those who joined at 0.9995 yesterday now seeing 0.87) is damaging to user trust. The team should consider tracking actual entry times and adjust prices accordingly.
is there anyawy it drops belowo .87?
USD 0, it's in the name
should be called USD0--
The value of U.S. Treasury bonds in the secondary market can exceed their face value because the issuance of Treasury bonds is limited, whereas minting USD 0 into USD 0++ is unlimited.
01/10/2025 at 01:11:28 ESTproblem is u need to forfeit 6 months of claims
Is it possible to forfeit all claims and leave for a 1:1 redemption?
It is not right to have us present like this in just one day without giving us time to prepare. Please grant us a grace period. ๐
Because USD0++ can be minted 1:1, the value of USD0++ in the secondary market can never exceed 1.
01/10/2025 at 01:09:15 EST
01/10/2025 at 01:09:04 ESTJust woke up glad I withdrew few days ago
skibidy sigma
Where can I read about why it has depegged?
good bot
Can we forfeit all claims and leave USD0++ for 1:1 ?
its fairly simple contract wise to complete this based on snapshots but could take a bit to implement, this was my idea for a solution also
am i the only one holding it on arb>
nihilistic button clicker
It's never a peg
so will USD0++ ever repeg?
01/10/2025 at 01:07:24 ESTif u're not exiting now it means u're betting the exit fee is less than 7%
But some ppl were printing free money and keep dumping usual price
I totally understand the principles of USD0+ and won't debate whether it's a bond or a stablecoin. My core concern is about fair implementation: the team should track when users actually entered USD0++. New entrants shouldn't be subject to prices from 180 days ago. For example, entering today at 0.87 is perfectly fine. However, it's unreasonable for someone who entered yesterday at 0.9995 to suddenly see their position at 0.87 today. While I fully understand USD0+'s concepts and principles, this one-size-fits-all approach by the team is damaging to genuine supporters.
No one here knows what the target outflow rate will be set to, but it will be dynamic 0-6 months
Mr. Lin
There are a couple of variables on determining the actual amount of fee, but it should be more complicated than what you have set out there
nihilistic button clicker
@Mr. Lin so based on the parameters as of now it's 6 full months ? Not 3? Because they said it's UP TO 6 .
what high reward
01/10/2025 at 01:06:22 ESTty man, high risk high reward right?
so can we eeven trade usd0++ on dex on anymre?
@mo Feels bad for u. u got caught up in the middle
01/10/2025 at 01:04:53 ESTand im exiting now
if like this , it's good . But the PT exit is usd0++ , then i should pay 13% for free
During a depeg where USD0++ is less than USD0, does it mean that stakers can obtain more USD0++ with less USD0?
01/10/2025 at 01:04:33 ESTyye for now, hence why i said mkt has a premium rn
not to get too intrusive but do you happen to know when the team is online roughly? @Mr. Lin
nihilistic button clicker
@Mr. Lin based on the description, the max early redemption fee is 27% / 2 = 13% (6month accreed reward) ?
appreciate your responses here
I guess with pt, you hold till maturity, if maturity is early then you pay the exit fee and sacrifice some of the yield you earned earnt on pendle
It's 6 months max of the current reward rate. And the amount is dynamic based on outflows, other parameters
in which case we will need to pay the "maximum amount" if we want to exit early?
01/10/2025 at 01:02:31 ESTeveryone good luck
so ig will exit now because mkt is pricing that correctly with a premium too
nihilistic button clicker
And when will this be decided or announced ? It's between 0-6 months .. if someone started farming yesterday they also need to pay 6 months of APY? IE they need 6 months to break even? Is it a snap 6 months (6 months of what the CURRENT APY IS) or what you have successfully farmed in 6 months (6 months of daily AVG APY)?
I think so. Short-term farm and dump users may think otherwise, but I think the team's decision is correct.
okay thats fine..evne if its a long time its getting yeild..but i guess i will have to bridge from arb cause there seesm to be no liquidity
01/10/2025 at 01:01:42 ESTty boss
Mr. Lin
I will try to communicate w/ team on the PT issues. Stay tuned
June 30, 2028
01/10/2025 at 01:00:57 ESThello, morpho's PT-USD0++-27MAR2025 / USDC pair is 100% utilized, plese help
same question
@Mr. Lin i want to know how about PT user ? In fact , PT user should exit according to usd0 instead of usd0++
Mr. Lin
Definitely, yes.
what would be the case for PTs since they dont have usual? any idea or would the rest of the team need to answer
Mr. Lin
The maximum amount of $USUAL you need to pay in early redeeming, is 6 months of $USUAL rewards acrrued.
nihilistic button clicker
After 4 years
lose 7%?
so ur saying eventualyl we can redeem usdo++ at 1:!?
01/10/2025 at 01:00:02 ESTwhich is not 1:1 if thats the case
answer this and im out @Mr. Lin do we need to pay 6months of usual rewards to exit?
but, we need to consider the worst case.
Even the AI Bot is confused... still seems to think it's 1-1 pegged
01/10/2025 at 00:58:13 ESTthere was no warning boss
Depending on what that target outflow rate is set to it could be anywhere from 0 to 180 days, so the max cost of that early redemption route would be close to the 87% yeah
Mr. Lin
Agreed that clear communication is key - I THINK the crux of this entire argument boils down to whether or not the investor knew the nature and the mechanism of USD0++ At maturity, you will be able to convert your assets on a 1:1 basis, no question on that. USD0 is currently very healthy, and over-collateralized. You can even do KYC at Hashnote and redeem it there. Users who farmed usd0++ since day 1 are literally receiving free yield (hence it's likely that they're not complaining), however, those who came by not so long ago, will and understandably so, be frustrated because they see that USD0++ is "depegged" with USD0. I do agree that team could push out early redemption function simultaneously with the announcement, and it will reduce the amount of FUDs. Ultimately, if we fall back to what we were set out to do in our whitepaper, we are pushing out the functions as promised. Some OGs may have observed that throughout every step of the way, including pre-market on Binance, we have experienced waves of orchestrated FUDs. The team's decision-making process is difficult - if we push out the early redemption too late, we might reach to a stage where there is a "consensus" that somehow usd0++ would and SHOULD be pegged with usd0. That is not beneficial for the protocol's growth.
Borderless | bord.eth
nihilistic button clicker
Clayboi Parti
i dont even know where to start
bro you are funny
well not having liquidity is basically on arb
said the guy that invests rent money lol
01/10/2025 at 00:57:38 ESTthis is wp not UI
01/10/2025 at 00:57:23 ESTpoor
is everyone forgetting the usd0++ apy is directly related to Usual price?
yes, so it's not that different from current 87%
01/10/2025 at 00:57:11 ESTbecause if there were i would think more about getting rugged
01/10/2025 at 00:56:59 ESTagree with me there were no warnings in the UI?
Lucky Boy
Of the usual distribution rate yeah, which is the only income that usd0++ receives
01/10/2025 at 00:56:43 ESTgive back the money and u can say bruh how much u want
"i made a irresponsible investment decision, now return my money you scammer"
im not the one investing rent money on something and crying on a Discord during the night
top 10 bruh moment
01/10/2025 at 00:56:05 ESTgo to sleep, ure useless
nihilistic button clicker
if you are investing your RENT MONEY, like you said, the minimum you need is capability of reading
if it's based at usual = $1 then it will require infinite months of reward
So do you think the floor is legit?
is there going to liqduity on arb? how can u guys have no liqduity.
01/10/2025 at 00:55:41 ESTno fkn warning anywhere, I minted yeserday and just got a haircut on a fkn stablecoin
yeah, i mean not the bond interest rate.
lol is it really based on market price?
Yeah, though 180 days is the max
it mentioned that the amount of USUAL to be returned is 180 days worth the current reward rate. then it's about 13.5%
01/10/2025 at 00:54:20 ESTLook everyone was happy till yesterday now I completely agree with whoever is mad, you could have simply added warnings!!!!!
function tokenPrice is not working as before
Finally Mr. Lin is here
Thanks, Usualers, for helping me stake 13% of my assets.
01/10/2025 at 00:53:14 ESTso u dont see any loss
Lucky Boy
Some people have reading comprehension problems and to be more proffessional like a normal company
how can i sell usd0++ on arb if there
01/10/2025 at 00:52:38 ESTfor just stating the truth?
how can is ell usd0++ on arb?
is he wrong?
can someone just ban this fake?
why? people can read and inform themselves about it. Whats the difference if live q/a or twitter
01/10/2025 at 00:51:58 ESTbros we ded, current mkt price is essentially pricing this in
yes, there is an edition but not on this
wth is going on. how can i sell if i have on arb
Gunner funk
Someone shared the screenshot
The whitepaper is the same
Gunner funk
Wasn't it edited 8 hours ago?
01/10/2025 at 00:51:00 EST@Mr. Lin to exit 1:1 we have to pay 6 months of usual rewards?
Gunner funk
Nice haircut hans
Could you point out where that is mentioned in the whitepaper?
Gunner funk
Hans is typiing
did the team remove liquidty for arb?
There is a clear reason for setting the floor price that way. Read the text.
01/10/2025 at 00:49:43 ESTWhat happened with LUNA/UST was a bank run, here is not the same
Because there's still the (possibly cheaper) alternative early redemption method that will be live next week. 0-6 months of the usual rewards as a fee effectively
Lucky Boy
I believe this should be communicated not thru chat and twitter should be live q.a
Where an one track the price of USD00?
The main issue is trust imo, users need to know whatโs stopping team from adjust floor whenever they want