Maikon - CriptoTrending
09/09/2024 at 23:02:33 EDTHi, Veda has some points System?
09/09/2024 at 14:58:33 EDTVeda doesn't have a token yet
09/08/2024 at 19:28:43 EDThappy to be here
hey guys
Kriz Boltzmann
09/08/2024 at 02:18:28 EDThappy sunday guys
09/07/2024 at 14:42:21 EDTHas the amount of tokens going to be dropped in S1 been disclosed yet? What about the length of season 1?
Thomas Shelby
09/07/2024 at 06:10:43 EDTHappy weekends guys!
Thomas Shelby
09/06/2024 at 09:56:14 EDTWeekend chill started Woohoooo
09/06/2024 at 09:31:25 EDTelow queen
09/06/2024 at 09:31:12 EDTyo man! sup?
09/06/2024 at 03:53:12 EDT👀
09/06/2024 at 00:58:38 EDTMorning matee
Queen P 😊🕷
09/06/2024 at 00:07:53 EDThi guys
Thomas Shelby
09/05/2024 at 23:59:16 EDTWOOOOD Rise n Shine
09/05/2024 at 21:33:17 EDTmorning o
Thomas Shelby
09/05/2024 at 20:56:20 EDTRise and Shine! Hear some Veda’s
09/05/2024 at 15:32:07 EDTHi all
09/05/2024 at 13:08:26 EDTLmao.. Yh kudumbi 🤪
09/05/2024 at 13:07:57 EDTeyoo shelby
Thomas Shelby
09/05/2024 at 11:12:15 EDTYo Picassooo Kumbidi
09/05/2024 at 10:49:14 EDT😎
09/05/2024 at 10:18:33 EDTWaiting for that promised point dashboard
@Jim Slim How to share creative.. there any channels?
09/05/2024 at 08:16:32 EDTGood day everyone
09/05/2024 at 08:09:37 EDTHave a nice day everyone
09/05/2024 at 08:09:10 EDTWow 🤩
09/05/2024 at 07:49:54 EDThi, when we can see veda points ?
09/05/2024 at 05:47:54 EDTGood day NPC
09/05/2024 at 05:09:34 EDTGoodday fams
09/05/2024 at 04:34:05 EDTCan I change the color to green maybe? 😅
Or u can also take your Btc that u staked and restake it again into eligible protocols
U can unstake it any time:)
09/05/2024 at 04:32:57 EDTYes, u won't burn it fam
09/04/2024 at 03:13:50 EDTI wont burn my btc right if i deposit into lombard defi vault. I dont want it to be something like pendle wherein in burning my eth for points
09/03/2024 at 23:09:17 EDTwe are super early
09/03/2024 at 22:23:45 EDTI just followed the prompts. Still pending
09/03/2024 at 22:19:27 EDTMorning fams:)
Jim Slim
09/03/2024 at 22:15:32 EDTGo ahead
Jim Slim
09/03/2024 at 22:15:25 EDTIt's pretty straightforward
09/03/2024 at 21:56:55 EDTim using your product on etherfi without knowing your role in it, so its more like an infrastructure
09/03/2024 at 21:55:20 EDTgood suggestion 😄
09/03/2024 at 14:56:13 EDTI have a question
Hi there for lombard defi vault for lbtc
09/03/2024 at 12:44:20 EDTDon’t want to screw up while withdrawing
Any tips on withdrawing from Liquid ETH vault (EtherFi)? I want to re shuffle some eETH to other vaults
09/03/2024 at 11:01:35 EDTWhats up?
09/03/2024 at 11:01:16 EDTMate
09/03/2024 at 11:01:06 EDThi
09/03/2024 at 10:15:37 EDTGetting as many multipliers as I can hehe
Already grinding Lombard x Etherfi
Looking forward to see that dashboard
09/03/2024 at 10:15:10 EDTGreat, good to know
Jim Slim
09/03/2024 at 10:14:33 EDTWe built yield vaults and LRTs for them.
Jim Slim
09/03/2024 at 10:13:54 EDTWe are wrapping up our points dashboard where you'll be able to see these things.
Jim Slim
09/03/2024 at 10:13:31 EDTsee my response above @Mutedoodle @Jennifer Wattsong
Jim Slim
09/03/2024 at 10:12:55 EDTVeda is yield infrastructure. Can turn L2s into better versions of blast. Can help apps like create yield vaults or custom assets like LRTs.
09/03/2024 at 06:49:13 EDTThese type of things will never end
How are u guys?:)
Aaron Barboza
09/02/2024 at 10:27:17 EDT@S1N84D @Jim Slim please ban
Aaron Barboza
09/02/2024 at 10:27:02 EDT## scam, Do not interact fam!
09/02/2024 at 06:26:57 EDTOr smth like dat 😅
09/02/2024 at 06:26:39 EDTPerfecto Mucho
Aaron Barboza
09/02/2024 at 06:26:26 EDTPerfecto
09/02/2024 at 06:26:15 EDTI see. Got it. Will check Tmr then
Aaron Barboza
09/02/2024 at 06:25:09 EDTThe codes went out to the waitlist, so it’s a bit late to get in now. But the good news is the public beta drops on September 3 and will be open to everyone. Stay tuned!
09/02/2024 at 06:22:30 EDTDo u have invite? For lombard, gimme one
09/02/2024 at 06:21:16 EDTIt's impossible to farm everything:)) I'm ok with dat phaha
09/02/2024 at 06:08:16 EDTFor Babylon I already use pStake, but will check probably as well
09/02/2024 at 06:07:58 EDTYeah, already found it mate
Aaron Barboza
09/02/2024 at 06:04:42 EDTVault depositers earn 4x Lombard lux, 3x Veda points and 1x Babylon points
You can mint LBTC and deposit in Vault
Aaron Barboza
09/02/2024 at 06:03:47 EDTYou can check about Lombard here :
09/02/2024 at 03:15:41 EDTSymbiotic also farming weeth lrt
09/02/2024 at 03:15:26 EDTEtherfi I know fam. Lombard... Seems I heard bout it
Aaron Barboza
09/02/2024 at 02:28:02 EDTLombard, EtherFi
Aaron Barboza
09/02/2024 at 02:27:37 EDTThe Ether.Fi Liquid Vaults were developed using the Veda architecture.
09/02/2024 at 01:29:51 EDTHow do other protocols use Veda then? Like what does etherfi use us for?
09/02/2024 at 00:28:14 EDTMate. By the way, can u add PFP also? 😅
I know u are from the team etc. But from my experience, many NPCs (*bots*) across Discord channels don't carry any PFP
Or everything goes through X a-ka Twitter first?
Guys, do u have any dashboard where I can check all your exsisting collabs except Elixir and EtherFi. I already deposited there. Curious how big is your Web 👀
Aaron Barboza
09/01/2024 at 21:49:06 EDT
09/01/2024 at 14:36:30 EDTWhat does this project do?
Jennifer Wattsong
09/01/2024 at 14:34:06 EDT-In simpler terms please.
09/01/2024 at 12:52:48 EDTCan someone explain what Veda does exactly??
09/01/2024 at 08:44:38 EDTSeptembear
Aaron Barboza
09/01/2024 at 08:44:24 EDTWe are still early here! 👀
Aaron Barboza
09/01/2024 at 08:44:02 EDTVeda is a platform that lets you earn interest on your Crypto by spreading them across various defi protocols It automates the process, making it easy to manage and secure your assets with just a single click.
We are approaching the end of Q3. Do you think it will be 'UPtember' or 'REKTember'?
08/31/2024 at 10:43:36 EDTHi
08/31/2024 at 09:59:41 EDTmy lord theres no conversation
08/30/2024 at 21:49:10 EDTim farming
ELI5 Veda
08/29/2024 at 23:59:18 EDTim a real person
Aaron Barboza
08/29/2024 at 23:00:07 EDT
08/29/2024 at 21:32:37 EDTim not an NPC
08/29/2024 at 21:23:00 EDThow to be apprentice here
nothing much yet
08/29/2024 at 14:11:44 EDTwith the Etherfi tBTC pool, would we still earn Symbiotic points as the tBTC pool on Symbiotic is still not filled up?
08/29/2024 at 02:41:20 EDTi have the same question
LinkoPlus | AXBLOX
08/28/2024 at 14:23:27 EDTHi guys, I'm wondering, I zap in the Pendle pool weETHs and from the pool I am supposed to receive Veda points. Is there a way for me to find the web app dashboard of Veda to look at these points?
Jim Slim
08/28/2024 at 09:42:53 EDTyep
08/28/2024 at 07:58:43 EDTI realize you do need to withdraw (on chain, self custody) but something simple for users is what I’m getting at.
Jim Slim
08/28/2024 at 06:00:59 EDTThat is all the information we plan to release at this time.
Jim Slim
08/28/2024 at 06:00:09 EDTThis is a great question and something we're thinking about.
08/28/2024 at 01:06:26 EDT This article is light on details. Where can I find more info like number of coins allocated to this campaign, end date, etc?
kiemusddonggao 🦍
08/27/2024 at 20:27:29 EDTHello all
08/27/2024 at 14:44:12 EDTWhen withdrawing from Liquid ETH vault is it better to settle with eETH or weETH, or simply makes no difference?
Is it ever gonna be possible to rotate from one vault to another via intents/solvers or are we going to need to withdraw and deposit every time?
08/27/2024 at 01:04:47 EDTWhat about mascots
08/25/2024 at 19:33:15 EDTthanks!
Professor | 🕷
08/25/2024 at 15:45:35 EDTlets keep supporting
08/25/2024 at 12:54:21 EDTBro is admin evwrywhere
Jim Slim
08/25/2024 at 12:35:12 EDTIf you deposit into the ETH Liquid product on, that is using the OmniYield technology
We will announce when it's ready.
Jim Slim
08/25/2024 at 12:34:34 EDTNo reason for screaming in caps. We are very close to releasing our points dashboard.
RJ | @jimcurrywang
08/24/2024 at 18:36:37 EDTThanks 🙏
08/24/2024 at 17:26:00 EDTshould be in few weeks
Aaron Barboza
08/24/2024 at 11:30:24 EDTI am a coming member like you
Idk ser, ask Jim or sunn
RJ | @jimcurrywang
08/24/2024 at 08:37:15 EDTsound great, any ETA?
08/24/2024 at 06:45:50 EDThi all -- how do we access the OmniYield product? 🙂
Aaron Barboza
08/24/2024 at 05:49:18 EDTThe Veda points dashboard is currently in development and is expected to be available shortly.
It was much unorganised than veda
Nisar | SeniorOp
08/24/2024 at 01:45:03 EDTANY MOD..NEED MY ANSWER
Nisar | SeniorOp
08/24/2024 at 01:44:47 EDT?
Nisar | SeniorOp
08/24/2024 at 01:14:31 EDTwhere i can see my veda points ?
Jim Slim
08/23/2024 at 23:26:03 EDTthere's so few channels
Jim Slim
08/23/2024 at 23:25:59 EDTWhat's messy about it
Aaron Barboza
08/23/2024 at 10:53:59 EDTAgree! @S1N84D if you need help with server revamp I would love to help
Aaron Barboza
08/23/2024 at 10:53:33 EDTNo info on this at the moment
08/23/2024 at 09:37:25 EDTDiscord here is so messy
08/23/2024 at 07:12:44 EDTWhen’s tge?
Aaron Barboza
08/23/2024 at 00:10:46 EDTYou're welcome
Jim Slim
08/22/2024 at 20:36:08 EDTHello newcomoers!
08/22/2024 at 20:00:22 EDTWhen’s tge?
08/22/2024 at 19:57:50 EDTThank you for respond!!!
08/22/2024 at 18:31:17 EDTSup
08/22/2024 at 18:30:33 EDTSup guys.
Aaron Barboza
08/22/2024 at 08:25:51 EDTThe Veda points dashboard is under development but is expected to be available soon
Aaron Barboza
08/22/2024 at 05:14:12 EDTweETHs depositors on Zircuit earn: ‣ 3x EtherFi Points ‣ 1x Symbiotic Points ‣ 3x Veda Points ‣ 2x Zircuit Points
Aaron Barboza
08/22/2024 at 05:12:35 EDTGVM!
Aaron Barboza
08/22/2024 at 05:12:27 EDTThe call wasn't recorded
08/22/2024 at 04:10:47 EDTgm
08/21/2024 at 22:00:15 EDThi sir, where can I see the recording of the community call?
08/21/2024 at 19:46:06 EDTGood day guys! i restake my liquid staking from ethfi to zircuit will i still receive a veda points!
08/21/2024 at 15:54:38 EDTHow are you doing, fam?
Aaron Barboza
08/21/2024 at 12:26:20 EDTAnd earn yields and points
Aaron Barboza
08/21/2024 at 12:26:11 EDTYou can deposit in Etherfi liquid vaults
08/21/2024 at 11:45:49 EDTDoes anyone could explain to me how can I Yield my Cripto with Veda...?
08/21/2024 at 10:36:53 EDTgm
Jim Slim
08/21/2024 at 09:06:20 EDTgood one!
Aaron Barboza
08/21/2024 at 07:22:23 EDTNobody will remember: - your salary - how “busy you were” - how many hours you worked People will remember: - how many Veda Points you have
08/21/2024 at 02:29:14 EDTGm
08/20/2024 at 19:09:27 EDTGood day to everyone!!!
08/20/2024 at 04:58:12 EDTRoad map Team information Product development We would like more information about the veda project and how to "Yield"
Jim Slim
08/19/2024 at 08:59:58 EDTWhat information are you looking for?
Jim Slim
08/19/2024 at 08:59:46 EDTThe level of on-chain activity and gas prices has me puzzled.
Jim Slim
08/19/2024 at 08:59:26 EDTGetting close. Team was working on some optimizations last week.
08/19/2024 at 08:02:34 EDT@Jim Slim ban him
kiemusddonggao 🦍
08/19/2024 at 06:32:36 EDTHello all
08/18/2024 at 09:41:30 EDTWhy can't I find more information about this project?
08/18/2024 at 09:41:10 EDThi Aaron,it's nice, and you?
Aaron Barboza
08/18/2024 at 09:40:09 EDTHey Fuzi, How's your weekend going?
08/18/2024 at 09:39:19 EDThi
Mad_Criptan 🕷
08/17/2024 at 11:23:42 EDThay guys
08/16/2024 at 14:02:21 EDTgvm
08/16/2024 at 12:23:04 EDTis ther ea date for when we will be able to see our points online ?
kiemusddonggao 🦍
08/15/2024 at 14:00:32 EDT🚀
08/14/2024 at 22:20:16 EDTwhat about weETHS, I kind of took a break for couple of weeks. Can it be used anywhere
Jim Slim
08/14/2024 at 22:14:55 EDTNo DeFi integrations yet
08/14/2024 at 21:05:04 EDTHey, regarding the new eBTC pool, is eBTC somewhere accepted as collateral?
Jim Slim
08/14/2024 at 14:00:25 EDTWe're super close on teh points dashboard being complete
08/14/2024 at 12:59:39 EDT@Aaron Barboza only 1 month remain for s3 end. & no symbiitic points , no veda points ....🤮
08/14/2024 at 04:43:59 EDTGvmmm
Aaron Barboza
08/12/2024 at 02:40:26 EDTIt should be visible in the liquid dashboard in the coming weeks
You don't need to do anything
Aaron Barboza
08/12/2024 at 02:40:10 EDTYou are earning veda points in the background
08/11/2024 at 23:37:05 EDTso we are just accumuating points with etherfi nothing to do on your side to activate?
Aaron Barboza
08/11/2024 at 22:19:27 EDT@Jim Slim
Irakli M
08/11/2024 at 13:35:02 EDTHey! I have a proposal for Veda. Who can I contact?
08/11/2024 at 12:31:10 EDTI am just asking they have plan in future or not?
Sergey Lopatin
08/11/2024 at 12:30:01 EDTLet them complete points tracker first. Token is not necessary if you have points 😂
08/11/2024 at 11:18:34 EDT@Jim Slim in future veda will launch token or not?
08/10/2024 at 16:30:35 EDTDoing good, was busy week, but everything is alright. What about you?
08/10/2024 at 15:46:50 EDTgood morning to everyone! when is expected the veda points to be available in website?
08/09/2024 at 06:40:07 EDTHi! for symbiotic process, is it possible to withdraw from the veda vaults directly Collateral? oronly the asset we initially deposited ?
08/09/2024 at 05:42:33 EDTHello everyone
Irakli M
08/08/2024 at 07:09:26 EDTHey! I have a proposal for Veda. Who can I contact?
08/08/2024 at 05:52:59 EDTHey guys, are you still hiring for a Go Cosmos / Geth Engineer?
08/07/2024 at 12:49:55 EDTWhere i can find LSDs strategies/aggregators? I'm confuse a bit with the platform, I'm newbie just studying this new world. I.e, if i have ETH what is the best route/strategy to achieve weETHs with the max % of APY etc? Found delta indicators in some sites, but at my first look is about lend and borrow strategies, correct me please.
Ihor 🔥
08/07/2024 at 10:34:07 EDTHello mate, how are you
08/07/2024 at 06:49:15 EDTHello everyone!
Sergey Lopatin
08/06/2024 at 11:39:30 EDTalldayCrypto
08/06/2024 at 00:39:41 EDTHey guys I'm Jey - Community Manager at allday Network Today, I want to reach out to you as a media partner to collaborate and support news for our allday Network I don't see where to create a ticket, so I'm not sure where to reach out. Thank you all very much!
Jim Slim
08/05/2024 at 12:06:24 EDTWhat information are you looking for?
Jim Slim
08/04/2024 at 21:32:02 EDTWe're working on it. Haven't finalized a date yet
08/03/2024 at 15:22:14 EDTWhen will this feature be added to the site? And where can I find more information about the project so that I can write about it on Telegram and Twitter?
I was reading the content on your website. In one section, it mentioned that a feature for checking points would be added to the site soon.
08/03/2024 at 10:39:15 EDThello
08/02/2024 at 22:12:28 EDThello
Solayer Dev.Team Noble
08/02/2024 at 15:00:23 EDTYo
Jim Slim
07/31/2024 at 23:58:29 EDTWhat do you want to study?
07/31/2024 at 17:02:03 EDTI've been studying a lot of Veda's projects, how do I get more material to analyze?
Jim Slim
07/31/2024 at 12:40:07 EDTNo. Also Super Symbiotic on Ether.Fi
07/31/2024 at 12:17:12 EDTIs the only Vault to get Veda pts the Karak vault on Ether.Fi?
You have me rolling over laughing righ tnow
I always wonder why I see peopl e commenting Nice Project or Great Week Everybody!
Thats hilarious
07/31/2024 at 12:15:36 EDTI actually figured it was an NPC from my days of playing Chrono Trigger... I had to ask!
Jim Slim
07/31/2024 at 11:18:50 EDTIt's 1 point per ~$1 USD per day and then you apply the multiplier.
Jim Slim
07/31/2024 at 11:17:34 EDTjust upgraded you as well
So when you asked a good question, I knew you weren't a bot and upgraded you to the rest of the server
Jim Slim
07/31/2024 at 11:16:52 EDTNon-Playable Character. It's a video game term that is breaking into mainstream (a little). It just means don't be an actual bot or act like a bot (e.g., saying "nice project" every day and not commenting on anything else we're doing)
07/31/2024 at 09:35:33 EDTgm I would like to write a thread on X and make a YouTube video about the VEDA project. But I needed to know +/- how many points we got with $3000 or 1 ETH, could you tell me an approximate number?+
07/31/2024 at 08:21:58 EDTnon playable character
07/30/2024 at 23:41:10 EDTNoob question, what’s NPC?
So can't give an easy answer
Jim Slim
07/30/2024 at 23:05:20 EDTIt's actually on $ value
Jim Slim
07/30/2024 at 23:04:55 EDTSo many great questions!
Jim Slim
07/30/2024 at 23:04:35 EDTGreat question. From my perspective, we can do what Mellow does, but they can't do what we do.
07/30/2024 at 22:34:48 EDTI see you all use layer zero. How is liquidity unified across two or more chains?
07/30/2024 at 22:29:02 EDTWhere can I learn more about the tech that Veda built to have Omni chain liquidity? I’m excited about the liquid ETH vault and want to learn more! It sounds like it solves L2 fragmentation if I’m correct?
Saffron ⨀
07/30/2024 at 21:56:08 EDTwhats up veda gang
07/30/2024 at 15:55:00 EDT@crispymangoes
How many points can we get per day with 1 ETH?
07/30/2024 at 13:11:15 EDTThanks Jim. A last question. I saw that Symbiotic open-sourced their own vaults (seems like still an on-going work though). I don't think there's any relation between what they do and what veda (or even mellow) vaults do, is that right? as they are made to deposit collateral, and then manage it for delegation, rewards, slashing, etc. I guess the strategiest of the veda vault will then go on to deposit Default collateral into a symbiotic vault related to that DC? I guess veda vaults will be able to track who's is who's
07/30/2024 at 09:56:17 EDT@Jim Slim Thanks for the add! I would be very appreciative if you could take a quick at my DM
07/30/2024 at 09:39:13 EDTanyone from NPC try?
i can post
Jim Slim
07/30/2024 at 09:38:13 EDT@Fruity
Jim Slim
07/30/2024 at 09:38:09 EDTI think i fixed
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/30/2024 at 09:26:16 EDT
07/30/2024 at 09:25:55 EDTBig agree on this
Jim Slim
07/29/2024 at 09:00:15 EDTThanks
07/29/2024 at 05:46:17 EDT@Jim Slim delete this scam
Jim Slim
07/29/2024 at 01:10:42 EDTWe're putting the finishing touches on the dashboard
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/29/2024 at 00:03:08 EDThello
07/28/2024 at 15:06:59 EDTwhere can I track my veda points?
07/27/2024 at 15:43:04 EDTsera que vai ter algum airdrop?
Hello :^)
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/26/2024 at 23:13:12 EDTAlone
07/26/2024 at 12:59:06 EDT@Jim Slim veda have aim to launch their token in future or not?
07/26/2024 at 08:30:08 EDTWen UI ? 👀
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/26/2024 at 08:26:06 EDTnice day all
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/25/2024 at 09:25:25 EDTJim Slim
07/25/2024 at 09:21:21 EDTThis short thread talks about our recent growth. Some helpful charts in there.
07/25/2024 at 02:47:19 EDTethfi liquid vaults giv u veda points
07/25/2024 at 02:47:00 EDTit's points ser
07/25/2024 at 01:09:56 EDTIt could influence my future decisions on which vaults to use there
So if anyone could enlighten me as to what those points are, where they are, anything, I would really appreciate it.
I put some eETH in the King Karak vault on, it says I get Veda points, but I know nothing about Veda, that's why I'm here 😉
07/25/2024 at 00:36:34 EDTsoon
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/25/2024 at 00:34:32 EDT❤️
07/25/2024 at 00:32:39 EDTwhere to check points ?
07/25/2024 at 00:27:42 EDTGn, curious about the project!
07/24/2024 at 22:18:29 EDTtour of some place
07/24/2024 at 22:18:01 EDTIf no one knows . So what are the advantages of these points?
07/24/2024 at 22:16:10 EDTno one knows about that but they giving out points
07/24/2024 at 13:56:47 EDTModerator. Can you tell me. Veda will launch their token in future?
07/24/2024 at 13:06:23 EDTGm
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/24/2024 at 09:48:02 EDTgm
07/24/2024 at 09:00:12 EDT💨
Ertasek 🔥
07/24/2024 at 08:20:41 EDTHello, How do I start staking? And is it possible to give someone a referral code?
07/24/2024 at 08:12:25 EDTHello all! I am solidity developer and i liked the architecture of protocol! Is there deployment and deposits of contracts? I want to investigate how it work in the field, i did not find on frontend the app with deposits. Or it is under development and not ready?
Ertasek 🔥
07/24/2024 at 08:09:16 EDTgm
07/24/2024 at 07:04:24 EDTgm
07/24/2024 at 01:43:19 EDTGm
07/23/2024 at 15:42:23 EDTgn
Jim Slim
07/23/2024 at 09:50:11 EDTNot with new audit providers.
07/23/2024 at 07:38:05 EDTare more audits planned ?
07/23/2024 at 00:13:37 EDTI can get a help with product?
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/22/2024 at 23:44:10 EDTYorden
07/22/2024 at 22:43:59 EDTI'd like to know as well
07/22/2024 at 18:49:58 EDTif we stake symbiotic with mitosis, do we get veda points or nah?
Jim Slim
07/22/2024 at 16:59:51 EDTWhenever Veda takes exposure to a protocol, it's been audited.
07/22/2024 at 16:57:08 EDTWill there be an audit for the integration?
Jim Slim
07/22/2024 at 16:51:58 EDTIt can
07/22/2024 at 15:37:30 EDTDoes Veda use Morpho Labs for the etherfi vaults?
07/22/2024 at 15:33:31 EDTGm
07/22/2024 at 15:26:23 EDTGm
07/22/2024 at 10:48:57 EDTka
07/22/2024 at 10:48:32 EDTyes we are
07/22/2024 at 10:20:40 EDTWell I think we already are very horny for that dashboard to go live
07/22/2024 at 09:39:56 EDTDo we have any financing plans?
OK thx.
Jim Slim
07/22/2024 at 08:32:44 EDTMake DeFi more accessible/easier by tokenizing DeFi yields for users so accessing the best yields is 1 click away.
Jim Slim
07/22/2024 at 08:31:43 EDTSee above.
Jim Slim
07/22/2024 at 08:31:36 EDTWe are still working on the points dashboard. Will announce when it's ready.
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/21/2024 at 17:42:44 EDTgm
07/21/2024 at 15:15:03 EDTI mpretty New but very bullish
Hello can someone explain to me what is the goal of this project?
07/21/2024 at 09:49:22 EDTare more audits planned fo the future ?
07/21/2024 at 05:20:09 EDTI hold the weETHs YT ,where can I check my Veda points? @Jim Slim
07/21/2024 at 02:38:07 EDTThis project aim to do launch their token or no?
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/20/2024 at 23:37:35 EDTgm'
07/20/2024 at 14:35:51 EDTgm
07/20/2024 at 12:59:45 EDTgm
07/20/2024 at 10:16:10 EDTGood Saturday, Veda fam!
07/20/2024 at 09:54:58 EDTgm
07/20/2024 at 00:41:45 EDTwhere can i check my veda pts?
07/19/2024 at 15:59:15 EDTgvm
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/19/2024 at 12:13:36 EDThi
07/19/2024 at 09:14:51 EDTgm y'all
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/19/2024 at 06:57:04 EDThello everyone
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/19/2024 at 02:20:02 EDT 💯
07/18/2024 at 16:00:40 EDTwell noted, thx!
Jim Slim
07/18/2024 at 12:55:41 EDTWe've been shipping a lot on the product side
Jim Slim
07/18/2024 at 12:55:22 EDTStill working on the points dashboard
07/18/2024 at 12:27:36 EDTHi! is there a place where I can check Veda points we are getting from King Karak LRT pool (on etherfi)?
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/18/2024 at 02:16:29 EDT hello all
07/18/2024 at 00:47:18 EDTEtherfi claim live !
07/17/2024 at 20:49:36 EDTHello
07/17/2024 at 18:14:23 EDTHallo
07/17/2024 at 13:56:07 EDTwhen veda points going to started ?
07/17/2024 at 12:04:58 EDTHi, has veda raised monery from VC yet?
07/17/2024 at 10:46:01 EDTAmazing, that makes it much clearer. Thanks
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 10:24:22 EDT@GENGE
The strategist is 7seas The Strategist is responsible for submitting rebalance signals to the vault. There are significant limitations to the actions that the Strategist can take - the actions are confined to utilizing the set of adaptors and positions (gated by the Registry which is subsequently owned by the Timelock) to optimize vault performance.
07/17/2024 at 10:11:33 EDTthanks! Hmm.. then.. the strategiest to the contracts (and i guess the ones moving assets to symbiotic contracts).. is it ? i have troubles understanding the connection between, symbiotic collateral, and symbiotic vaults (which i'm not sure even exist)
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 09:24:31 EDTNo. The decision to launch a points program was made after those products launched.
07/17/2024 at 04:33:14 EDTMeaning, launched their own boring vault contracts?
g7 flippening 07/21
07/17/2024 at 04:21:21 EDThi, if i buy weeths pendle yt now, do i get veda and symbiotic points?
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/17/2024 at 03:30:46 EDTDo you have a role for someone to join early?
Beautiful day guys
07/17/2024 at 03:14:19 EDTHey how are the Veda points earned on Etherfi used in future?
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 00:52:21 EDTThis is so far ahead of what everyone else is doing. Very easily will be the standard.
07/17/2024 at 00:47:22 EDTVeda doesn't dissapoint
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 00:46:17 EDTit's just a shitty ux
since we're in a multichain world
and i would imagine they would
07/17/2024 at 00:37:21 EDTthe announcment refers to a new vault or rather gives more details on the existing ones?
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 00:37:08 EDTI don't think there's reason to expect the fees to change. If there is ARB collected, I imagine it would be auto-compounded.
07/17/2024 at 00:30:54 EDTYes thank you. Is there any reason to expect the 2% management fee to change with this veda integration and are the arbitrum incentives utilized liquidated for weth and reinvested?
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 00:29:39 EDTIs it more clear now?
07/17/2024 at 00:28:53 EDTOh, I see that the CEO of seven seas is the cofounder of veda. Question still applies tho
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 00:28:48 EDTVeda is the technical infrastructure - Today that's smart contracts, tomorrow (figuratively) that's also an AVS which will do critical functions. Seven Seas are core contributors to Veda and also are DeFi strategists. The Veda infrastructure is permisionless. The goal is to have other people beyond Seven Seas using the infrastructure.
07/17/2024 at 00:23:47 EDTAnother, hopefully simpler question. If "seven seas" is the strategy provider" but veda now manages all the vaults, does that mean that seven seas was/is responsible for devising the liquid strategy that now includes stuff on arbitrum thanks to veda? I'm not entirely clear on the distinction between what seven seas is doing and veda. Are you folks in direct communication?
Thanks for that answer. Please consider applying whatever logic exists thus far, to be equally applied.
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 00:20:52 EDTYour question is fair. I understand where you're coming from. Right now, the points program is in its early stages and we continue to look for ways to optimize it.
07/17/2024 at 00:15:51 EDTI understand if you're not at liberty to say because it wasn't part of the announcement. The question is more if we can reasonably presume it will include veda points in the future, even if it isn't officially doing so today
07/17/2024 at 00:14:28 EDTThanks for calling me reasonable.
07/17/2024 at 00:13:50 EDTReally? Wow. Thanks for this information, so in such case the question from @DrSmith42 sounds even more reasonable: why some vaults have information about Veda points, and others not.
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 00:12:48 EDTNo. We do all the Liquid vaults
07/17/2024 at 00:12:38 EDTAdmins can correct me if I am wrong
07/17/2024 at 00:12:28 EDTThose vaults on EtherFi that are backed by Veda earn some Veda points (I don't know anything about these points), while other vaults are based on other tech, and are not related to Veda
07/17/2024 at 00:11:23 EDTI understand the announcement does not include it. What is the functional difference between why the other vaults are earning veda points and the liquid vault?
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 00:10:44 EDTEXACTLY!
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 00:10:23 EDTThis announcement is unrelated to Veda points. This is just about accessing Arbitrum yields.
07/17/2024 at 00:09:49 EDTAs I understand it, we don't really need do anything here. This is basically the tech that Veda team created to simplify our life. We don't need to worry about any kind of bridging, all handled by Veda. We just get more flexible and wide options in terms of earning opportunities for our deposits
07/17/2024 at 00:08:14 EDTDoes this mean that the basic liquid vault now earns veda points as well like the karak and superfluid vaults?
So hopefully that makes it a better product for you all.
The vault can just access more yield opportunities now.
Jim Slim
07/17/2024 at 00:04:32 EDTNo action required on your end.
07/17/2024 at 00:04:13 EDTHey mate I’m also a user, could you explain in simple terms how it benefits us, still a bit confused by it all haha, and do we have to do anything with our current stake in liquid vault?
07/16/2024 at 23:52:13 EDTCame here to say that as an active user of EtherFi and all their Liquid Vaults I am super excited with what Veda just announced!
Morning everyone.
Saffron ⨀
07/16/2024 at 23:20:50 EDTWhat’s up brother
07/16/2024 at 23:18:59 EDTModerator i want to ask veda have plan to launch token in future or not?
07/16/2024 at 22:03:51 EDTgm fam
07/16/2024 at 15:56:35 EDTgm
Jim Slim
07/16/2024 at 09:31:10 EDTJim Slim
07/16/2024 at 09:30:51 EDTHi - Just deposit into Super Symbiotic on and then it does the restaking for you.
07/16/2024 at 05:04:10 EDThi! i'm trying to understand all this 😅 I got introduced to re-staing by reading symbiotic docs, and as far as I understand.. the vaults built by Veda are used as a Vault to symbiotic for ? even if they don't nothing like the api implementation ? Like I don't get what the routes are. I re-staked in mellow, but now wanted to do it through, and i'm not idea how it works.. you first go through symbiotic and then through a vault ? or is it the otherway around ? And what is mitosis in all of this. I'm a dev and feel like an idiot trying to understand all this.
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
07/16/2024 at 02:34:38 EDTHey guys welcome
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/16/2024 at 01:00:15 EDThi you
07/16/2024 at 00:59:35 EDTgm gm
07/16/2024 at 00:59:32 EDThello mate
just waving 👋
07/16/2024 at 00:59:12 EDT@warlord stop pinning
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/16/2024 at 00:50:26 EDT hello all
Jim Slim
07/15/2024 at 09:12:03 EDTI need to look into what Mitosis is doing. They haven't contacted us. That's the beauty fo permisionless assets, people can just do stuff. Will try to get an answer for you in the next few days.
07/15/2024 at 01:35:33 EDTThe discord looks super dead rn lol
07/15/2024 at 01:34:53 EDTCan s.o from the team can confirm this?
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/14/2024 at 22:16:10 EDT
07/14/2024 at 12:52:03 EDTI'm new here and just want to confirm again
07/14/2024 at 12:51:35 EDTHi Jim, if i stake my weETHs from etherfi to mitosis do i still earn veda points?
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/14/2024 at 03:46:21 EDT
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/13/2024 at 22:41:00 EDThello ahh
07/13/2024 at 18:25:13 EDTwhere can i see veda points?
07/13/2024 at 07:21:44 EDTcmiiw
07/13/2024 at 07:21:41 EDTthere will more based on last AMA. but for now, it just etherfi (weETHs, weETHk)
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/13/2024 at 06:00:40 EDT
07/13/2024 at 02:19:06 EDTThere is another way to get veda points or just Etherfi?
07/12/2024 at 23:44:21 EDThowt to get appertice role?
hello sir
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/12/2024 at 20:18:26 EDTnice day all
07/12/2024 at 19:04:06 EDTIn etherfi
Wich vault do you prefer, karak or supersymbiotic?
07/12/2024 at 18:59:14 EDThi guys
Jim Slim
07/12/2024 at 15:46:22 EDTStill working on the data piece
07/12/2024 at 13:39:38 EDTany progress on points dashboard ?
kiemusddonggao 🦍
07/11/2024 at 11:57:25 EDThello all
07/11/2024 at 08:52:06 EDTSerá um sucesso
07/10/2024 at 21:53:41 EDTif i stake my weETHs from etherfi to mitosis do i still earn veda points?
07/10/2024 at 14:19:01 EDThows the team
07/10/2024 at 12:54:09 EDTForgot to ask, since Veda offers liquidity infrastracture, do you guys plan on launching your own chain?
bad friend
07/10/2024 at 12:08:40 EDTWe are trying ser
bad friend
07/10/2024 at 06:02:08 EDTit seems not
07/10/2024 at 05:44:01 EDTAny mod here
bad friend
07/10/2024 at 03:58:44 EDTyeah, forget it, I got it. I just wanted to get something useful out of this conversation, but apparently not
07/10/2024 at 03:50:12 EDTToday is community call so its best for you all to prepare your questions
07/10/2024 at 03:48:07 EDTbro if your sets are liked by 1000s of people im just a droplet
bad friend
07/10/2024 at 03:46:49 EDTlool tell me what mix you didn't like. I'll look into it
07/10/2024 at 03:46:10 EDT
please lets run it back to defi
Sorry bro but i aint listening to that
bad friend
07/10/2024 at 03:44:05 EDTLet's say these two mixes are perfect. Don't you think they are?
07/10/2024 at 03:43:48 EDTyou should not take it seriously
im just a random person
do your thing if people like you continue to do that
bad friend
07/10/2024 at 03:43:27 EDTOf course I make mistakes, as every mix is an improvisation.
07/10/2024 at 03:43:06 EDTnah bro
bad friend
07/10/2024 at 03:42:55 EDTSounds like you're just in a bad mood, bro, and you're taking it out on me
So I'm still not quite sure what mix you're talking about?
07/10/2024 at 03:39:28 EDTi just saw too many djs
bad friend
07/10/2024 at 03:39:20 EDTWhich mix are you talking about? Or all of them?
it's kind interesting
bad friend
07/10/2024 at 03:38:59 EDTyou're probably the first of several thousand who didn't like my transitions
07/10/2024 at 03:38:55 EDTlooks like i can also try djing
07/10/2024 at 03:37:54 EDTi didnt felt any transitions sorry bro 😄
bad friend
07/10/2024 at 03:37:32 EDTyou didn't like the transitions? DJing includes - quality selection of music and its quality mixing.
07/10/2024 at 03:37:31 EDT2) Where is mixing bro 3)what
bad friend
07/10/2024 at 03:36:01 EDT1) what
07/10/2024 at 02:02:47 EDTThis just looks like a bunch of songs stuffed together for a set ? Far from DJ from my perspective lol
07/09/2024 at 16:35:43 EDTWhere we get roles
bad friend
07/09/2024 at 16:28:43 EDT😦
07/09/2024 at 15:34:59 EDTWill do, thanks!
Jim Slim
07/09/2024 at 15:34:43 EDTyou can dm me
07/09/2024 at 14:45:53 EDTHey team, want to discuss integration with Veda's platform... best team member to talk to?
07/09/2024 at 12:26:12 EDTAllo
07/09/2024 at 08:08:25 EDTi’m in a lobby yea yea yea
07/09/2024 at 02:04:17 EDTYo
bad friend
07/08/2024 at 14:36:52 EDT@Jim Slim It seems like you might have missed my mixes, even though you planned to start your day with them. I've moved over to SoundCloud, and I'd be happy if you gave them a listen to see for yourself that I'm not an NPC.
07/08/2024 at 11:54:56 EDTJust looking at what the best strategy would be
07/08/2024 at 11:54:46 EDTYeah they did...fortunately I only had a small amount in YT so not affected too much
07/08/2024 at 10:25:07 EDTLatest etherfis YTs got rekt as much as i heard.
I personally chose LPs because u keep the yield and the points and its much safer option but might give less
07/08/2024 at 10:23:38 EDTYes it should work , but i should consider all risks associated with YTs because it gains maturity of 0$ at the the end of the date.
07/08/2024 at 10:13:48 EDTThe Veda points accural works for Pendle YT weETHs as well?
07/07/2024 at 05:39:55 EDTwhen when when
07/07/2024 at 04:17:10 EDTI am using etherfi valut wen veda point will be available
07/07/2024 at 03:54:21 EDTThe earlier you u start the better.
07/07/2024 at 03:53:57 EDTFor now its a metric for your activity on Veda protocol , more information will be released in the future.
07/07/2024 at 03:49:17 EDTWhat are the benefit of these points?
07/07/2024 at 03:08:54 EDTHi Npc , no token yet , points campgain just launched . Also points dashboard coming soon.
07/06/2024 at 09:32:08 EDTHi i am new here. MOD i want to ask Veda have own token or not yet? And protocol give veda points. What is the advantage of veda points?
07/06/2024 at 07:35:26 EDThi
07/06/2024 at 06:36:23 EDT
07/06/2024 at 06:30:15 EDTHi, wen dashboard?? hahahah
OK i really want to see dashboard already
07/05/2024 at 13:56:33 EDTHi there, how much funding has veda raised?
07/05/2024 at 09:40:06 EDTso points have no useful?
Jim Slim
07/05/2024 at 08:58:08 EDTThere's nothing misleading and we're being straightforward. You can see above that we're doing 4x for weETHs on Pendle.
Jim Slim
07/05/2024 at 08:56:36 EDTPoints track your participation in the Veda ecosystem.
I earned points by purchasing YT on Pendle. What does this point represent?@Jim Slim
07/05/2024 at 03:24:25 EDThi
07/04/2024 at 16:14:26 EDTit's just my opinion, maybe I miss a piece of information, but it always makes me be more cautious towards a project when I see missleading information from a protocol. As I said, maybe I miss a puzzle of information that wasn't revealed yet, but it's way better to be straightforward with the community in order for the users to be sticky
Jim Slim
07/04/2024 at 15:10:49 EDTThink it's a little early for these claims. The points program is two weeks old and we've also only launched two vaults
07/04/2024 at 12:32:45 EDTEvery vault veda launches, it gives 3x points....when you give 3x on all vaults , it means no vault has 3x it only be honest it makes veda look dishonest
07/04/2024 at 12:09:17 EDTI am new here. I want to know veda have token or not yet. This project will launch token in future or not? Please give me answer
07/04/2024 at 09:33:27 EDTI've been waiting for days
Hey @Jim Slim can you please check your dm
07/04/2024 at 06:18:40 EDTDashboard not live yet
07/03/2024 at 17:04:45 EDTHow do we check our points ?
07/03/2024 at 16:43:08 EDTAre we still accumulating Veda points when weETHs is on Mitosis?
07/03/2024 at 15:02:16 EDTright now its through other protocols
a native front end
07/03/2024 at 15:02:00 EDTyes sir
Jim Slim
07/03/2024 at 13:17:37 EDTYou mean when we have an app?
07/03/2024 at 10:57:21 EDT1B TVL and multiple integrations, imagine where Veda will be when they will create a site lol
07/03/2024 at 10:53:42 EDTI sent a request @Jim Slim
Jim Slim
07/03/2024 at 10:53:16 EDTyou can dm me
07/03/2024 at 10:46:48 EDTHi guys! One of my friends works for ZeroLend (one of the top lending protocols with over 200m tvl) and would like to get in touch with y’all. Is there any admin that I can reach out to facilitate the group?
Sergey Lopatin
07/03/2024 at 10:27:04 EDTExited! Jim, you da man!
Jim Slim
07/03/2024 at 10:25:58 EDTFinishing up the points dashboard as we speak. Saw a test version of it yesterday
Jim Slim
07/03/2024 at 10:25:29 EDTThey track your participation in the Veda ecosystem
Jim Slim
07/03/2024 at 10:13:57 EDTIt's in
Sergey Lopatin
07/03/2024 at 10:11:34 EDTYes 🙌. When points will start to be visible ?
zoom 🟡
07/03/2024 at 09:48:55 EDTyep you can follow deposits here:
07/03/2024 at 09:46:39 EDTnow all deposited. hopefully none of that LSTs will be heavily depegged ever 😅
07/03/2024 at 09:39:54 EDTnot live yet
07/03/2024 at 09:31:57 EDTwhat is veda points website?
what's the VEDA point for?
07/03/2024 at 09:04:26 EDTso there would be short in points by small amount?
but only $218m are deposited
TVL on etherfi shows 232m
zoom 🟡
07/03/2024 at 08:33:52 EDTApparently yes:
07/03/2024 at 08:15:00 EDTis all the fund getting deployed yet?
zoom 🟡
07/03/2024 at 08:07:58 EDTWill Super Symbiotic LRT be able to get in?
Symbiotic caps have just been raised
07/03/2024 at 01:56:00 EDTHey jim, can you please check your dm?
Sergey Lopatin
07/02/2024 at 20:25:30 EDTWen announcement?
07/02/2024 at 17:20:18 EDTHi
Sergey Lopatin
07/02/2024 at 13:50:13 EDTHey
inacio 🕷
07/01/2024 at 20:57:29 EDTBullish with this project
07/01/2024 at 09:00:54 EDThey @Jim Slim can you please check your dm when you're around.
06/30/2024 at 14:02:37 EDTBecause there probably gonna be thousands of people asking this same question , so it would be nice to have an AI bot answering these simple questions
This would be great to have it pinned
06/30/2024 at 13:06:53 EDTAny info on how many points per eth
06/29/2024 at 15:27:13 EDThy
06/29/2024 at 14:19:58 EDTBut without them I'm also feel fine
That's gone be not bad
06/29/2024 at 14:19:24 EDTyeah good, I wonder when we going to see our points
06/29/2024 at 14:19:06 EDTyou?
just lazy day
06/29/2024 at 14:18:57 EDTYeap not bad
06/29/2024 at 14:16:28 EDThows going friends
06/29/2024 at 14:12:04 EDTHenlo all 👋 Just joined here
06/29/2024 at 12:09:23 EDT
06/29/2024 at 11:53:37 EDTThe team will make the announcement as soon as the dashboard is live
Happy weekend everyone! Wishing you a fantastic end to the week and a weekend filled with joy and relaxation.
06/29/2024 at 11:27:48 EDTtell me when the points will be displayed in the client?
06/29/2024 at 11:17:05 EDThola)
06/28/2024 at 10:46:25 EDTSam21
06/28/2024 at 10:02:20 EDTWeird. I sent you a friend request.
Jim Slim
06/28/2024 at 10:01:43 EDTI don't see it
06/28/2024 at 09:49:01 EDTDm'd already 🙂
Jim Slim
06/28/2024 at 09:46:00 EDTMe please
06/28/2024 at 05:56:43 EDTThanks 🙂
Aaron Barboza
06/28/2024 at 05:53:04 EDT@Jim Slim i guess
06/28/2024 at 05:27:46 EDThey team, Reaching out from Zklink. Wanted to have a chat regarding a partnership with Veda. Let me know whom I should reach out to.
06/28/2024 at 01:02:21 EDTOk thanks 🙏
Aaron Barboza
06/28/2024 at 00:47:15 EDTI think it's in the final stages
Aaron Barboza
06/28/2024 at 00:47:09 EDTPoints dashboard will be live soon!
06/28/2024 at 00:23:33 EDTwhen planning to release dashboard
Happy Friday everyone! Wishing you a fantastic end to the week and a weekend filled with joy and relaxation.
Jim Slim
06/27/2024 at 21:59:15 EDTWe are still in the research/design phase.
06/27/2024 at 20:52:05 EDTHi @Jim Slim , can you please give me some info regarding the EtherFi Liquid vault. The Pendle June position has expired. Has the Pendle position of the Liquid automatically rolled over to another position such as the September or December position? Is there a window of time between these positions for the users to exit without incurring impermanent loss?
06/27/2024 at 18:24:36 EDTGreat, interesting that Veda is an AVS, he will benefit from the security of Eigen, symbiotic Karak or all 3?
Sergey Lopatin
06/27/2024 at 17:51:09 EDTHi there!
06/27/2024 at 17:49:04 EDThenlo @Sergey Lopatin
Sergey Lopatin
06/27/2024 at 17:16:43 EDTSee you here!
06/27/2024 at 13:22:10 EDTkk, ill check back later
Sergey Lopatin
06/27/2024 at 12:30:31 EDTThank you Aaron, like an always! BTW how I can help you?
Sergey Lopatin
06/27/2024 at 12:29:17 EDTSounds good Jim, already deposited from day one!
Jim Slim
06/27/2024 at 12:09:46 EDTYep! We actually have a few more done. Just need to announce them.
Saying "good project" or "gm" everyday as the only thing you ever say is something a bot would do, hence the NPC role. Be a real person.
Jim Slim
06/27/2024 at 12:08:30 EDTIt's really just about being normal, showing interest in Veda/DeFi and asking good questions. You don't have to be here everyday or anything. Just be a real person.
Jim Slim
06/27/2024 at 12:07:25 EDTYa just be yourself and ask good questions. It will come.
Jim Slim
06/27/2024 at 12:06:39 EDTNot on berachain! We're on Ethereum right now. Technically we are an AVS, it's just that the AVS is still in development. Here's how it all comes together.
Aaron Barboza
06/27/2024 at 12:06:12 EDTSooon soon as jim said
Aaron Barboza
06/27/2024 at 12:05:03 EDTYou can earn the Apprentice role by being yourself! Be active in the chat and help community members
Jim Slim
06/27/2024 at 12:04:56 EDTYou can earn points now in the Super Symbiotic LRT. The points dashboard will be live soon. Just finishing it up.
06/27/2024 at 11:17:54 EDT
wen dashboardddd
zoom 🟡
06/27/2024 at 11:08:46 EDTbut should be soon, according to team
zoom 🟡
06/27/2024 at 11:08:40 EDTdashboard is not up rn
06/27/2024 at 10:55:28 EDTwhere can i check the veda points?
zoom 🟡
06/27/2024 at 10:39:32 EDTkeep up the good work, lezgo!
Nice to see the Aave integration with the Native yield stack 🔥
06/27/2024 at 10:24:32 EDTBut! I bet there it is!
Good news around the project but that would mean theres no community
I skip this
I would say that if i appear consequently then if im not over npc after a week
Depends on your activity i guess
We will se
Sergey Lopatin
06/27/2024 at 10:15:24 EDTOh ok! How long to wait:))
06/27/2024 at 10:13:29 EDTIts easy to differentiate an individual from a bot
06/27/2024 at 10:13:16 EDTThis will come i guess
But im here to do the same
Too many broject to support
Im just getting confused folka
Veda is on berachain, right?
Sergey Lopatin
06/27/2024 at 10:08:29 EDT@Aaron Barboza
How to get apprentice role?
Hey guys. Wen Veda points goes life.
06/27/2024 at 09:46:40 EDTPlease check DM
Jim Slim
06/27/2024 at 09:45:18 EDTSure - make it worth it though.
06/27/2024 at 09:44:58 EDTBtw, may I DM you with a query?
Jim Slim
06/27/2024 at 09:44:14 EDTProbably just a delay in updating. We power the whole Liquid product line. You can add up the totals here and see for yourself.
06/27/2024 at 09:39:57 EDTWagmi
06/27/2024 at 09:39:50 EDTI agree! Soon we'll have many thousands here: on discord and telegram
06/27/2024 at 09:39:28 EDTBut on the homepage, it's still showing TVL as 875,024,853
Jim Slim
06/27/2024 at 09:38:49 EDTLet's go! Probably the most under the radar march to a billion ever. But you all are early!
06/27/2024 at 09:38:09 EDTVeda for life!
One billion loading ! Lfgggggg
Fart Breath
06/27/2024 at 08:43:34 EDTPoints are also calculated if i deposit weeths into Magpie?
06/27/2024 at 08:03:58 EDTHello family
06/27/2024 at 07:12:28 EDThenlo, what's up?
06/27/2024 at 05:52:26 EDTgm
Aaron Barboza
06/27/2024 at 01:03:14 EDTThe market has been volatile these past few days, and it has messed up your target price. Unfortunately, you will need to cancel the withdrawal and reinitiate it.
06/27/2024 at 00:59:06 EDT7 days have passed, and the token price has been consistently lower than the target token price? This way, I have been unable to withdraw my assets, which is very unreasonable
Aaron Barboza
06/27/2024 at 00:33:48 EDTHey there!
Aaron Barboza
06/27/2024 at 00:33:33 EDTHey there, withdrawals are processed once the target token price is met or exceeded within the 72-hour window that your request remains open. This means that if the token price falls below the target token price during those 72 hours, your withdrawal request may not be fulfilled. In such a case, you will need to retry the withdrawal request.
christian3401 🐘 ♾
06/26/2024 at 22:47:03 EDTHi team, who can I talk to about venture capital collabs and KOL collabs
06/26/2024 at 18:54:39 EDTHenlo frens
06/26/2024 at 17:20:00 EDTJust wanted to reinquire about who to reach out to about potential partner integration, if that’s on the table? Thanks
06/26/2024 at 13:59:31 EDTHi team, Is there any developer vacancy here?
06/26/2024 at 09:35:39 EDTIs there any other option tough?
06/26/2024 at 09:35:27 EDTAh okay yeah I put it on etherfi
06/26/2024 at 06:27:11 EDTor we accumulating points when dashboard comes?
06/26/2024 at 06:26:16 EDTso if we’re staking now, we already got veda points?
06/26/2024 at 03:20:20 EDTPer the last update provided by the Veda team, the points dashboard is still in the works, should be ready soon. For now, you can stake through EtherFi. We should be able to view points when the dashboard goes live.
06/25/2024 at 13:28:47 EDTwhere can I get points
Jim Slim
06/25/2024 at 13:28:34 EDTWe don't have our own dapp
06/25/2024 at 12:29:23 EDTany link
so guys I couldnt find the dapp
Jim Slim
06/25/2024 at 03:14:32 EDTWe're finishing up our points dashboard. Should be released soon.
06/25/2024 at 02:56:24 EDTwhere to check points ?
06/24/2024 at 10:46:29 EDTI want to know if there are plans for integrating Veda Points with decentralized governance mechanisms, such as DAO or on chain voting systems, to enable comunity driven decision making and governance within the Veda ecosystem?
06/24/2024 at 10:20:12 EDTMihail Egorov just wrote in a telegram chat they MIGHT add it on curve
Saanjana Nikita
06/24/2024 at 10:00:25 EDTHello, who should I get in touch with about a possible partnership here?
Jim Slim
06/24/2024 at 09:45:42 EDTI'm not aware of any integrations but that doesn't mean they don't exist
06/24/2024 at 08:17:59 EDTsparkle discord is silent
I see on sparkle, but it's the other logo, of the weETH that is native to etherfi (the blue one)
did anyone tried to use weETH from super symbiotic LRT as collateral somewhere guys. is it possible
06/24/2024 at 05:49:46 EDTgm
06/23/2024 at 15:59:57 EDTWe are not a centralized firm fren but an on-chain crowd audit competition protocol. I agree with the Certik part though 🙂
06/23/2024 at 15:39:25 EDTactually certik is the most cost-efficient audit company, they do it for free (unless they find vulnerabilities and then they pay themselves out of your money)
06/23/2024 at 14:05:51 EDTGm frens!
06/23/2024 at 13:07:37 EDT@Jim Slim hey dm partnership props to yourself or is someone a better person to reach out to? Thanks
Aaron Barboza
06/23/2024 at 09:19:04 EDTLFG
06/23/2024 at 09:07:47 EDThi how i can got role?
Jim Slim
06/23/2024 at 08:33:45 EDTPoints dashboard is in development. Should be done in about a week.
06/23/2024 at 06:45:53 EDTwhen airdrop?
06/23/2024 at 05:43:34 EDTHey Veda frens! Fav from Hats Finance, the most cost-efficient audit competition protocol in the space. Who can i talk to regarding a potential partnership?
06/23/2024 at 04:30:59 EDTgm
06/23/2024 at 02:37:10 EDTwhats good
06/23/2024 at 01:11:12 EDThow to check points ?
06/22/2024 at 17:03:27 EDTHey, anyone used sparkDAO, does it accept weETH from ETHERFI symbiotic vaults as collateral? They say yes, but there is more than one asset with weETH sticker, I am talking explicetely about the weETH as LRT from symbiotic vault
06/22/2024 at 11:22:29 EDTDoes it mean weETH will ve supported by symbiotic once it opens up again?
06/21/2024 at 15:48:42 EDTAlso, super congrats on achieving those hella awesome milestones only 1 week in
Anyone best contact regarding partnership proposal?
Hi folks
06/21/2024 at 13:33:41 EDTGm everyone ! Wagmi
06/21/2024 at 13:16:31 EDTgm
06/21/2024 at 10:49:03 EDTgm
farofa Reddio
06/21/2024 at 10:35:19 EDTgm
Jim Slim
06/21/2024 at 09:50:33 EDTno villians in here. everyone should have good vibes
06/21/2024 at 09:36:12 EDTCan i get villain role sir 😈?
06/21/2024 at 09:29:14 EDTog !?
06/21/2024 at 09:22:48 EDTI'm an apprentice
06/21/2024 at 08:53:17 EDTShould we have role for our early defi enjoyoors here
06/21/2024 at 05:36:55 EDTgm mate
06/21/2024 at 01:50:54 EDTgm
06/20/2024 at 13:47:50 EDTGm
06/20/2024 at 09:22:42 EDTgm mates👋👋
06/20/2024 at 09:22:14 EDTHi fam
06/20/2024 at 08:33:38 EDTGm!
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/20/2024 at 08:31:49 EDThello fam! how is everyone?
06/20/2024 at 02:57:54 EDT
06/19/2024 at 20:55:12 EDThow can I get those points besides the liquid vault?
06/19/2024 at 18:12:12 EDTHi fam) I'm starting to research Veda. Glad I found you.🙌
06/19/2024 at 16:44:50 EDTBut we‘ll see
06/19/2024 at 16:44:21 EDTGood pov
Arnaldo 🕷🕸
06/19/2024 at 16:17:31 EDTFirst post. Go!
06/19/2024 at 15:22:38 EDTThey already do, for instance they have only 1 vault with 3x points. U sneaky sneakly Veda team , when u have 1 vault with 3x points, it means everyone has 1x points
06/19/2024 at 15:21:43 EDThow da fuk will u farm Veda bro u tell me? They have a point system in etherFI, if anything, it's veda whos gonna farm u
06/19/2024 at 13:25:14 EDTDoes Veda have any backers?
Prepare for farmers 😝
06/19/2024 at 12:49:06 EDTMy bad. I apologize. Got a little too into it
Sergey Lopatin
06/19/2024 at 12:45:50 EDTYes:)) I know that. Thanks!
06/19/2024 at 12:14:43 EDTsorry slim shady i just had to do it
06/19/2024 at 12:08:18 EDT
Jim Slim
06/19/2024 at 11:44:48 EDTDon't tag me over this
06/19/2024 at 10:50:06 EDT☕☕
06/19/2024 at 10:49:30 EDT😂🤣🤣🤣. Too early in the day, I'm afraid
06/19/2024 at 10:49:04 EDTLmao , go sleep then if you tired
06/19/2024 at 10:48:34 EDTMy brain slipped outta excitement
06/19/2024 at 10:48:09 EDTMillion bruh
06/19/2024 at 10:47:09 EDTWe just hit $800M TVL. Insaneeeeee
Aaron Barboza
06/19/2024 at 10:45:10 EDTGM GM
06/19/2024 at 10:43:41 EDTGm
Jim Slim
06/19/2024 at 10:27:30 EDTDeposit through etherfi
Sergey Lopatin
06/19/2024 at 10:22:45 EDTHey guys. There is only one way for deposit at this moment, with super symbiotic vault? Or any other option available?
06/19/2024 at 02:11:27 EDTHello @Jim Slim Please check dm
06/19/2024 at 01:44:28 EDTNice gm
ult1m4t3 n0l1f3
06/18/2024 at 21:14:10 EDTOkay ser. I'll wait for the announcement 😄
Jim Slim
06/18/2024 at 21:13:40 EDTThere are plans but they haven't been announced yet.
ult1m4t3 n0l1f3
06/18/2024 at 16:52:17 EDTare there any plans to use that in defi to expand earning potential? I'd like to drop it in zircuit, if possible. Earn some of their points on top of the others 😄
hi frens. so this super symbiotic LRT i minted from is basically a receipt, right?
06/18/2024 at 16:42:28 EDTFeels good to have you with us
Welcome to the new members 💫
Hello guys
06/18/2024 at 15:12:11 EDTtechnicly ethfi could create an LRT as a derivative of the position one holds in the vault
Jim Slim
06/18/2024 at 14:44:09 EDTThat vault and the rest of Liquid is powered by Veda.
06/18/2024 at 13:51:48 EDTİlkrr
06/18/2024 at 13:17:57 EDTHello, what do I need to do to earn airdrop from your project?
Sergey Lopatin
06/18/2024 at 12:50:53 EDTYes
Sergey Lopatin
06/18/2024 at 12:31:52 EDTHey. Guys!
06/18/2024 at 10:47:17 EDTgm
06/18/2024 at 10:38:29 EDTthis vault is powered by Veda right?
Jim Slim
06/18/2024 at 10:36:41 EDTThere is no USD-LRT
Absolute Unit
06/18/2024 at 10:33:25 EDTHey who can I talk to regarding partnership?
06/18/2024 at 09:45:34 EDTSaw yesterday's ETHFI announcment , made me happpy. Now question, I am also deposited into delta neutral USDC vault (ETHFI liquid) and I got another USD-LRT. Will it also be allowed as collateral or only the ETH-LRT?
06/18/2024 at 08:53:00 EDThaha very true
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/18/2024 at 08:52:54 EDTIts a req if u r a quant kekwww
06/18/2024 at 08:52:10 EDTyou are everywhere sir
06/18/2024 at 07:52:50 EDTgm
06/17/2024 at 11:24:40 EDTgm
06/17/2024 at 05:18:12 EDTgm mates hope we’re all have a great holiday 😁
06/16/2024 at 22:51:21 EDTGm
06/16/2024 at 22:39:28 EDTgm
06/16/2024 at 22:39:08 EDThello mate
06/16/2024 at 16:31:31 EDT@Jim Slim
hey, I've deposited int super symbiotic LRT pool. I got supersymbiotic LRT -> can I do something with it, lioke borrow against it or something?
06/16/2024 at 16:21:31 EDTGmmmmm
Darth Veda
06/16/2024 at 12:58:24 EDTHello all my frens
06/16/2024 at 07:26:12 EDTgm
06/16/2024 at 07:05:05 EDTAgbi
06/16/2024 at 03:53:14 EDTGreat job with Etherfi and Symbiotic for a start.
Just discovered Veda and the great work you've done/are doing to make native yield accessible to all.
06/15/2024 at 23:01:32 EDTHello everyone 🫣
06/15/2024 at 22:14:38 EDT
06/15/2024 at 20:18:09 EDTgotta learn from ur masters
Jim Slim
06/15/2024 at 15:36:46 EDTbe yourself
06/15/2024 at 13:28:17 EDThow to get apprentice role?
06/15/2024 at 09:27:27 EDTAwesome. Thanks slim. Will keep an eye out on the announcements.
06/15/2024 at 07:42:27 EDTOk thanks
Jim Slim
06/15/2024 at 07:25:01 EDTCorrect. Will be a couple weeks. We're working as fast as we can.
Jim Slim
06/15/2024 at 07:24:44 EDTCorrect. Will be a couple weeks
06/15/2024 at 06:32:14 EDTi'm looking for the link to the dashboard, can not see it anywhere
06/15/2024 at 06:16:22 EDTPoint dashboard is not live yet?
06/15/2024 at 03:21:35 EDTthanks mate hope you had a great weekend too
Aaron Barboza
06/14/2024 at 23:58:31 EDTHappy Saturday everyone! Hope you have a fantastic day and an amazing rest of the weekend!
06/14/2024 at 22:21:10 EDTgm mate 👋👋
06/14/2024 at 18:35:39 EDTgm gm gm guys
06/14/2024 at 17:14:54 EDThell everyone
Carlo Fernandez
06/14/2024 at 09:24:05 EDTWas told on TG to ask in discord about a BD contact to study synergies
Jim Slim
06/14/2024 at 09:02:30 EDTDon't know
Jim Slim
06/14/2024 at 09:01:51 EDTDon't know
Jim Slim
06/14/2024 at 09:00:05 EDTWe're excited!
Jim Slim
06/14/2024 at 08:59:55 EDTNobody
Jim Slim
06/14/2024 at 08:59:49 EDTNice!
Jim Slim
06/14/2024 at 08:59:40 EDTNice!
06/14/2024 at 08:12:16 EDTHi there - who is the best person to speak with regarding potential partnerships?
Aaron Barboza
06/14/2024 at 06:05:53 EDT🏆🏆
zoom 🟡
06/14/2024 at 05:31:38 EDT<== Proud holder of weETHs 🫡
06/14/2024 at 05:24:31 EDTWhat is the duration of season 1 points for Veda
Already joined the symbiotic on day 1.
bad friend
06/14/2024 at 04:02:36 EDTHeyy fren, have you had a chance to listen to my mixes?
06/14/2024 at 03:58:14 EDTanother huge announcment
06/14/2024 at 03:57:30 EDT
06/14/2024 at 00:31:11 EDTHow long is the points campaign expected to be?
How much VC investment in Veda?
Leo Gravina
06/14/2024 at 00:23:29 EDTNice
06/13/2024 at 13:03:15 EDTthrow us some bones, what is veda building, we live in darkness here
06/11/2024 at 09:56:10 EDTsad to hear sir
06/11/2024 at 09:56:01 EDTggwp, that’s the max
06/11/2024 at 09:55:48 EDTit is looking good tbh 🙂
06/11/2024 at 09:05:04 EDTGot 100k, couldn't believe it
Jim Slim
06/11/2024 at 08:58:27 EDThow's it looking for you?
Oleg (Coinrule)
06/11/2024 at 08:57:57 EDTgm frens. gud project
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/11/2024 at 08:45:39 EDTnot good
06/11/2024 at 08:23:56 EDThow is zk looking for you guys?
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/11/2024 at 02:58:50 EDTI mean, why not?
74K is important
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/11/2024 at 02:50:03 EDTHey brother! how are you?
06/11/2024 at 02:46:23 EDTHello
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/11/2024 at 02:41:55 EDTHello guys!
06/10/2024 at 14:24:46 EDTDo you mind if I shoot you a DM Jim, it's not a marketing proposal or anything like that
Crypto Blocks♟'/,🧩)
06/10/2024 at 14:04:19 EDTWe will be good 😊
Crypto Blocks♟'/,🧩)
06/10/2024 at 14:04:10 EDTExactly
06/10/2024 at 13:47:48 EDTeasy monday?
06/10/2024 at 13:47:43 EDTdoing all right mate wby?
06/10/2024 at 13:47:33 EDTnow definitely👍
Crypto Blocks♟'/,🧩)
06/10/2024 at 13:46:24 EDTHow are you doing
Crypto Blocks♟'/,🧩)
06/10/2024 at 13:46:19 EDTWe are the early bird her Warlord
06/10/2024 at 05:39:22 EDTearly bird
Jim Slim
06/09/2024 at 14:10:18 EDTyou are early
06/09/2024 at 13:16:23 EDTFeels pretty early, low follower count on Twitter but high TVL, feels good being early 🫡
06/09/2024 at 10:30:17 EDTJust my guess though
06/09/2024 at 10:30:13 EDTThere’s no mention of a token in the docs yet, but I think there’s a high chance that a governance token is planned
06/09/2024 at 08:16:00 EDTwhat u guys farming rn with ur stables?
06/09/2024 at 07:43:04 EDTgv all, been across the site and haven’t seen much about if this project plans to have a token? Have those details been released or not yet? Impressive TVL so far!
06/08/2024 at 15:47:51 EDTThis is just a bribe for allowing me to cross the border, and then build a new life)
06/07/2024 at 18:16:13 EDTi understand you mate it’s not so easy to find that kind of money to relocate
06/07/2024 at 15:32:17 EDTI want to leave here and live a quiet life. but I don’t have that kind of money for which they will release me)
Ihor 🔥
06/07/2024 at 15:20:52 EDTLol, it's just temporary
06/07/2024 at 14:49:41 EDT markets crashing and im out of stables
06/07/2024 at 11:53:04 EDTcan someone please help me with this
06/07/2024 at 11:30:01 EDTthat’s sad the government most times like to take opportunities like this to embezzle a lot and it what would destroy the country. pray God keep you safe over there🙏
Jim Slim
06/07/2024 at 08:18:42 EDTWhen people are feeling bullish, borrow costs typically go up. The good thing is that Veda is designed to be flexible making it easy to adapt.
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/07/2024 at 00:54:19 EDTwelcome newcomers
06/07/2024 at 00:29:32 EDTit says here 15% APR, does it include the points too (in the APR I mean) or its just from the pure strategy 15% + the points as bonus
Veda, what other pools/strategies besides etherfi do u coordinate?
me dont like it, will have to move around my strategies.
my gosh borrowing cost of stables went up lately.... Is that ethena's fault?
06/06/2024 at 19:15:43 EDTOur government is stealing, democracy in the country is over. Prices are higher, quality is lower. also intensified mobilization, men from the streets are put into buses and taken to the military registration and enlistment office. as well as missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles fly both at military targets and at residential buildings. sad and depressing, but we hold on)
06/06/2024 at 16:45:08 EDTguys
hr r u
hello every one
06/06/2024 at 13:52:11 EDThow is it over there? i don’t really hear anything on the news about Ukraine anymore
06/06/2024 at 13:51:35 EDTthat’s a bomber
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/06/2024 at 12:41:30 EDThey fam! how you doing?
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/06/2024 at 12:41:19 EDThey bro! how its going?
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/06/2024 at 12:41:11 EDThello brother
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/06/2024 at 12:40:57 EDTTrue bro! Pls stay safe.
Jim Slim
06/06/2024 at 12:01:43 EDThi newbies. please make sure to check the announcements channel. We are at the beginning of our mascot contest for exlcusive Veda swag
06/06/2024 at 11:59:49 EDTgmgm
06/06/2024 at 11:51:54 EDThello
06/06/2024 at 11:51:34 EDThey sers
Jim Slim
06/06/2024 at 08:47:27 EDTgvm
06/06/2024 at 08:38:15 EDTYes, ordinary people always suffer because of someone else’s ambitions. I want to live, enjoy, set goals and achieve them. And so - every day you live under the threat of being killed by a rocket🙁
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/06/2024 at 08:34:31 EDTStay safe bro
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/06/2024 at 08:34:20 EDTohh! itsa. really sad situation there bro! people suffering becuase of politics by politicians.
06/06/2024 at 07:35:11 EDTUkraine
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/06/2024 at 07:20:04 EDTWhich country are you in?
06/06/2024 at 07:15:06 EDTI would also really like to travel, but, unfortunately, we are not allowed to leave the country(
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/06/2024 at 04:57:54 EDTyes but not during peak winters. Europe is my fav. Generally, I visit Europe during summers. when weather is pleasant to raom around.
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/06/2024 at 04:14:55 EDTGVM
06/05/2024 at 22:27:10 EDTInteresting project
06/05/2024 at 17:06:32 EDTHave you traveled? Have you been to other countries where the climate is colder?
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/05/2024 at 16:18:23 EDTYes, for you it's easy. I have never ever seen that kind of temp, that's madness for our bodies.
06/05/2024 at 15:58:06 EDTWe can handle the cold well, we just dress warmly)
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/05/2024 at 15:46:53 EDTOhh! thats really cold, cant stand that!
06/05/2024 at 15:14:59 EDTOh, that's a great temperature. Here in winter, it can go down to -20 and there is a lot of snow.
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/05/2024 at 15:11:31 EDTWinter is good bro! in 4 months, its like 30-18 maximum and 20-5 C minimum
06/05/2024 at 15:07:08 EDTWhat is the weather like in winter where you are?
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/05/2024 at 15:04:47 EDTthats a very nice temp bro! i will kill for that temp. but hopefully, in one n half months we will have raimny season.
06/05/2024 at 14:54:37 EDTwow, im shocked, so hooot im from ua, here is not so hot as in your country, about 30
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/05/2024 at 14:51:42 EDTwhere are you from? I am from India, summers here are really bad! like we are having 46-50 C
06/05/2024 at 14:50:34 EDTsure, heat is hard to me also
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/05/2024 at 13:52:12 EDTGlad to hear bro! ❤️ m also gud except the heat we ahve here.
06/05/2024 at 13:11:47 EDTim fine, 10x , what about u?
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/05/2024 at 13:10:45 EDThello! how its going?
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/05/2024 at 13:10:33 EDThello! so happy to see you here!
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/05/2024 at 13:10:17 EDThey bro! how are you?
06/05/2024 at 12:13:13 EDTHello, friends
06/05/2024 at 12:06:59 EDTHello!!
06/05/2024 at 11:59:37 EDTturbostork🧙
06/05/2024 at 10:13:04 EDTgmoniiiii
bad friend
06/05/2024 at 10:07:27 EDTgmoni turbo!
06/05/2024 at 10:02:24 EDTbad friend
06/05/2024 at 09:52:22 EDTtysm my fren
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/05/2024 at 09:42:35 EDTIn Monad, we love @bad friend
bad friend
06/05/2024 at 09:08:42 EDTindeed, this is the best way!
There are so many genres of electronic music inside
bad friend
06/05/2024 at 09:06:53 EDTIt's nice of you to ask. You can find all the links on my Twitter feed. I use soundxyz, mixcloud and zora to upload mixes. About to move to soundcloud soon.
Jim Slim
06/05/2024 at 09:04:25 EDTis there a song i should listen to right now to get the day off to a good start?
bad friend
06/05/2024 at 09:03:47 EDTyep 🙂
Jim Slim
06/05/2024 at 09:03:43 EDTJust talk about what you think is interesting happening in crypto
Jim Slim
06/05/2024 at 09:03:18 EDTA DJ?!?!?!?!?
06/05/2024 at 09:03:18 EDT waiting for them
Jim Slim
06/05/2024 at 09:02:58 EDTbe yourself and let it happen naturally.
06/05/2024 at 08:56:54 EDT@Jim Slim Will VEDA eventually some sort of token which we can stake for value accrual purposes?
06/05/2024 at 08:50:54 EDT@Jim Slim What do you mean by interesting publications, should there be some specific topic?
06/05/2024 at 08:41:16 EDTHi all
06/05/2024 at 08:40:34 EDTGm
bad friend
06/05/2024 at 06:38:41 EDTokay okay I have some interesting things I think
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/05/2024 at 06:37:54 EDT
bad friend
06/05/2024 at 06:37:50 EDTyep yep
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/05/2024 at 06:37:38 EDTour beloved DJ is here
bad friend
06/05/2024 at 06:35:26 EDTgmonad ser
how to get a Apperentice role?
gm guys
06/04/2024 at 14:56:00 EDTBullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/04/2024 at 12:49:11 EDTOk, thats also true!
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/04/2024 at 10:03:51 EDTcan we create a system? generally, its a good way to motivate and incetivise people to increase community and bring more engagement
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/04/2024 at 09:59:51 EDTOk.
Jim Slim
06/04/2024 at 09:14:52 EDTno
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/04/2024 at 08:25:04 EDT@Jim Slim
is there a way to invite people wherein it counts under my referal?
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/04/2024 at 04:43:15 EDThey bro! welcome to Veda!
06/03/2024 at 18:34:18 EDTHi guys
0xDapo 🧙🏽♂
06/03/2024 at 18:21:54 EDTgm Veda fam
0xDapo 🧙🏽♂
06/03/2024 at 18:21:51 EDTSuccintly put
06/03/2024 at 16:43:53 EDTAccording to what they've said before, just hang out and be yourself 🙂 with some time they'll grant you apprentice
06/03/2024 at 16:16:41 EDT@Jim Slim How can We get apprentice role ? What should We do ?
06/03/2024 at 16:06:47 EDTHey Jim, is Veda connected to Seven Seas?
Jim Slim
06/03/2024 at 15:45:56 EDTYes. This week
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/03/2024 at 15:06:23 EDTI am also trying to figure out other players, I know they are not useful to you guys (as you might be inclined to build on ETH AVS. and rightly so ) but just for knowledge.
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/03/2024 at 15:04:23 EDTdo you plan to make an AMA in near terms?
Jim Slim
06/03/2024 at 14:52:18 EDThmmm interesting. i'll have to learn about these guys. thanks for sharing!
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/03/2024 at 14:42:56 EDT this is one project, I have com across solana which is building AVS.
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/03/2024 at 09:51:44 EDTit has happened. Thanks Jim Slim
BullBera | Crypto_bullboy 🐘♾
06/03/2024 at 02:50:08 EDThello guys! good morning
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/03/2024 at 02:24:13 EDTnice range structure over there.
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
06/03/2024 at 02:12:10 EDT0.75
My eyes on $W
06/03/2024 at 01:29:54 EDTkristos
06/02/2024 at 13:10:14 EDTYo
06/02/2024 at 09:55:45 EDTfuk i love you man
a hint
06/02/2024 at 09:55:23 EDT
06/02/2024 at 09:54:49 EDTthank you sir
06/02/2024 at 09:54:32 EDTits a RED PANTY NIGHT TONIGHT !!!
06/02/2024 at 09:53:37 EDTwarlord
06/02/2024 at 08:56:49 EDTdoing well mate
06/02/2024 at 08:56:30 EDThello buddy 👋👋
06/02/2024 at 07:28:48 EDTYo yo. What's good?
06/02/2024 at 04:21:37 EDT
day 99999th living as NPC
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
05/31/2024 at 16:16:27 EDTThat's life
We were born as NPC, and will die as NPC
Jim Slim
05/31/2024 at 16:16:13 EDToh noooooooo
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
05/31/2024 at 16:16:00 EDTThats the thing that my father always tells me as well. Honored
Jim Slim
05/31/2024 at 16:15:26 EDTbecause i know you love that role so much
Jim Slim
05/31/2024 at 16:15:17 EDTfwiw you will always be an NPC in my eyes
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
05/31/2024 at 16:14:54 EDT
Jim Slim
05/31/2024 at 16:14:09 EDThahahaha see i told you to just be yourself
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
05/31/2024 at 16:13:53 EDTdeploying more apprentices
Jim Slim
05/31/2024 at 16:13:28 EDTsteady lads
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
05/31/2024 at 16:02:21 EDT1) what
05/31/2024 at 15:27:42 EDTbut how is the strategy managed? Is it automatic pre-concieved strategy or there is a human being that operates the vault
05/31/2024 at 15:26:58 EDTI highly agree that AI is the future of DeFi 1) Low management fee compared to regular vaults or even tradFI portfolio managers 2) Impossible to beat strategy management, since it can adapt literally every bloc its strategy 3) Disposes of all avaible info on chain I am afraid that it will put me out of business as yhe yield market will be very competeteve
Jim Slim
05/31/2024 at 15:20:58 EDTmaybe you should stay as an NPC
Jim Slim
05/31/2024 at 15:20:47 EDThaahahahaha. See I like this
Jim Slim
05/31/2024 at 15:19:16 EDTNot quite. Veda is the infrastructure, so the protocol, smart contracts, etc.
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
05/31/2024 at 15:19:14 EDTIhor 🔥
05/31/2024 at 15:16:37 EDTLol you can't get rid of it. It's with you foreverrrrrr 🤣
05/31/2024 at 14:10:09 EDTI wonder, too. Maybe Stephanie Vaughan or the others can give an explanation of the difference Seven Seas / Veda on the next AMA
05/31/2024 at 14:04:08 EDTI wonder if Seven Seas turned into Veda or if they are different things
05/31/2024 at 14:03:51 EDTThat's interesting, I wasn't aware of Seven Seas but found some information on Etherfi docs
Aaron Barboza
05/31/2024 at 12:56:52 EDTHeyya
05/31/2024 at 12:39:07 EDTProbably it is the shift from Seven Seas to Veda. Minimum three key persons also work with Seven Seas as well as with Veda. So the brains are mostly the same. started with SevenSeas-Liquid-Vault aggregating TVL, now it is powered by Veda. I don‘t know if I am right but I think Seven Seas is the infrastructure, Veda the strategy of the native yield layer.
05/31/2024 at 12:27:57 EDTHi guys. What"s good
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
05/31/2024 at 12:08:59 EDTThats the answer
Erdinç <3 ŞEKERİM
05/31/2024 at 11:57:53 EDTHow to get rid of NPC role
05/31/2024 at 11:49:39 EDTProbably: "How tf did they manage to keep 750m TVL in stealth for so long"