Ok thanks. Fgo I bought usualx in secondary , didn't stake my usual. Hope that works
Yes, from monday 13th to monday 20th non stop
I have to be holding for the full 7 days ? So I guess I missed the window last week
It should, but if your pending is below 10$, it will take more time
I've been staking for more than a week but still received no USD0. Will it automatically show up in my wallet?
Hi there , I have USUALX but am not currently receiving any USD0. Why is that? I staked directly (not via pendle)
Clayboi Parti
should drop the usual needed for redemption to 1 months reward, a lot of usual will get burned and peg will be restored, amount requierd per usd0++ will be less but the frequency will be higher
Codes Hack
Hi, I asked a question and I haven't had any answer or response to it.
Or if you want redeem to $1
That means though that if we unstake it we loose all our accumulated usuals right?
Thank you for your reply!
yess you get more yield and can use it in beravault or pendle
Is there a fee for stacking from usd0 to us0++?
are stake at convex finance eligible emission?
Hello guys!! I just wanted to ask. Should we stake our usd0 to usd0++?
where im stake my usdc/usd0 LP to eligible emission?
People will be able to hold USD0++ a lot more confidently in that case
Can the team buy it all till a decent price, maybe 0.95 or 0.96 and then redeem it for 1$? That would be a relief to the community, profitable to the team and healthier for the protocol since it will restore confidence around the project a lot.
yes in crypto if you give people 0 risk they will drove to edge of cliff
0.87 is good enough anyway for looping unless you're some crazy degen lol
You should do thay in UTC+0 1AM-6AM so the fee is commonly cheeper
With current exit conditions only 0.87 makes sense though. And i think it's going to take a while before people trust them to not make a sudden parameter change.
there will be in chainlink integration to get exact cents but floor price 0.87 should be good in future floor could be better so even use oracle it should be above 0.87
Yea sure that makes sense, or idk maybe both oracle or 0.87 hardcode could make sense. depends how degen you wanna be
yeah but repeg again people will do loop on morpho without 0 risk ? the point peg should be handle by oracle in future or 2nd market rate
personally floor as unstaking fee sounds much worse because it's currently > 6 months. but maybe i'm misunderstanding what you mean. If the team wants usd0++ to trade higher, you could definitely repeg it immediately (by that i mean 2-3% away from peg if not above) by setting 5% of target outflow. first days would be rough for usual holders and tvl. but imo better than letting 0.3% weekly outflows dragging out for months - no new mints in the meantime and kills project reputation -. problem in your example is usd0++ is illiquid with current outflow setting hence the heavy discount. usd0++ obviously more valuable the more liquid it is (eg higher target outflows) because holders prefer liquid assets. even though you'd have less unstake fee income, you'd have more usd0++ mints + revenue from tvl. don't think you gain much by having such high unstaking fees. i mean let's see if saturday's improvements are enough but imo problem comes from the heavy unstaking conditions (stETH would be depegged too if it had a lower exit queue value)
I still don't see why the market hasn't bought up all the usual and staked it, such a no brainer imo
new user no brainer to buy current usd0++ but they got fudded out by CT
Interesting point regarding the framing regarding the unstaking fee. If usd0++ is liquid with a lot of trading pairs it will be the best thing to hold going forward, you buy at .91 with the possibility of it going higher before maturity and the usual yield. The only problem will be pricing trading pairs won't be at $1 USD..
Joe Stephen
Can I exchange USD0 to USUALX? Any suggestions as the gas fees look pretty high. Does anyone know of any exchanges with low fees?
go to veda
I have 5000 beraUSD0++, 2 weeks have passed since deposit. And now i can claim 2.74 usual? LOL
He who holds USUAL longer, will get to the moon.( ancient Lunar saying 3000 BC) 🙂
meaning, the absolute value is higher
Hello what’s the issue
Which option offers a higher USUAL return: staking USUALx in USUAL or purchasing PT USUALx in Pendle? Any insights?
Cowboy James
Man, all these complainers yet a bunch of those same people are probably staking their USUAL, lol.
= diluted
More USUAL staked and a bit less TVL
Some TVL is out
My personal thought is the one I just sent tbh: imho it makes no sense for USD0++ to trade as such a "big" discount, knowing the underlying is still 1$ and it yields at a higher rate than the one represented by the Floor (=risk free yield). Taking a DCF valuation method for example, it just doesn't make much sense. Example: - In six months, USDT gives you 1$ - In six months, USD0++ gives you at least 0.87$ + 15cts in USUAL = 1.02$. Even more if you stake those USUAL and get the rev share etc. Not the best example but it's simple to understand It's imho more about liquidity and incentives, but also a lack of rationality (welcome to crypto, right). We're working on new features to counter that, and an article should be published very soon about those. Also, to highlight the psychological aspect, I do think that if the Floor was branded as an unstaking fee (which, in fact, it is), market price would be closer to 1$ than it is currently: that's our fault obviously. Unstaking fee in USD0++ (=Floor) or USUAL (Early Redemption): way simpler and common. Just like Yearn had a few % fee at their beginning (not a really accurate comparison but it's to give an image).
Cowboy James
@Noé: I got my USD0 on Monday for being a USUALx holder. Now, the amount for next week has decreased. Why is that?
Good yearning
Cowboy James
Good morning y’all!
A bit like Certificate of Deposits
Well yes, the theoretical peg of USD0++ is with USD0, since its yield is above the risk free yield represented by its discount, but as outlined in the docs, it can vary since there's no cost-free open arbitrage mechanism as it's locked for 4 years.
Curious if you have any ideas on the intentions of the team ? For example do you know if they want usd0++ to trade more like a bond or like an LST or are they considering changing target outflows ? or like any personal thoughts on this ? otherwise respect for managing this chat, must be a tough job.
USD0++ peg is also mentioned quite a fair bit. Also idea of USD0++ trading at parity is all over the place in the docs (can probably find 10+ examples) That's where the confusion comes from. The team describes USD0++ as an LST so it definitely has a peg - Pierre compares it to stETH in his latest interview and stETH definitely has a peg! -. Of course LSTs are not required to be at peg as much as stablecoins but they usually trade at parity. And it's still not clear whether Usual wants USD0++ to trade at parity (like an LST) or like a 4 year bond under normal conditions. Sure the formulas etc - everything was public from day 1. But setting target outflows at 0.3% of TVL -essentially 0- makes it trade like a 4 year bond, not like an LST.
They have addressed the TVL outflow. Also, the TVL can fluctuate that's true, there is no lock and you are free to leave anytime you want
yes include tao/sol etc. usual fud not even top 10
You really like comparing with USDC and Circle right
That has done nothing to address constant TVL outflow and updated roadmap
usdc mcap also dump ~50% when issues with svb. things change and grow lol.
Yes. The team has communicated in the # 📣ㆍannouncements channel, as well as on twitter. The team also replied to some concerns people were having here on discord as well as on X.
And it's now down to 1.24 Bn, I just think Team should update roadmap, roll out new products/integrations and communicate how they expect to lift up this project after the shambles earlier this month
In 2022, btc reached 16k and people believed it was over
not it was when 16k people call it zero i'm pretty sure lots of people wait 12k and never fill
What do you mean no one expect? People calling for 100k BTC ever since 2021/22
But there is another option with 3rd party dex for swapping without being get pinalty
Usual already reached 1.8B TVL ser
i mean that's the plan atleast u have plan. lol launch good product tvl will follow. nobody expect btc going 100k either
USUAL Team aiming for 5 Bn+ TVL in 2025?? Lol that's some wishful thinking
You already pay a 10% fee when you unstake USUALx
Just wanna give some suggestion, how if people who stake normal tokens have to lock usualx for a certain period to stabilize the hyperinflation ? What d u think ?
Of course I still love it
Day by day
The main thing is that it fell too fast
Haha, Binance Square is not a gud place for our mind, I left it already
thanks for the clarification
They should be banned
Is this the official chat for USUAL? Because ein Binance Chat they all talking negative about the project
Its not greatest manipulation. Don't try again plz
> show more interest for the community I'm here all day long and we promoted active community members to the Ambassador role
I don't see a lot of people disappointed here
Should the team show more interest for the community or why all are talking bad about this project
# 🧐ㆍspeculation
1. Whoever owns Hashnote (Circle or the original founders) doesn't really change anything. If there were changes, they would have to fit our risk policy, as initially outlined, in order for us to still use Hashnote. 2. Usual always relied on Circle for part of its flow (underlying collateral USYC to USDC, for secondary market pools, just like any stablecoin or asset). In terms of TVL, it's more Circle relying on us for Hashnote right now, since we're >90% of their TVL. 3. If one thing, it could actually improve that flow with even deeper and faster access to USDC for rebalancing purposes. 4. Usual doesn't "rely" on Hashnote. USD0 aggregates multiple tokenized t-bills providers, for example, M^0. We are in the process of integrating more of those.
I mean it is not necessarily a problem, but if you think about it: while minting USD0, Usual have to rely on the Circle ecosystem. However I understand, that this aquisition has strenghten Hashnote, but it might create an interesting dependency dynamic
Why would it be concerning..?
isn't it concerning for Usual, that Circle bought Hashnote? So while minting USD0, you basically have to use a part of Circle's ecosystem
I hope Usual gets better and better, because I love the mechanics of Usual, even though I'm losing 50%+ in it🥺
Usual star - its treasure after burning?
usd0 is the stablecoin in the ecosystem, there will be many product in future usd0++ is just one of them
haha yes, but whatever it is, still gotta wait at least 4-5 months to be in profits. but yeah understand ur loan terms
What is usual V2?
Is there a roadmap for USUAL?
Please report these in # 🚨ㆍscam-report thank you 😄
what does liquidity means here ? treasruy ?
Why are these scammers trying so hard to be you ?
it's the circulating supply
an internal dashboard, idk if it's public
Thanks Noe, more specific please 🙂
is it possible the share the link to it
Yes, a dashboard we have
I thought it was about a different pegging
I'll communicate the need maybe to review again the docs to avoid misleading comms, but everything is quite crystal clear there tbh
"peg" in the whitepaper explicity refers to the peg with USD0, the peg with the Floor or the peg with its value at maturity, and it is explicitly said that USD0++'s Floor is under the 1:1 redemption ratio.
I hope it's not too late. The market knows it's a de-packing, so we need to be impatient before the public sentiment turns away. Good luck.
When we able to do claim a reward
"USD0++ deviated significantly from its peg" last paragraph page 7 of the whitepaper @Gabee
Where please? Only USD0 is a stablecoin
something like Maverick and Uni incentivised range?
Yes, indeed that is clearly its definition, but the wording can sometimes be misleading for people who did not dive 100% in the tokenomics (this takes a lot of time)
Also, can anybody point me to the docs explaining in a very precise manner how the interest earned from the assets backing the USD0 (USYC & M0 currently) are used? From my understanding, they are stored in a special vault without precise predefined use. this is a key part in the value of USUALx and USUAL, but is left at the discretion of the core team. Is there some more transparent info somewhere?
Joe Stephen
As far as I know, only USD0 is a stablecoin, while USD0++ is a long-term stake product.
Hi Noé, although you never compare USD0++ to a stablecoins, you mention its "peg" in the white paper. Don't you think this term should be reserved for assets which have a real 1:1 claimable value (mostly stablecoins)? I think this word is a bit misleading
The new one they are getting ready to launch
Which one ser?
I meant USD0++ pool
@Tok kindly check out the documentation here:
USD0++ isn't a curve pool, it's a liquid bond
@Noé can you answer me?
What day is it @Mava (AI Support) ?
New USD0++ pool is not a curve pool? And where does the reward come from? From other pools?
new announcements for USD0++ are on their way
And better liquidity hopefully
In june it'll be 3 yr to maturity I can see it be 6-7% discount
better pool for this week update + 6 months floor price increase
I don't think new pools have been announced yet, hopefully this week tho
What will change? Its 4 year bond. May be a little lesser from 10% to 8-9%, but dont see why it should be 5-6%
What is the new pool? It's not a curve pool?
A lot of people moved from ethena to usual, but ethena technically gives 1:1 and they would be locked into usual ecosystem for a few months now.
if you go to june i think it will closer to 5-6% not 8%-10%
Underlying value does matter. Reason why BTC has low pendle liquidity vs stablecoin
Yes, the problem started because it was offered at 1:1 to convert from USD0 to USD0++. It should not be a 1:1 swap in first place, both ways.
lol in the pursue of highest yield you don't care the underlying is it usd0++ or stablecoin or btc or eth. if you held june pool maturity in pendle usd0++ yield still good my opinion
I know but if Team and community members like yourself have continuously repeated USD0++ should not be treated like a stablecoin, I feel like it should continue being that way for newcomers. Otherwise you're misleading. There lies the issue with the recent fp price drop, everyone was made to believe (not saying whether ot was by the team or community or general misunderstanding of what the WP said) USD0++ was a stablecoin
This math is wrong because you just calculated each pool ROI based on TODAY. You can only deposit in ONE pool at a time. So now you essentially compounded 4x as you assumed deposit in all 4 pools at the same time. So technically, just check what it looks like if you deposit in the June pool at 22%. May be it is a bit higher because of componding each month, so may be 30% annualized. So you get 15% and you give 8% to depeg and then take hole 7%. In my instance, I also have a aave loan, so I basically pay that there 🙂
the context is pendle yield lol
locked for 4years
but indeed USD0++ isn't a stablecoin, it's Liquid Bond Token
I mean he's not a team member he can compare it with whatever he wants
in term of yield yes. btc and eth restaking yield is very low cant even close.
Are you comparing USD0++ with a stablecoin?? 🤔
Hope team can manage something. Otherwise TVL will reduce dramatically.
Well, you can open a ticket and/or reach out to me on TG sir 🫡
this aint luna/ust
knowing you wont get screwed by the underlying. not to worry man.
@key wait for our next article imho
totally feel you ser. but really think you can just sit on your hands and exit by June.
just roll it into next week vault. there will be annouce iusd0++
I am sitting with $3m now lol. This is frustrating. Usual should have a "VIP" team of sort to help whale wallets
ok wow that's size lol, but yeah better you just roll PTs, farming stables is a long-term horizon. man i was depressed when it went down 8% but just got me thinking deep. sure, bad comms, but i think it's better you roll with what are facts and what you can do
Usual is working on features to improve USD0++'s liquidity and pricing. More information should be released this week.
after 6 month i would say floor price can get you -5%-6% exit fee but not 10%
Would have been better to at least airdrop those people who minted through your protocol at 1:1
And its falling currently after this mess. So basically if we keep rolling, at 22-27% appox until June, yes, we will just barely make back capital with a bit of extra (if that USDC/USDT we put it was not borrowed)
20-30% annualized. So best you get the 10% by June
Agreed, the communication on it should've been better, and we indeed highlighted it
it doesnt anymore circle partner with hashnote you will guaranteed liquidity after 4 years. they put their usdc fund in there
ill do the math for you. say you have 100k. you roll it into monthly PTs every maturity, that will get you at least 20-30% of your capital by June. whatever it is, USD0 the underlying is backed 1:1 by hashnote, no way youll get screwed unless hasnote wants to go to jail
again this is already address in annoucement.
I mean I went through protocol.
Would have just appreciated a heads up on when that would end. Not a sudden change on when implementation starts.
cant blame the team forever, whatever it is gotta take it as your own responsibility
Because it has been public since day one that there is no cost-free early redemption (before maturity). A comparison would be with Certificate of Deposits
yeah team comms was bad, it was in the docs all along, i mean just gotta roll with what you have. tbh my plan now is to keep rolling pendle PTs monthly
No, it does not route. I just minted 100k now
do the math ? you can exit 2nd market it will have better rate in june
How? I just checked. June pool still does not make the 10% loss back.
lol tired bro if you have balance it will route you to 2nd market i think you are trolling
Is it possible to temporarily limit the inflow of new coins to the market? Few days ago some of the coins have been burned, however, as of yesterday, new portion of 7mln coins appeared
But then why do you want to allow minting at 1:1 when that is far from market price
i mean u could just put in beravault or you can put in pendle june pool both will make you more money after maturity compare to other stablecoin farm
Hello ser, USD0++ is a liquid bond, if you hold it for 4 years you will redeem it at 1$ no problem, it was written in the documentation from the beginning
u buy usd0++ know that it is 4 year lock ? and u want exit next week ?
And I converted my USD0 to USD0++ in Jan 1st week at 1:1 And the next week it drops to 0.87
are you currently hold usd0++ ?
Sure. But why was it accepted in 1:1? If this method is how redemtion will work, you should also accept money at 0.87 base? Not at 1 base?
Please refer to our previous communications. These mechanisms have always been public, and explained in the dapp, docs, whitepaper and articles.
outflows are calculated on the past 7 days
Its unfair for them to take money in 1:1 and give exit this way lol. If they always had this base, then its good. Its crazy.
Do you see the limit info somewhere?
weekly the redemption limit will reset, im not too sure of the timing myself tbh.
I cant see any place to monitor this
So how to monitor this fees or find when its best time to exit?
Maheswar Sahu
Wen gal xe distribution
So I have PT-USD0++. I entrered all of it in December at 1:1. Now its at -10% With Pendle, it could take a lot longer than 6 months to get that loss back. Wow.
oh no, whatever it is the fee depends on TVL of USUAL, outflows and APY of USUAL + also weekly redemption target. because redemption has hit target, that's why fee is max now. People always mention 6 months is because that's the time it takes for you to earn rewards so that you can be back at parity or make profits (if you entered 1:1 before the depeg)
apparently yes lol. cant be bothered when they release it as long as they do lol. sometimes stuff like this takes time
burn you 6 months max yield. also u can out 2nd market swap in curve
Not really coz it depends on expected USUAL rewards at the time of exit not past 6m of rewards
This expected for this week?
iusd++ vault with ethena. more LPs, and even cross-chain.
what are the future plans ?
Good bot 🙂 thanks
Quick question from a newbie. I am already past the 1st week cycle and I got a reward in Usual (around 20% more tokens 5000 -> 6000). Can someone confirm if the base amount from which the rewards are calculated on a weekly basis will autoamtically increase? Or I will get the same amount of Usual every week assuming the APY will not change?
weird question. what do u have and what reward are u expecting? if u just have USUALx last week, u're skipped. U need to keep it for this week epoch. Also if u got less that $10 usd0, it's accumulating and u will get it later.
When btc0 end eth0
any update on this?
Cryptic Naruto | Plena
Gal xe distribution when?
i just added new round of stack around 27.000 usual yesterday, and today my new stacked usual is around 28.000. how come? 🤣
It was written in the docs since the beginning ser
I dont want to answer 100 times. Tired You think you are the first person ask this? Wow congrats
It's not arbitrary at all ser
No it is not arbitratry number lol tired bro. you can believe what you want to believe but here the fact
the floor price is based on math and fed rate lol. tired bro.
move on already ancient history. now floor price 0.87 you buy today you guaranteed profit
Me too We should organize an event oneday
ya, I just make sure new ppl got that information
@Mava (AI Support) does having usd0++ on arb generate rewards?
Paris rn hahaha
gm sir
ya I knew that
@Mava (AI Support) PT USUALx (of Pendle) is eligible for revenue switch? Reply me in English
@Mava (AI Support) PT USUALx is eligible for revenue switch? Reply me in English
@Mava (AI Support) PT USUALx is eligible for revenue switch?
🤔 Is this eligible for rev-switch?
If I use my staked USUALx to buy PT USUALx on Pendle, will I earn both the APY from USUAL staking and Pendle?
Prove it
The team is selling? Where? 😊
why Team?
@Nanobro May i ASK how many usualx do you have (Not exactly, Just want to know why i got nothing)
Whats up. Gm to all
Candy Factory
01/22/2025 at 02:30:45 ESTUsual gave implicit guarantees 1:1 backing that’s why the protocol grew to over 1B. When they adopted the 87c floor, vaults like MEV capital, steak house and gauntlet and morpho were caught surprised.
Candy Factory
01/22/2025 at 02:25:50 ESTI can tell you for sure in order to eat 9-10% loss on USD0++ you needed 2.5 months with 50% yield meaning you need to have started late September/early October since the yield tanked in January
01/22/2025 at 01:52:41 ESThistorically, one of the worst things you can do with a new project is lock your tokens for a long time, very few projects that launched pre-2022 have valuable tokens today
If you think 2yrs+ then yes maybe
I don't think people that got airdrop, staked to usualX and stayed in usd0++ are in profit either
I hope that the usualx reward usual for staking will be reduced by 50%
wish us luck haha
01/22/2025 at 01:43:31 ESTi highly doubt we'll see a repeg anytime soon, but at least your principal should not erode significantly...
01/22/2025 at 01:41:44 ESToh you mean you bought for market price recently, so like 0.91x
just normal USD0++. i swapped in from usdc
01/22/2025 at 01:41:02 ESTYT? or PT? YT is highly speculative
aha great. i also got some USD0++ yesterday too.
01/22/2025 at 01:39:37 ESTat that point, if the market price of USD0++ is something around 0.91/92, i can exit for that price and still make a tiny profit
u gonna need some USUAL for early exit
01/22/2025 at 01:34:11 ESTWhat I did is put my money into a Pendle PT with my USD0++. It gives about 9% fixed return in USD0++ by June. So long as the project doesn't rug it should be exitable for a small profit then, even if $USUAL continues down
Joe Stephen
In fact, if you only have negative thoughts in your mind, you will only see negative things. While USUAL has developed very well in a short time, and currently has some minor problems. The team is trying to solve it day by day, and the children are screaming and crying in panic. That is reality now.
No one knew if the airdrop will made them money when TVL was a measly 200M, speculative risks are even higher than today with all the FUDs going on
All good opportunities are one time thing, not just in crypto, maybe staking today can just be that one time thing, it’s all # 🧐ㆍspeculation
01/22/2025 at 01:27:08 ESTthe airdrop was a one time thing
the airdrop made them money, and only if they sold it already
Simply holding USD0pp from prelaunch still profitable, those people hodled so profit, you come in and it’s less than even a month so no profit, patience made them profit in this case.
01/22/2025 at 01:26:11 ESTAnyone who owned USD0++ pre-deg is currently negative, so what other strategy was delta neutral?
01/22/2025 at 01:25:01 ESTI literally own cryptofundingtracker, which is a delta neutral tool that is 100% free. Please explain the Delta Neutral strategy with Usual
delta neutral with 0.87 repricing lol
delta neutral
On stables? Everything else
Joe Stephen
Simple. We just keep waiting. No tree grows big in one day, it's a long term thing.
01/22/2025 at 01:23:23 ESTplease tell me another play that made money
01/22/2025 at 01:21:11 ESTNobody else made any money
01/22/2025 at 01:20:52 ESTThe people who made a lot are the ones who got their airdrop and dumped, or the team/insiders who will get a pile of Usual tokens which they will need to sell in order to solidify their gains
Not anyone that held it long enough outside of team
Also a lot of people made a lot tho
01/22/2025 at 01:19:33 ESTAt the end of the day, lots of people lost a lot of money on this platform. Whether they had USD0++ or USUAL, they lost lots of money. It's not arguable. The price today is the price. Saying the price is wrong is speculation.
Joe Stephen
Actually, if you stay in the market long enough. You will know how to increase your spot position in situations where others panic. Or simply, think about the long term.
We assumed good faith from the team. No one knew this was going to happen overnight and the price it was going to be set at. Since it’s backed 1:1 to usdc there was no reason to believe this would be done in this manner
Thats speculative it could also be the market underpriced it because of the lack of understanding, either way works, but any speculation better move to the # 🧐ㆍspeculation channel
01/22/2025 at 01:17:12 ESTSo the market vastly overpriced this product without understanding how it works. And now they are repricing it accordingly.
You can get poor overnight
Joe Stephen
You can't get rich overnight. You should go to bed and be rich.
Actual fact: a mechanism clearly stated from day 1 that it will be activated at some point got activated.
The facts: price changed overnight trapping people, usual goes down nonstop
Price doesn’t affect FACTS does it, what even is your logic?
Joe Stephen
Because there are fudders who don't do their research, everything gets worse.
At what price are you going to change your mind?
1:1 during grace period WAS the way out, only ones got spooked are the ones who doesn’t know the mechanism from the start and listened to the panic fudders.
What are you even on about lmao, 1:1 was the grace period ratio, early redemption FP was the final mechanism from the start, it was called “grace” period for a reason, your timeline doesn’t even match your logic
01/22/2025 at 01:09:23 ESTThe team got spooked that the market was going to pull TVL from USD0++ once they stopped redeeming at 1:1, so instead of offering people a way out they trapped them
The market does not like the product and they are telling you that with price
It’s not bad luck. The team opted to trap people that made usd0++ and usual worth anything
Joe Stephen
Because we have many problems at the same time. ETH fell right at the announcement of USD0++, everything took us into free fall from there. Bad luck.
You’re still throwing the same point over and over again
There was literally a overnight miracle that repriced usd0++ and killed the project
01/22/2025 at 01:06:51 ESTUSD0++ is not a good product because its price is not stable. The market could wake up tomorrow and decide to reprice it at 0.88. Or at 0.95. That makes its utility in Defi somewhat pointless. There are plenty of stablecoin plays that provide a similar yield without the depeg risk / lockup.
Rome wasn’t built in one day
Can’t argue with that from its recent performance, at the end of the day, market is market, but like i said, not everything is a overnight miracle, overnight miracles are where ppl lose their life savings
Only by being an executive at Tether/Circle, USUAL’s vision is basically a community built Tether/Circle, is not simply a yield generating token issuer
01/22/2025 at 01:04:29 ESTit's down about 75% in a month
The point is, You have a chance to participate, how can you participate the same exposure as USUALx or USD0++ to USUAL in the case of Tether/Circle
For USUALx's USD0 revenue, it should be APR instead of APY as it is not auto-compounding...
01/22/2025 at 01:01:25 ESTzero revenue is being shared with USD0
Look at Facebook / Instagram / USD ... the winner stays the winner due to network effects, and if you want to take out the leader, you need to pay them to do it
You are missing the point. Usual is sharing revenue. USDT and USDC are not
01/22/2025 at 01:00:14 ESTEither way , network effects are incredibly powerful. To break a network effect you need a significantly better product. Saying your assets are more diversified than the incumbent is not going to surmount network effects, get real
Circle just bought USYC. It’s a pretty good deal to buy 1B+ of usdc that backed usual after the floor changed to 0.87