he misses all the delta
Fully, what if price pumps to 2?
Mr. Lin
Loving the discussions
Mr. Lin
Would like to echo on this LOL
It's all about EV and variance in my world. But yeah, it's not always clear how to compute everything correctly.
I'm fully DN
the risk reward for shorting is not the same now as it was at 1 or 1.6
there is such thing as overbought and oversold and trend reversals..
if/when this flips long I think you will see a lot of liquidations of people not managing their positions correctly. The idea is easy enough, the implementation not so much
Fair enough, you got me, but you make it sound like it's the same speculation as speculating on the price. It's like thinking anything that has 2 outcomes is 50/50
yeah, some of these platforms have shady liquidation practices
I hedge with plenty of capital. Less capital efficient, but less risky
"you think" = speculate
is your short on margin? fine on the way down but if it goes up 20% on a 5x you will be liquidated which is fine if the trend stays in the same direction
I can exit. Maybe I'll take a 10% haircut on my staked USUAL, but I think it's still worth the risk
how often are you rebalancing?
Makes sense of course
you are speculating on funding rates staying low
i should of done that from the beginning at this point I would rather the delta
Not triple digits, but it's high, yes. Still worth it though.
so yo are shorting your long usual? How are the funding rates? Last time I checked they where almost tripple digits
Mr. Lin
Users who prefer a more stable APY could enter iUSD0++ vault, getting the best of both worlds
USDe APY fluctuates quite a bit in smaller cycles, especially when you look at Dec 8 when their APY is at 80%, and now its only at 10%
I don't speculate. I only do DN strategies.
Mr. Lin
the exposure we have on Ethena during the bull market would be great
how many crypto currencies do well when rates rise other than usual?
Of course not
everything is
lowering rates creates more demand for crypto accross the board, easy money seeking opportunities, meme coin money
maybe price increases with the market
How? I don't think that's a factor
usual staking pays usual tokens as well
but for apy on USUAL
Not for USUALx APY in USD0
win win imo
also true
but its always bullish for crypto
Rate cuts would lower 4-year cashflows ๐ฅฒ
rate cuts wouldnt benefit much
those are liquid
Mr. Lin
T-bills, averaging of 6 months
and at what average rate
but what date treasuries does usual hold?
Mr. Lin
I think Trumperino wants the rate cuts man
the nice thing is that rate cuts are bullish for crypto
what are the rwa assets that usual holds?
how do rate cuts effect the floor price? I understand how it effects yield from USYC but not how it effects the floor price
and what do you think?
I will believe it when I see it
Mr. Lin
Funny how a week ago the entire market was saying we're not gonna get rate cuts this year
I mean it's still opportunity cost, so you gotta see what your other options are. I'm in USUALx, I don't have any USD0++ at the moment, but I would buy if it goes down to FP (or close to). NFA
Well there are talks of 3-4 rate cuts this year, so FP will go up. Gotta be patient lol, meanwhile just roll Pts in pendle
Even if it's "only" to the best of their knowledge/capacities
Else, just be thankful that someone is ready to answer your questions
The team is sleeping. Maybe you'll get lucky and get Mr. Lin.
And if you mean "does the team have the ability to change the floor price", I believe the answer is yes, as I believe the DAO sets the FP, and the DAO is Usual Labs at the moment.
Just based on your understanding. If the team member want to communicate they will read and answer.
The mechanic just like tradfi, bond yield up, bond price down. Can usual team, set price to 0.87 again in the future ?
Great to see nice discussions here, I feel peaceful ๐
Well, you should evaluate the risks yourself, but mostly yes if you mean buying USD0++ when it trades at (or close to) FP. There are the risks of rates going up and FP going down in that event that you must be aware though.
As long as people buy usd0++ at fp or closer to fp, and get high apr, they can stay with good opportunity. Is it right ? Let say pendle fix rate around 35-40% before, or their pool still above 30%.
That's possible, I never used Morpho.
Well, the other part was also obvious to me, but following what has been happening here since they changed the FP, it clearly wasn't obvious to everyone!
In morpho you need 14 days, it is common
And you need to wait 7 days to claim your rewards.
Also the yield is in USUAL, so it is at the mercy of the price of USUAL. You can always short, but the funding is very negative.
And it is a soft lock, as you can always swap on DEXes (or redeem at the floor price or use the early redemption)
Being locked for 4 years, so opportunity cost. Well, and some smart contract risks. At least.
What is the risk of usd0++ ?
And the team manually sets the rates for USUAL per USD0++ (following broadly the formulas from the WP), which I don't really like. And USUAL is marketed as less inflationary than it really is in my opinion.
Yes, but... USUAL is inflating a lot. And this inflation is (of course) higher than the rewards USUALx receives in USUAL.
Goes back to a previous post of mine where this is one of the first farming protocols where governance token holders had a fighting chance. Previously, it was rewards sparking a bunch of activity, people bullish on vanity metrics so they buy governance token, farmers dump governance token to oblivion and move on to the next project. Flywheel turns into death spiral and governance token holders left holding the bag. For Usual, we are in very turbulent times and USUALx can at least know they are getting a extremely attractive dividends for the next 4 years. The hope is that more people recognize this, but Usualx (or atleast stop selling) and USD0++ remains most attractive yield in crypto. But takes a bit of study to see the opportunity.
So that effectively locks it for 4 years. Now, there is also the mechanism of early redemption, which is a bit different, but it's mostly similar.
Yes, and fee switch to USUALx happening simultaneously is not a coincidence.
Basically, when it was FP = 1, it wasn't locked in the sense that the team was ready to redeem the USD0++ for USD0 (so it's not locked for 4 years). When FP = 0.87, then USD0++ is at the mercy of the markets, but if it goes lower than 0.87, then we are ready to unstake it, because we effectively receive the full yield right away.
Point is, it's not an arbitrary number. It's respecting Usualx's rights
I'm being a little bit pedantic, because it's broadly right, but my understanding is that there are 3.5 years left, and the interests are compounding. 0.87*1.04^3.5=1, so 0.87 is the current price of the $1 in 3.5 years.
Is it true ? To ensure holder locked until maturity therefore they need to down price from 1 to 0.87 ?
Usualx basically says I'm going to get .16 over 4 years (4 X 4%) or you can give me .13 cents now. If USUALx earns .13 cents now, that goes right back into treasuries and becomes .16 over 4 years. So same thing to USUALx.
It was to ensure the USD0 was locked for 4 years.
Holder want usdc, therefore usual cut price, so cheaper, and hope more people buy usd0++ ?
Referring to a USD0++ holder that doesn't want to hold for 4 years. They want liquidity into USDC or whatever.
Sorry because of my shallow knowledge. You said before "want liquidity". Fed cut rate and give more liquidity to market to boost economy. They have parameter for this. In usual case, who want liquidity ? And how usual know, they want liquidity ?
Usualx holders earn revenue over time from treasuries backing USD0 which backs USD0++. Usualx doesn't know how long money will sit in USD0 just like tether doesn't know how long money will sit in USDT. But usualx doesn't pay anything to USD0 holders so it's just a bonus. But Usualx gives Usual rewards to USD0++ on the condition that they will give all their underlying Treasury yield for 4 years. If USD0++ wants to sell for .87 cents, that .13 cents is what we'd expect to earn from the treasuries over 4 years so USUAlx willing to let USD0++ exit at .87. In a year or two or three, that floor will go higher because we are only giving up three, two, then one year of yield. Also if Treasury yields go down (fed lowers rate) USUALx is willing to redeem USD0++ at a higher floor price. If fed raises rates, .87 doesn't sound as good anymore because the expected Treasury yield is higher.
Did you attend stable summit?
What is parameter want liquidity? Can you explain more detail
the reward for providing LP is 45% APY , will we get usual as the reward? Or the reward will be at the value of the LP token price itself?
There is no reason USD0++ should be $.87. that's simply when the protocol says "wow you guys really want liquidity, we'll give it to you and profit."
I wish you were around to explain it when they were there. ๐
You are wrong in that if you sell someone a 4 year bond for $.87 you don't actually get any yield. A lot of people bought USD0++ because of the usual rewards. But why were the rewards any good? Because there was a strong bid for USUAL. Why strong bid for USUAL? Because we knew the TVL was sticky. Sticky/stuck depending on your perspective
The timeout algorithm is too strict arg! I keep getting banned for 1 hour at a time!
Are you defending a guy that stole 16bn from customers?
Even usdt/usdc 24/7 arb in binance.
Iโm farming 20% apr need 3 day break even for this
Gib .999 or nothin
again fudding 0.998? Lmao
Lucky Boy
Take the haircut and call it a day hahaha
Youโd need to have the native token of that chain as gas fee to complete the bridge process
What error?
pls fix sers
Lucky Boy
Well its good place to hide hidden wealth
What is your point ?
Bruhh your source from chat gpt lmao. Its fine you dont have thought. Imagine i need to argue with chatgpt. Ask chatgpt about why btc fork
If sbf is here sol would be 1k now
I miss my goat sbf
Same logic with do kwon is the best because many people make gazillion dollar because of him. Sbf too i was buy solana $40 and sbf pump my bag to $200 with user fund.
The Mt. Gox collapse didnโt directly alter Bitcoinโs protocol, but it profoundly influenced the broader crypto industry by raising awareness of security risks and driving innovations in wallet technology, exchange practices, and user behavior. Bitcoin itself remained resilient and continued to grow despite the fallout.
yo why is usd0 so skewed / depegged
Lucky Boy
Saylor is the best i go to the office wearing suits ties now because of him hahaha
Lol u get psyops by saylor.
Which issue exactly, btw better take price disccusions into, I personally am painful by getting reminded by the token price when I donโt want to.๐ญ # ๐งใspeculation
It was fork lmao mt gox happened again read btc whitepaper and history
Do you guys think the USUAL market price will have any impact because of this issue ? Iโm having a feeling they might be an other dip again๐ซฃ.
This is why i said btc was built based on scam and saylor grift push narrative as "digital gold" It was never intended as digital gold
Lmao mt gox happened.
Are u for real?? Tell me you dont know about btc without tell me omrgalul. Satoshi vision for btc is to use as currency more align with satoshi view was bitcoin cash.
Or EIP for that matter
Do you know what BIP is
Btc does not change since the beginning. No authority to change something. People just like this nature. It is not scam
Hex was a scam but damn did it print
Whole crypto space is scammed lol. Even btc So i dont care apy still best in town
Same feeling. I just throw that feeling already hahaha. Usd0++ give a high apr, the only uncertainty is fp. Whether they will reset again
Following. @Noรฉ
That is why I feel scammed.
No you are not wrong.
Or Am I wrong ?
I think normal mechanic should start from lowest price which is 0.87 and let market decide the price because early redeem
because it isnt in there.
I read the whitepaper AGAIN today. I still didnt get the impression from it that it would be repriced to .87. It doesnt say that. That is why I missed it the first time.
Btw, it happened already. Just move on.
@Mava (AI Support) what causes usualx to inflate?
the suggestions channel is blocked ?
And I wanted them to succeed. But I just cant help from feeling I have been scammed. And there are thousands out there that probably feel the same. How do they expect to flourish with their base feeling like this?
Usd0++ price top 0.94 after they cut
yeah, Im one of them
Tvl drop in 1 day because of this. Second market offer more cheaper before, but user wait for new feature early unstake with hope. I think most of them dissatisfied with what usual offer including me. I dont have knowledge about the mechanic.
I mean I think USUAL only gaurentees the marketprice. of USDO++. It was 1. Then they drop the gaurentee to .87.Market freaks out and reprices. But no money changes hand. except on redemptions.
GUgu ZAza | Mango ๐ฅญ
I know this question annoys the team nd it's totally understandable, but when galxxe users rewards? As its been upto a month whereas the rewards were to distribute within a week?
Any one knows why on the page it appears that if I stake 200 USUAL, I will get 0.54 USUAL per day and 339.4 per year. Shouldn't it be 339.4 / 365 days = 0.92 USUAL per day? Because if I multiply 0.54 by 365 days it gives me 197 USUAL per year. Or is taking into account the USUAL that will accumulate as reward and begin to generate income?
Does it make sense to you that the difference was arbed away thru the market. It doesnt to me.
Correct. Price range 0.87 and 1 should not drop instantly. People who want get out before maturity should sell it to other who want to buy at discount or take all accumulated reward. But somehow I dont know why usd0++ start from 1 not 0.87 and in the middle they interfere price to 0.87
Which was in hashnote. And I would assume hashnotes AUM was 1.87 billion before the floor drop.
TVL I mean
The difference. becuase to me price seemed to drop instantly.
yeah, where did it go.
Between 0.87 and 1
Because it wont be coming from hashnote
Right. And usually that yield would go to the buyer of the discounted bond. But in this case buyer is paid the yield coming from hashnote in Usual. So how does USDO++ get paid its yield?
The price of USD0++ is speculative.
It just dont make sense to me that the market got the difference.
Again, this is my understand. I don't pretend to understand everything completely.
USD0 is fully backed by RWA. The yield from the t-bills goes to USUALx (and USUAL* I think) holders.
So, if everything works as intended, the market will never value USD0++ lower than 0.87, because at that price, you can just redeem in the USUAL dapp. So anything between 0.87 and 1 is possible (depending on how the market values USD0++). The floor price will also go up with time, up to 1 at maturity (assuming no change in rates).
I mean. USDO++ needs to be paid back at in 4 years. So that money has to be somewhere to pay the 1:1. right?
I'm not so technical, so I can't really explain it in dept. But, basically, it was always known that the floor price would be dropped, but the exact date and exact value was unknown. I happened some time last week (could check the date), and they decided on 0.87, which is the fair value at the current rates.
Are some of the coins that are available for collection invisible?
The market? Because usual says so?
By changing the smart contract.
But how
It was 1 before. Now it's 0.87
how did they lower the floor price
I might be wrong. Please show me the flaws. What did you "not know"?
I dont know about that. That doesnt sound right.
My understanding is that, effectively, by lowering the floor price to 0.87, USUAL locked the USD0++ (unless someone is ready to redeem at the new floor price which is now 0.87). Now the early redemption allows for another way to redeem.
Because redeemers already have an asset valeud at .87 so Usual may have to make up the difference for redemptions
So, I'm not so sure, but my understanding is as follows: When the floor price was dropped to 0.87, some people exited. People (or LPs) bought the USD0++ at a "discount" rate. The number of USD0++ did not go down (I believe no one redeemed at the floor price, as the official USUAL dapp routes through DEXes if this is a better price). The 13% or whatever % did not go anywhere, it's just that the market values the USD0++ lower than what they did before. Now, with the early redemption, it is a little bit different, because some people DID redeem their USD0 1:1 from their USD0++.
Maybe part of it. like 10 million so far.
We were at like 1.87 billion. Then the next day it drops to like 1.73 instantly. Nobody is curious?
Maybe @Noรฉ can explain to me where it went.
That is like 200 million
Anyone know or have an idea? Im surely missing something.
What am I missing?
Its gotta be somewhere? Not showing up at hasnote.
What happened to the 13% when the floor went down?
Thats basically USDO TVL
1.47 billion AUM.
It looks to me like we are the fund.
Do we have an ETA on that?
Binance wallet is fine yes, as long as itโs not on an exchange.
Wrong info? Working good with Binance wallet
The Southerner
Thank you for your help โบ๏ธ, but it is not for me, I know how to do bro, I saw many times people in the square and here asking the same question.
I can send you a video on how to do that if you want
U could just collateral in morpho should be tax free?
The Southerner
@Noรฉ good afternoon, could you please create a tutorial for the people how to stack/unstack usual in the app, the question is very frequent, because a lot of people don't know how to proceed, thank you ๐.
France, although this will not influence your tax declaration whether the project is from France or Germany or another country
Can you clarify which country Usual Labs is affiliated with? Of course, Crypto is a multinational company, but I'm asking about the base. Ex tax
Ok thanks. Yes I first bought Usual on Binance and then got UsualX when I started with staking
Yes as long as u stake in usual protocol and usualx its fine
yeah "treasury" is misleading here, it goes to $USUALx and $USUAL* holders (67%), so I guess it would increase APY
Ok so I dont need to change wallet? Using Binance wallet noe. @Noรฉ
someone from USUAL team can clarify please?
I think its not automated yet will be distributed by disperse later on.
U good if you stake in protocol and check earn page should be okay
Is some of this early redemption revenue going to flow to USUALx stakers? if so, is that already reflected in the APY or we should be seeing a nice bump?
Nice position bro.
This is from usual.money
Wait... Let me show u
Okey then you will earn USD0
They dont even charge a fee, thatโs crazy.
I am using Binance Web3 wallet. Yes I see my coins on Usual. money
Withdraw from binance is free my men.
You can check on the earm page?
No, binance web3 wallet should be fine. Do you see your coins on usual.moneh when you go to Earn?
How to do it easily?
Remove everything, hold strong & tight
Yeh, withdraw that
So guys, Do I have to send usualX from my Binance wallet to Metamask to earn USD0? @Noรฉ
I use Binance wallet and staking UsualX. So I will not earn USD0 weekly? I need to change to another wallet? @Noรฉ @Mava (AI Support)
good night partners, I'm one of the guys with vested airdrop, I'm doing LP in Pendle, the system doesn't recognize this LP as USD0++ for my incoming vested airdrop in 2 days. How will be acredited the airdrop? should I speak with some USUAL team member?
I use Binance wallet. So I will not earn USD0 weekly? @Noรฉ
Hi @Isvik, you probably see less Pending Rewards accumulating because part of them go into Claimable at the same time
Oh it's a bold statement to say that one can not game it!
Hi, for the past six days or so, my YT USD00++ position on Pendle has been receiving only a fraction of the rewards compared to before. Could anyone explain why this might be happening?
Not that easy cowboy haha, it takes into account the length and frequency, you can't really game it ๐
And that's just based on number of messages here? I'll start posting gm twice a day then ๐ ๐ฅฒ
Oh I didn't know the OG role was given for activity here. Now, I want to change color!
ok, then I'm going to post it there meanwhile ๐ - add usual & usd0 to kado.money (on/off ramp service)
there was just too much suggestions (love it, but absolutely zero curation tho)
GmGm sir, I've limited the channel for OG members right now, which is an activity-based role (level 15 of activity, you're at level 11). But I will soon revamp the whole community related roles / permissions
I think this is negative because USD0++ starts at a 0.87$ floorprice
@Noรฉ looks like the # โใsuggestions is locked (it's been more than 6h that I posted there)
USD0++ Floor price will gradually go up. There will be a new Curve pool soon that will encourage this too.
and almost 43% Usual staked https://dune.com/queries/4532780/7566735
still believe usual can reach $2
https://dune.com/queries/4576940/7631368 In 3 days (Early Redemption Revenue): - 3M $usual burn ๐ฅ - 6M $usual treasury
still confusing about it ๐ ๐ i've staked 11k usd0, but now it's down 10% and APY also drop from 44% to 25% ๐ ๐ but still compounding my USUAL to USUAL.x until i know how this protocol works
Itโs backed 1:1 by USD0
Usd0++ yes peg with bond based on fed rate. Usd0 is peg 1:1
peg with bond ? so it's not 1:1 against usd ?
4 years its liquid bond you can arbitrage it. Usd0 always peg
20jan blud you will get stimmy when trump speaking
wait, so usd0++ will never repeg ?
Revenue switch was activated on monday, for next monday
This will happen from next week
im holding usualx in metamask but never received usd0, why ?
You need to hold usualx on your wallet (rabby wallet, metamask wallet, etc) Not binance exchange. With usualx, you also earn USD0 weekly. You will not earn USD0 weekly with binance. Using crypto on chain is better than on exchange.
Because i dont understand much even if I translate - words are hard to understand.
@Noรฉ i am holding usualx on secondary Markt binance. I have everything done? Just must hold by months?
Wen gal xe ...already early Jan
What the defference between these two ?
tresury of usual what do you want more ?
100% agreed, Usual is, imho, really trying to find an equilibrium between all participants
The point that needs to be made is that pretty much every time crypto has used a governance token to help kick start a protocol, buyers/holders of that governance token have gotten burned. It is almost always better to farm and dump unless you are able to farm, hold for a bit, and time a good exit. If you understood USUAL design, you not only understood the nature of USD0++, but you understood that there are very unique protections in place for buyers/holders of the governance token. To me, that is a very important design innovation in a space where there is extreme doubt about the value of governance tokens and should have been highlighted in the discussion.
How many USUAL are out of circulation?
@Mava (AI Support) can you tell us how many USUAL were burned?
This is wrong/irrelevant. Jan 20 is end of first epoch. USUALx that was staked on Jan 13th snapshot will receive USD0.
@Mava (AI Support) when was the first distribution because havent received any
Hi guys rewards from revenue switch has anyone received them? And where do i see them i am only seeing the projected ?
Good day, mates, I m a dedicated software developer , have exp of building many dApps. if someone finding a dev, let's connect and discuss further with me. Thank you
Good day, mates, I m a dedicated software developer , have exp of building many dApps. if someone finding a dev, let's connect and discuss further with me. Thank you
Little bit disappointed in the Chopping Block coverage of USD0. Overall wasn't terrible and I think the incentivized leverage criticisms were fair but they neglected the USD0++ receiving USUAL which has guaranteed cashflows as USUALx.
Little bit disappointed in the Chopping Block coverage of USD0. Overall wasn't terrible and I think the incentivized leverage criticisms were fair but they neglected the USD0++ receiving USUAL which has guaranteed cashflows as USUALx.
No, USD0 apy is primarily paid by underlying treasury yield and potential for addition from anyone who swaps at the USD0++ floor price
No, USD0 apy is primarily paid by underlying treasury yield and potential for addition from anyone who swaps at the USD0++ floor price
it doesn't count the Early Redemption fees
The APY in USD0 for USUALx is coming from the collateral's yield, of the whole USD0's supply
we can deposit usd0++ on karak?
Depends on the rates. Itโs never a fixed rate
Dr Crypto
on which site we have to stake ?
Dr Crypto
what benefits usual offers on staking ??
On a more serious note, there's always the smart contract risk / technological risks, those are outlined in our documentation here: https://docs.usual.money/resources-and-ecosystem/usd0-risk-policy
Whats price you had?
When you stake usual to usualx what is your price ?
Whats the less price beetween usual/usualx, when people want convert
Luiz Lucas Correia
let's move on
lets keep accumulating and staking USUAL and USD0
great, thank u very much, guys
Which conference are you talking about?
@Noรฉ ?
Luiz Lucas Correia
thank u @famousfxck and @Noรฉ for your prompt answer
if its almost 0 risk, in your point of view, what could happen to a collapse occur, teorically
has nothing to do
UST/Luna was an algo stablecoin, USD0/Usual is backed 1:1 by overnight repos
Well for instance, Usual is RWA. Backed 1:1 by Treasuey bills, almost 0 risk for bankruptcy
Luiz Lucas Correia
great, i am bullish also
Luiz Lucas Correia
gonna do this, if u could in a few words explain why, i would be grateful
You're very optimistic
Dr Crypto
Bullish on Usual
Supply is nothing
I am seeing 2$+ very soon
Dr Crypto
What the targets of usual? You guys are seeing
unknown l
would be good to see usual comms making that point
Luiz Lucas Correia
Hey, guys. What guarantees that USUAL is not the new LUNA? What mechanisms are used to ensure that the same tragedy does not happen again?
thanks mava, turns out im just dumb and a part of my usual pending rewards passed to claimable rewards lol
hey, i think i receveid less usual in "pending rewards" today than i was supposed to, am i the only one ?
Lol, I was hoping It will increase value of usual but it in this case it can decrease
I think he's no longer participating, dunno why
Today is the conference in which CEO Usual takes part?
@Noรฉ is there any planned announcement until the end of this week ?
When does the burning of โusualโ exchange 1:1 USD 0 reset each week?
Whatโs all gone?
Is usualx available on arbitrum?
Edward Kanway
is usual available arbitrum chain now ?
Sorry ๐
I've done this a few times before so I do exactly the same as before, after approval on Binance the process doesn't go any further
# ๐ใlanguage-select -> ๐ซ๐ท please This is an English channel thank you Vous รชtes dans un canal anglophone merci dโutiliser le canal francophone
Stake Usual to Usualx from Binance wallet is not working at the moment. Is there anything I can do about it?
Vous m'avez dรฉjร rรฉpondu briรจvement sur twitter mais lร si l'affichage mรชme des rewards des rรฉcompenses H24๐ ๐ ๐ comment pouvons nous nous y retrouver ๐. Et je ne suis pas ici pour casser du sucre sur votre dos ๐
@Noรฉ bonjour , comment puis je faire pour tenter de vous faire part de tout mes bug d'affichage ๐ sur l'interface. Problรจme dans le swap usdc usd0++ avec des rรฉcompenses nรฉgatives.... Aujourd'hui avec screenshots a l'appui... Mon pending rewards a moindre que hier ๐ค.
rip bozo USDo++
are usd0 is coming to other chain?
Tether had a net profit of 10B$ in 2024. Let that sink in.
So people who just started staking recently would all take a loss from early unstaking?
The only way I have to stake is through Metamask, and the amount charged is a little over 11 dollars, I will have to wait to get some money to stake.
I went to do staking but I couldn't, it asked for around 0.002611 eth, about 11 dollars and some cents.
"Tether Introduces USDT0, Uniting USDT Across All Chains: Blog ๐ velo.xyz"
damn I still have to pay a fee of 11 dollars just to put the Usual in Stake ๐ช๐ช damn business is complicated in...
There are a couple drivers of APY going to USUALx. You can see on the UI that some of this is paid in USUAL and some is paid in USD0. Both of these are volatile for different reasons. The USUAL APY is based on how much new USUAL is being emitted to USD0++ holders (USUALx receives 10% of all new USUAL emissions). This mechanism is designed to reduce the amount a USUALx holder is diluted by emissions. Additionally, USUALx receives 33% of the 10% unstaking fee paid by those who unstake their USUALx. This mechanism exists to make it more attractive to stay in USUALx as more people leave. As for the USD0 portion of the APY, this depends on the percent of USUAL staked for USUALx. All USUAL has the ability to become USUALx and receive USD0 earnings. But not all USUAL gets staked. So if a bunch of USUAL were to get staked, USD0 yield would go down for existing USUALx holders. If a bunch of USUALx gets unstaked, USD0 yield would go up for remaining USUALx holders.
to get 1:1 USD0+++ - USD0. exact USUAL unstaking fee?
Mava please reply
Adarsh Kesarwani
Not ban*ed as such . Still tether has 1-2 year to clear it things and comply with EU regulation .
@Mava (AI Support) can you explain how usualx and usual work? How does staking work?
Tether move to el salvador. We compete with tether no worry
There are two different popular models for yield bearing tokens in crypto. Rebasing and non-rebasing. Using Lido's staked ETH as an example, if you hold stETH in your wallet, you might start with 1 stETH and then after a month or whatever you would have 1.05 stETH in your wallet without having done anything. Alternatively you could hold the wrapped version of stETH called wstETH. If you hold 1 wstETH in your wallet for a month, you would still have 1 wstETH in your wallet but if you withdrew it you would get 1.05 stETH.
Adarsh Kesarwani
Yes , just read term of services . Its registered office located at 10, rue de la Paix, 75002 Paris . I thought its registered in US and can benefit from trump policy of America first
Well, the APY can vary sir
There was a day when the API was at 300%, then a few days ago it was at 265% and now it's at 248%, I don't understand ๐ฎโ๐จ
Adarsh Kesarwani
Where is usual company located and registered ?
Right, because 1 USUALx actually represents something like 1.17 underlying USUAL.
I thought it would be 1 Usual for 1 Usualx, but when it came time to stake, it showed that 1 usual is equivalent to 0.83 Usualx
You can't withdraw USUAL from your USUALx in the way that I think you are saying. You can sell your USUALx on the secondary market or you can unstake your USUALx which converts it to your share of the underlying USUAL. There is a 10% unstaking fee when you convert your USUALx to the underlying USUAL. But the secondary market is doing its best to price this in so if you purchase USUALx on the market, wait some period of time, and then unstake it, you will end up with more USUAL than you started with.
I understood
Its price can go up and down based on the dollar value of the underlying USUAL or by where it trades on secondary markets. Thats what causes a lot of confusion for people. But every day a fixed USUALx position represents more USUAL than it did the day before.
and how often can you withdraw without being taxed when withdrawing from the stake?
USUAL doesn't come out of USUALx. It only comes in.
and as it goes out it reduces, would that be it then?
Think of USUALx as a vault that is constantly receiving USUAL. By holding USUALx you hold a certain percent share of the vault. As more USUAL enters the vault, your USUALx represents the same percent share of the vault but more underlying USUAL.
Will usual team set to fp again in the future ? What is reason behind it. Any finance explanation maybe a little bit general term so people easily understand?
I'm trying to understand this Usual staking method
when it comes to staking it is not 1 usual x 1 Usualx it is 1 usual = 0.83 usualx
Always has been
Can you tell me if the stake has a deadline that I can get or remove? If so, what would the deadline be?
Can you explain a little bit more detail, what is usual team want to implement? Dont ask me to read white paper, I dont have capacity. Is it by planning implementation from the beginning or team decide this implementation after the project launch. Tq
@a.f.brockstar Iโm gonna reply here because my Portuguese isnโt good enough, The amount of usualx isnt the same as usual because usualx gains in value over time. Today 1 usualx = 1 usual Tomorrow 1 usualx = 2 usual etc
Does it work now?
This is because youโre using a translated version of the page instead of the real web page
You didnt select amount to stake, did u?
I've been trying for days but I can't stake
i would anytime back usd0 because the yield comes from the US government bills.
truz true
Gunner funk
Stable kwon
Tron is generating enough in fees to subsidize this yield as a marketing tactic to bring more people to Tron. But it requires a lot more trust than what I am comfortable with. Is what it is, just know what game you are playing and with who you are playing.
20% APY.. reminds me of another stable
Bro imagine raising the APY and people still donโt want to touch USDD ๐๐
Even after Justin Sun announced he will raise the APY to 20%. TVL has only went up 0.21% in 7 days, 0% change in 1 month lmao
Iโm feel bad about any algorithm stable coin actually, not even wanna touch
Lmfao why would anyone even want to farm USDD ๐ญ๐ญ horrible volume and many depegs
USDD most volume today with 720K$ at ByBit
Bro Iโm scared of a free money printer
Pretty sure when TVL goes to 2B$+ they will make it easier to trade USD0++ close to 1$
Floorprice goes up, new Curve pool soon.
USD0++ is a short term risk, but long term guaranteed profit
My friend.. I need to tell you something..
Because price was locked at 1$. But then price floor went down to 0.87$. Because Usual decided to implement its whitepaper for real.
hahahahahaha true
is there information about the USD++ depeg somewhere here? Why did it happen and when should we expect recovery?
Because Justin Sun is a famous scammer. Because USDD has depegged more than 10 times. Because USDD barely has 2m$ volume daily
You only have to own the tokens from your ledger wallet. There is nothing else to do, no claim, no anything. Stay safe, don't accept any DM, no one will help you in DM, not even the team @JohnCarraway
Yes. Both usual and usualx directly on your ledger
Gunner funk
Yeah. No fresh capital will come in
How is the amount of USD0+ held that generates revenue calculated? Do you need to hold it for the entire 24-hour duration of the cycle, or is it enough to have it available before the end of the daily cycle to earn revenue for the following day?
the longer we hold, the less unstaking fee? what if we deposit usd0++ on morpho, does it reset the day count?
01/16/2025 at 09:28:29 ESTAirdrop Distribution started or not?
justin grift
yeah i know have you try farm usdd v1 ? i had so i can decide for myself
The Faceless Shepherd
I would say people could buy from secondary market so that they can enjoy the yield and exit anytime from secondary market at a price relatively closer to entry.
If I invest $1000 in echo.xyz, what quantity will I receive?
Wtf usdd v2 lol
When usual move to 1$
Gunner funk
V2 coming sir
If you don't know where the yield's coming from, you're the yield. He literally claims he's giving 20% because he's rich. I hope for everyone's sake nobody believes Justin Tron Sun
Is it possible to store usual tokens on ledger ?
have you farm usdd v1 ?
Gunner funk
Why would anyone go with USDO? Unless the apy is very attractive atlest at 30%
People can get 20% apy without waiting for 4 years with USDD
Dosent make any sense
Gunner funk
Can someone tell me why will anyone mint USDO at $1 when the floor price of USD0++ is at 0.86? Right now you can't do much with just USD0
yes if usual $0 you can unstake for free
Mava replied me better sorry Noรฉ-bro time to find a new gig ๐คฃ - thanks, I appreciate, now I can calculate easily the whole thing.
If Usual token price drops to really low, does that mean people can just buy from market and unstake sooner than 180 days?
@m4rtr3d easier to check the difference between the usual on debank and the usual you initially staked (usual, not usualx)
Thanks Mava, you rock โค๏ธ #lovebots
and my "nett" usual initially staked which I can't see anywhere is the amount of UsualX on the usual website minus 10% right?
Thanks Mava
Hi all! Just to confirm, the Usual I get for staking UsualX is the difference I see appearing between my UsualX stack on the Usual website, and the Usual I see on Debank?
yes apy depend on how many people stake it up and down early staker always get better reward. i mean apy still look good
The APY fluctuates, and if we staked when it was at 274% and tomorrow it drops to 200%, will our rate for tomorrow be 200%? It's not stable at 274%, right?
bot doesnt seem to like this particular word but glad it reached the receiver as intended anyway ๐
Are there plans for setting up a Usual DAO? If so, is there a estimated timeline?
Sorry, I just say a lot of "afaik" because people have a tendency to screenshot and post on twitter every thing I say lmeow, but I'm confident on this answer tho
Perfect, merci beaucoup again!
We are not planning to change this "time" parameter without announcing it before or letting the whole DAO vote on it. The only exception I would see is if someone finds something an exploit in the Early Redemption process: we could increase that parameter as a temporary measure.
wyn zzz
Unstaking usual still have fee 10% or not?
Tyvm, Noรฉ! Is it possible to get a more concrete and dependable and official answer without the phrase "as far as my understanding goes[...]"? This quite important to know to make informed long-term decisions.
I have big hope and Dreams with usual coins... for better life
Answer: https://discord.com/channels/1106588534871179280/1107144153076347022/1329118726607605861
Is the number 180 in this formula set in stone? Or rather subject to change as well?
thanks for the answer, it is possible to follow the outflows and how is developing the target?
Your answer sir: https://discord.com/channels/1106588534871179280/1107144153076347022/1329441619170164769
I was replying what Mava says yep
chill please, not everyone want to attack u guys
im asking bro
u got psyops by twitter again ? omegalul u could just asked
Hi, there is no limit per se for Early Redemption: there is target, which is the amount of outflow that triggers the maximum Early Redemption fee (180 days of rewards).
i beleieve some whale with 55M already out that's why tvl drop
and there is no limit weekly or so?
1:1 early redemption you mean or fee switch? for redemption you can just out anytime
lets start again, I read somewhere that is a limit for the redemption mechanism of 5m per week, that's true?
not talking about it
per week
5m per month are you illiterate ?
bro if u have a redeemtion mechanism for a 1.5b protocol ofcourse you dont have a max of 5m per week
for 4 years blud ? do some math
lol 5m for a protocol with 1.5b tvl ? that's seems so off point
hey I read something about 5m max redemptions per week, that's true?
There's millions of $USUAL being issued every day
so 1,5% of the total supply got burn already with Early Redemption Revenue?
https://dune.com/queries/4576940/7632220 ๐ Circulating USUAL Supply captured
wanted to ask Why have you made the decision to unexpectedly stop 1:1 redemptions just curious
Hi everyone
Sลsuke Aizen
Hey where can see my reward Iam holding usualx it says Autocomponding I don't see my usualx balance greetings increased
Itโs kinda locked but not really. Anyways itโs not being moved since 45 days.
I'm asking about the current depeg, not the docs
on binance it is not necessarily locked, please note that every day around 2.7 million USUAL minted
what's the situation with USD++? Can I read the details somewhere?
Do we have dates to token unlock?
Literally only 110M USUAL is in circulation
the demand
Damnnnnn, just by that fact, price should be soaring
or just join us in the pendle trenches. okok i will shut up ๐คฃ , gn
40.2% is locked in USUALx 40.9% is locked in Binance (hasnt been moved in 45 days) Less than 20% of total supply in circulation right now.
yeah that make sense. but i don't like holding vanila susde. iusd0++ should be more competetive in yield + your underlying sUsde. so win win you get more yield + you diverse your risk
The Faceless Shepherd
Iโm probably not going participate in the vault, because Iโm already holding a lot of sUSDe, and my USD0++ exposure is supposed to be risk isolated from Ethena
thanks ser, appreciate it
btw @BingChilling is the blockchain contracts for the 1:1 backing live anywhere? trying to find it
i mean if you plan to stablefarm just ape in the vault it's good diverse the risk for bear market
# ๐งใspeculation for price discussion bro
whatever it is i see the upcoming iUSDE vault as +EV for all of us that are in a loss. since team is gonna redeem it 1:1 to USDE, other holders in a loss would just ape into this vault. that's when you can decide if you wanna exit
i mean it all happened people trying to trade and minmax it. about to happened
Why usual coin not go up
same boat ser. i think it's all about acceptance lol. team comms was bad, but whatever it is they accepted it, apologized, and we all gotta move on from it
The Faceless Shepherd
I aped 500k+ USD0++, and as you said, I knew they are gonna stop redeeming 1:1 in Q1, what I didnโt expect is that they will do it instantly with no proposal to be voted, and thatโs on me. My plan was not in for short term though, my plan was to withdraw after seeing the announcement and ape back in after they lower the floor
yes might as well milk it you still in profit end of day in march floor price should be better
i mean i also blame myself for not reading and aping lol, but gotta roll with the punches
yes exactly but people alergic to money they listen to influencer told em to run away lol. it's still the best yield in town
by the time you exit then, you'd be out. in profits too usd0 is backed 1:1 anyway
tbh if youre in a loss on usd0++ now, just roll it into the PT on pendle, till jun 2025 maturity
in 2023 i have 27 eth solo trade it to 300k usdc i'm tired lol just park my money for next cycle
The Faceless Shepherd
How much USD0++ did you ape?
they you gonna learn lol i read the whitepaper discuss with my friend about potential lock out 4 years and decide to ape it.
The Faceless Shepherd
I actually assume at least 90% of the users dont read whitepaper in general, for all projects
so u assume all that people that complain is not reading whitepaper ? i don't buy it
# ๐งใspeculation
can anyone tell me if it is a bad idea to hold the usual token because that is what I bought and the price dropped. Is the team selling new tokens or airdrop guys still selling? I just read about this project and decided to buy and was suprise how the price continued to fall
The Faceless Shepherd
I'm not complaining about the floor, I'm just saying, from the project's perpective, if they can make the website more accurate, why not just do it? Its not hard to change the text
guys who kept selling and tanking the price after I bought. I am a new investor
so you don't read white paper about early redemption ? why is this matter ? people know "accumulated usual" will get burn to early redemption X days won't matter you still decide to go with it and complain floor price $0.87 ?
There are too many unknowns and modifiable items in the formulas in the white paper. They simply cannot serve as an accurate reference.
the formula in white paper ? my thought process i saw in website i need to redeem "accumulated" and i wonder how much then i go to white paper and read early redemption and i understand then i decide it's fair and go with it
Mr. Lin
Mr. Lin
Ah there we go, it was all to get more info from the mods for the lawsuits
What happens after 4 years, you will exchange all USD0++ to USD0 and create another USD0++ for another 4 years with 0.87 rate?
The Faceless Shepherd
But why not correct the inaccurate info on the website now? The fact is "returning a portion of $USUAL rewards earned over the past 6 months" is not accurate.
they already know blud they want to max MILK it in morpho they expect q1 is march. nobody thought q1 mean january. and as always playing victim cards
The Faceless Shepherd
I didn't loop as well, but now that we have seen that it could be misleading for some people, why not correct it now? Its just changing some text on a website.
yes exactly by buying usd0++ you already consent your usd0 lock in 4 years
so just dont withdraw your funds early ๐คทโโ๏ธ just think of it as a long term investment ๐
i mean depend on your interpretation lol. i exepct this happened that's why i dont buy YT and loop in morpho
The Faceless Shepherd
Not talking about whats fair, its about whether the info on the website represent the accurately the actual mechanism, and if not, its always good to correct it
The Faceless Shepherd
Are you going to consider changing the phrasing on the website then?
Zomg | Zoml / Ping | Pong
will USUAL be on ZKsync?
The Faceless Shepherd
How would you interpret this sentence "returning a portion of $USUAL rewards earned over the past 6 months"? And how hard it is to just change the phrasing on the website?
you mislead yourself tbh lol bond liquid but not that liquid
It's good, now we've come from "you didn't say it was locked and under 1$" to "one part seems like it's about already accumulated rewards instead of 6 months from time T". But yes, this is normal. The dApp has a more concise information, the gitbook a bit more detailed, and the whitepaper fully explains all the mechanisms. That's a normal flow.
Mr. Lin
if implied yield drops, the APY will immediately change to positive
The Faceless Shepherd
I'm just saying that the way it is phrasing will mislead people into thinking they will not pay for more than what they have already earned
Mr. Lin
it is based on the current implied yield on Pendle's YT-USD0++ Jan pool ser
that doesnt seem right ๐
who would thought long term investor mean 2 weeks
The Faceless Shepherd
The doc probably shouldn't say "returning a portion of $USUAL rewards earned over the past 6 months", instead, it should say "paying a portion of projected $USUAL rewards in the next 6 months, based on current week emission rate"
it was ther bro team just deliver roadmap
Screenshots are coming from the Whitepaper (published in November) and the dApp.
same, as I remember a protocol on Terra (Angel Protocol) where you lock your stablecoin, and the yield goes to charities
Would it be possible to create a no-loss lottery system with USD0++? ( I guess the user we'll have their deposit locked min 6 months to not get penalties ๐ค)
i used to have 13 USD0 any idea why it doubled ?
Yes, USD0++ unlocks for USD0 at 1:1, when maturity is reached
so it will be go to 1 $ in 4 years ?
Hi, USD0++ being a locked version of USD0 for four years (a Liquid Bond Token), its price can fluctuate under 1$ to reflect this locking period, but over time, its price gets closer to 1$ as maturity approaches, thanks to the Floor.
when will USD0++ be peged back ?
@Mava (AI Support) what is USUALsp?
are we going to part of plumes ecosysyetm at all
40.27% of total usual supply is staked
> You made this change overnight, knowing that nobody expected it Communication could've been indeed better, and we acknowledged it in our previous statements. > The statement on your website before purchase claimed that USD0++ was backed by bonds. This is false sir. USD0++ is a locked version of USD0 for four years, and USD0 is fully backed by overnight repos. > There was no indication that purchasing USD0++ meant buying a zero-coupon bond with a 2028 maturity date and a maturity value of $1 This is also false sir. It was written everywhere (home page, dApp, docs, whitepaper, discord etc.) that USD0++ is a locked version of USD0 for four years. It is also explained in the documentation that there is no cost-free primary market redemption before maturity (Early Redemption, Floor). Moreover, it is not a zero coupon bond. Zeron coupon means zero coupon. You have coupons in $USUAL. A better TradFi comparison would be with Certificates of Deposit, which work in a very similar manner. > How can you build a solid and trustworthy project by trapping your customers? As explained, those mechanisms have been in the documentation since the beginning. The ETA for Q1 was also announced since October, and public, on the dApp. As previously stated, for further details, I'll advise reading our previous announcements.
Wait wtf who deposited this much usual lol? USUALx staked up by 1% in a few hours ๐๐
Weekly or more, yes
@Noรฉ, it would be great to have the option of collecting the revenue switch in usualx. Is this considered?
USD0++ on the secondary market is already existing by definition sir, so it's already in the TVL
TVL and APY usualX decreasing. Whats going on?
the question is not related to usual, I just want to understanding the pool mechanism๐ข
If I swap my usual to usualx for getting more APY and more usual token, then can I swap back to usual any time?
but wen sir Q1 or Q2? ๐
if I open a pool, then I put 1 ETH and 2000 USDC in the pool, is the ETH price equal to 2000 USDC in that pool?
A product available inside the Usual App, or product on top of Usual protocol? - we need some alpha sir ๐
this is not a direct relation with the price
You're doing a ratio of the pool's balance
thanks for the reply, I just wonder if my calculation is wrong. For example this is the biggest pool of WBTC-USDC in uniswap, but the ratio is not the same compare to the WBTC price now. (60612898/865 = 69610, but now BTC is 99k)
Sir, everything was public since day one: described on the docs, whitepaper, dApp and discussed multiple times here. The ETA was also announced for Q1 since October, and visible on the dApp. For more information, I'd recommend referring to our previous statements.
Itโs secondary market bro, you should check dune for primary market ratio which is still 1.205 and keep increasing
there's no incentives
it's a community made pool
Because the pool is probably unbalanced ser?
as I observe the uniswap pool of usualx/usual, I can see the number of usualx and usual in the pool, and if I divde them, I'll get 2845110/964381 = 2.95, but in the same time the price of usualx/usual is 0.6567/0.5549 = 1.18. I just wonder why the ratio of tokens dosen't match the ratio of price.
Hi, please refer to our previous statements ( # ๐ฃใannouncements )
Hi, USD0++ being a locked version of USD0 for four years (a Liquid Bond Token), its price can fluctuate under 1$ to reflect this locking period, but over time, its price gets closer to 1$ as maturity approaches.
I have USD0++ in my wallet but it seems depeg to 0.9$ why? what should I do now?
and not a lot of people with dozens of millions idle and available to supply
Lol true, early so not as many holders
Yes, unfortunately markets aren't that efficient yet ๐
Oh I see yea. My assumption is that pools would more quickly be arb by people who can supply from existing holdings in the majority of cases. So redeemers would be a small % if they can even make it in time.
I'm just basically taking the scenario of a depeg
Goes both ways tho
Yep, whitelisted participants (MMs, whales or whatever, that are onboarded with our collateral providers) redeem USD0 for the underlying (let's say USYC), and swap it for USDC, to then arb the pools and make a quick profit while rebalancing them.
Depends on the outflows, if they are at the maximum, you get the max fee (180 days of rewards at the rate when Early Redeeming). This means that if the rewards rate is higher in a month than today, and the outflows are still at their maximum, the number of USUAL required would be higher than a month before. Note that there's many arbitrages to do here, e.g. depending on the price of $USUAL.
Gm all great day for buy more usual
Oh lol thatโs what you meant. I thought you were referring to some artificial process. Do people really redeem to arb the pool? Mint is also an option. Is this based on your observation that most ppl redeem instead of mint for USD0 pool?
If the TVL keeps flowing out every day within a month, will the amount of USUAL required for the 180 - day period exceed the current quantity after one month?
This assumes that outflows will always be at the maximum
It's not the case on USD0/USD0++ obviously tho
No, but it's simple: if there's a lot of swaps, pools need to be rebalanced, meaning (let's take USD0/USDC), MMs will redeem USD0 on the primary to arb the Curve pool until it's rebalanced.
Again, I don't fully understand, but if you're basically saying that "at the moment of Early Redeem you could be paying more than what you earned in the past months, depending on the evolution of the parameters", yes, that's the case and always been public. It also goes the other way around. At the end of the day USD0++ is locked version of USD0 for four years: there is no cost-free redemption on the primary market, before its maturity.
It can be understood that the more time elapses, the more USUAL is required. This is because the TVL is currently only going to keep draining.
Is there any documentation about how those pools involve redeem?
Yes that means you need to farm more, depending on TVL decrease, you can farm more than 6 months for early unstake. The only way to prevent this is for the team to prevent TVL decrease and finally able to make TVL higher
No, but since those pairs have low liquidity you're most likely routed through USD0/USD0++ and USD0/USDC, which are, arbed
Iโm referring to pairs like USD0++/USDC. Does redeem apply here?
Seems correct (if I understood your message), as we extrapolate linearly the 6 month, even tho a higher Ut means you receive more rewards, those rewards could only partially compensate, depending on when you want to Early Redeem.
Note that swap on the market means rebalancing of the pools through MMs, which means redeems
If USD0++ was 1:1 the secondary market would also value it at $1 and it could be more easily swapped on the market for $1 instead of redeemed. No TVL loss needed.
increasing sticky TVL, not just any TVL. 1:1 peg means mercenary capital comes to farm and leaves, and how would the team make money then? let's be realistic
The Faceless Shepherd
You assume I was not?
BTC correcting -85%, most alts going -95% to -99% from ATH
If you were in crypto during 2017-2020 youโd know what I mean
Because Usual wants to stay healthy in case of a bearmarket
The Faceless Shepherd
Being liquid with no loss of principal investment + APY attracts stickist capital
goodboy | best good boy
what are you talking about??? Longterm purpose is increasing TVL, Lamo
The Faceless Shepherd
Pegging it temporarily will make people leave because ppl will see it as an exit opportunity, but pegging it and then make it permanent by making it immutable will not make ppl leave, because why leave now if ppl are confident that they can leave at anytime without loss while enjoying APY
The question is how the team thinks about attracting more TVL. The iUSD0++ vault is nice, is there some other stuff in the pipeline?
Do you lack confidence in the project?
Not good in the long term.
Which is kinda against the purpose
Pegging to 1 will cause a lot of trapped liquidity to leave imo
The Faceless Shepherd
Because ppl buying from secondary market wonโt increase TVL
Only way to attract TVL is to peg USD0++ to 1 imo
Given the somewhat negative sentiment, what's the plan to attract more TVL?
Yes, this is theoretically possible, but it would mean you also receive more $USUAL as a reward for holding USD0++, which is only logical.
Rektus Pospolitus
Are there any concrete plans to integrate more providers than Hashnote ? Right now USYC yield is 3.2%. For comparison OUSG yield is 4.2%. Both tokens are provide instant mint and redemption, and are invested in US short term tresuries. Moving to OUSG would increase USD0 yield for USUALx hold by 30%.
Currently USUALx is yielding more USUALx than USDO++ 179% vs 26% Even though 45% goes to USD0++ and 10% goes to USUALx, the amount of supply for both is very different, 1.4B vs ~215M so the individual APY is different from the distribution %
Is there some option to desactivate autocompouding mode for usualx hodler?
It might be possible that we need to burn 0.2 USUAL per 1 usd0++ for early unstaking?
That means if tvl keeps going down, Ut keeps going up. Right now the required usual to be burned for early unstaking is 0.162 per 1 usd0++. By your explanation, if TVL keeps going down, it might be possible in the future that we need more USUAL than currently is for early unstaking?
does the usual from early redemption fee is shared directly to stackers?
Ut is derived from the Mt (as Ut is the minting rate to the USD0++ bucket), so, basically, what makes Mt change is TVL and Rates. The mt has linear proportionality with Rates (if rates go lower, Mt also goes lower) and has inverse relation with TVL (If TVL goes higher, Mt goes down).
I review white paper which states 45% usual will be distributed to USD0++ holder and 10% to usualx holder finally. accordingly to dune data, 35% usual has been distributed to USD0++ holder and 17.28% to usualx holder. so I think buying USD0++ may get more usualx finally with variable like. unstaking fee for usualx and usd0++.
why the tvl goes down?
So all the token would be distributed within 150days?
I'm double checking
no need to send it two times
I saw your message
This message doesn't fully answer my question so I need further clarification from you. If TVL goes lower -> Ut up, is this true or not?
yes I see that but I want to know the relationship between Ut and TVL. If TVL goes lower -> Ut up. If TVL goes higher -> Ut down. Is my understanding correct?
Hi, see https://discord.com/channels/1106588534871179280/1107144153076347022/1329079967463772160
how much usual has been burned for early retemdation๏ผall data should be visible for community @Noรฉ
you mentioned both methods now it's up to you hehe
Noe, is it possible that Ut that is currently set at 0.0009 can be increased for example to 0.0011 if TVL goes lower?
1. Yes, Usual takes a snapshot every Monday at UTC+0 to count USUALx for that week's USD0 reward. 2. No, any decreases in your USUALx balance during the epoch will forfeit your rewards. Forfeited rewards are redistributed to the other stakers. 3. No, only USUALx on your wallet is eligible for the Revenue-Switch (yield in USD0)
We stake.
so the ai bot is not correct in question 2, actually I can't get any usd0 award in that week even if I just transfer 1 usualx to usual, or transfer 1 usualx to another wallet, right?
since exchange rate between USUAL and USUALx is increasing, i dont know should I swap usd0 to usualx immediately or buy usd0++
unknown l
if you get the tbill yield from your stables you get that + other defi yield like supplying on aave
Hello, as a usualx holder, if wanna get more usualx in future with weekly earning in USD0, should I buy usd0++ to get usual and then stake usual, or swap through USD0-USDC-USUALX instantly? which is a better way?
Just think of it a cost or exit tax. Is it still profitable compare other stablecoin? Proof me wrong?
0.7% daily average
End of next week as in latest announcement.
Are there any news about the new USD0++ incentive measures? When will they be launched?
Zomg | Zoml / Ping | Pong
does the USUAL token ever get burned?
Zomg | Zoml / Ping | Pong
what's the inflation rate for USUAL token?
Tell that to AI bot๐คฃ
it's the same sir
From your reply above you said buying usualx from the market might not provide the same benefits as staking USUAL
I swap usualx from eth directly, do I need to swap it back to usual and stake it to get whole benefits?
Anu Rahman
If usualx can buy from market, then why we need to buy usual and stake. What is the difference?
Yes you can.
@Mava (AI Support) If I buy Usualx directly with USDC in my connected wallet, do I get the rewards? Or do I have to buy Usual first and then stake them?
On the way to 50% Usual staked and above.
Good morning everyone, have a great day, and lots of staking revenue ๐
thanh pham
where can i track burning Usual procedure?
1. Yes 2. No. The remain 9k will not be eligible for Usd0 reward in that week. 3. No. Only UsualX appears in your wallet is eligible for rewards. PT/YT/LP are not.
hi, I have a few questions for usualx 1. every monday UTC+0, usual will snap the wallet to count usualx, for that week's usd0 reward, is this correct? 2. if the snap for usualx is 10000, but I swap 1000 usualx to usual in that week, can I still got the usd0 reward for other 9000 usualx? 3. can I got usd0 reward if I buy PT-usualx and put in my wallet?
June 2028
Hello๏ผ can hold pendle USUALx LP get USD0 reward?
Carlo De Luca
So why I can't do it directly, but it works when I try with ETH?
Usual is best risk/ reward. Itโs backed 1:1 by T-bills so bankruptcy is almost impossible. By staking USUALx youโre getting 250%+ APY right now.
lol why would i take riksk like this for 4%? i can buy some bonds, good old spy, supply usdc in aave.. iv gains aren't small btw you are not making any sense at all
Liquidate bear shorters asap
Then its for the next week
you are joking right? treasury is auctioned the price is in the yield. here the yield is fixed and is subject to changes by the project at will....
Gal xe drop?
No need
Hey lads
@Carlo De Luca @Carlo De Luca @Carlo De Luca ๐
Carlo De Luca
Do I need to convert it to ETH and then swap it to USUALX? It doesn't makes sense
Carlo De Luca
I have USUAL on My Coinbase Wallet, cant I swap it directly on usual website? If I try with my ETH everything works fine.
@jayce we have channel for our country, u can check # ๐ใlanguage-select to get into it, I have a rule that will not DM to anyone
Mr. Lin
if you use metamask, try using their integrated browser instead of your own browser (e.g. chrome, safari)
theres a couple of users reported that cex wallets having trouble connecting to our website.
Mr. Lin
hi ser - have you checked whether you have enough gas fees?
Zomg | Zoml / Ping | Pong
I feel like USUALx is a like a rebase token in the backend. Similar to wOHM. I have no evidence but that's the vibe I have.
Zomg | Zoml / Ping | Pong
how long is an epoch?
I saw a scammer sent u message, be careful bro
For rev-switch, reward shows on dapp is monthly revenue, but u will receive a part of it every weekend
but from the website, it said 7 days? "100% of monthly protocol revenue will be distributed directly to USUALx stakers on a weekly basis."
so the time is not specified, not 7 day or 1 month?
so when will I get usd0 reward in my wallet after I hold usualx?
Carlo De Luca
Hi my friends! I can't swap my tokens... I always get a black screen. Can you help me?
Hi, if I hold usualx, I'll get usd0 reward after 7 days, is that correct? the usd0 reward will sent to my wallet?
Check debank to see your amount of USUAL is compounded and increased more than your initial amount (USUAL, not USUALX) For USD0 rev-switch, check Earn page on the dapp
But the usualx position hasnt increased at all ?
Mr. Lin
usualx is autocompounding ser, the rewards will be added to your position directly. no need to claim any rewards.
pending rewards have been 0 for 7 days now?
Hey i swaped Usual on metamask to usualx and staked it, its been seven days when does rewards start accumulating ?
Mr. Lin
and that also be omitted if you are swapping out directly on secondary market
Mr. Lin
hi ser - the only fee related here is from USUALx -> USUAL which might incur an unstaking fee of 10%
Perfect... Another question, is there a fee to swap the USD0 to USUALx? Or do i need to swap to USUAL and them USUALx?
Mr. Lin
it wont be exactly on end of sunday, more probable receiving rewards on the consecutive day
Mr. Lin
yes ser
If i stake my USUAL Yesterday, i Will get USD0 reward until sunday NEXT week?
Mr. Lin
Yes, refer to our early redemption function in our recent annoucements ser.
I have a question about that it could be able to redeem via 1:1 within some amount, is there any announcement about this part?
And for the usd0 reward for holding usualx, should we claim it every week?
So, does it means we will get the reward when we unstake usualx become usual back? And the usual amount should be increase according to the APY ?
I stake usual yesterday and hold usual x, Why i dont see my usual reward for holding usualx in my dashboard today? Does it need time to show the pending reward?
Zomg | Zoml / Ping | Pong
damn this AI is legit
Zomg | Zoml / Ping | Pong
If I stake USUAL I earn USD0? If I hold USUALx what happens?
Why is my pending reward decreasing?
Almost always trades at the fair price (historically), but whenever there is more selling pressure, it will trade at a discount (maximum 10%, as beyond that, you can just unstake with the protocol at the 10% fee)
This is exactly what I explained above
I know bro, on debank it's ok but when you unstake usual.money is where you get the actual amount of usual
I literally answered your question. If you want to see the amount of USUAL you have from your share of USUALx, go look on debank, and it will grow everyday as you want (if you don't sell any USUALx, obviously).
yes bro, I know that fee but I only checked the ratio between usualx/usual, it should increase overtime to make your holding usual amount increases everyday
I don't know, you can ask Noรฉ, I'm just going with my logic, doesn't mean I'm right.
It depends on how many people want to unstake their USUALx compared to how many people want to stake their USUAL into USUALx, put simply.
There's a 10% fee when you unstake. You can almost get the full price by swapping on DEXes (historically), but it's not guaranteed.
hmm strange, it didn't happen before, the ratio usualx/usual must be increase overtime, if it sometime decreases like this what is the point of holding usualx
why the ratio usualx/usual decreases, yesterday it was 1usualx = 1.1933 usual and now it is 1usualx = 1.1828 usual, it makes the usual amount decreases compared to yesterday?
today I tried to unstake usual and the web show 750 usualx as "approved amount" fee, what is this?
Usual can 10x from here and fast, let's see how these new pools do, I think you will see usd0++ head closer to $1 with the ethena pool
I have a large investment at a high er price as do others. If you stake the usual you earn very solid revenues I'm usd0 and over time even if the project doesn't grow you will likely make it all back and then some. If the project grows you will make many times your money. Invest in any of that other garbage and there is zero yield. Usual can go lower but it is extremely oversold and the FDV/TVL is at 1.45!
I think usual will go back to 1usd and more, but bue the max suply and the tokens iyected every day will be difficult to happen soon. Maybe will go to 0.8 in a week, maybe not. Everything depends on the people behind it. Their work and the addoption of the people! But coins like xrp/ada/xlm maybe will x2 x3 or x 5 very very soon! Well known coins with less suply and better marketing are everywhere but Usual is relative new proyect. Dont see people very happy with all this proyect at all.. dont really know what to thinkโฆ
is there a cap on how much USD0++ you can redeem 1:1 for USD0 via the usual burn mechanism?
I asked noe if fed raises rates will floor be adjusted lower. He said "It is not planned as far as I know" I dont know if I believe him tho with the protocols track record.
if I can get close to a 2x in a year guaranteed, I would be putting my life savings in. That's the fallacy; You've lost 50% already so you're looking to chase returns beyond 100%; But if you really believe that USUAL is going to $1 by EOY you would buy as much as you can now - unless you think you have edge and can get > 100% in other coins
I got some advice in # ๐งใspeculation channel btw
don't hear too much fuds and got yourself panic
bro, how do u know it won't go up for 1 year? no one can predict the future, as we still believe this time is the best time to buy more USUAL LOL
I was really into this project, but now the suply is going crazy and price is not going up to 1usd till maybe a year
if the answer is that you wouldn't buy USUAL at today's prices, you probably would want to sell either into cash or buy something else but yeah shouldn't be asking for financial advice from randoms
Cryp | Anderson
@ptitspapiers pourquoi tu demandes s'il te plaรฎt
don't think of trading from a need to break even / how much you lost perspective. As much as it sucks, you have to think of it as you have $X today - and whether you want to invest that $X in USUAL, something else or just keep it as cash
You shouldn't have bought USUAL with all your life savings
Combien de jetons sont insรฉrer tout les jours
If you had to choose. Had buy all your life savings in $usual at 1usd and now i have lost half of my money. If i had to wait till 30 January and hold only one coin till this bull run timeโฆ will you stay with usual (-50% atm) or swap to xrp/xlm/horizen/eth ? Please give me an advice
yeah it's just simple bond maths
This is the curve they gave. There is no curve for rates greater than 4%, but I assumed it would just follow the corresponding exponential curve (lower)
hello sirs, does anyone have an explanation on how the usual to usd0++ ratio is determined for the 1:1 redemption?
ya, but eventually it will be back to 1$ for sure haha
but yeah, floor will increase over time regardless
for the next few months those numbers should more or less right
you didn't consider the time left until maturity date
yep thats what it seems like based on past messages which makes sense
It's basically exponential curves that reflects the future price of the asset at the current rates
I would think that the floor price would be lower than 0.87 if rates are higher (and time left being equal)
either that or super high inflation
so if bond yields continually rise, quite possible to revise floor downwards (5% yield = .84, 6% yield=.81)
yeah cool it's answered here
granted I don't see floor being adjusted downwards by much unless US economy goes wild
yeah but the floor is determined by voting no? not enforced as a constant inthe contract
because according to this logic, if yield of T-bills increases, inherent value of a 4 year bond is thus less than 0.87
... bro, what's "it can't go lower than the floor", it's FLOOR price
that isn't an explicit statement that they won't adjust below 0.87
oh here?
hmm not sure I can find any team members who said floor is explicitly at 0.87 or higher and won't be adjusted further down
Many ppl got the same question ๐
U can search 0.87 in this channel and get the information. Noรฉ mentioned it many times, even on yesterday
Where is the page of burn usual to redeem back to USD0? I didnโt see it
No, he means anyone send u DM are scammers, not relate to debank
So, debank ITS not an option?
Cryp | Anderson
Ignore anybody that send you a Dm please
hey bro, no DM here
Ok thkns.
The UI may have bugs, debank will shows you correct number
I did, i try to unstake to see how many i got, and it show me 3 USUAL less. And i know thats not the 10% fee.
you can see your amount of USUAL compounded and increase everyday
Cryp | Anderson
@12Ghast you can check on your dashboard
hold and wait usual's price over 1, then swap usd0++ to usd0 by curve
Whats debank?
do you have a link?
The team confirmed 0.87 is lowest price for USD0++ as I remember
Check debank bro
How can i see how many USUAL i got after i stake them. Cuz im trying and USUAL app tells me i got 3 less USUAL that when i started.
Hi, does the usual reward for holding usd0++ and usualx will be combined together at the dashboard? Or it will have separate information , so user can track the reward from each asset?
4 year bond is 4 year bond, I would suggest you get in with that mindset to minimize your risk
DAO in the future reserves the right to set FP manually yes, but 1:1 full unlock on June 30 2028 canโt be changed, that part no one has the right to change
granted it's fine for the progression from 0.87 to 1 to not be linear as long as you do reach $1 after 4 years
can a team confirm this in writing though? because I think this is biggest fear point of USD0++ holders
I think 0.87 is the lowest price
Does that mean that if bond prices increase (aka yields go down), price floor for USD0++ will adjust upwards? But on the other hand, if yields go up (and bond prices decrease), USD0++ floor may go even lower than 0.87?
USD0++ is backed 1:1 by USD0, which is backed by highly liquid SHORT TERM bonds, no 4 year bonds are involved, USD0++ is a 4 years bond itself
*adjusted down
is USD0++ backed by 4 year bonds? That is there is no reason that the 0.87 floor should ever be adjusted as yields are already locked in?
are usual emissions constant? What happens when: - USD0++ TVL increases? (Assuming USUAL/USD0++ rewards decrease) - USD0++ TVL decreases? (Assuming USUAL/USD0++ rewards increase) Does total USUAL awarded for all USD0++ holders remain constant? or decreasing/increasing over time? What happens if USUAL price goes up and down - I'm assuming that USUAL rewards remain the same and just that returns in terms of APY for USD0++ are affected + or - in USD0++ terms
t bill same way buy 100 bill for 6 months for 92 .00 discount, in 6 month you cash out 100 or whatever the time period is set
Very nice
btw, 0.92$ or smt on secondary market is not what the team can control, it's up to ppl supply and demand there
Think of it this way: The actual price is still $1, and no one is losing anything eventually. However, your coin is locked in a 4-year lock-up period. This means you cannot exit early without penalties, as doing so would negatively impact the project and its committed investors. Thatโs why the minimum price is set at $0.87 (on primary market), ensuring stability and reflecting the locked nature of the value. Upon maturity, the price will increase back to $1, emphasizing that the value is not "lost" - itโs simply "locked".
I don't think team expected this significant of a discount. It's pretty irrational which makes it hard to model. Seems they underestimated how many people didn't understand what they bought and crypto people tend to panic on depegs because of Luna/UST. All the looping leverage didn't help. It is weird for an asset that is getting 20+% apy to trade at such a discount.
appreciate the way bro being so calm to explain to ppl who got panic of what they misunderstood
why would anybody mint USD0++ at 1:1 now when you can just buy on market at 0.92 ?
i'm not blaming how the product works. if i knew that redemptions will be at 0.87 i wouldn't have deposited, there wasn't any indication of this on the website. i'm not any more redacted than the average crypto degen
Wording on the website can be improved, agree on that. But understanding how the bond works is something that you have to do to yourself, cant blame usual on that
New product, combines sUSDE and USD0pp yield, details not out yet tho
what is iusd btw?
thank you
4 actually: 1. Exit via primary FP redeem (1:0.87) 2. Swap via LP (current LP rate is prob around 0.92) 3. Pay USUAL as burn fee to exit 1:1 (add in USUAL price for calculation, DIY) 4. Wait for liquidity/demand to increase, LP rate go brr(probably will happen when iusd vault out)
You basically have 3 options
how do i get out of this as cheaply as i can
anyway does anybody feel like answering this question
How coperate bonds sale usually goes is just a simple email saying โcongrats u won the bid, pay now to get your bondโ
the real problem is the wording on the website. 99% of crypto degens (the audience who this product has been marketed to) don't understand how bonds work
Jรฉsus Chrsitiano
And heโs asking if that makes sense to me
This type of guy is exactly the problem. We cant explain what 4y bonds is, because they dont even know how bonds work, including the price and yield relationship ๐คฃ
The big word โ4 YEARS LIQUID BONDโ, if people are buying something that they themselves donโt even understand as a financial investment, I dont know what to say
That makes sense to literally everyone with the slightest degree of financial education
It is not how US bonds works, it is how BONDS work
how can i exit this as cheaply as possible. not everybody is familiar with how US bonds work and the wording on the website wasn't clear in explaining that it won't be redeemable
USUAL is the coupon in this case
Coupons, Jesus
where does the yeild come from then?
You buy a 4 year bond at $100, it matures at $100
Yes, same as USD0pp
so you buy a $100 treasury not from the fed at $100, and then it matures at $100. does that make sense to you?
People who donโt know what theyโre buying SCREWED THEMSELVES
So people bought $100 notes from the US Treasury got screwed over? NO ITS A FRCKING BOND
so you don't think that people who minted these at 1:1 got screwed over?, instantly losing 10% of their capital
Buying on secondary is LITERALLY the same as swapping on LP, youโre not paying 1$ either, it is literally called the SECONDARY MARKET.
What are you โYes Exactlyโing about
Do you actually read, IT IS literally sold for $100 from the US Treasury.
yes exactly, the bond isn't sold to you for $1
โDonโt come to crypto space for 4%โ is literally some crypto bros degen nonsense, itโs like โIโm not in the options market for only the small IV gains.โ
your penalty is not 10% of invested capital
The number you want to compare the 0.87 to in the Treasury Bonds term is actually 0, since it doesnโt even have a primary redemption option if youโre using retail portals like TreasuryDirect. So you effectively bought the note for 100$ from the US Treasury, and literally CANT redeem it via primary.
Dude, that bond is sold for 100$ BY the treasury, thatโs secondary market price, just like the LP price.
yeah right but the bond sells for 92.14 not 1. it wouldn't be changed to 82.14 overnight neither. also people don't come to crypto for 4%, 'risk free' rate in crypto is probably supply rate in aave and is more than that. but i guess there's no point explaining that here.
Btw, be careful with someone try to DM or send you fake links, there are a lot of scammers. Btw, check # ๐ใlanguage-select to get into your country channel if needed
Launch orbit chain on ARB
Linda Salazar
01/15/2025 at 19:21:23 ESTI have swapping issue '
Yeah low gas always good
nice i use arb all the time
Arb use cases is coming Q1 according to them, probably just smoothing out the pools.
you can put usd0++ in gammaswap at the moment
Down with capitalism
hopefully sooner then later there will be
USD0 on Arbitrum literally has 0 use cases rn no?
Bro itโs night on their timezone, let them take a rest
i only earned like 6k usual lol wtf. nice scam
Bro, you have to check the fee on swapping process on your own, the fee is in ETH and not a fixed number, you can see it before approving any transactions
i have to purchase 78k usual to unstake 500k wtf?
it seems like they are staying quiet about liquidity being removed on arb
yeah looks like it is
how much do i pay to have pay redeem 200$?
Early redemption is launched if Iโm not wrong ๐ค
when is the usd0++ unstaking feature launching/
Also how about stake fee for 10k usual, thank you so much
Hi everyone, i'm new commer, can some one help me ,let me know if i stack 10kusual, so i get what and how much in every week or month, and how about if i unstack suddenly ,maybe after 2,3 weeks...
usdo++ 200$ gets me 127$
why the heck is swaping on arb -35%
I mean kraken is an investor in usual
Thatโs why the sudden short rekt?
Oh I missed this, very low volume though
Iโm not always bullish tho, I have my times
Ahh youre the dude who was always fighting the fudders