In my opinion its not "a good mechanism to protect the project", it's was "a trick to attract liquidity that will serve to bootstrap the project and pay for it's runway". Liquidity that would never have been there in the first place if they'd knew it would happen like that. Now project is happy because it has all this ginormous TVL producing return for it, but a big part of this TVL doesnt want to be in this and feels trapped. I totally understand (and feel myself) the anger surrounding all of this.
I'm not the team to have smt called "proper answer" for you. But in my opinion, it's fair and reasonable. USD0++ can be sold between 0.87$ and 1$ (up to the market) and increase overtime until maturity date. Eventually, people actually won't lost anything but receive more and more profit from that. As I said, it's just a good mechanism to protect the project from ppl who wants to leverage it to make easy money in short-term. I totally agree with that. Btw, how it calculated was already described in the doc:
is there official video for staking usual to get usualX ?
Down bad
It should have just been sold at it's fair value, and people who'd wanted to buy a bond at 4% could have bought it at fair value and no problem.
And also, it did have a peg. Even if they say it wasnt supposed to be pegged, in the facts it was pegged to 1. Then suddenly changed
why was USD0++ sold at $1 then? I havnt seen an anser to that. why was it sold at $1 for month, but also a few days before it would be changed to a $0.87 product?
USD0++ is not stable coin so it never have “peg”. This is mentioned in the doc from day 1. Ppl just misunderstood it. Basically it’s 4 years locked bond so if you hold it for 4 years, the rate will definitely back to 1:1 in primary market. For secondary market the rate can be different and its not up to the team. You also can have early redemption but must pay penalties thay will be distributed back to USUALX holders In short, this mechanism protects the project and encourages long term investors/holders
so how are you poor? go back to holiday
consider your usd0++ illiquid and don't exit at a loss. safe play right now is 26 June PT, it is at 0.91 usd0++ so you'll get back your money plus at least 3% more at this rate
Usd0++ holders shorting this to get a better price for usual because they plan to use it to redeem usd0++ at par
I joined at 3k% APY lol
then you should exit this grp, this is only for rich people. we farm at 280% APY
too poor for holiday lol
goodboy | best good boy
shoud be done
revenue switch snapshot done? @Noé
now is a better entry than I expected
keeha OwO
lets pump usual
go back again to holiday 😂
Guaranteed floor shifted from 0.995 to 0.87 Need 6 months to exit at 1:1 otherwise depend on secondary market as 0.936
When will USUAL redemption USD0++ be enabled?
what's happening guys, just come back from holiday
every week
Man, sucks Im over leveraged on BTC otherwise I'd soak up sooooo much usual at this price right now
Blo Finc
Will the amount of rewards that we have to give away for early redemption remain same for a whole week? Or does that change dynamically?
Dude, you are going to generate profit, thats an UI issue. And if you unstake using the new features, you are not losing anything (just the yield u accrue)
01/12/2025 at 22:19:41 ESTa that so obvious "bug" and took this long time to discover, bravo.
Yeah, that's how it called bug... I think you should wait for admins to ask more details on this, about in next ~3-5hours
01/12/2025 at 22:12:24 ESTThanks! But I never heard before that the Pending Rewards contains the Claimable Rewards. I thought I got the total rewards combines Pending one with Claimable one.
They fixed the UI bug which showed wrong rewards. Check #3 in “minor updates” channel latest announcement
01/12/2025 at 21:59:39 ESTCan someone tell me what is going on with the Pending Rewards? It cuts a lot compared to my last review.
bro, this usual have token unlock, or, just inflate from staking?
i'm waiting for a good answer lol
The more coins in circulation the lower the price 😓
Luiz Lucas Correia
Good question
Because the currency will be worthless, no matter how much we have, we will go negative.
Lucky Boy
Hey guys how do you like usuals new price now?
when will we recieve the reward from revenue switch ?
Even if we leave in stake and have the highest profit but if the price keeps going down we are left with many coins and 0 profit.
01/12/2025 at 21:49:32 ESTWhy is my pending rewards almost disappeared, before I got around 800, now it shows less than 50. It is not distributed to my claimable rewards.
wyn zzz
Why my stake usualx not auto compounding? Where the reward?
David B
When is the rwward fix for lp? morpho users are not receiving reward.
Confidence lost
bitcoin is relatively the same price, why is usual going down? Can anyone explain?
Projected Rewards shows is weekly or monthly?
i provide usd0++ on January 5th, I didn’t even generate any profits, but I lost 7 points of my principal, and the team told me that I deserved it because I didn’t read the white paper.
Weekly snapshot taken?
Coopos Janesz
😂 I think you are the one lost your money here, thats why u are so toxic, what u want to prove here?
I feel like I’ve been groomed and tortured
@Dean - Founder CipherZero Labs people laughed like this at btc too because they couldn't comprehend the concept
Lol salty much? Thanks for playing.
Dean - Founder CipherZero Labs
Lol 😂 because you already sold all your coin and take profits, then you say that like you’re champion 🤭 f*kers
Right same thing every coin. Same people buying fartcoin/wif/virtual/hype What the point? There always winner and loser lol.
Dean - Founder CipherZero Labs
Much people was not in pre-market, don’t compare like that hahaaaa
How pre market was 0.2
Dean - Founder CipherZero Labs
Untruth project 😂 USUAL INVESTORS losing money alot of 😏
does the USD0++ in Curve LP can the usual rewards?
Dean - Founder CipherZero Labs
If today=Monday, maybe
epoch has debuted! ?
Give this tweet some love
I am a blockchain & fullstack developer with over 7 years of experience, specializing in Rust, Golang, and Solidity, with hands-on expertise in building innovative solutions for Web3, DeFi, NFTs, and dApps on platforms like Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, and Polkadot. My experience includes developing smart contracts, architecting DEX platforms, creating NFT marketplaces, and building engaging NFT games. Additionally, I have a strong background in frontend development using React and Next.js. If you are interested in collaborating with me to develop a project, I can share my portfolio and past work.
5 days more
Amar - CW
Gg we cooked
when will they withdraw usd0++ from veda x bera pool? I've been waiting for 2 days now
thats may be today?
Early this week
Price going down apy going down what we earn from revenue is also going down, when we will getting up? Really feeling bad all going down
When the early unstaking?
Otc me $30
it will take so much time to recover the price. I don't understand how they did this mistake. This is not something that they could change in one day. They should have informed the community couple of times :/ I am heavily invested in USUAL but my hopes are decreasing day by day :/
wish this last fud wouldnt happen
The epoch start. U get stimmy when donal trump talk
hmm ok
Next week
Amar - CW
@famousfxck yo bro check dms
lil m
go buy a dog
Anyone tired of been single and looking for someone to talk to right here? I am lonely 😩
will we receive the revenues after 17 mins?
Could it be that I’m not getting the rewards I should @Noé
If I give up the 7-day USUAL return accumulated inside, will I be able to withdraw my USDCs at a 1:1 ratio? Did I understand correctly? > 1: 1 Early Unstaking > USD0++ can be unstaked at any time before the early unstaking feature is implemented. Once launched, this feature will let users unstake their USD0 early by burning their accumulated USUAL yield. A portion of the burned USUAL will be shared with USUALx holders.
I think it's the last meaningful position in any hardcoded vault
Hey @Noé , if you are in contact with the team, can you help me to get them to liquidate my debt position on the old Morpho PT-26jun2025 vault. The new vault had no liquidity so I can't move and I'm bleeding interest by the hour!
There has, could you open a ticket in # 📩ㆍsupport-contact ?
During the coming week sir
@Noé Hello, why has there been no profit of USD0++ in the past two days? I used to get 200+ every day, now I get 10+
@Noé can you clarify when will be implementation of the early unstaking, I want to give back all Usual rewards and return my USDC?
At this stage I don’t have more information on that except that official communications are planned to clarify how each pool is now treated
@Noé can you clarify what will happen with the unhealthy position remaining in the old PT-USD0-March Morpho Vault ?
as you can see team is cleaning and deleting people who are telling the truth, I did not say anything agains the rules, I just mention that they set up people and AI bots to talk about them in a good light and they deleted me from discord channel.
someone from USUAL is going to liquidate these positions??
@famousfxck @savasadar.eth Hello, why has there been no profit of USD0++ in the past two days? I used to get 200+ every day, now I get 10+
hey, what will happen with the unhealthy positions of the old PT-USD0-March Morpho Vault ?
Yes, that's right. It's clearly missing.
I am not a mod so idk
@savasadar.eth Hello, why has there been no profit of USD0++ in the past two days? I used to get 200+ every day, now I get 10+
# 📣ㆍannouncements
Look at my x account. Am I an ai agent? LOL
I am using 30+ wallet address on defi. I don't understand what your purpose is?
Not taking you seriously tbh, your wallet has never interacted with Usual and you say the liquidity on secondary is too low? My guy you have 120$ in your wallet. The liquidity is deep enough lmao
so what you think why it said locked 4 years ?
Yes I read, I tested stake and unstake from UI and It shown always 1:1 then I stake without discount. This is just a trap guys no more words needed. The Usual Stole my prev 6 months revenue.
usd0 always 1 and usd0++ not always 1 people buy usd0 to provide liquidity in curve you get usual + curve usd0++ also u get usual + guaranteed $1 in 4 years
I staked my useal for usualX, i have now usualX how can i improve my gain more where to stake thoses usualX and what is pendle PT or PY ?
i think the only driver that people buy usd0++ and it goes close to 1 is a constant high yield of usd0++ over usd0. But i dont know enough about the yield generation metric to understand if that is sustainable or not
what actually is the incentive that anybody buys USD0++ and not USD0?
if you buy PT folks said u need to held until maturity yes 0.87-0.99 is the range i don't know depend on the price it can goes to 0.99 or people sell back to 0.90
understood. so based on current Pendle PT APR of 30% it will take me ca 3 months to cover my loss. insofar I can exit then at 0.94 or more if price goes to 0.87 again
did you read the doc before press buying ?
depend on the market people gonna buy/sell 0.87-0.99 reach $1 probably soon ? probably not
are people buying above 0.87 now because they just buy usd0++ for the yield? I wanna understand the rationale behin usd0++ trading higher than 0.87 as of now and whats the chance it comes close to 1 within the next weeks (and not in 4 years)
are usd0++ PT redeemable to USDC at 1:1 ratio or also with a 6% loss as of now
Buying more this fire entry
Who are you talking about?
MEV capital swapped my USDC to USD0++ at 1:1 rate while the price is 0.92 at time of swap
your source ? the team? no i dont believe it
If I check his address I don’t see him even interacting with usual lmao
see you in 2029
How much USD0++ do you hold?
Guys I did not lock my money okay? You gave me some choose for lock with discount and I did not get your discount beause I want to get back my money when I want. On what basis are you locking my money for 4 years?
You need to wait 4 years to redeem it at 1:1
There is no better rate because there the liquidity is not too much. What is the next could you explain ?
Will trade close to 1 as Usual token burns to the ground 😂
i understand that the floor of usd0++ is 0.87 and that in 4 years its redeemable vs USD at a 1:1 ratio. Why is it actually trading at 0.94 now and not at 0.88 or 0.89. I just want to understand which kind of "arbitrage" is behind USD0++ trading higher than 0.87 at this point and if there is any chance this gets back to 1 over the next days or weeks, or if it will just float between 0.9 and 0.99 for the next 4 years until redemption
I did not understand. What should I do for unstake 1:1? If I give up the next 6 months of income, will I be able to withdraw it at a 1:1 ratio?
The Southerner
Why people like cheese complicated things, for 10% more you put yourself in very strange and complex financial situation, Morpho Pendle and so on...., I prefer simple and clear, stack it in, go to Binance, wait for the decline buy more, stack more, until mid 2025, take a look
Thank you for all the paper hands, your discount is very appreciated 👍
0.87$ is floorprice. But there are better rates on DEX. Read # 📣ㆍannouncements
Do Usual rewards start accruing right after I put in USD0++ or LP? @Noé
15%? Are you sure? Because even on secondary price is 0.93$…?
I staked USD0 and get USD0++ previous week. Now I loosed 15 percent of my money! What is this mean? What is happening?
If you add, it’s a time weighted average iirc
OK , we need to hold th entire $usualx . And if we add , what's happen ?
@nft_d that’s # 🧐ㆍspeculation
Yes - you should hold your USUALx balance for the whole weekly epoch
are we punished even with a partial withdrawal? @Noé
Are you sure you’re right? I would have assumed rewards were given the LP and which morpho pool you were looping through was irrelevant.
Snapshot is in four hours payment on the 20th, if you withdrawal during that week there is no payment
What 10% are you guys talking about?
10% sounds steep bro , is math really mathing there
If we get 10% usual coins tomorrow (reward for staking usualx) What happen if I convert usual to usualx before one day reward? For example one Day before reward i will put 10000 usualx and tomorrow they give for me for free 1000 tokens?
@ptitspapiers go to the french channel by going to # 🌎ㆍlanguage-select and then 🇫🇷 @Gothicowiec do not reply to these fake accounts, everyone is fake here, dobrze
It's a translator that translates the whole page
Yes it count every week
usual in french 🤣
Can i keep staking Usuals while the Switch is on and i will get the rewards the next epoch?
wtf is habituel
Anu Rahman
@Anu Rahman automatic
Anu Rahman
How can the ‘revenue switch’ activate. It will activate automatic or we need to do something?
It is on the site since 7th of Jan!
Communicated now ?
@Noé a serious proposal : why dont you donate 1million dollar for loas angeles fire or 500k this will be a huge PR effect !!!
ok, thanks for the help. actually there is more usual when I'm simulating withdrawal 🙂 so i'm a little bit less than 55% loss on token value 🤣
Yeah man.... update your wallet portfolio then try again
Anu Rahman
Check with unstake option with your usualx, then you can find your usual value is incresing day by day
Check I had the same question but if u look at Debank and Etherscan u will see ur balance has increased in Debank
It's unfortunately no planned as of now
Hi, please check # 🤖ㆍtroubleshooting 😄
hello, I bought Usual and I'm staking it since 2024/12/25. It says that "rewards are distributed on 24 hours cycle" but my rewards still shows 0. What might be the reason?
no plans to add usd0 yield to YTs?
No sir
Are pendle UsualX YT get usd0 yield?
Gm, on our docs, you can find a paper explaining the reasoning behind this value:
why don't we allow usd0++ to free float ? It should be able to go below 0.87 in my opinion.
@Noé if you have big annoucements (partnetship etc) do it asap to kill the fud its only like this that you can make people follows
Hi sir, it should be directly sent to your wallet
Ok thank you fine ser. And next week will my USDO rewards will be sent directly to my wallet or do I have to claim them?
For the USUALx balance to not go up? Yes. The amount going up is the number of USUAL you can withdraw with the same amount of USUALx, like a vault share!
Is that normal?
Hi, please check # 🤖ㆍtroubleshooting
Check on debank . Com by checking your wallet address
Hey guys I’m new why don’t I see my UsualX balance going up? I staked over 2 days ago and balance is the same
David B
for real is fine 🙂
It can be any price if it's profitable to maintain the arb
but <1$
2nd market can be any price
I could withdraw all money from binance and change another market? I have seen post twitter usual old markets atop reward
Up to the usual burn rates since people can arb it. If they ever limit the amount of issuance of usd0++ it can even go above 1$
I think this needs to be dealt with quickly. new pool users in morpho are paying only interest without compensation.
usd0++ wont reach 1$ in the upcoming yerar
great idea
excellenet idea, it would also benefit smaller stakers to snowball their rewards and would likely be there for the long run ?
Thanks, I've forwarded the details to our tech team for them to take a look
USD0++ will be at $1 much faster than many think. People overlook that there is usual incentives
I don't think you followed the conversation at all 🙂 I wasn't giving my opinion about what LST means. I was just saying an LST doesn't need to be "pegged" to its underlying. So that term doesn't really belong.
The new pool tvl of morpho is not applied in lp compensation. So the apy is marked as 74%. The rewards of usd0++ apply to the new pool, while the tvl summation of usd0/usd0++ still seems to be in the old pool. The reward of lp should come from tvl of curve + new pool of morpho. However, it seems to be calculated as cruve + old pool at the moment. There is an omission of new pool.
Hi, I saw some of your messages about that, could you detail more the issue btw please?
As per the website: > Get USUALx now and be ready for the upcoming epoch starting Jan 13th (00:00 UTC+0). To qualify, you must hold USUALx in your wallet for the entire epoch (7 days), with your position rewards calculated on an average time-weighted basis over the epoch. Also: > Minimum projected rewards are calculated based on your share of the total USUALx supply relative to the total rewards pool distributed monthly. Rewards will be distributed on a weekly epoch. Meaning, the amount displayed right now (XXX/5M) is your share of the total rewards for the month. But, it is distributed weekly! Is that clear?
Yes, I think there is a contract missing for the new morpho.
David B
Why did I only get the curve pool from the lp pool reward? I migrated morpho.
GM to you too sir. Yes the revenue sharing APY in USDO
Gm sir, are you talking about the APY in USD0 for USUALx (revenue-sharing)?
@Noé the reward is being distributed now. Is this the amount to be distributed each week or would it be different?
Hi, yes, the weekly epoch for revenue sharing is starting tomorrow!
tmr USUALx revenue will turn on right sir? Also we're look forward about usd0++ to usd0 peg 1:1 with USUAL's fine
@anyone, what s the conversion rate for USD0 to Usual? i cant get the simulation on the app page 😦
Yeah einstein you farming the best rate everytime. Stablecoin need to peg to only one coin. Usde peg by eth fundingrate. Did you farm eth funding rate in bear??
Probably related to # 📣ㆍannouncements - the DAO liquidating and covering bad debt
Great idea!
Lol sure. I been doing since 2018 full time, average 43% APY between 2018-2024 incl bear and bull incl staking like SOL
You thought there would be no one benefitting from this situation??
CrypTom ∞ ⧖
Thanks a lot Noé, could really be useful and save us fees !
I just seen a tweet that shows you guys converted 3.7m USD0++ to 3.7m USD0 when it shouldve been 3.4mill. 21hours ago. Im not fudding (usual staked) but i genuinely would like to hear if theres a reason that happened that way. Cheers.
Hi, this could be a feature implemented later on, indeed - we've thought about it and I'll emphasize the desire for it
Hi @Noé
CrypTom ∞ ⧖
Hi guy's, I wondered if with the upcoming fee switch, an automatic recompound of the $USD0 obtained to $USUALx will be made available. I'd rather receive $USUALx immediately every week so it automatically compounds instead of paying fees on Ethereum and having to do it myself + missing one week of rewards on my freshly earned rewards
Funding rate not even attractive even worse in bear. Thats the reason ethena will switch to build blackrock yield.
Indeed, maybe can also do funding rates. But this getting saturated now.
Earnings multiples go up, meaning USUAL token could get more value. Same as stocks. Also, funding fees usually take off (at least in the past), so stables that do funding fees like USR and sUSDe would benefit the most (especially bond yield being low). But this time might be different, we have risk on bull run in high interest rate environment for last 12+ months
Yah, this is a good reason for having ETH0 and others on the roadmap. So in low interest rate environment stablecoin business earning less but other product lines presumably doing well.
Yah right now USUAL star controls governance which is all team and investors. Which makes sense because you can't have Usualx control governance until it gets distributed broadly.
Will be interesting to see what happens if rates go back to <1%. So many new stables launching that track bond yield ONLY. Practically, they will become useless. USUAL has bit more going on though.
Makes sense, we do give yield now to DAO which is basically a team. Its all very centralized and have to trust the team, kinda like Ethena. They claim it's all decentralized, which is not true.
Fundamentally stablecoin businesses aren't as valuable in low interest rate environments because they don't earn as much. But earnings multiples go up in low interest rate environments so its hard to say.
If fed cuts rates, DAO prob willing to buy back USD0++ at a higher price because their projected future yield is lower. That's why the floor price exists. USD0++ holder is effectively giving DAO the future yield now instead of over time.
If its short term bonds, its very volatile. If FED cuts rates 0.5% is USD0++ floor going to increase by approx 2%? Who manages that, is it automatic
Yes, anyone can redeem USD0 for 1$ if you are KYC and 100K$ minimum.
Thanks, because there is no clear information about how USUAL will sell short bonds to keep USD0++ USD0 price .87 and 1
Next week usd0++ will be able to claim by 1:1?
Can anyone actually swap huge amounts (like 10mln) USD0 to USDC 1:1 instantly without routing thought the secondary market? Cannot simulate without having 10mln lol
TVL and collateral drops yes. As they have to sell USYC to USD to give to you right? I actually don't know, who can redeem to real world asset? Institutions only? Users like us would have to swap on market. Peg might remain 0.99 or 0.98 for a while until institutions arb it
Protocol doesn't own any 4 year bonds. They only own short term treasuries which all can be sold for $1. USD0++ holders are the ones that own a 4 year bond plus rights to USUAL emissions. Which I think should be trading at $1 but that's an opinion.
i bought usd0++ at the price 1$ on the curve, and put in to the pendle, now i have 6% loss
They gave you USUAL in exchange for the yield on your 4-year bond. That USUAL allows you to earn the yield you gave up plus all future earnings of the protocol. You can buy or sell any of these assets whenever you want at whatever someone is willing to pay you for them. Don't see how anyone stole anything.
Yes, I mean current holders will convert to regular usd to get liquidity right now if project trust or anything will push that
Well 870kk dump would be on the market? Meaning someone bought that 870kk. So TVL would not decrease. Unless market participants who bought will swap via Usual (not market) for 0.87$ for arbitrage. Then TVL go down
Maybe it has something to do with the APY declining 3% recently (due drop in TVL). I asked the team and there shouldn’t be any problems with that.
I thought you hated USUAL little baby
Yes, but TVL, in that case, will go down, and only the treasury will grow?
If it drops below 0.87$ team will open 1 to 0.87 swap (they sell you the bond at face value) where anyone can swap. Arbitrage and market will balance it back to 0.87 or above.
870kk => 870 000 000
870k USD0 will not make TVL drop by 70%, I dunno what you mean exactly
in that it possible to withdraw 870kk usd0 and TVL will drops at 70% in that case, and 130kk will be moved to treasure like haircut
They are not frozen in bonds, team likes to sell to you now that you bought 4-year "zero coupon bonds" and that's why USD0++ trades at a discount, but there's backing in the form of USYC which is redeemable for USDC or PYUSD on Hashnote website
fee switch is paid in which currency?
Hello, I have one question: If something like a bank run happens now and users withdraw 1kkk USD0++ to regular USD0, the second market will instantly drop to 0.87. From where will USUAL take money to return 870kk USD0 if they are frozen in bonds? Will they start to sell 4-year bonds on the second market to unfroze money?
my pending rewards balance has barely changed over the last few days, what's going on? @Noé
Yes because Binance is expensive. Kraken or coinbase fees are less expensive when you withdraw. Binance is misleading users by having them use their own bsc blockchain, wallet etc
update your wallet portfolio and try again
I first did a mistake of transferring my Eth from Binance to wallet visa BEP20 bnb smart chain and i had to bridge the Eth to ERC20 which is expensive
There are many scammers so be careful
@Noé @Mr. Lin this is a scammer or ad
Did you check if your Eth is on ERC-20 network because that's the network which is used on fees
so they just stole some of my money, and i should hold their tokens 6+ months to just return my money?
I am not usually charged more than 7€.
Check the network in which your Eth is because last time i transfered 458 usual i was charged $20 worth of Eth and it was during offpeak hours
Will the unstaking fees for usualx and usd0++ distribute instantly to usualx or it adds up to treaury ?
Can u click on ETH in your wallet, then see which network it is on? Note: dont show us your wallet address
quick question, does anybody knows what happens if change the leverage from 2x to 1x mid operation on binance, while on loss? (cross mode)
I just put 30 usual in stake and they charged me a 2.7 fee.
In the process they will tell you how much eth is needed, and eth fees are very expensive at certain times
That's just your wallet mate, where's the error message?
There are errors but when making the signature, it does not detect it, but there is usually no error in paying for gas in any currency.
Can you send a screenshot of the web3?
I have 25 dollars of ETH in my Web3, but I keep getting the notification that I don't have enough ETh
You have to put eth on the web3 as well
And ETH?
my usual ones are already in the Web3 wallet
Plz check my message some hours ago on “speculation” channel
You must move it to web3 , otherwise, you can't do
I need help to convert my usual to usualx, it asks me for ETH, but I already have ETH exactly 25 dollars, how much more should I have for the transaction to take place? I don't know what else to do, I attach evidence
There is 1.5B usd0++ which means 1.5B usdc to USYC,so 13% value (almost 200M) locked for four years due to the close of 1:1 redempiton function without any buffer period。This is not the problem of WP just the thing of communication and no respect to the USD0++ TVL。Q1 is not the excuse。
I dont think this applied to pendle posititions, but I have pendle LP so im in same boat.
but if it moves closer to 1 by time, why was ist at 1$ before the depeg? or is the true worth if you want to trade it back (idk like 0,90 rn?) not visible on the normal chart? you mean by future yield decreasing that the rewards in usual will theoratically decrease with each day? or what do you mean by future yield? I mean the team could have expected this outcome bc who is waitiung 4 years to get out of a position? whales will just use the market
Creo que activarán Base o Arbitrum en los próximos meses. Podría ser bueno esperar si el gas Ethereum es demasiado alto
you know there is a different that the PAR can redeem 1usdo++=1usd0 at any time ,but users deposit 1usd0=1usd0++=0.87usd, even the value of usdo++ is increase gradually, but it means that the people who owned usd0++ should get usual which equal to 13% of it's principle then they starting get revenue. on the other side to team took the usdc which user deposit to buy usyc as collecteral and get over night repo interests to pay to the usualx holders。The key point is why I should give 0.13C out and wait for it back for four years?So the buring rate is essential important, hope the team could make sense。
Hola, algún hispanohablante que me ayude con mi problema, lo que sucede es que no puedo pasar mis usual a usualx, estoy usando la WEB3 DE binance, me pide que para hacer la transacción necesito ETH para pagar el gas, pero 25 dolares en ETH y aun así no me deja intercambiarlos, adjunto imágenes
The big picture challenge for USUAL right now is that TVL can't grow while USD0++ remains under $1. Because new money coming in purchases USD0++ on the open market rather than minting new USD0++ which is what increases TVL. As USD0++ price increases towards $1, it will attract sellers who are more focused on the short term. There are people who might be waiting for .96 or .97 or .98 etc. to get out of USD0++. We need long term inflows to outweigh short term outflows which will take some time.
USD0++ is a 4 year bond backed by short term treasuries. So after 4 years it will trade 1:1. Between now and then it will move closer and closer to $1 each day. This is how bonds work. Your future yield is constantly decreasing and your principal is constantly increasing. But what is different in the case of USD0++ compared to a traditional bond is that there is another very important factor/revenue stream which is USUAL rewards. Anyone who says fair value of USD0++ is .87 is basically saying USUAL rewards are worthless. Which obviously isn't true. Because if I hold USD0++, every day I get USUAL rewards. That's why it would not be irrational for USD0++ to trade back to $1. I expect this will happen soon but could be wrong. Everyone saying the team knew that USD0++ would trade to .87 is saying the team knew the market would be irrational.
The mechanism is that USUALX acts as a vault share, if you want to increase your USUALX position, you need to buy and stake more USUAL. A bit similar as buying a company stock/shares, if it helps you understand more easily