USD0++ is a 4 year bond backed by short term treasuries. So after 4 years it will trade 1:1. Between now and then it will move closer and closer to $1 each day. This is how bonds work. Your future yield is constantly decreasing and your principal is constantly increasing. But what is different in the case of USD0++ compared to a traditional bond is that there is another very important factor/revenue stream which is USUAL rewards. Anyone who says fair value of USD0++ is .87 is basically saying USUAL rewards are worthless. Which obviously isn't true. Because if I hold USD0++, every day I get USUAL rewards. That's why it would not be irrational for USD0++ to trade back to $1. I expect this will happen soon but could be wrong. Everyone saying the team knew that USD0++ would trade to .87 is saying the team knew the market would be irrational.
The mechanism is that USUALX acts as a vault share, if you want to increase your USUALX position, you need to buy and stake more USUAL. A bit similar as buying a company stock/shares, if it helps you understand more easily
The team could have been more transparent with the changing of the 1:1 ratio for usd0++
so many people cried when it went from $0.87 now it's back up to $0.94 and all is well. the community is pretty funny at times.
The idea is that USD0++ holders have earned yield over time in Usual which gives them rights to future cash flows. They can unlock USD0++ at $1 if they sacrifice the USUAL they earned. Personally, I expect USD0++ to trade near $1 soon so this won't be super relevant.
so why exactly does the floor price rise if they get paid out weekly? when the floor price rises they get less revenue from buying usd0++ back, so when the floor price rises over time that means the revenue from the treasury bills also decrease over time? i dont know if i get it..
it probably means you need to hold an additional x months after your pt expires, x<=6 if they don't change anything silently again. basically your and everyone bought usd0++ before the Friday are funding the project, especially the value of usual with the yield your money is generating in the next 4 years.
That's your opinion. LST tell you the token is stake-able.
ok - yes I'm aware of the 10% unstake fee. But why then does it say the token amount of UsualX is not going to move (when it seems to auto-compound)? Confused by the "token count stays the same"
Your USUAL auto compounded when staking, u dont need manually do that Btw unstaking is not a wise choice cuz we have to pay 10% amount of USUAL as fee. Instead you can use your USD0 reward to stake USD0++ for more USUAL and again stake more USUALX. Or use USD0 to buy USUAL directly then stake again As a result, quite similar as what you expected
Interest earned on t-bills gets paid out weekly to USUALx
PECK (🚫🧢)
It compounds as usualx
thanks @fredchan17999 @PECK (🚫🧢) 👍🏻 but then it means I can't really use this "phantom" Usual to restake it into UsualX... right? Just curious why there would not be an option to autocompound the Usual into UsualX for those keen to simply increase how much usd0 they get per epoch?
so the longer they hold the t bills the greater will be the revenue when they sell a part of it?
Hey, If I'm correct understand that from next week we will be able to convert our USD0++ to USD0 at 1:1 ratio? If I had some USD0++ on pendle i will redeem them to usd0 without losses?
PECK (🚫🧢)
Usual will be compounded, you can see it on debank usd0 will be credited to wallet/claimable at end of epoch I assume
No, USUAL amount will be compounded and you have to unstake to receive, meanwhile USD0 will be sent to your wallet weekly
@Noé @Mr. Lin usual team. After studying your project the whole weekend. The main message for attraction is :”usual the only token that shares the revenues with holders”. 5millions dollar/month is huge Having 18k gives you 500dollars/month payable every week. No one doesit.
Think of it as USUALx holders deciding if they want 13 cents now or 4 years of Treasury yield. So over time that floor price will increase because in 2 years it will become 2 years of Treasury yield vs. 7 cents now or whatever. And then short term rates become a factor because lower rates mean less projected earnings so higher floor price.
thank you
when burn usual to redeem usd0++ starts?
oh so as long as usd0++ trades above 0,87 they get more revenue from the treasuries and at 0,87 USD0++ is more profitable? bc in order to buy back they have to sell t bills?
This is based off the value at which it is approximately profitable for the DAO to repurchase and retire USD0++ instead of waiting for the yield on the underlying treasuries.
what is the floor price of USD0++?
Yeah, I think calling LST to underlying a "peg" is not the best idea (but yeah, it's pretty common to call it that).
what is onrrp basis?
Mr. Lin
Even if the rates shot up immensely our liquidity will still guarantee that we are over-collateralized
Mr. Lin
Ser hashnotes purchases bonds by ONRRP basis, so t-bills price actions does not have an significant impact on the protocol
If you check the docs/whitepaper carefully (and don't read stupid takes on CT) USD0++/USD0 parity/peg is not guaranteed but mentioned quite a lot at the end of the day it's an LST. LSTs can be pegged to various degrees depending on unlock conditions.
perfect thank you
yes need to held in wallet not pendle. then you can choose your usd0 will be usd0++ or more usualx
to send a question to someone directly, you have to put this sign @ followed by the name, the USUAL Team name will appear, select one or more🙂
I have a lot of UsualX today, and I am waiting for the revenue switch to see if I reinvest USD0 in UsualX
Hopefully docs only talk about defending the USD0 peg, or USD0++ floor
if you want less risk stake usd0 => usd0++ -> you will get usual -> stake usual -> usualx -> you will get usd0 more risk buy usual now -> stake usualx -> get usd0 -> buy usual -> stake usualx
PECK (🚫🧢)
Yeah, search "UTC", you'll see the mod post
Do you know if it will be easy to stake USD0 earned through the revenue switch in UsualX, and if it's free? What is your recommendation on this matter?
did they say it?
PECK (🚫🧢)
Midnight UTC
Yea there's quite a lot of similar sentences in the docs/whitepaper though about defending the peg or having to trade a parity. And they have a few dao parameters to adjust it. not 100% clear though
Its weekend and they are not available at any time, be patient
what time is the first snapshot
@Noé or @Mr. Lin can answer you
Ok no worries. Do you happen to know what the time the announcement on the early redeem feature etc. is tomorrow ?
Mr.lin doesn't answer me. I don't know why 🙂
Maybe you can ask to USUAL Team
Yeah, I think that's making the case that the features built into USD0++ mean it should trade at a premium above the floor. It doesn't seem to indicate they'll directly intervene to that end.
according to hashnote USYC (US Yield Coin) is the on-chain representation of Hashnote’s Short Duration Yield Fund (SDYF). SDYF invests in short-term US Treasury Bills and performs repo / reverse-repo activity as the underlying asset of the USYC token.
Mr. Lin
I've yet to discuss with the tokenomics team on how they want to devise their plans on this. Will share more on this once they're up tmr.
Yea sure i don't really care if it's pegged or not actually. Just saying the DAO can mostly tune the volatility and how close it trades to $1 through the target outflow rate.
Mr. Lin
Nothing is confirmed yet, but we are aiming to push USD0 use cases to TradFi and CEXs, for example. This would greatly expand on our revenue streams and boost the community's confidence. After all, all theories are backed by its price actions, and bullish price actions speaks louder than any words
The longer the duration of the bond, the higher the interest rate sensitivity. Interest rates have risen recently, and as you know, prices are the opposite. I just want to see if Hashnote is made up of long-term bonds, contrary to the explanation that it is made up of short-term bonds. I don't understand why no one is curious. DAO was involved in arbitrage on USD0++/USD0, but at some point, They're not doing it. DAO had adjusted the ratio of the curve pool to 45(USD0):55(USD0++).
Mr. Lin
Not speaking for the team obviously, however I would suspect that the structure of the whitepaper has already indicated that USD0:USD0++ naturally would not have been "pegged" on a 1:1 basis per se, since USD0++ is never classified as a stablecoin. Since TGE on Nov 27, we are still in an EARLY phase. I reckon the team really wants to push out all of the features indicated since 2024 Q3 (which stated that early redemption is set to be at 2025 Q1), thereby having the bandwidth to fully focus on the more important things, such as expanding the revenue streams.
do they moved earlier the launching of revenue switch? i thought its planned to launched on 1st of Feb 2025
Yes the number I mentioned is monthly revenue, but we will receive it weekly, should be / 4
Monthly not weekly right ?
I'm curious on how the usual team sees USD0++/USD0 peg. Do they see it as something that should trade close to parity with USD0 and how close - or anywhere just above floor price ? In the whitepaper it's described as an LST and doesn't guarantee a peg indeed. However the DAO can mostly tune the peg through the target outflow rate. If it's set very high then the peg should be strong. Wondering if the teams sees USD0++ price more varying between $0.99-$1 or say $0.9-$1 for example.
Mr. Lin
What was the question?
@Mr. Lin curious if you know the position of the team on this or if you have any thoughts.
Not entirely convinced, it's not a 4 year bond like everybody is saying. Just the deposit is locked for 4 years. See from the docs on how they describe USD0++/USD0: USD0 Liquid Bond Token has free market pricing. At first glance, one might think it would be valued at a premium because it’s USD0 with rewards on top. However, due to its maturity, it could exhibit more volatility. To ensure a fair price at parity with USD0, USD0 ++ has access under certain conditions to the underlying risk-free yield through Base Interest Guarantee (BIG) mechanism. Given these features, the expected market fair value should be at parity. To ensure safety in the crypto space, the Usual DAO has the right to unlock a bond through the Parity Arbitrage Right (PAR).
Mr. Lin
Due to the amount of opinions and feedback we've received from the community over the past 72 hours or so, the team has decided to open up the revenue switch to ensure users' voice are heard and thereby reassuring them with action instead of mere words.
Can you explain your decision about this last minute change?
Hey, thanks, I saw that! But you wrote something else in the tweet:
What I'm talking about is USYC's attestation. It's not on-chain. If long-term bond is already in treasury, it's exactly the reason to say 1$ in 2028. So, I want to see the attestation.
yes this one
largest holder of usyc in etherscan is usual treasury
Mr. Lin
kindly refer to our latest announcement ser
Mr. Lin
What happened to the difference between the 0,87$ year bond and the 1$ for each USDO++ usual team sold us? The USUAL team already has the revenue for 4 y already in their treasury?
I couldn't find the attestation of hashnote USYC and Usual. Can you send me the link?
i think there onchain wallet proof they holding usyc you can literally compare usyc usual tvl in defilama
Yeah they have, I’m not at my pc right now. But you can find them somewhere
Hey! Qq it was previously communicated that: - Revenue Switch goes live when >50% of USUAL tokens are staked as USUALx. - If not? It auto-activates Feb 1, 2025. Any idea why the switch is going live tomorrow, since we are at ~30% of Usual staked?
Yes, I read it, I wonder if Usual has an attestation like the attestation like ethena
High fees being made
Whatever is paying 3.8% is the bond
have you read this part ?
Hello, can you tell me if we can use usd0++ on defi like Morpho or Aave ?
The market prices the token, the floor for USD0++ is 0.87 USD0 A 4y bond can't be pegged in parity to an instantly liquid USD. Hence the lower floor. How much above that floor it trades depends on how the markets values yield
Didn't you understand my question? I'm asking if USYC, the asset of USD0, is composed of long-term bonds, not short-term bonds. I haven't found an attestations of assets backing USD0, hashnote USYC, anywhere.
so the reward rate was adjusted by the Dao?
@Noé quick question. I'm curious on how the usual team sees USD0++/USD0 peg. Do they see it as something that should trade close to parity with USD0 and how close - or anywhere just above floor price ? In the whitepaper it's described as an LST and doesn't guarantee a peg indeed. However the DAO can mostly tune the peg through the target outflow rate. If it's set very high then the peg should be strong. Wondering if the teams sees USD0++ price more varying between $0.99-$1 or say $0.9-$1 for example.
the need for more USD0++ liquidity I assume, seams like a fairly safe LP IMO
usd0++ is short term bond you can redeem 1:1 current price is 0.9x in 2nd market it will go to $1 at 2028 usd0 is the stablecoin.
Why is the usd0/usd0++ LP reward so high now?
so the value in Usualx over Usual is basically the spread between the two that grows over time correct?
I mean, I don't understand why the team is referring to 2028. Does USD0 consist of long-term bonds, not short-term bonds?
@Noé dumb question here but can you please confirm. When staking USD0++ Usual rewards pay in emissions but when staking Usualx they are compounded, no emissions?
PECK (🚫🧢)
TGE 494m from total 4B
since when we need to hold usualx in our wallet to be elegible for revenue switch 1st distribution
im curious how much was allocated in the previous airdrop? was it 7.5% ?
it is short term bond 4 years maturity at 2028
Is the t-bill in USD0++ not a short term bond but a maturity at 2028 ?
Does the revenue switch basically mean I will get USD0 for holding usualx?
no more airdrop bro
hey guys how much of the % supply was allocated to s1 airdrop for USD0 holders?
June 2028 iirc, precise date is in the WP
What's that exact maturity date?
Underlying is overnight repos indeed
Same maturity date for any USD0++
They’re all the same
There are no T-bills with 4 years duration, T-bills terms are 4 to 52 weeks. Thanks.
PECK (🚫🧢)
Tomorrow (Monday)
I believe all are same bc usual will stop be minted after 2028, it make no sense to have an end date later than that
USD0++ is backed by USD0 which is backed by T-bill with 4 year duration so to guarantee the 1$ stable price for USD0. I have no idea if every USD0++ minted has a separate duration…
When is the revenue switch?
Yes, I know. I'm just wondering about the "4 years" part. Are all USD0++ tokens the same or each have a different timer of 4 years depending on when it was created?
You can unstake earlier. Floorprice is at 0.87$ but rates are 0.94$ in secondary. It will gradually go up. If you do want to unstake earlier for a loss, you can redeem 1:1 for maximum 6 months of revenue. That’s a safety mechanism to ensure the good health of the project.
it is not stake
When staking USD0 to get USD0++, is the staking for 4 years starting from my exact stake date or are there USD0++ tokens with different staking end times, depending on when their staking was done?
fud is locked by the admin, this is also good for making the atmosphere calmer. Friday's incident was a stress test for USUAL. The team should provide protection. I also see USDO under pressure but the price of USDO is not falling and can be considered stable. This proves USD0 is a true stable coin guaranteed 1:1 with USBond. My advice to the USUAL Team @Noé For the future, make a simple announcement that is easy for everyone to understand so as not to cause misunderstandings. Let's take a lesson from this incident.
up/down don't worry about it. there more product to come in futures. not even 1 month yet after TGE
The tvl is going down ,no?
Yes and get usd0 in 20jan
I've been doing stake since yesterday morning and I'm already +10 usual.🥰
Could you explain this, which is spreading on Twitter? 0.975 and 0.955 to redeem. - team (adli.eth) started facilitating liquidations to prevent any bad debt - normal liquidations cant happen coz its unprofitable for the liquidator as long usd0++ market rate is below 0.975 (PT hardcoded market) and 0.955 (usd0++ hardcoded market) - team can "bypass" unprofitability coz they can redeem usd0++ at essentially any floor they want - doing PT market first, havent started the main one yet - for the liquidated person, liquidation is +ev vs unwinding, they are "selling"to the team for 0.975/0.955 vs market rate (0.925).
They're defined in 3.3.1. θt is net weekly outflows while θtarget,t is target weekly outflows (not set yet). The formula for weekly outflows is in
Friday i was selling, as no answers anywhere, i thought the team is bad…but when i read discord all day and so @Noé in action i said no way no way !! And thx i waited. Fortunately we re still dumped due to week end effect lets see tommorrow.
The initial values for parameters will be shared early next week, with the release of the Early Redemption feature
Vibes getting slowly more bullish. FUD is slowly disappearing. Enthusiastic new users joining our journey. USUALx stakers growing at 36.7% now. USD0+/USDC getting better rates (0.94$). All we need now is an altseason 🫡🔥
Usual team keep supporting everyone very well, thats a reason why I trust this project LOL
@NoéHello, what do the parameters θT and θtarget,t in the redemption rule mean? Can you explain it in detail?
She bugged, tired poor machine with all questions and fuds…she deserve rest I m still impressed anyway by @Noé , r u a machine ? Friday amazing !! Answering all questions so quick with calm etc
Mava will be re activated early next week
English Translation: Hello, in the old pool, wasn't USD0++ hardcoded to 1? How is the 0.955 derived here? Is it 1 minus the liquidation penalty?
ShinRa X
Is Mava still available?
okay got it i guess would have to find out myself how do that work, thanks for your help
Yes u can swap back. It route u to 2nd martket.
i swap the USUALx via web3 binance, does the wallet have the feature like uniswap or pendleswap? that can process the USD0+?
Rektus Pospolitus
If this is the case then I guess will have quite high factor during the first week since we had over 200M of outflows, but it should rather quickly drop.
How do you swap in the first place? U can swap back?
No, MEV Capital automatically allocates to the new market (you're not directly in a market, you're in a vault)
well its still in the crypto wallet... it doesnt making any sense..
looks correct to me, A=0 mean B_USUAL = 0
Rektus Pospolitus
Do I get this correctly, that if there are no redemptions then the value of A parameter in the "USUAL Burning Redemption" formula will be 0, hence the actual amount of USUAL needed to redeem 1:1 will be 0 as well ?
Connevt your wellet in uniswap or pendleswap
Mr. Lin kindly refer to this article ser
what would you suggest icecream, how can i liquidate USDC easily
U sell assets with peak fear. And buying asset top euphoria bullpost by twitter? What it's that tell you? Bad decision.
It's weekly now
if my usd0+ is that huge to make a different probably i wont let usual value dropped that much uhh
Sure bro u can buy xrp. But people like me waiting to short xrp at top 😉 dont let me steal your money.
some countries monitor quite strictly on cryptocurrency
Top buyer lol bro got psyops by twitter into being exit liquidity
maybe would consider buying XRP with USDC easier to liquidate the asset..
As u were the one asking the question of when…so i was wondering what is eth0 and btc0
it there a complete guide on how to do this im using web3 binance
USDT has bad rates, like the worst. Best to swap for USDC
Swap in pendleswap or uniswap
How to sell my USD0++ into USDT
u should ask the mod, not me
Good question.
@Mr. Lin a question regarding the "revenue switch" holding period (epoch). The blogpost says "Rewards are eligible only for positions held throughout the monthly epoch" - is that the latest? So if I have USUALx now, I have to hold it until 13 February to get the first USD0 distribution? Many thanks!
Hello @nisan what is eth0 and btc 0 thx 🙂
Mr. Lin
ah yes, runescape is the way to go
Mr. Lin
It will be on the pipeline ser
sir i heard usual will launch ETH0 and BTC0 is that right ?
@Noé hello Noe. The guy youtuber i told u last time “crypto pour tous” made another interesting video where he talks about crypto actual context. But in 5mn17 he talks about usual, interesting point and positive you can see. Youtuber : crypto pour pour tous. Video title : “une semaine a oublier”
so the payout will be weekly by dividing said amount by 4 right?
Mr. Lin
Hi ser, I have already forwarded this question with team for more clarity, stay tuned
Mr. Lin
@Mr. Lin just one questions - the amount of usd0 I see in the dashboard - is monthly or weekly ? also if it is monthly then it will be divided by 4 (as there are 4 weeks in a month) ? Thank you in advance
its still there on APP ser, plz change it
Mohamed Eldpah
Please I converted my usual to usualx 2 days ago But I did not notice any increases of any kind or any rewards Is this normal ! Just rest assured
ok sir
Mr. Lin
Exiting LP on uniswap should not incur a penalty of 10%, ser
Mr. Lin
someone who exit the LP on uniswap will pay 10% too ? u sure ?
Mr. Lin
I understand there might be confusion over the past 72 hours, appreciate the patience
This should be the newest announcement
Mr. Lin
@Mr. Lin Maybe this announcement should be changed sir. " Rewards are eligible only for positions held throughout the monthly epoch" thank you
Mr. Lin
then you'd receive more interest from LPs
It might also be an opportunity if a lot of users exit LP for the revenue swtich rewards
Mr. Lin
so its mean they who have some LP will not receive it ? i think LP is consist of usual and usualx
Mr. Lin
Only users who hold USUALx (and not LP/YT etc) will receive reward from revenue switch ser
sir if i have some LP on uniswap usual/usualx will i still got the revenue ?
that is I mean, its weekly not monthly?
Mr. Lin
We have changed it, per our most recent announcement
Is it weekly epoch, not monthly?
Mr. Lin
Only if you have USUALx before start of epoch, and hold it throughout the entire epoch ser
This means that if I stake as usual, within 7 days I will get a prize, right?
Mr. Lin
Then it would be Jan 20
My question is about the next epoch)
Mr. Lin
Tomorrow (Jan 13, UTC+0)
The next epoch will start on 1 Feb or 13 Feb?
Mr. Lin
AFAIK, reward eligibility is counted at start of epoch, and rewards are now distributed on a weekly basis
@Mr. Lin Can you explain the following information for USUALx staking time • Rewards are eligible only for positions held throughout the monthly epoch. • The epoch begins at the start of each week (UTC+0) and ends on the last day Thank you
Add me up @Gothicowiec
Team, you need to assure the 1:1 redemption and adopt a linear convergence to your target .87c in the next 6 months. Otherwise there is scope for misrepresentation and AMF complains. The project will slowly die. To your attention.
How much i need ethyrium for staking usualx by 1 year?
becareful for the link you interact with man
I mean if much people will be staking usualx, so price usual will be more less because team will be adding more usual coins than they could add?
If people staking usualx and get reward usual there will be no problem with value of usual normal?
thought there would be an announcement addressing this but I don't see anything
is there any news around what happened to the USD0++ peg? its trading way below $1.
Hey... i think it is rude if on website is wrote "we are better than".. you know sometimes like be brutal 🙂
Mr. Lin
However, if anyone DM you saying that they have an solution, they are definitely a scammer.
Mr. Lin
Sorry for your loss ser, there are a lot of scammers on X and we simply cannot avoid them unless we switch off the comment section which will hurt our engagements.
Its $600 not a few balance for me
Dispensable eleyi
Hope it's not a massive lost
Feel so sorry for your lost bro 😢
Just got from a sleep, didnt see fake link. My fault
how were you scammed ser
I got scam from X link
What happened to the fud? Is everything ok now?
Yes, USD0 reward is not auto compounded, it will be sent directly into your wallet weekly
How are the rewards for yt-usd0++ distributed? I purchased it yesterday, but I didn’t find that my usual balance increased?
The usdd will not auto compound, will it ?
Sup guys
Both bro, for USUALX Revenue switch is for USD0 reward
The usual we going to earn from revenue switch is going to auto compound as usualx ?
And 10 minutes 😄
Lolol. Thx you. Yeah then good to stak then sell with loss.
Its monthly revenue switch haha
Per what week, month ???
Mr. Lin
More details would be on its way tmr
Mr. Lin
Yes would normally be UTC+0
thanks,also neeed to make it clear:when the snapshot will be taken,UTC+0?rules should be transparent
Mr. Lin
sorry for the typo, it should be weekly
Yup hope our money will increase significantly in one day haha Btw, fyi, Im getting around ~530$-550$ at minimum for staking ~18k USUALX as shown on their dapp
Thx bro for ur kindness and answers.
should be weekly not monthly?
Thx you. I need to check. How much now is the reward ? Lets say for 10k usuals if i out them today at end of moth i will get how much usd0 ?
5. Be sure you only approve Usual official dapp/website in your wallet, be careful with fake websites and scammers on X 6. Make sure you have enough ETH as fee in your wallet (~10$-15$ should be enough)
Mr. Lin
Let me relay your questions to the team, stay tuned
Mr. Lin
1. Buy $USUAL 2. Stake USUAL on our website dAPP 3. Hold USUALx throughout the epoch 4. At end of week, will reward users with $USD0 being sent directly to their wallets.
voting power of usualx should turn on ASAP,community need to decide how to deal with the profits
has the liquidation on morpho ended?when give profits back to usualx holders? @Mr. Lin
Hello @Mr. Lin do u have the procedure from a to z on how to do. Starting from usual we have in binance to the reward. I will also then make video to show other users and promote that.
Mr. Lin
Let us confirm with team
Yep, no reason to sell at lost if we can hold for long term. Just reminder that you must have USUALX to get rewards, not USUAL
Mr. Lin
Even for multi-sig wallets
Good. Thx u. I need to see how it works then. I dont wanna sell them with loss. I dont wanna also take only usual as rewards in case they continue dropping there will be no advantage to sell them
Mr. Lin
It should not matter with what wallet you use ser
Ok. So i need to change my usuals to usualx
Did u finished staking USUALX via their dapp first? If yes, your USUALX will get USUAL compounded instantly and USD0 every week As long as you can see USUALX in your wallet, it will work as expected
Yes, the Usd0++ is still get apy paid by Usual
You're using a binance web3 You'll get both the usual and Usd0 as incentives
I got a question, so once distributing the USD0 as profit share, the USD0++ holder still get usual as well? Or just switch to USD0 instead of keep minting Usual?
No i the usuals i have in binance (through web3…etc i know). But i will get every week what exactly ? And eveyweek i can take profit ?
01/12/2025 at 05:31:03 ESTYes
You mean USUALX? You will get both USUAL and USD0
01/12/2025 at 05:29:30 ESTYes you got both
You'll get both
PECK (🚫🧢)
Both, usual compounded plus usd0
Hi guys. If i stak usuals i get only usuals as reamward ? Or usd0 ?
Im holding strong
@Noé friend, maybe you knows what the situation is with galxeee?
Hi. I have 16300usuals (bought at 1.4average). as we all blocked with price. Best solution understood is staking. But how concretly i can have staking advantage finacially speaking, every week i will have income ? How it works. If by staking i will get other usuals but price is cheap what is the point ? Thx for help
Gunner funk
Stop USD0++/USDC Rewards before it's too late
yessir I’m aware - to clarify what if I held it from now in a gnosis safe. Will I then be eligible for distributions?
msulc (🍔,🍟)
usd0++ already at 0.936 on curve btw, market knows that usd0++ is more valuable than Floor due to the fact that gives equity and that will eventually be worth $1
At least read. Luna back their stablecoin with a doomed-to-fail algo. We have treasury bill backing. Educate yourself
msulc (🍔,🍟)
it's not about hope, is about the system design. You can check for yourself the backing of every usd0 minted, it's on the blockchain. This is not an algorithmic stablecoin like usdt was...
I think if you transfer during epoch, you will not be eligible
It’s definitely not like LUNA bro, its backed by RWA 😄 btw its recommended to read their docs bro, you should at least understand what you put your money in
msulc (🍔,🍟)
there's nothing "curious", that's how the system was intended to be from day 1, read the latests posts from the team to understand better
@Noé if I hold usualx in my gnosis safe am I eligible for usd0 yield?
just check from Ive been watching that and amount of USUAL increases every day.
We addressed the situation through previous communications. If you didn't read them, I'd advise to: # 📣ㆍannouncements
ok. i hope usual is not next luna.
They gave you the illusion of a stable when you are buying from them at $1. But it’s suddenly a bond when you want to redeem it. The fair market price “curiously” stayed at $1 for a long while, when it should fluctuate, as a BOND should.
You can also see it by simulating unstake USUALX on their dapp. But debank shows more accurate number. Your USUALX won’t increase but the amount of USUAL will after unstaking, thats how the mechanism works
It's a UI bug that has been reported multiple times in private tickets, and now fixed, nothing sketchy here sir
well that seems sketchy
Selim C.
is there any chance to i get my usd0++ as a $1 ratio soon. Because if i didn't see such a long time at $1 price i wasn't invest, yes is should read but it didn't market like that
why rewards are not shoing in the usual app itself or in my wallet ?
Please check # 📝ㆍminor-updates > #3 Reward Calculation Adjustments The UI was updated, fixing a bug where rewards could include claimable or pending ones, in their own category, artifically increasing them.
Check debank and see your amount of USUAL increase overtime
guys i have been holding usualx token but i didn't get kind of reward. Am i the only one facing this issue ?
# 🧐ㆍspeculation
Never DM anyone, be careful with scammers, just a warning! ⚠️
The project have just launched nearly 3 months, it can dump for 50-60% but also can pump for x3-x5… who knows? We are here not for trading only but also growing up with the project if we believe on its long term future As I bought SOL at 8$, 14$, and 20$ in the bear season, and u can look at its price now bro I know it’s painful to see our money decrease but we actually lost nothing eventually as long as we hold and stake it
is lower usual price make it cheaper to redeem usd0++?
But we more than the others 😦
Yeah, I know, Im also waiting for the whole market pump bro 😭 no pain no gain right?
I hear this since 3 weeks now
imemyself 🤡
same problem bro
Yes but what if I hold it in my gnosis safe (or any other smart wallet)?
I've had the exact same issue, haven't claimed any $USUAL rewards since airdrop day, and most of my earnings have suddenly dissapeared from website, some dodgy things going on. I have over 15k accumulated $USUAL now it's about 4k out of nowhere, would like to know where my $USUAL went
Hello0 friends, maybe someone knows what the situation is with galxeee?
they acknowleged that already. Touch some grass fren'
Bro the whole market is going down today 😅 dont be panic
@Usual team. U just didnt master the comm with all these changes look where we are now 😦 sorry but i am super frustrated there is a sell off pressure today ? Why ? Who ? I dont know
Mr. Lin
If you hold usualx you will receive usd0 for revenue switch reward
🤣 yess we are simple man
been answered multiple times here and twitter. Try to search it fren
The Southerner
Thank you 🙏, so let me drive my old car better than those complex financial porches
Is this in doc ?
Ya same to me, we are not related to Morpho so just ignore it bro. Keep our USUALX safe in the wallet and lets receive more rewards then haha 😂 dont worry bro @LMEOW yes, for primary market USD0++ will sure increase to 1$ after 4 years locked. For secondary market, it depends.
interesting so people bascially see it in longer future at $1 already
The Southerner
That's what I am doing from the beginning, it is less complicated, I didn't understand all the complexity of Pendle and so on
As long as you have USUALX in your wallet rn, it will be good, nothing need to do
@Mr. Lin will usualx held in contracts get usd0 yield?
The Southerner
No, I am stacking in usual app as the beginning
If u are staking USUALX from their dapp, nothing need to do bro Morpho announcement only for who was on it before
are u on morpho now? old vault has oracle problem.
Trader Tariq
01/12/2025 at 04:32:21 ESTHaving the same issue
The Southerner
Can anyone explain to me why we should migrate to Morpho?, I am stacking in usual app like the beginning, am i an old men?
Hi, I have a question. Is this a display bug? Why is the APY negative when staking USD0?
Mr. Lin
Secondary market pricing is not up to us
Where is the 13c difference from 0,87 to 1$ ? Where is it used ? Where can we see it ? Which smart contract ?
imemyself 🤡
I bought 1500$ YT for 40 days and I calculated my reward every day now it seems like after 30 days I have 562 USUAL token reward??
“Pending Rewards” no longer include “Claimable Rewards” ensuring accuracy after claiming." Ok, so where is my claimable rewards now?
Check “minor-updates” #3
Dear Earthlings | Xvader
@Mr. Lin
imemyself 🤡
I don't understand
Seems like it was a UI issue when pending rewards includes claimble rewards. Check announcement
imemyself 🤡
this is YT reward from pendle, yesterday was 1000 inclaimed USUAL and now it's only 700
Dear Earthlings | Xvader
Hi, if usd0++ fp will be at 0.87, then why does the current market value it at 0.94?
Wow this guys is high, he doesn't understand a bit about this protocol. He thinks usd0++ is just another meme coin. Thats the problem with all the fudders. Zero knowledge about the protocol, didnt read anything
imemyself 🤡
I didn't claim anything ang there is no txs on debank
Mr. Lin
before the pending reward means the ones in pending and the rewards claimable, now it is only those which is in pending.
Mr. Lin
did you claim rewards in between?
imemyself 🤡
Is everything ok now with usual rewards displaing on the Earn page? yesterday I had 1000 unclaimed USUAL and now it's only 700
Mr. Lin
asking the team w/ regards to yt/pt/lp-usd0++
Mr. Lin
On it
imemyself 🤡
lol can someone answer my question? I am waiting two days already
@Mr. Lin hey. how can one calculate how much "pendle lp" tokens he need to get to meet the usual airdrop vesting requirements? x2 from usd0++ number?
No it’s not, it’s like saying US Treasury Bonds can go anywhere in the secondary market, no it flipping won’t.
Bro do u really understand? U are asking like a boss about your money but not take time to read the docs once 😄
01/12/2025 at 04:00:38 ESTread the history. Usd0++ is bond that can go anywhere. that not what I am putting my money on. not here to make any trouble. but really thought usd0++ was a stable coin. people said its not. so I guess I am not interested. I will see my way out ~~
Lmao wadu heck, that’s not in one bit of what I said
Mr. Lin
you sound like you're here just to throw your opinions and not genuinely asking questions.
Mr. Lin
Mr. Lin
For USUALX plz check debank to see your amount of USUAL increase over time
01/12/2025 at 03:58:20 ESTThanks, so the price of usd0++ can go 100$ or zero ? well I guess I am out...
Mr. Lin
check internet and your wallet connection.
MBP | Usual Code: Q2TC5
For USUALX i have no idea how it works, i dont get any Usual token rewards on every cicle, how rewards for Usualx holders works?
It’s a bond that will unlock in 2028, Only secondary market value fluctuates, and the FP will steadily goes up gives users an Early Unlock capability. Both the FP and Burn acts as Early Unlock mechanisms
imemyself 🤡
Is everything ok now with usual rewards displaing on the Earn page? yesterday I had 1000 unclaimed USUAL and now it's only 700
When did you notice this ..all of a sudden ?
Mr. Lin
the way you formed your question is rather misleading without context Yes the DAO "reserves the authority to set the FP" - but the FP of $0.87 is set according to the T-bill yields (4%) and the time to mature (roughly 3.5years), and not some arbitrary number. i.e. 0.87 x 1.04^3.5 = 1
where my rewards gone? I had like over 29k in pending $USUAL rewards and they have now evaporated
just to point out fair value can go down if rates go up - the equivalent treasury is worth about 85 cents rn, but if theres some shock and rates are forced up (just a few months ago the market was predicting 4 rate cuts this year, now its saying we'd be lucky to get 1, so a reversal isn't necessarily off the cards) then the value of the bond will fall further and they might be forced to shift the floor down again.
01/12/2025 at 03:55:11 ESTI understand that, But what is usd0++ is ? A stablecoin or a BOND that can go up or down. I am thinking about usd0++ as stablecoin. people saying its a bond so price can move anywhere. I want to understand What heck my money on ?
MBP | Usual Code: Q2TC5
USD0++ is a staked version of USD0 for 4 years, functioning as LST with USD0 as a principal
Value of USD0++ will slowly increase to 1 (unlock) as approaching maturity (June 30 2028)
01/12/2025 at 03:52:08 ESTif they hardcoded it into 0.87. that mean they treat it as stable coin. not as bond or whatever.
01/12/2025 at 03:50:02 ESTso usd0++ is stablecoin ? I am looking to save my money not trying to be smart here.
MBP | Usual Code: Q2TC5
it will increase to 1 in maturity date, just like Pendle PT Tokens. Easy to know but hard to accept the truth yea?
01/12/2025 at 03:47:21 ESTwhy they peg it to 0.87, why not at 0.69 ~ that sound like stablecoin to me.
Price of 0++ right now, decided by markets, is what it should have been all along. But why did the price hover around $1 for such a long time, giving many the impression that it is a stable? Not hard to guess someone is not telling the full story.
dashboard doesn't work ?
01/12/2025 at 03:37:21 ESTusd0++ is not stable coin, so it can go lower and higher.
so whitepaper is wrong about DAO is responsible to set fp value?
Mr. Lin
Fp is hardcoded at 0.87, and will only be increasing over time.
Umm I assume there was a notice about when the Grace period was supposed to end, or was there? And was 0.87 really mentioned AT THE START? What stops them from lowering the value to 0.78 tomorrow?
okay understand, thx
Mr. Lin
Ut is referred to the entire protocol's reward, not just the particular user's wallet
cant post the link but the usual grafana dashboard tells me underlying apy is 3,33 right now
Dashboard works ?
unknown l
it's not 3.33, it's higher than rate, rates set by Fed and hopefully if you're in crypto you know Fed cuts just got priced out for this year (why crypto crashed)
Apologies, just tryin to explore all angles to get best redemption rates
bruh whatever you're on, get clean, def not a healthy substance
team said it can only go up, I can't promise anything when the trust to the team is lost
Stop spamming these things in this chat, ty so much Lets keep the chat clean and polite
Alright, just got another DM about buying a hamster on the dark web, stuffing it with Smucklers jelly and using it as a fleshlight on Broadway. They said I can get 1.25:1 redemption. Team please confirm?
praying to not be a bloodbath
20th January => steak night
Haha yes fam
what if interest on t-bill go down more in august it was 5% now it is 3,33 flor maybe need to go down more.
Nevada also probably fine, u can send me the video first to verify for ya😉
yeah, expectation of something that is logical and something I'm familiar with from another projects - is my big mistake, lesson learned )
the team really need to build back the trust learn to communicate much better involve the usual holders in all the discussion making Less focus on only pull in more tvl less bs
Does the donkey have to be in Arizona? Or can it be somewhere in the mid Atlantic? Easier for me to get to
not doing something in your EXPECTATIONS doesn't count as pulling a f u imo, i knew the risk was there so i reduced my 0pp position earlier this month to a risk level i can accept if locked for 4 years.
when range is set like that, people expect to be communicated back exact day. But now I know even such team can say "f*k you" )
It's understandable to be wary after u lose the trust to the team. I can see the logic behind the decision so I accept the risk
i dont think thats the plan but maybe if the dao can do this lower if the tbils go to 2 percent maby protocol have to lower the floor to keep health i think dao can to this
I just wanted to ask because I got a DM about having rough sex with an orangutan 🦧 and uploading the video to get 1:1 USD0++ redemption. Would a donkey count? I found a guy in Arizona who is willing to rent one out. He has all the camera equipment set up and stuff already. Can an admin just verify his specs are adequate. I'm ready to get it on
and i want to know tomorrows lottery winning numbers, the amount you get each day is dynamic based on TVL and factors, you can't know for sure for the future.
I want to know the actual amounts each day not an estimate
You can click on the "APY Forecast" on the swap page and see an estimation for USD0++
yeah, I know, but that doesn't mean it wont go lower and just climbe to 1 faster 🙂
how can I know how much usual I'm getting from each product I use? for example if I hold in LP and just USD0++ @Noé @Mr. Lin
anyway, I got my answers, we are talking about nothing right now ) Everything in whitepaper. Zero trust to team and possible changes to T and FP don't convince me to re-enter back )
floor price is calculated by interest rate of backing T-bill, it'll only increase to 1 after 4 years
you literally said a range yourself and says that it doesn't count, theres no logic in your statement, and yes it will be changed in the future, like i said, it will increase over time as we approach maturity.
it needed to be a bit suprise ithink because of big dump nont you think can you understand this
Wait for you to wake up one day. You will find that the base price has become 0.6
problem is value 0.87 wasn't there from start, grace period wasn't set as a known range(Q1 2025 doesn't count). And once again - floor price can be changed in future
When airdrop claiming time ends?
price on dex )is 0,93 ! where do you like comuniqe on andrucrypt? what need explaination for you
1. The floor price mechanism was known from the start. 2. Before floor price mechanism was implemented, there was no Floor Price, it was kept 1:1 during the Grace Period. 3. They didn't "change" the floor price to 0.87, it was just a mechanism that was supposed to be implemented from the start got implemented.
and here we are with 0.87 floor price overnight without clear communication with community, so? )
DAO is the governing body represented with community
is it true usual will have ETH0 and BTC0 product sir ?
the projected usd0 reward for usualx show 80% and 5 million revenue i think it is not correct anymore after the tvl decrease, bit annoying when protocols show inflated numbers folks ar already irritated kind of some users have trust isues and looking for help you know to rebuild trust a bit i think would help to have those tinks up to date
Steak on the 20th.
u also need to consider that usual holders have the intention to buy back usd0++ if there is panic selling, and vote for a lower value to exit early
Floor Price can only increase as delta time to maturity is lower, eventually reaching 1 at maturity
floor price is also can be changed in future, so it's interesting how confident everyone here that they will exit with zero loss through time after first hit
it refers to a value of parameter T, and we need function Busual
usualx voters will decide the T, well thinking about how usd0++ holders dumped the market before and sold their voting right, it could be higher if DAO start voting on it
don't see that clearly stated except `set by to the DAO to T = 180`
MAXIMUM of 180, MINIMUM of 0
hm, 180 set by DAO, what stops it to go higher?
oh, so that's why no details )
if u search 180 in white papar, u'll find where it comes from. And 6 months is almost the worst case scenario if u really read wp
would be nice if the usual app can show both apy and apr. now it bit confusing where yield is coming from with some positions it is also not possible to compound every day and olso th nature of the protocol with the inflation and price going up al the time apy if bit misleading etc hope the team can pick this up also part of more clear communication and building trust enstuf
fun fact, zero mentions in their blog about details how early exit will work. "6 month" is just a word here in discord worth nothing so far
you can check how much USYC the protocol hold in etherscan
i see,
They have proof of purchase?
Do you have to manually claim the USD0 revenue switch every week? If you miss claiming for a week do you forfeit that amount?
honestly you'll probably be fine for holding😂 but yeah, should def be a lesson to start doing researches, you'll def be glad to avoid some real phishing design with this experience down the road.
Tbh I didn't read myself lol, so it's my fault for aping in. And will see how team structures the 1:1 mechanism. Whatever it is just gotta wait for my pt to mature. Might just stab a degen long on usual since funding is negative 😂
you can just wait 6 months, you'll mine the needed usual without buying anything
whats the different ?
Rektus Pospolitus
I don't think so. 6 months of yield at current levels is 13%. In such case you need 1 usd0++ and 0.13$ worth of usual to get 1 usd0.
ploskov can i use this pool?
Mr. Lin
Ser it is APY not APR, and yes it is real
sir is that APR on curve is real ?
if it's 6 months of yield, buying at price below 0.95 still grant 10%+ apy for arb
Mr. Lin
No ser, only those who hold USUALX are eligible for revenue switch's reward distribution.
Rektus Pospolitus
It depends on the parameters. If they stick with 6 months of yield, then it won't result in any arb. If they lowered it to 1 month then we would get fair value of usd0++ at ~0.98 which would result in massive usual price increase.
didn't panic sell alone makes you wiser than 95% of retails in the space, i also do agree with you the team could do better on the communications front but i dont find them at fault either since i understand they're dead focus on transparency.
Some two cents here after digesting everything and being in a loss on PT myself: - didn't panic sell, but just waited for information - team didn't communicate well, but they did their best to communicate what they can - me thinks this usd0++ is a great arb for smart money, reasons below: - those who wanna redeem 1:1 need to purchase USUAL to burn - depending on how team structures the burn mechanism and amount, if arb traders find purchasing off curve pool and redeeming 1:1 on usual after deducting purchasing usual a great arb opportunity, they'll do it - doing so will result in USUAL price sending because people have to buy and burn - USD0++ will return close to peg as arb traders seek to trade the arb opportunity as more traders catch on - usualx stakers will sit and relax, enjoying the burns and high yield.
CEX listings has to follow a strict NDA, they won't tell us even if its gonna be listed tmrw, but they said its in their plans.
its USD0 gonna be available at CEX?
Kudos to the usual team for taking the massive financial hit and liquidating all of the insolvent USD0++ based positions
The team had to follow what was written in great whitepaper al dao members knew what was needed to be done the big sacrifice of the usd0++ holders happened it was all for greater good now the future is bright usual people can be happy again
Gunner funk
Those reward emission can be stopped.
Can someone explain to me whats up my morpho wallets X post. I dont get It.
Mr. Lin
I've kicked quite a bit of people here for insulting or who has ulterior motives by actively spreading misinformations for users who genuinely seek clarity on our announcements.
Gunner funk
Why is usd0++/USD0 curve pool incentivesed? It's waste of USUAL rewards as we now have early redemption feature
Mr. Lin
Absolutely false.
Ankit | NeptuneX
01/12/2025 at 01:15:23 ESTNice
actually both # 💬ㆍgeneral l and # 🇨🇳ㆍchinese have same complaint, but only Chinese has been kicked out
actual concerns were answered with facts, then those mfers started attacking who answered them, its a literal clown fest.
bruh what you on about, mfers who kept attacking those answering their questions with FACTS were kicked out, not actual people who had concerns.
It is said the mods in # 🇨🇳ㆍchinese kicked out all Chinese who doubt the project, but will patiently explain what happened to angry nonChinese investors, it sounds very great! It should be done like this way by so great project team. You are so perfect!
Mr. Lin
We have forwarded the community's request towards the team and hashnote w/ regards to the repo audits/reports could be publicized for the sake of transparency and further strengthening the community's confidence on the protocol.
Mr. Lin
GM ser, your USUALx position is not affected by anymeans whatsoever.
Hello, I deposited USUAL and it was converted into USUALx. Considering that USD0 contracts are canceled and a new contract must be created, my contract will also be canceled and what should I do?
no im not, im a fintech PM irl, u could also find contracts in audit repo, the official repo is not publicily known.
dude you must not be an engineer . Repo will have more clear about the structure of the contracts. The one on chain is already flatten and contain 0 tests
" ...the DAO can unlock the USD0 before the USD0++ matures if deemed necessary under DAO governance... " before we have DAO governance, "DAO" in docs/wp is equal to "team", correct?
Dont compare it to luna, my korean bro. Usd0++ has tbill on the other end as the underlying. Usual is backed by real asset
Not too late
Is it too late to stake usualx in time for the monday distribution? Has snapshot alr been done?
yes mb, I just managed to do it, it seems there was an error earlier.
It’s not closed
i think maybe people need some therapy i am bit afraid direct message is not the solution. just do not dump money you cant lose in complicated experiments
if things go well market price for usd0++ go back to 1 and folks wil start to buy usd0 again for locking and tvl wil grow
I agree with you, the USUAL project is basically quite good. I am sure the usual team has no intention of cheating. maybe there are some members who lack knowledge about this project, they also need to be given space to talk, it could be in Direct message. There must be checks and balances so that the USUAL project can run well. I also agree that the age of the usual project is still young and needs to be protected with good things.
i think first you buy usd0 for 1usd protocol get tbil next you lock usd0 for usd0++ to get yielt the protocol after tge the marked is going to make pice of usd0++ but protocol buy back for floor price of 0.87 but market price is going up if demand for usd0++ goes up becaus of good yielt i think now market price for usd0++ is 0.93usd
Why usual team sell usd0++ with starting price 1 instead 0.87 ?
Yes i think some people feel rggd the team communication was bit subtle and some steps could not be communicated in advanced because whales could have take advantage of it and in that case we were all relay screwed
not bias to the team but I dont think they kick by voicing out your opinion, just racism and hate towards other. You can check my history of message in discord im not really pro- to them given that there is no scam but it is really not just communicated well and it looks dam dirty just like the comms here if it weren't for the bull OG's this discord would be gone to hell 😂
The USD0 number we see under "Earn", that number gets paid to us every month?
what happen usd0++?
the value sir, try to go to destack and see what is the value now. since the USUALx is auto-compounding mechanim so the value of the USUALx ratio to USUAL become the mechanism
Did we get rggd
don't worry usual chart goin to look like Inverted croissant im sure don't worry, the usual team needed to do it this way because to kick start some thinks some steps needed to be a surprise everybody that read the papers could know that this was coming
If you really think about this suggestion and you will come to the conclusion that it wouldn't work. Or start a new protocol with this design and make billions!
Hi friend, if you lose your money, don't complain on this forum or you will get banned, look at all the members here who speak well and politely, because the members who complain have been kicked out, 🥶 That is "Democracy"
if people buy more usd0++ to farm usual for staking to get part of the t bil revenu. the pric of usd0++ go back to 1usd and folks are going to buy more tbils to get usd0 and lock for more profit like dysonspherre for yielt
When? After 4 year?? ㅜㅜ
when usd0 start printing for the usual x folks it s going to be bit better for everybody i think usd0++ demand everybody be hole again. and me be people in future not just jump in to something 5x just use money you can lose en stuff its just money and everybody know it kind of experimental specially for insider dev brows ithink got big adrenaline shot wo can you imagine play with so much money i would have big smile al the time
From usual doc : As time progresses, the price floor converges toward 1, aligning with the protocol’s maturity date. If align dont cut in th middle until mature
What are the pros and cons of holding usual still. Just wondering where we stand
Start point 2024 fl 0.87 until mature 2028. And never manually cut the price in the middle
The price floor reflects the expected revenue the DAO would earn until USD0++ matures
This ceo dont know better to start usd0++ from 0.87 rather than 1 and cut to 0.87
MBP | Usual Code: Q2TC5
bro its WEEKEND! Be patient, they will announcing it on work days lmao. So funny guy
MBP | Usual Code: Q2TC5
there is no route found on camelot for to buy or sell usd0 0r usd0++
it is 1 usdc lmao, you need to read up more
😂 feeling sorry for your lost but you’re funny man
Hey usual team, do you want to see the power of community? Do you want to see SCAM tag on your social?
They still do not make any announcements about it, whay the breaking there promises agin and agin and agin?
❗️Is USUAL is dust project guys? Because They keep breaking their promises, they said they would give the gal’xe reward in early January but they do not did 🤬🤬
Huh??? What u are talking bro, USD0 is still 1$
veda closed the deposit for berachain?
why usd0 is not 1usdc?
It represents the number of Usual ready to be withdrawed rite now. 12.05 are the Usual already staked but ready in 7 days.
U already know the answer it is scam
i think its a scam be careful
yea, who knows reading could be a high function task, especially when it comes to finance.🤣
Probably category. But description same with doc.
yea i think it was listed under "stables" on Pendle b4 and was moved to "RWA" couple days ago, could be wrong, gotta take it up with Pendle then
Yes. It was. dont gaslight me. That is how I searched for USDO. But I agree it did explain USDO in header
Never was but nobody read this day
It wasnt labeled as a stablecoin? Im pretty sure it was because that is how I would find USDO++.
i don't wanna expand on this topic no more, there was NO PROMISE made that the 1:1 primary exit rate will be there FOREVER. that's a simple FACT. like i said, i do agree they can do better at the communications front, but NO BROKEN PROMISES.
They wont allow exists in EU. They dont have money in the bank. They print token out of thin air. That's my point
I have no issues with Pendle. Only mistake I saw they made was label USDO++ as stable. So they clearly didnt understand Usual either. I think Pendle are very honest actors. It was an honest mistake.
Then don’t make the 1:1 promise in the first place, simple as that. Or if the market is irrational enough to prop the price at $1, give warning to the public that they are not going to buy back at $1.
Literally no financial advisor will tell u buying yt/pt/lp is risk free lol. Pendle itself is a risk you trading yield
My point is if tether was based in europe they would probably have an easier time messing with them.
Yes but in order for you to run in exchange you need to put usd dollar paper in EU bank as proof u can cover 1:1. You dont know tether only has 85% of dollar paper? Go watch cofeezila youtube video on tether.
Same ask, is the number correct? What will determine the usual allocation to the pool
Yeah I know. I had one of mods from Pendle tell me to DYOR and I thought. Obviously you guys didnt do your research either.
Just a lot of volume and fees were made during volatility
Is that the Team giving more reward (USUAL) for usd0++/usd0 pool in curve sir? I saw it was around 30% yesterday, today it is 102
It only apply for exchange. In order to it tether need to put 1:1 usd paper in EU bank as proof of liquidity. They cant do it ofc. Circle can thats why usdc still can operate. But here we are. People love tether right 😉 the best stablecoin
Tether is not based in europe. At least im 99% sure they are not. Europe is crazy.
why cant do no more poopy reactions
They cant touch defi. Otherwise europoor hold usdt in metamask going to jail.
Bro the CEO is an ex-politician 😂😂
Well, I hope you are right. I would rather all regulators stay out of my bussiness for the most part. Especially defi. But my worry is the team is based in france. So you put 0% chance any regulator or gov stays nuetral?
Yes yt/pt/lp risk. Go ask your boomer friend to put money defi and stake in pendle. My friend dont want to do it. Just stake in protocol and claim everyday
If I stake usual now, can I share the revenue from the first epoch? Has snapshot been taken?
not really stupid, but definitely inexperienced. the fact that this happened in USUAL instead of truly rugged projects is truly a blessing to a lot of people, i got truly rugged in my early days of DeFi ventures.
PT is very degen, pendle, morpho also didnt read i guess... uff getting smacked by nerds here
Yes i ask origami 5x and do research morpho and i decide not do it 😉 Degens got rekt nothing new
while geniuses getting liq'ed by usual team on morpho - sry not geniuses, just lots of dummies who didnt read WP ofc
Facts spoken. Ngl before I even started farming this project I’ve researched every bit about it. All pros and all cons. No DeFi projects has only pros, and no cons.
ok we understand that we are stupid people that dont know how to read the doc sorry you smart geniuses
the fact that this situation can happen in a seed project with tons of people doesn't even understand the importance of DD proves DeFi is way closer to normies than TradFi.
Normie buying xrp,farcoin, and pepe. They buy in robinhood app and revolut.
its already way closer than TradFi, stuff doesn't happen overnight, efforts need to be made on both front, normies needs to LEARN, and projects needs to be better at onboarding. you can't force food into someone who doesn't want to eat in the first place.
Someone needs to invent a “How to do DeFi for Dummies” book 😂
way to get defi closer to normies
finally my 2 cents from a fellow investor pov: Yes i do think the team can do better in the communication front, but this move is in no way a "scam", "fraud" like many of you says, since the 1:1 unlock-ability of USD0++ will only be available in 2028 was clearly stated in the WP from November 2024, i started coming into USD0++ with this risk point in mind since the start, before the token was even launched, for people aping in USD0++ to farm USUAL, may this be a good lesson to you, ALWAYS DO YOUR DUE DILLEGINCE.
i can only imagine the evil laugh from the frenchy when pulling the plug on the floor price, as reaction to someone asking what about all the PT and leveraged holders... "dont care, they didnt read WP!!!"
how do u regulate on chain stuff anyways, thats the beauty of decentralization, all responsibility falls on yourself
Im in eu they dont regulate defi spaces only exchanges. Thats why u still can hold usdt in metamask. But you cannot buy usdt in exchanges anymore.
bruh, all smart contracts the protocol interacted are transparent on chain.
i think this project is going places - being able to convince everyone incl protocols like pendle and morpho that their usd++ is a stable, let everyone get in and brag with rocket growing TVL and then overnight drop it to 0.87 is pure genius, absolutely fcking evil but genius - and some are actually praising this behavior in defi
In discussion, what is "bad debt" indicating? usdc supplied through e.g.)gantlet, MEV on morpho?
you're still talking about PRIMARY exit method: REPURCHASES, and you'll find the same situation as to USD0++ happening with small-cap corperate bonds, since US Bonds have basically a UNLIMITED demand, secondary market value will stay above face value >90% of the time. unlike small-cap bonds almost always lose its face value when the time delta is great to maturity since the company used its underlying loan to "invest" just like USD0++'s case, in USUAL's case, USD0 interests payout to USUALx holders.
You need to simulate an unstake to check your earnings.
happy forced usd++ holder 😉
whats the usual team public repo that contains their smart contract source covde ? Is this oroject closed source prohect ??
Same wish you best of luck too. As a USD0++ holder you shouldn’t be too worried imo, it’s backed by USD0 -> t-bills. USUAL holders are carrying the most risk. But that risk slowly declining due revenue switch.
However, most bond repurchases require the loss of already earned earnings as a redemption condition, rather than prepayment of unearned earnings as a redemption condition.
On December 29th I staked my Usual, but until now my earnings in UsualX have not appeared. Is this happening to anyone else?
This is the current price of a US 3 Year T Note (a US Treasury Bond), if i decide to buy it via PRIMARY MARKET (which is directly from the US Treasury in this case) or 'miniting' in crypto terms rn which i can easily do with just 1 click, after that, i would have NO OPTION to exit VIA PRIMARY MARKET, which makes the bond $0 in value in term of PRIMARY EXIT VALUE, the only thing i can do if i want to get my capital back early is to trade ON SECONDARY MARKET since the underlying loaned amount is given to the US Treasury already. USD0++ bonds on the other hand will always have a FP value IF you want to exit VIA PRIMARY EXCHANGE.
Well I wish you luck. But I think more surprises are coming. I loved usual. They really disappointed me with the way this was handled. I would call it predatory. And EU probably will too. If all this blows over I will get back in. Although I do hold USDO++ on curve. But no more usual.
Honestly there's truth and logic to both sides of the argument. Let's just see what the USUAL team cook up going forward. That's all we can do tbh.
Just leave it bro, good vibes 😎
you're welcome to make arguments BASED on FACTS so that people can DISCUSS based on those FACTS, you're expressing your feelings or "outside preceptions" which NO ONE has control over. market sentiments were never LOGICAL
It’s difficult to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t want to listen. I’ll leave it here, nothing more to say, nothing to add. Good luck.
lol its like discussing with religious nutjobs with WP being their bible/quran here, if customers complain its their fault - proper business there...
why are we still talking about a bond being "depegged", 0.87 or ANY price WASN'T PROMISED in the WP, the only PROMISE the whitepaper made about USD0++ is that is will be FULLY UNLOCKED on June 30, 2028 and that's it, if any of you actually played with bonds, C bonds, Treasury Bonds, you'll know there isn't typically a way to PRIMARY EXIT your bond position until maturity, only "exchanges" happens on SECONDARY MARKET, just like the curve pool, unless there is a EARLY BUYBACK, which effectively makes the bond "0" in value if we're talking about PRIMARY EXITS only.
So it’s their fault that people don’t read documents? 😂 But okay I partially agree there, they could’ve taken the soft landing but decided to chose the hard landing. This should be Usual most important decision. From now on it’s only about the real believers. Let the past stay in the past. This project is literally 1 month old since TGE. They have great stuff planned in the future. I’m also down bad, but I decided not to let anger control me. I became a pacifist over time. They obviously mean well and try to do their best for everyone.
Exactly, that’s my point. It’s not about being negative, it’s about how this situation will be perceived from the outside and the consequences that will follow. Regulations love this... especially in Europe
Its not the depeg. It is the way they gathered all the degens for the slaughter. They new most dont read the WP. Yes, the .87 was in the WP. But they preyed on the naivety. Trust is gone because of this. Plus they are from europe. The regulators love to appear to protect the unsophisticated. I did alright. I did skim thru the WP but didnt make connection of .87. I still made money because of Airdrop. Im okay with this. It is on me. I can admit that. But some wont let this go and I think there will be something done. There is too many issues to take anymore risk on Usual. I dont think im alone with this reasoning.
lp usd0++ zap out in pendle make my usual rewards reset? @Mava (AI Support)
Pumping is teamwork, so let’s start bull posting 😂🚀
usd0++ is not stable usd0 is stable
10 more minutes will be added, team just confirmed 👍 stay bullish
I am not crazy, this is a fact. I repeat, I hope more than you that USUAL pump insanetely high so I can recover. do you think this is negative? guys please pump it, you have the opportunity to make it with 290 APY. I just need this to cover my losses and I will be good to mantain my USD0++ until I will get back my funds
Compare the usernames, not the same
that's when u know u have made it
Currenrly top 5 beside maker/ethena/usdc/usdt. Better than wstusr, gho, usdz,fdusd,curveusd Thats fact not me defending.
Again with your negativity, insane man. Get some help. USDC, DAI, USDe all went to 0.89$ completely crazy depeg. Ethena TVL dropped 1B$ last year. They all still recovered? Some projects even got hacked and still recovered.
After this incident, which you call ‘minor’, I don’t think USUAL has any chance of overtaking other stablecoins. They’re losing TVL fast and are on the path to being completely wiped out. And more important: Trust is gone, and anyone staying overly positive while ignoring the real issues just looks like someone trying to recover their money at the expense of others.
gotta be smart
bro usd0++ price is fkd up but lp usd0++ price are increased why?
Clayboi Parti
waiting for that sweet liquidity
indeed, where is it?
Yeah buying every cabal coin and narative is make more money
Why was it promised that liquidity would be added now, but there hasn’t been any mention of it yet?
yes this is true a lot of times. but trading is different from providing liquidity. and @famousfxck this space is not made for long term investments. if you want to make the most out of it you jump from one to another. If you feel good about usual, go for it, i dont like investing in things that are not clear
Honestly, I’ve changed over the years. I was always a paperhand selling anything instantly when I lose some money. But I was never the revenge type of guy, when I sold something for a loss I would leave the community and unfollow forever. But I don’t know. I just feel that Usual is trying to build something genuinely good. Problem is that most people in crypto are short sighted. But if we had more diamond hands we could definitely flip Ethena atleast.
Im buying tao $180 when everybody callim AI vaporware, tao get hack, blockchain down for a week and i dont get yield for a week. Lol this is peak fud. Buy the fear best R:R
buddy in this space its not about being cool with everyone, its them against you, its simply about money. they dont do things to simply let you have a benefit, there i always a "why" when they're doing something. Everyone will let you drop immediately if they're otherwise would risk their own axs
is January 13th at 00:00 the first snapshot? if we stake before that we get to share the reward for the first epoch?
you guys are the reason we dont have nice things in defi i cant even on-ramp anymore due to heavy ruglations
i just think its so astonishing that you put the protocol and your, let me say, loyalty over your own money, they dont care about you
Yep # 📣ㆍannouncements and scroll all the way above until “DeFi Holy Trinity”
🤣🤣🤣 catastrophic
minor mistake 🤣 Scary to imagine results of their major mistake )
Buddy once again, you’re speaking to a wall here. Admins don’t work during weekends. We are just enthusiastic community members who try to help. And I seriously doubt it that they will enable a temporary 1:1 redemption for free, after all that damage it would be suicide. You as an experienced DeFi user should know that. And just like any other DeFi project who made a minor mistake, our wounds will heal and we will persevere. Again, what has been done is done. Nobody can go back to the past. It’s like the Flash movie when he tries to go back to save his mom. We are literally wasting our precious time which God has given us on this earth just for arguing about something which won’t change.
I don't understand why people invested in USD0++ without trying to understand how it works.
I’m not lol, there was a Mava AI bot here but I think it’s disabled currently
I don’t think the team will be able to code this in time—not because they aren’t capable, but because there’s not enough time left before the judge shuts everything down. I’m not being negative, but I seriously doubt they’ll keep working on this after all the mess and attention it has attracted. We’re talking about $1.5B—do you really think no one will take action to get their money back? Did Sam and CZ teach them nothing? on the other chat they suggest something interesting and still we don't have an answer. I will post here again: My suggestion to the team: All of this was due to a lack of predictability and communication. Make USD0++ 1:1 with USD0 again. Make this update to 0.87 happen only on the 30th, together with the Fee Switch. Let people choose if they want to enter USD0++ for this amount, in exchange for receiving USUAL tokens (APY means that). The problem with all of this was the lack of predictability, and doing things the way they were done, reduces trust in the team and takes away the freedom of a clear choice from the user. Admitting a mistake is not a problem, but a virtue. You are not committed to the mistake, but the chance to do better every day.
Also, early redemption will be implementend early next week, and even 6 months worth of USUAL rewards is less than the 0.13$ difference between the floor price and the 1$ value of USD0 at the moment, so the floor price is effectively higher than 0.87.
@famousfxck it seems that you just a AI bot programmed to try keep arguing against all bad opinion about the protocol, nice move from the team, they can easy set up this.
When's that coming? Or where can read about this
There is also an Ethena X BUIDL vault coming, and instant USDe swap. Look if you’re here just like CBB for the quick safe and easy money I understand your concern. But make your strategy in private, there is no need to argue all day about something which nobody can change. Damages has been done, team has apologized. And now they’re trying to minimize the damages. For others who aren’t shortsighted, just keep holding USD0++. FP is 0.87$ but on secondary you get better rates (0.93$). FP will also gradually increase which should increase the rates on secondary too. Meanwhile you get awesome APY 👍 USD0++ is backed by USD0 which is safely backed by T-bills (overnight repos)
don't share all of this, they are confident that their USD0 will be swapped for other tokens in the future. waiting when they can only redeem USYD as istitutional.... will be funny for them to KYC their identity and pay taxes in their countries (and fine also)
If that was true then USDC, DAI, USDe would all be at 0$ right now.
there will be the time the price will not repeg bc after a few times people lose trust and the time it finally repegs will be when they finally got the money from the t bills but at this time the tvl will be below 100m
I honestly hope for a pump in USUAL. For many reasons—the first being that a higher price would improve APY rewards, bringing more liquidity into the market and giving me more opportunities to exit. We want the same outcome, just for different reasons.
This project has zero issues. Most solid stablecoin on the market. Pegged to solid 1$ even with 1 billion USD volume. Backed 1:1 by T-bills, no risk of bankruptcy. Governance token with an disinflationary economic model + revenue sharing. This has never been done before.
I'll sell you my USD0++ 1:1 if yh??
I think the team realized it might have been a mistake afterwards to do things as they did, because people did not understand the product. It's funny for me that until 3 days ago, we were here in Discord trying to explain and understand how it works, and then, after the announcement, it's those who weren't there trying to understand the protocol that are complaining about the product they bought.
sell me all your USDo++ but promise me dont toutch defi again
i would also bet a lot that the tvl of usual would drop rapidly. @famousfxck why are you staying in a protocol that has so many issues? i would like my money to be spent smart without worrying
be somebody
usd0++ price: 0.935 arber buy 1000000 usd0++ and borrow 860000 usdc cost: $75000 profit: $27000 if team liquidate him when hf < 1 profit: $0 if team liquidate him when hf = 0.977 team should only liquidate new borrower (arber) when it's non profitable for them to cover bad debt @Adli
Bro Wallah I can’t with you and your negativity, that’s unfortunate
The issue this time is actually a matter of project execution. Or rather, the project initially maintained something valued 0.87 at 1 through “market manipulation”. They claimed it was for the users, or for customers convenience. but that’s not important—you could call it a market behavior. After all, offering such high APY, the traditional market would have gone crazy and bought it up, driving the original 0.87 to 1. Then suddenly, one day, they decided it was time to close shop. Of course, they had mentioned from the start that they would close eventually. On the surface, it seems like there’s no problem; everything is stated in the white paper, so they can shirk their responsibility. However, if this were taken to court, they wouldn’t be able to completely absolve themselves of responsibility.
They published it two days ago… and do you really think it’s normal to make such a change without proper notice? As I mentioned before, if the team is truly confident, they should open 1:1 redemption for just 5 minutes with a 24-hour notice. I can bet millions that everyone would rush to withdraw their funds
This has been in the WP since November. You have to pay between 0 and 6 months worth of USUAL rewards. You can do the math, the formula is in the WP.
Buddy, ofc I have some negative comments and also down a lot. But being constantly 24/7 negative and spreading FUD brings us nowhere. I’m a project manager in construction in real life, whenever there is a problem I don’t blame it on someone. No, it’s a shared responsibility. So instead of wasting energy on arguing, let’s be positive and try to change stuff for the future.
being able to get out if you burn all your usual is crazy too, all this soundsnot very user supporting, more like the team treis to gain as much as possible
0.87 is because of the rates. You can read it in the document they published 2 days ago. 0.87 x 1.04^3.5=1, meaning the bond is worth 1$ in 3.5 years. If the rates change, the floor price changes. When we get closer to the date it ends, the bond accrues value.
The real issue is that the $0.87 rate wasn’t disclosed in advance. and also the amount of USUAL to get back the funds on 1:1 basis
“It was written in q1 it said early redemption will be implemented and require usual to be burn. You can out 1:1 if you return back all your usual. Why its matter 0.87?” Some one told me this, let me give you a metaphor why 0.87 matters. You get 100/100 in a test and every final answer is right but how you approaching this answer is wrong step by step. that is why 0.87 matters. You punch some’s face and someone gets hurt and give some compensate to this guy and this guy recover doesn’t mean the punch itself is legal.
USD0++ will trade at 1 in 3.5 years or if people want to mint more USD0++ until then. The funding rate for USUAL on HyperLiquid is negative, meaning by shorting it, you lose money. Ah! Nvm, you meant staking it. You just need to be careful, because you pay a 10% fee when you exit if you don't have demand on DEXes
Bro we’ve been doing doing that since ages. Same with $HYPE, tell us something new. That’s called hedging.
no the users cant, but the team can redeem 1:1. And i didnt read a single negative message from you yet, you are always talking positive about what happening but never the negative.
why people crying its just 7% loss
It's always been working. It's just that they moved to floor from 1 to 0.87. Maybe you were thinking of the early redemption? This is supposed to be implemented early next week (Monday?)
Rekt News is a BS website. They haven’t read a single word from the documentation and only used sources from Twitter. Sorry but those kind of newsletters aren’t reliable. If you do have some real feedback, you can contact @Noé and no they won’t allow people to redeem 1:1 in a short moment. The peg is already going back up like I posted above. And again, can you stop being negative all day? Lol you’re not the only one being in loss here.
Recovery happens when USD0++ gets back close to $1—not what’s happening now. People are aping into the USD0++/USD0 pool for the high APY, which was a smart move for some but unfortunately traps other investors who aren’t aware of the depeg that occurred two days ago. The only good things to do is to buy USUAL and short it on HL. until the funding rate is in this range you will get good money out of this
got a source? or was it in their official statement? i am myself already closed my usualx pos, i dont like that within 2 weeks we have a depeg on USD0 and USD0++, and 3 with USUALX haha
Just one piece of advice for anyone who has already faced court and judges: what truly matters isn’t the reality but the perception—especially in Europe. If the perception is that investors or users were defrauded due to a glitch or misconduct by the team, you can be fully charged. has already exposed some damaging stories that could be used as evidence. For this reason—and others I can’t disclose here—I don’t think this will end well for anyone. We may lose everything, and the team could lose their freedom.
lil m
They have said they will buy at 0.87 cents
did you assume the info with the legal department or did you hear it from somehwere?
okay could be, i dont know if its illegal, its like a backdoor for them
Maybe it’s because it’s a fraud? I think someone from their legal department explained the situation to them, and that’s why they stopped. But just because they stopped doesn’t mean they won’t face consequences for what they’ve already done.
why is usual currently not liquidating the Morpho positions? and also why arent they buying usd0++? they can just swap it 1:1 so they would make huge money?
10k are not enough to solve my problem
I don't have 10K ... on me I wonder if there are fees to enter and to go out like gas fees and when I will get paid if I get liquidated is it instant why don't you do it ? I have no experience with Morpho ...
so you can take it. 128% of borrow rate could sounds to good to be true, more users will fill the tank for this. users are not aware about Usual and they just ape their USDC for looking good APY. Morpho is a legit protocol so they will not pay attention on that. the on top banner is not enough
VVS or Swaroski, your choice, broski.
Is the Claim Rewards button gets enable anytime when we stake?
hey guys you are in the last episode of rekt . news unusual-money
in the liquidation events the moprho vault is calculate the current price of USD0++ and not the hardcoded 1:1 exchange rate. different approach for the LTV. in the example above this bug permit the profit
be somebody
wdym ? the prroale prrice is hardoded to 1usd ... what does you mean by hardoded 1:1
have not time limits
be somebody
hey @Adli don't liquidate the new position until the liquidation becomes non profitable for the newcome borrower, they are just try to arbitage
smart, this thanks to the oracle price and not the hardcoded 1:1
innovation going crazy
Future of finance
unknown l
tvl down so emissions up + usual price is up
why is the USD0/USD0++ pool APY rising so drastically? @Noé
unknown l
cherry pie so good
Trying to understand the revenue swithc. This wasn't super clear. Even ChatGPT is struggling a bit. I think the confusion comes from the two sentences The epoch begins at the start of each week Rewards are eligible only for positions held throughout the monthly epoch. ChatGPT suggests; * If you were holding USUALx on January 1st (UTC+0): A snapshot was taken at the start of the epoch. Your USUALx holdings as of the snapshot are eligible for rewards if: You do not withdraw any of it throughout January. You maintain the position until January 31st (the last day of the epoch). Top-ups During January: If you added more USUALx during January, those additional holdings won’t count for January rewards. They’ll be considered in the snapshot for the February epoch. So when will the first USD0 be distributed?
I think it will go to $1 soon
imemyself 🤡
Are there any time limits for the USUAL claim in the EARN tab?
Will the unstaking fees for usualx and usd0++ be distributed to usualx holder instantly or it will add up to treaury ?
oh yah same thing
Did you also get the DM about the orangutan 🦧 rough sex video? Idk if it's true but if you want to go halves on it I found one on the dark web. Apparently if you upload a video of the act you get to get your USD0++ back at 1:1. Just a thought
wat im chill
Yo chill lol
thats not how the world works baybe read up on what a bond actually is, just a thought
thats great, curiosity and constant learning is the key to make money in crypto. Blind followers either ngmi or barely make it
imemyself 🤡
Is everything ok now with usual rewards displaing on the Earn page? yesterday I had 1000 unclaimed USUAL and now it's only 700
nah i want to stay 0.87 so i can buy more repeg then what ? it's going up/down depend on market anyway
01/11/2025 at 16:40:04 ESTBut it was pretty much 1 consistently until 2 days ago... then it dumped, leaving investors in the red. If I had a bunch of USD++ I would probably like to see it go back to there assp. It was mature enough then 😅
And morpho has USD0++ hardcoded at $1?
usd0++ has a floor and will reach 1 at maturity but it isnt a stablecoin
Is there a market where we can borrow USDC against USD0++?
01/11/2025 at 16:37:04 ESTRe-instate confidence I guess.. Folks stuck monies in thinking it's going to stay at a Dollar? If it goes back to a Dollar that would help I imagine...
there is no peg usd0++ isnt a stablecoin
01/11/2025 at 16:35:01 ESTThe USD++ needs to re-peg asap
In my opinion, these wallet addresses being liquidated "at a premium" are not just regular users, but wallets belonging to someone who "needs" to be liquidated for reasons we don't know.
msulc (🍔,🍟)
and also $usual price went up
msulc (🍔,🍟)
there's only $1,000
I bought USD0++ too
01/11/2025 at 16:25:09 ESTSo are folks overall happy again now? Saw the boat sinking a couple of days ago but chat seems a bit more civilized today. If all is good I may add some of this to my spot bag 🤣
No, I think its just because TVL in the pool had dropped. So same rewards spread across less capital?
Anyway this is very smart way sir, let nailed and boosting more reward for usd0++/usd0's pool then the peg will pump to 1:1 soon! @Adli
Are you able to create an alert that notifies when new liquidity is available or simply when debt is repaid?
There is so many other hardcorded pool and MEV has more than 10M I think
No. Only with pools that have hardcoded oracle. this is new pool with chainlink's oracle
yeah MEV is out - nothing left in old vaults., you can check yourself in pool page. They took last funds out within last hour or so. IF team keeps doing more of this its dam stupid.
MEV is still biggest one
you are so right ...
So, you're telling me that MEV Capital has nothing left in this vault? Then what’s the point of what the USUAL team is doing? They’re giving away money for no reason.
https:// look mom i’m on tv
ok got it
Also I'm not sure if the video needs to be shot with a professional camera or will my phone be enough? I can also upload it onto various platforms if that's what is required.
After reading all the documentation and all the explanations for the situation that occurred, answer please for just one question: is 0.87 the lowest price of USD0++ that could be?
unknown l
we are getting there
Kirill P
yes. I am reading docs now. Thanks anyway! 🙂
Prob time for you to read white paper. I don't know how to explain it any better. Sorry.
This conversation is meant for TEAM to stop liquidating too early when its absolutely unnecessary and giving free money for arbs. its important, not strategy!
Kirill P
Thanks. But still dont understand where 280% APY cames from. USD0++ holders get 45% of USUAL. But USD0 APY only 28%
Please move these conversations to # 📊ㆍusual-strategies
indeed to enter someone needs to get liquidated ...
USUALx receives 10% of all new USUAL created. So USD0++ is receiving USUAL and this mechanism helps prevent USUALx stakers from getting diluted too bad. USUAL emissions also decrease over time and based on TVL growth. Gotta read WP to get into specifics and formulas.
No, because the APY belong to USUAL, why should i ask Curve... the APY come from USUAL sir
No idea, I don’t have much knowledge about that…best to ask Curve Discord
It doesn't let me do it, it only lets me go up to 81%. PM please, we can do togheter with my funds
Anyone knows? i would like to LP at curve at this point
I dont have hundreds of thousands dollars laying around to play this game. You know you cannot do it with small amounts as roi is still small and ether gas fees are high, i'm invested in usual and want to keep profits for stakers.
Someone in here DM'd me and told me that if I had rough sex with an orangutan 🦧 then I would be eligible for 1:1 withdrawal of USD0++. Is that true? I've found one on the dark web and could film it but want team to confirm first.
so I asked ChatGpt and from what I understood, to be able to sold quickly, morpho will sell your collateral at a discount which you explained making usd0++ price 0.95 I don't get how you can make 3% out of this ... you buy usd0++ at 0.93 usd but you borrow 86% of this, even if the price is hardcoded you can't borrow more than 0.86 out of a dollar
If it’s that profitable, why don’t you do it yourself? LOL
Is that the Team giving more reward (USUAL) for usd0++/usd0 pool in curve sir? I saw it was around 30% yesterday, today it is 57%! ?
Inshallah altseason now and BTC rally. Just 9 days before Trump inauguration
maximum LTV is 86%. you can maxborrow right away in Morpho! thats what many people has been doing today. someone already profited more than 400k
Sorry, but before being liquidated, you need to lose about 5% in interest because the maximum LTV is 81%, and the liquidation LTV is 86%.
MEV already provided liq for new vaults and there is tons of usdc available with cheap borrow ARP. MEV don't have any exposure for old vaults anymore. they are OUT now.
Tech good today
Probably MEV Capital told them that until the USUAL team finds a way to release the resources they invested in the old vault, they won’t proceed with providing liquidity in the new one. And since, in the meantime, the USUAL team is being overwhelmed by the loopers from the old vault, who want to migrate to the new one because it’s paying abnormally high interest rates, they decided to expedite the liquidations to reach a solution quickly.
USD0++ back at 0.93$ 36.45% of USUAL staked Vibes are getting better ❤️🩹
current price is irrelevant. morpho pool price is hardcoded to $1 and penalty 4.3%. I'm not gonna answer your DM. if you want to learn it, just study how liquidations work in morpho. What team is doing now is stupid. and those who worry about MEV capital, its OUT now from problematic pools - no more exposure.
but the current price for usd0++ is 0.87 no ? I ve sent you an invitation to know more, cause I'm a noob when it comes to Morpho
Buy usd0++ for 0.93$. Put it into morpho and max borrow. When you get liquidated liquidator (in this case team) will pay $0.955 for your usd0++ because price is hardcoded. so you can make 3% every time. with loops you might make even 30% ROI.
I’ve thought about it carefully. You’re right. But then why are they doing this? I don’t understand. Probably to return the millions that MEV Capital has locked in the old vault, to allow them to move it to the new one.
how are they giving arbs free money
36.45% of USUAL is staked now 🔥 And they haven’t even done an official individual announcement
If you don't even understand that how are you going to arbitrage lol
Can you explain this better, please?
If I also want to arbitrage. Do we need to bear a loss of about 6 points first?
There is no bad debt, there wont be unless they let TVL past 95.5%
1/3 ==> UsualX 1/3 ==> Usual* 1/3 ==> burnt
30% of the 10% unstaking fees will distribute to usualx holder. What about the 70% ?
I'm not sure what you're asking Think I got you now, yes, if the weekly outflow rate exceeds whatever target the team sets, it will be 180 days of the current usual distribution rate.
Water prison. How many TVLs are released per week. Exceeding that amount means 180 days
Correct, though T is still 180 days max
The situation is more complex than you think. The main holder of bad debt is MEV, which in this case risks losing tens of millions of euros. I believe they will have no hesitation in taking legal action if the USUAL team does not find a solution to resolve this situation (and the solution they have found is to liquidate at a price above market value). Honestly, I don't see any alternatives.
Is there breakdown anywhere on what parts of yield come from where to usualx? eg. 50% apy in USD0 from protocol revenue 100% apy in Usual from minting Usual 100% apy in Usual from usualx exit fees 10% apy from unclaimed Usual ...
So the target outflow is crucial. And this key quantity was not written in advance in the white paper, it is a number that the project team has not yet decided on
Kirill P
thanks. But it still not clear 🙂
The math is very simple, and it's just a function of outflow/targetoutflows 180, where target outflow isn't known yet. Really don't think you need a simulation to wrap your head around this
share thoughts how to recover from this and where this is going @andrewdubai
emission + revenue switch (unlike tether or Circle, Usual ensures that the money it earns is redirected to the community)
No need math phd it will go lower if btc decide clasic monday dump. Or US gov decide dump 6B btc in one clip
Kirill P
Thanks. And could you please explain how USUALx APY 280% calculated? Why its so high?
Here's the simple examples: If weekly outflows are 0, that means A is 0, so UxTxA is 0, which is the minimum cost to withdraw early. If outflows are higher than the target outflows, A is 1, so UxTxA is 180*U, where U is the current usual distribution rate. So...180 days of current usual rewards rate would need to be paid.
Ofc it can go lower lmao. If BTC declines everyone is rekt. But there is a kind of “floor” due revenue switch APR
So after I staking Usual to Usualx on Usual app, it’s all done. I just have to enjoy the rewards?
I can run you a sim if you're willing to pay
sure, what is the purpose?
buddy I sent you a friend request would love to chat more @andrewdubai
it could be go lower. take a profitable 290% apy during your investment devaluation.
The floor price for USD0++ is .87. It was lowered because the fee switch to USUALx is being turned on. This will put an effective though not literal floor on USUAL/USUALx which creates demand for USD0++ so the peg isn't necessary. Recommend you read the white paper before investing.
hi. what is floor price and why it was lowered?
28% is based on the price of USUAL and the number of tokens your receive. If price of USUAL goes up, the yield calculation will go up. If price of USUAL goes down, the calculation of yield will go down.
Has it been ?
# 🧐ㆍspeculation
Kirill P
where did usd0++ apy 28% come from?
I don't agree with calling it a premium. Pretty nuanced but to believe its worth .87 is the think usual is worth zero very soon. Which fair enough, it's an opinion you can have but seems unlikely. Also hard to say what risk free rate is in crypto that we should be modeling off of.
Sama Do 👑
Guys i let this coin near 1$ few days ago, why it go down till 0.55$ ? It's now 0.64 .. u advice me to buy at this price or wait till it will drop again to 0.6-0.57 ?!
@Noé why not just ask farmers to return the USUAL they farmed so far in order to redeem 1:1. You can calculate how much we farmed.
its open already and there is $44.64M liquidity available, 2.86% borrow apy. market?id=0xa59b6c3c6d1df322195bfb48ddcdcca1a4c0890540e8ee75815765096c1e8971&network=mainnet
should be in a couple hours right? @Noé
When will CAPs increase on new Morpho vaults? Also Adli stated new Morpho vualt for USD0/USD0++ Lp would be available today 4pm UTC still not operational, and debt keeps accruing with high borrow rates. Can team plz address this ffs
depends on discount you bought it, and best case scenario - you just froze your money for this period, thanks to team decision as they say "was in docs from day 1". Nice, right? )
Can someone explain how Morpho liquidated positions?
Not really, PT guarantees you a fixed yield at maturity.
your dms are disabled
Haha yes I know man, I work in finance
you are back
They sold everyone the idea that you can unstake by giving up a portion of accumulated yield. Now they changed it to you need to pay them to unstake regardless of how much you accumulated. Scammers.
I bought PT USD0++ until June right before the depeg. Will I finish with a loss anyways?
gm! any update on PTs?
Seriously, team, there’s no reason to liquidate Morpho vaults too early. Let borrowers go all the way up to 95.4% LTV before liquidating— no bad debt occurs. Otherwise, you’re just giving arbs free money. If many people notice early liquidation, they’ll soon start exploiting the system by withdrawing collateral near the threshold and profiting when you pay them 0.955 for USD0++ instead of the market rate! @Noé @Adli
350K USD lost in Morpho?
how ?
EU can issue bills. Each EU country can also issue bills. You can find them on Trading View with ticker EU10Y
Hi, you are shooting yourself to leg if you keep liquidating Morpho positions too early. They will ape back and profit.
Ohhhh ok! Thanks for the help bro!
imemyself 🤡
Is everything ok now with usual rewards displaing on the Earn page? cos today I have 300 les unclamed usual then was yesterday
Seems like the market agrees with the 0.92$ price. So shouldn’t be so long for USD0++ holders to break even. Bullish 👍🔥
Not for now sir, until things calm down a bit here
Is there a way to get past the 5 minute time limit per message?
Depends on the partners but yeah could be possible. CEO of Usual is an ex-politician btw. He’s a cool guy.
And the rate is not attractive. Good usecase only for diverse your risk. Just in case US collapse nuke by kim jong
alright, I didnt know. then will they issue them for crypto protocol? There is a lot more regulations in eu
Guys i unvested dads money, I don’t know what to do! Please team help!! I don’t wanna frame him!!
imemyself 🤡
On Earn page??
imemyself 🤡
Hello! Is everything ok now with usual rewards displaing? cos today I have 300 les unclamed usual then was yesterday
Lmao ofcourse, every country can issue treasury bills…
Yup definitely possible. Future is bullish. ETH0, BTC0. CeFi integrations. Usual also teased us with USD0 pairings in the future. USD0 is literally the best stablecoin in this market. Never has depegged even with 1B$ volume in 1 day. Always backed 1:1 by T-bills. Soon vault with Ethena so you could exchange it for USDe and BUIDL.
ppl crying and giving bad advice because they want their money back. They don’t actually care about the protocol.
As as UsualX staker I like. Stop crying crybabies and start staking!
It could be back by france bond 😂 Then we come full circle. Chart will be crazy
is there t-bills in euros? or are you just another clueless guy who don't understand the protocol?
Try to unstake
Yes agree with that. But usd more demand because consensus believe trump goes office and impose tarrif it will pump usd demand and dxy chart bullish
I think that it is better be first and take whole EUR market. EUR is not so popular but some institutions who want to diversify their assets may consider USUAL
Im from europe i dont want hold euro lol. I dont think there huge demand like usd. My take
USUAL need to issue EUR0 and EUR0++ and go natively on blockchains like Solana, Arbitrum/Base, Aptos in order to beat USDT
MBP | Usual Code: Q2TC5
where can i see my UsualX rewards?
Team guaranteed the rate before.
Yess it will be guaranted. The rate depend on demand. More people buy it goes up
Laki21000 | RETRODROP чек BIO
01/11/2025 at 13:15:06 ESTOkay, question. Why has the rate been stable until today?
yes, there is no reason for usd0++ to be worth $1. Backing is 0.87 and if you are paying above that you are paying premium.
Laki21000 | RETRODROP чек BIO
01/11/2025 at 13:12:51 ESTIn 2028 USD0++ will be worth $1??
2028 end of maturity
Laki21000 | RETRODROP чек BIO
01/11/2025 at 13:10:03 ESTWhat do you think, will the 1-1 link return soon?
Alot of USUALx being staked now 🔥
Believe in something.
No credibility ruined. Usual is prioritizing usualX stakers—that’s great and booolish for the token
My opinion in crypto space. People dont care credibility in crypto space as long as price go up. If do kwon launch anothr stablecoin i will be the first guy to buy lmao. Welcome to crypto. Sol was $8 omegafud. Eth dao got hack and has to fork. Tao was hack and shutdown chain for a week. Buying those peak fud is always good r:r. The more hate and funding rate negativ the more i add my long.
Because its credibility is ruined
please do more drama, i want buy the deep usual token one more time please
@famousfxck Stop insulting people just because they have a different point of view than yours
u must be really dumb to think just because u guess is a good deal its fine to trap 1.5b$ of your users 😀
Some people in this chat are so ridiculous it’s hilarious. Bro how do you want to panic sell a token that is backed by 1$ just because you won’t get that 1$ within maximum 6 months. Meanwhile every time the floor price is gradually going closer to that 1$. And you farm 290% APY on USUAL + 27% APY on USD0++.
Mee? I dont care lol. Im user same player like you. Why im facing court lol i represent myself lmao.
then is even worse for you guys, if every player trapped here is a "non professional" you are totally done when facing court 😉 you shouldn't be proud of it
This dude has been fudding since day 1 😭 give yourself a break bro, you made CRAZY gains on farming this airdrop as top 200. Imagine getting millions free and still being disappointed. Be humble G
The difference is that I'm not upset because I lost in a game or because the team outplayed me— because it goes against health protocols.
You're right, the team is very satisfied with this
I knew i didnt loop in morpho and origami. Skill issues.
sir im being ironic, these guys are going to face court time and they ll be excluded by the crypto community. I have been talking in the morpho, euler and pendle discord and ALL these protocols condemn how Usual acted yesterday.
Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you)
01/11/2025 at 12:45:39 ESTThe risk management was done according to what people knew. No one knew the team will change the price from one day to another one. Anyway. Speaking to walls 🙂 have fun guys! Good for you that you don’t feel any remorse trapping people. Nice community.
If USD0++ APY goes down, there will be higher Usual emissions. So don’t worry too much about that 😁
I was for idea, but such an overnight change killed my trust. Sold everything at loss and moved to different places to regain this loss, but at 100% sure that nothing will change as this
We are all here to make money 🙂
I am here for making money and not to get slammed in the ass. I am not here for the protocol (any protocol) until I didn't invested as VC. I personally invested in some project and in that case I am there for the project but it's a different story ofc
Who do you think paid for all the usual rewards you were selling? Now you want to take from them. 😂
Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you)
01/11/2025 at 12:43:36 ESTAll day? I am just here for few hours 😄 with 0 fud. I explain the point of view of the people who got betrayed. And yes in DeFi you have mercenary users. It’s a reality and every projects have to cope with this. Time to wake up 🙂 @DraKryZ the guys who brought up revenues. Tvl. In exchange of usual token. Call them the way to want. They are the one feeding you now.
Lender looper literally your risk will to take.
How is that 20+ apr being funded? All revenue comes from the tbills it seems and the notional is the usd0++ tvl it seems
The guys who are here not for the project idea but to milk Usual ?
Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you)
01/11/2025 at 12:41:16 ESTEvery usd0++ holder who don’t want to lose 10%. Lenders. Loopers. You know the people that allowed usual to grow.
If you think like this, you have a short sighted mentality and I can’t help you. Study other projects first. Anyway you’re wasting your time FUDding here all day 🤷♂️ you need to think about better choices than wasting your Saturday on this. Yes it’s 27% APY plus USUALx 290% APY. With HUGE liquidity to exit. Also another thing it doesn’t matter about fed rate. Usual works with overnight repos + Bank of America predicts no rate cuts this year 😁
I want to see USUAL price goes up, so I can sell it and get back my funds earlier. but it's not going to happen and I am praying for see this but it's not enough
who is trapped? Am i trapped?
Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you)
01/11/2025 at 12:39:10 ESTNot 29%. 19%. With low liquidity to exit. You also forget one thing: this fed rate can change any moment. Another risk. But you admitted also what the team said: their protocol does not work if you don’t trap users: because of the death spiral. If the only way to keep users is to trap them, you may want to rethink you design.
I’m not so sure about this supposed lack of bankruptcy risk. You seem overly confident that nothing will happen to the company behind USUAL and that you fully understand how bankruptcy works in the real world, especially if a request comes from the court. USUAL token is not something is going to pump, maybe manipulated to show a different destiny... personally I will short any pump, because this model lack the inflow of new TVL in the protocol. no new TVL no rewards coming from the RWA. it' a death spiral and it will not end well for everybody
It doesn't actually get diluted that bad. USUALx receives 10% of all new token issuance and USUAlx unstaking fees. Thats why the APY is 207%.
Didn’t read the whitepaper? # 🔗ㆍofficial-links Token which gives you 3-4% APR monthly in stablecoins + deflationary economic model 😁 now tell me another coin which is better
Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you)
01/11/2025 at 12:36:52 ESTThey locked users. For locking revenues. Yes. That’s the problem. It’s not my losses. I have lost way less than what I have won with usual. It’s the principle : you have to respect the hand that feeds you. I see that this community is like the team. Happy to lock people to milk them.
token which gets diluted daily
Why does everyone keep saying USD0++ is worth 87 cents? It traded hands there for a very brief period of time yes. But that is not what its worth.
Lmfao give me 1 project that gives you 29% APY on USD0++ and another 290% APY on the token you earn, which is also backed 1:1 by T-bills so no risks of any bankruptcy.
If the USUAL price stays the same, along with the APY rewards and the secondary market price at $0.92, it will take us four months just to recover our funds. Now think about those who bought USD0++ just days before this change. If they’re good at math, they’ll realize their funds will generate zero earnings for at least four months—just to cover losses or repay others. Think twice about whether this behavior is truly respectful toward those who provided liquidity and helped grow the TVL to $1.6B
at the expense of users that they sold something worth 87 cents for a dollar?
If the model was clear from the beginning, the amount of USD0++ would be less 10 times than now
I honestly don't know why you say this. I am a holder of USD0++ and USUALx and I somehow don't understand how I am getting screwed.
Buddy, just one thing. Yes it’s about the “money”. But only for the holders. They want to make everyone happy, y’all acting like they steal money for themself lmfao. Please read # 📣ㆍannouncements and stop speculating or spreading FUD. You have been arguing all day without any solid arguments. The whole reason they did this is to lock revenue so to avoid a death spiral. Don’t you see that Usual is trying to make this the most solid, safest stablecoin in the space? Sorry then I can’t help you and I advise you to either sell now at 0.92$ or whatever price at secondary, or wait until next week.
even if it is decentralized, the voters will vote against usd0++ holders bc they sold their voting right and kept dumping the market. this could have happen in a more friendly way with announcement ahead but usual was dumped so hard, it'll enter death spiral without this harsh movement
This model was clear from the beginning. Every farming model suffers from this, and we all know it can’t last for years—or even months. However, it’s dishonest to set certain rules and then change them to exploit the situation. Personally, I’ve only taken losses when the rules are controlled by individuals. Immutable protocols are reliable and once again prove why any form of human intervention undermines true decentralization
Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you)
01/11/2025 at 12:30:38 ESTAPY is far from the highest + you have tot actor the lock (-10%). So the real APY is 15% for now. + it’s APY, not Apr. Earning 15% is quite low considering you can make more without lock or losing 10% on your principal elsewhere.
To be honest Twitter and Discord is just a big echo chamber. Most holders are passive users. Obviously generally people are still bullish on the project. APY is still most attractive on the market rn, also safest option (RWA).
Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you)
01/11/2025 at 12:28:18 ESTUsual holder are users. You may be new in DeFi. How to? You announce the end of the redemption for after March (since the team set up march maturity in Pendle). Then you let most likely 50% of you tvl going elsewhere. Some ppl will stay. Some will leave. It doenr change anything. You will still print revenues. Just way less. And you know it. And they know it. It’s all about the money at the end. They waited to have raised 13m before doing it ofc, and when the revenues were enough they trapped their users.
This screws over USUALx users. These are the people who were sacrificing selling USUAL they farmed or were buying USUAL to stake. They were the only reason anyone was able to sell the USUAL they farmed for anything. What do they do for them and where does the money come from?
goodboy | best good boy
"Staking USD0++ gives you 25%+ APY" this is false, 25/2 = 12.5% baby, one year is long enough in crypto, even in trad market, few people hold bond for 4 years
So again, I beg you to explain to me how they can "respect the users" without screwing over other users. Where does the money come from?
The point is simple: if the rules are clearly set, you can choose to play the game while accepting the associated risks. I was aware of the Floor Price and everything else, but I didn’t expect such changes to happen overnight. It feels suspicious and looks like an attempt to trap liquidity. If that’s not the intention, then prove it—open unstaking at a 1:1 ratio for just 5 minutes with proper notice. Announce something like, ‘Tomorrow at 3:00 AM CET, we will open 1:1 redemption from USD0++ to USD0,’ and I can bet millions that everyone will rush to redeem their USD0++ back to USD0. This would clearly show the lack of trust in the protocol.
Wslm, @andrewdubai hope you recover well inshallah. But let’s try to stay positive. In terms of r/r Usual is still the best on the market. Staking USD0++ gives you 25%+ APY, and USUALx gives you 250%+ APY. A lot of people would sacrifice a few % just to gain that huge revenue. The FP will gradually go up eventually. USD0++ is backed 1:1 by USD0 which is again backed 1:1 by T-bills. There are no bankruptcy risks. This was the biggest step Usual had to make. It can really only go up from here in terms of progress. Let them build their roadmap and inshallah all goes well.
Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you)
01/11/2025 at 12:23:52 ESTYes that’s call respecting the users who make you what you are today. This is how literally every other project works: before making a change you announce it and prepare it with the risk of seeing a large of you tvl going. Welcome in DeFi ser 🙂 you know very well that you will not have had a fraction of this tvl if people knew that the team can change the rules from one day to another one. Again, it was admitted by the team : they did it to trap users. Usual has made money with this tvl. They don’t finish with 0 profit.
goodboy | best good boy
NOT AT ALL SER, considering one year yield , usd0++ give you 28% APY, but will cut you half, which will be 14%.. a lot more better choice outside the market, that's why USD0++ holder angry, if team make it to 60% apy, things will change
@andrewdubai yeh right trust is gone and USUAL project It's too complicated to understand for some people you have project withe 4token behind Usual usualx usd++ usd0...
and @Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you) Are you saying you wanted to buy USD0++ and farm a bunch of USUAL for awhile and then remove all your liquidity to USDC and then buy back when its at .87 and farm a bunch more usual and that all of this can somehow happen with USUAL retaining any value? And that everyone should have been able to do that? You aren't making any sense.
Please don’t compare an asset like Bitcoin to a protocol like USUAL, which is owned and controlled by individuals. Bitcoin derives its value from its freedom and decentralization, something USUAL clearly lacks. Sorry for the late reply but I am still in slow mode here
hahaahahahah 100%
Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you)
01/11/2025 at 12:19:40 ESTI highly doubt I am confusing anything 🙂 I know very well the project. You still miss the point. Maybe on purpose. The problem is not the depeg. The problem is the way it happens. By doing it by surprise with the sole purpose of trapping users.
I’m willing to provide liquidity if the rules are set beforehand, not afterward. What happened here is that you secured liquidity and then changed the parameters in the middle of the night for most users, without any announcement. If this behavior isn’t corrected, it will be hard to attract more TVL. Maybe others are missing this point, but I don’t believe TVL will increase moving forward.
I don't know dude. Why was bitcoin trading at 18K in 2022? Markets are irrational at times.
You are all missing the point the whole thing is built on USD0++ growing in TVL since that won't happen the apy will be diluted very fast
There will be once people find out you can make money weekly just by holding a token. Give it time. People love making passive money.
Ofc they want that
You are confusing USD0 for USD0++. USD0 holders do not take on any risk. USD0++ holders give up liquidity in exchange for rewards. Are you saying you want the rewards but don't want to give up liquidity? That breaks the whole mechanism! This isn't a magic money printing machine.
Why is the USUAL price stuck if there are millions waiting for USUALx Holders. The answer is simple—there’s no confidence or trust in the protocol.
Which as i see it is why they are starting the fee switch this coming week with weekly revenue distributiuon, isn't that enough?
Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you)
01/11/2025 at 12:14:56 ESTWhy should they care about usualx? Usualx holder believe in the project. Usd0++ no. They believe in the yield and help the project with their liquidity. The whole risk should be carried out by usual holder. Not by users. That’s the most basic principle. Not reading the doc is an invalid argument. The problem is not this. The problem is changing overnight with the sole purpose to trap people. It is written black on white by the founder on the forum of Morpho. He explained why they did it by surprise : to don’t let people leave the protocol.
Tbh in terms of risk/ return, Usual is still the best in the market.
How does it get drained? There is 250M going to USUALx holders over the next 4 years no matter what. Are you saying no one is going to want that money?
no, because the trust is gone
you don't think the market fix itself as people stake on the more profitable option?
Usual will eventually go to zero if TVL doesn't rise and there is no incentive for it to rise
Can you explain how you would give USD0++ users immediate 1:1 liquidity without negatively impacting USUALx holders? What part of the community needs to pay for the fact that USD0++ holders want immediate 1:1 liquidity on a 4-year locked bond because they didn't read the docs. I am a large USD0++ holder and my situation would get worse too if you did this. Because I want USUAL price to be high so my future rewards are worth more. You are suggesting unraveling the whole mechanism.
Man so many cry babies here! Defi is risky. Shut up and stake UsualX and earn period
What you’re suggesting is to take a 10% loss for a hypothetical 298% APY that will likely be drained in a couple of weeks. I highly doubt this insane APY will last for months, so your so-called ‘safe’ investment will eventually go to zero.
The docs literally say that USUALstar has governance power until the protocol matures. Could not have been more clear.
The market you’re describing doesn’t exist anymore. New protocols will launch, and they’ll compete for liquidity. Users will move their funds to wherever it’s more profitable to farm. This move sets a dangerous precedent for how those running the protocol can act. The document repeatedly states that the ‘DAO’ is responsible for these decisions, but in reality, the team made changes to key parameters without any governance and without notifying anyone. That’s a fact.
Pascal 🧪 (will never DM you)
01/11/2025 at 12:06:37 ESTPlease stop these non sense arguments. The APY is nothing special, and no it is not normal to treat the users who brought up money this way. This whole mess is just sacrificing the users thanks to you succeed for the benefit of the one who just hold usual token. It was admitted by the founder and the team. Doing what they do was because they feared people leaving the project, therefore less tvl therefore less revenues. The only way to keep the revenues was to do this move. And not only they trapped users but also they now make money on their back. Like if it was not enough. If it is how you think a project should treat their users, think twice. Love makes you blind Agathe.
So buy USUALx and sell USD0++ if its so unbalanced. No one is stopping you from fixing it.
so Usual token is doomed since there will be more and more minting with no new TVL which will drop the apy
Dear Earthlings | Xvader
Hi I bought USD0++ PTs through morpho looped and even though I'm not liquidated because of hard-coded oracle, I'm still in a huge loss due to entering at 1$. Is there any sort of reimbursement of sorts or plans for the team to sort this out? Its so sudden
Actually usualx and usual* holders are the ones with voting right if DAO start to work as wp stated, I'm afraid they probably won't vote in usd0++ holders' favor either after seeing dumps from them in past days
The market will rebalance this to whatever it thinks is appropriate. The protocol doesnt have to do anything.
In order to incentivize the USD0++ adoption, the protocol needs to rebalance the rewards between the 2 pools, 28% APY on USD0++ compared to 284% on USUAL is not make sense. I don't think the Liquidity is going to increase in term of TVL. We can see people buying existing USD0++ at discount but not minting more USD0++
Laki21000 | RETRODROP чек BIO
01/11/2025 at 12:03:34 ESTEveryone writes about a 4 year wait. Explain the mechanics and operating principle. Why did I buy USB0++ for 1.1 and now it's 0.92.
where can we sell this USD0 since binance is not listed for this USD0
True, but i bought at 1$ so no bond yield for me 😅
USD0++ does not receive the 4% underlying treasury yield. They will receive yield as USD0++ (currently .92) turns into $1 in 4 years. Additionally they receive USUAL rewards. The USUAL gets staked at USUALx and receives all of the underlying treasury yield from the protocol proportionate to how much of total USUALx you have.
It's in USD0 - should be directly dropped in the wallet or claimable, each week. More details are to come early next week.
if you buy today you will get a discount. USD0++ is priced less than 1 $, if like me you staked USD0 for USD0++ when it was 1:1, we will just get the rewards in USUAL
how is this revenue getting paid to those who staking USUALx, isit paying via USD0++? like claim the reward on the USUAL platform?
Laki21000 | RETRODROP чек BIO
01/11/2025 at 12:01:04 EST0.92 already usd0++. NICE!
so what incentive to mint new ones? how will the TVL grow @andrewdubai
Well those 4% dont go to USD0++ holders, or i got something wrong?
According to the whitepaper, USD0++ holder just get USUAL tokens. who is getting USD0++ today are getting a Tokenized Bond with yield around 4% + 28% APY in USUAL Token.
Laki21000 | RETRODROP чек BIO
01/11/2025 at 11:59:02 ESTWhy did the disconnection happen in the first place? I don't understand.
How long into the future are you talking about? Like tomorrow its valuable to hold USD0++ because you get USUAL rewards.
You didn't answer my question, it remains the same, how can it grow when you are selling for a 1$ something worth 87 cents. Or the protocol has no growth plans? @Noé
So what are benefits of holding USD0++ in future? Will holders share revenue or something like that?
Gunner funk
Floor price redemption started already?
100% of the protocol's revenue
The TVL doesn't grow in this scenario. Rather, the yield that the treasuries would have earned over 4 years are earned immediately. This way USUALx holders receive the yield they were promised while allowing someone who desperately needs liquidity to get out.
sir, can you summarized what is the additional benefits of staking USUALx apart getting compounding USUAL coin.
Right now, no USD0++ are minted unless secondary market rates are pegged, since you get routed through the best available route. TVL can be higher if that happens, but also benefit from people minting USD0, or new products in the future.
I'm having a hard time figuring out how the TVL of UDS0++ will grow if you are selling 0.87$ for 1$, the same question for USD0 it's only use case is exchanging to USD0++ @Noé
Laki21000 | RETRODROP чек BIO
01/11/2025 at 11:54:43 ESTWhat are your forecasts for achieving the 1:1 usd0++ goal, how long will it take?
# 📣ㆍannouncements sir
what is the latest news right now
Yah, i just don't understand why you feel you lost. Can you explain exactly what happened? How much total $ you entered with and how much total $ you have marked to market? Because I have a lot of USD0++ and a lot of USUALx (i've just been doing the very boring strategy of claim usual daily and stake for USUALx) and nothing about what is happening makes me feel wronged. Its exactly what everything said it would do.
If i would like to move my USUALx to another wallet, i can avoid missing out the revenue by doing so on the last day of each cycle after collecting revenue that week?
The process will be long and not without complication (we observed one yesterday). Nothing is perfect.
Snapshot is taken on Monday, it's weekly