where did you see that amount?
I donโt need it soon, but I also have 0 usual afaik. Where can we check? Do we still accrue usual tokens if we have PT USD0++?
Again? Lol It was said early redemption was enabled in q1 it doesnt matter what the floor price was. End of maturity you get your money + apy.
01/10/2025 at 20:45:47 ESTYour team has not considered at all the incremental TVL users that will be provided after TGE, who are also contributors and builders of USUAL, but because of this less than one month's gain they need to pay for half a year, that's the USUAL team's doing whatever they want and being evil
Usual, become up. Great
will yt-usualx get revenue switch reward
When do you need the money? You can get 1:1 if you keep farming USUAL and then pay enough
Very helpful lol. Rephrased: What is the best course of action moving forwards to minimize losses? I didnโt stake usd0 for it so I assume Iโm not earning Usual rewards
can usd0++ go back to above 0.95?
If I bought PT usd0++ with USDC on Pendle, how fkโd am I?
usd0 bond yes not other stablecoin
Usd0 is backed by bonds or some other stablecoin?
WTF?A daily limit of 50 million USD
real, good for usual nobody is going to kick start a stable coin project a second time this way. i am real bullish!
Will be added tomorrow morning, read # ๐ฃใannouncements
https://x.com/usualmoney/status/1877870480268390682 The new liquidity pool needs more USDC. Why aren't they taking action?
01/10/2025 at 20:17:37 EST10x on morpho and dead now๏ผthat's terribble
Can you at least explain what happened to you and how? Did you sell at .87 or something? Doesn't seem like anyone got hit THAT bad.
If you're spending Friday night fudding something you claim is worthless then that says a lot about you my guy
Jeets out chads in
@fink is Paolo's lap boy. Keep that 5B a year coming! God forbid ownership of crypto's most valuable product goes to users.
Fatahilla M
hi, i need help i want to send my usual from binance to staking usual in web https://app.usual.money/, can y give me toturial maybe ?
Itโs simple tbh. Look okay criticism is fine but if youโre blatantly insulting people itโs not. If youโre an USD0++ holder, either sell now if youโre unhappy or wait until next week and then decide. If you got rekt by looping with leverage thatโs 100% on you. Anyway USD0++ should be redeemable for max 6 months in fees. Small wallets could probably unstake in max 2 weeks or so idk
Like someone said, I wouldn't be surprised if he's being paid by tether or something along them lines
take out from pendle
Yah I mean I don't mind criticism of mechanisms but saying I am shilling for exit liquidity like what does that even mean? If I unstake my usual then Usualx gets paid. I don't know how to hurt this project other than fudding adoption which I'm trying to get you to stop doing.
Hello I have a position on pendle usualx pool for 2 weeks Am i รฉligible for the usd0 rewards on monday ?
Noobs still crying? Ban every idiot with stupid comments
@Mr. Lin mute this dude, been spreading FUD all day long non stop like heโs getting paid or smth
313k bro lol that assume usualx goes to zero yeah inflation outpace me i'm scare i rather hold btc with 30%-50% drawdown atleast i beat inflation by down 30%-50%
I feel like this must be a paid tether fudder. Hard to explain why else someone would waste their time in a discord trying to make the project fail. What are your motivations? Makes no sense.
I think some folks got bit mislead by own greed. or did not want to understand what product they where using as long yielt is high. the usual insider cowboys did what is needed to kickstart this project.
UI issue will be fixed
it's already locked when it goes to 0.87 it doesn't matter what i think. that's how bond and maturity works ๐ i just do nothing and claim rewards
hi,my staked USD0+ position is droping,is that normal? Should it be stable as 1:1 to USD0?
You think this can hold 4 years? Lmao
we eating good tonight
U FUd too much. Sell and leave
Good luck trying to buy back when FOMO starts
if i buy now, will i get a bonus because i supported during the dark times?
That's pretty good as stable revenue share, no?
lmao cope harder
why I got -100%APY on my yt position???? anyone knows why
Morpho revolving loan users need to consider that we provide a large amount of liquidity and then suffer the most serious losses!
It sounds like the protocol routes you to discounted USD0++ instead of direct staking. Can anyone confirm? If so, you would expect USD0++ to go to $1 because all new inflows will push USD0++ higher. And it seems with USUALx yields, the opportunity will be compelling to new money. Can anyone find an error in my thinking?
Amar - CW
What do yall think realistically about the price in 1-2 months?
nein ๐งฒ
what's happening with USD0 price on debank lol
Trust is gone between certain users and protocol. Not all. In time, there will be new users and the old ones will have gone. This is just how it works. Now it's up to the guys to not make the same mistakes with newer users. Think about it, the revenue switch once people post how much money they're making each week will bring it many people . Also just to add the users that will leave are the most upset ones rn and they weren't adding long term value to USUAL.
seems more to be cope on your side ser, doesn't look like they lost anything
these people think usd0++ makes the protocol bearish
Trust is gone between users and protocol. They intentially misled them
i dont cope i do my math lol i have my principal back + usd0 from usualx + usualx ๐ go buy fartcoin or cabal coin and getting dump enjoy.
Sounds like this was incorrect. It does give best rate. I haven't checked myself because I don't have any USD0 but apparently if you actually do it instead of just checking UI with empty wallet it gives best rate.
Lucky Boy
Asian session
Every business has made mistakes, doesn't mean they close shop after that. The best businesses learn, iterate and get better. Let's see what happens. Don't be naive and emotional.
Dude USDe, DAI, USDC all depegged like crazy. In crypto you canโt be prepared for all situations thatโs impossible
project gonna be fine underlying product still good and keep building more feature for longevity. look at sol chain down ? look at tao get hack ? look at eth hack ? it was way worse
that reveals the lack of preparation, professionalism or eventually everything was just orchestrated in bad faith. How this project can go on with this level of fragility?
I sent you a friend request. Can you help me via DM, please?
Usualx is still showing yield. So if that is case as you say wouldnt Usualx go to zero also?
Yeah usual website had an UI update maybe they forgot the API
Wait so how do I use my usual token to vote and propose on governance? Where is the governance url? Wheres the github? Maybe im blind
noo you are not eligible for usd0 reward if you stake in pendle.
Coopos Janesz
its not release bybit or something else crypto web? @Noรฉ
This is on all USDO contracts. All other contracts just fine
There is a scam trying to impersonate usual money on twitter claiming for a vote be carefull : ( usaulmoney.app)
Hi, Im curious where I can use my governance tokens to propose and vote/
Iโve completed the staking of USUAL and received USUALX. Now, should I place the USUALX tokens in another pool or stake them again?
Yah, I think the real suckers at the table are people buying and holding USUAL on binance and not staking it. Seems unlikely that will play out well. The staking rewards protect you from dilution to some degree. I'd rather be an uninformed USD0++ holder than an uninformed USUAL holder.
Are you sure ? Ui issue to about reward pending who disapear but am in this pendle pool maybe from -100% who is display too
Agree. But still communication could have been better, especially being first to do this. No idea why Morpho was allowed to build such a high TVL market with 1:1 hard peg and 90% LTV? with no warnings. Team has responsibility, DeFi is still a tight community and we are up against giants. @DukunChilling I might add, same people now buying USUAL for yield and shorting on perps, thinking its risk free strategy (this became mainstream with lots of Twitter threads). USUAL funding fee on Hyper now -220% LOL
rug99 | my own opinions only
When the yield is high, ask yourself where the yield comes from, in $USUALโs case, the yield comes from token emissions more than anything, thus the token will just continue to be sold, since there is little to no real yield, not comparing to the USUALX apy anyway
I'm starting to think this is the real Larry Fink and he put a decent chunk of AUM in USD0++ that is due tomorrow.
same people not buying sol at $8 instead of $200 same poeple not buying btc 16k and calling btc scam ponzi and buying it at 100k same people not buying tao below 200 when got hack and chain shutdown calling centralize vaporware etc
nah connect your wallet with real balance the router will route you best rate. @Nez same people always call early project like that. it i called lindy effect because ethena pioneer. same with usual the first liquid bond token you can trade and arbs might as well get yield.
Anyone notice all Usual yield just stopped on all USDO++ contracts on Pendle?
Why doesnโt everyone just buy and stake UsualX. ApY seems high
This is a valid criticism. Should swap to best rate instead of direct stake.
I have been doing funding fees arbs since 2018, probably one of the first to do it with size profitably. I was very curious to see exactly same system implemented on protocol level. So no, I did not call it Luna lol I understood it 100% day 1 and profited a lot in Season 1 due to short season. It has its risks and is centralized but nothing to do with Luna type... People who call it that way, just lazy.
can I cry?
Team, you should put a warning on your dapp. ppl swap USD0 for USD0++ higher than secondary market (current swap rate is $1 on your website).
i farm ethena s1 buying YT on pendle did you ? probably not because people will call it ponzi and algostable like luna/ust am i right ?
broo it was already painted bad image. same with ENA people call it ust/luna and have twitter space all day long talking ethena not sustainable. lmao every early defi project get this same issues. there always pros and cons. even today some people still calling btc scammm
I get it tbh might be my mistake, the think is I was here at the beginning I was told u exchange usdd to usd0++ to get pills for the airdrop didnโt dig any deeper my fault of course but didnโt know there is a potential loose of peg, idc tbh might not be here for 4 years but yeah I guess itโs okay if it fluctuates. But to he totally honest too their communication is not smooth or for everyone to understand. I get it, itโs a sophisticated product theyโre trying to do to run a business while redistributing to the community. But idk maybe a video would help to explain the whole process. Anyways thanks for the reply Lot of FUD going overall, if it overcomes it, will become stronger
It was very poorly executed, leaving at 1$ to allow some people to try it seems ridiculous reason to cause this chaos, USUAL price dump, TVL exodus, painted bad image within many DeFi communities. Team partnering with MMs where Oracle was hard pegged to 1$ and yield trading like Pendle. Does not make much sense. TBH, knowing French people they might have done it on purpose, poor communication, no disclaimer to REKT leverage traders and those that do not read and benefit USUAL stakers. I personally just bought more USUAL <0.6$. Sadly, didn't sell any rewards when it was 1$+, so my APY has been quite poor last weeks.
Its hard to say, you should read all the docs for sure. If you are risk averse you can buy USD0++ and get USUAL rewards over time which you stake for USUALx and build you position that way. If you are more aggressive you can just buy USUALx. I've done some of both.
it doesnt matter now later you suppose to held 4 year maturity and burn your reward if you need early stake. pegging $1 is benefits for some people that want to stake and try what liquid bond is and can leave anytime. in the expense of team need always rebalance pool it was written it will be implement q1 early redemption
Seems pretty clear that the best strategy is to stop dumping Usuals or selling USD0++ at loss and stake Usualx instead to enjoy the nice yield until all this fud goes away and price recovers (which I bet it will if we all chill a bit and just hodl)
guys, we need to short USUAL to zero, then we can buy cheap and redeem our funds. this is what the team wants. let's put additional 1.6B of shorting pressure on it
I love the system now. But it should have been set 0.87$ from the start without hard pegging to 1$ for whatever reasons. Its called Zero-Coupon Bond for a reason. Or at least should have put huge disclaimer peg will change.
do we know if all our UsualX must stay in our wallet during an epoch to qualify? like what if on Thursday i need to sell a small portion of my USUALx? would that disqualify me for the entire epoch?
Hey guys Iโm new to Usualโฆโฆ just seeing all this friction. Is it best to just buy and stake UsualX with a long term perspective?
everyone is saying scammers fraud etc The best twist would be they secretly from north korea ๐คฃ
yes it clearly said long term and short term maturity bond literally 4 years if you want to farm unlimited APY they are other option to do that. bond may not be best for you it need hold long term until maturity end. you can exit anytime if you burn usual buy from market or earn from rewards many options.
Lot of what ifs here. ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ
Per month
on the earn page it now shows the apy and project rewards. is the projected rewards per week?
i mean you can unlock in 6months by burning your usual. you don't need wait 1 year.
Lol DAO is just a team. Team made a mistake hard pegging to 1$ instead of starting as 0.87$ from day 1 with no disclaimer when buying USD0++ 1:1. They won't acknowledge that as they are very proud. Best to move on.
I have more sympathy for this grievance. I was tempted by PT too but didn't want the additional layers of smart contract risk and I knew this might happen. How much is PT going to lose at maturity? How much would you have made? Also, why is everyone so convinced that USD0++ won't trade higher in a few days/weeks/months. Personally I think it should be close to $1 and market is wrong here but I might be wrong. For morpho folks, yah its tough but its weird that people feel entitled to lever their portfolio to the gills with no risk. All stable coins can temporarily lose peg. I don't know, just doesn't seem that bad for anyone relative to the volatility of crypto in general. If you don't want risk you can always park your dollars in blackrock. I lost half my net worth in a solana stablecoin farm a few years due to a smart contract bug. Was very dark.
There is no DAO at this point
i'll take my chances and bet not gonna happened
Usual holders will be accountable for losses?? What world are you living in buddy lol
We Gucci.
UI is monthly and will be distributed weekly.
Im not buying this. Team was borderline fraudulent. They knew what would happen. I cant believe they did this.Trust is ruined between its users to boot.
and just like that 2 of the biggest protocols prepared a nice trap and did not care to maybe communicate/warn?
The โprojected rewardsโ is for the total monthly revenue switch or weekly distribution?
Usual had no say in the value of the PTโs, those were determined by the market due to USD0++ being pegged to 1 USD before TGE and earlier etc
Do you mean looped PT on Morpho? If not, PT buyers still have all of their principal, i.e. it'll always be redeemable for a fixed amount of usd0++ at maturity. Dollar value dropped sure.
exactly all the 'noob read the docs, its not stable' well ok but what about PTs, why offer them when it was clear not profitable - sus or incompetence?
Brother I loved this protocol. But these guys knew people buying PT would lose money. And they bribed the pools to boot. I have to call a spade a spade.
Dude, I haven't sold a single USUAL or USD0++. Only bought. Weird way to take advantage of a "ponzi scheme". This isn't complicated. If you play the long game you will get your principal back and your equity might be worth a lot and it might be worth nothing. If you sell your USUAL every day you will make a nice return that would be the envy of the best capital allocators in the world. If you sell in and out of USD0++ I honestly don't know what you are up to and you might lose money.
you literally buying wrapped tokenize version short term maturity bill US tradfi product. if it's ponzi sure bro T-BILL is ponzi then
By that definition every single fixed income product is a ponzi scheme To respond to your edit: never said usd0++ is a fixed income product, read my message more closely
Are you invested?
yes the floor price gradually increase you get back to $1 technically in 2nd market if high demand. floor price is 0.87 2nd market aroudn 0.92-0.93 so technically you want redeem early (need money for emergency) you payback less than 6months interest if you stake your usualx
She calls me her zaddy
Okay, lets think about this for a second. The victim you are claiming exists is someone who deposited yesterday. Thats a tiny number of people. Good news is even the worst off victim will be made whole in like 2 months by doing absolutely nothing. How about the ones who have been in USD0++ for a couple of months and have been dumping on me while I stake? Were they stealing from me? They probably have more money than they initially deposited in USD0++. Like what are we even talking about here?
how long until it is back at 1? 4 years, correct?
peg will close to $1 end of maturity nothing is broken. it is liquid bond token that has maturity date.
Did you read # ๐ฃใannouncements ? Thereโs a โunstakeโ fee of max 6 months
take some chill pills
To all usual team The issue lies in the fact that the protocol is unable to forgo the yield from the bonds backing USD0 when a user unstakes USD0++. This problem could be entirely resolved by imposing only a small penalty for unstaking USD0++ and having the protocol sell the bonds it holds on the market at a discounted price instead of holding them to maturity. Why is it that the project cannot forgo the yield from bonds that have already been issued? If the peg between USD0++ and USD0 is significantly broken, people will lose interest in this project. Please do your best to maintain the peg as closely as possible using methods like the ones mentioned above.
Looks like it's probably a usual API issue since pendle also reporting 0% underlying apy. It'll get fixed
This project is only for people who understand time value of money
What other projects? I think you have the wrong person. I go out of my way to tamper down excessive bullishness because I know it doesn't end well. I do what I think is best for any project I am involved in. I do get frustrated by people who don't read and then get mad. The reason is that there is a very powerful cohort trying to prevent crypto from existing. It has always been that way. When people don't take responsibility for their investments by doing a couple hours of reading and thinking, then the Gary Genslers of the world come along and say "see, they need us to protect them. No innovation allowed!" Not the world I want to live in.
UI problem and onchain still accure go ask veda discord they maintan beravault for usual.
Since i stake Usual using my Web3 wallet everything is fine with the rewards right?
when u buy usd0++ you agree you lock your token 4 years. if you need money in tomorrow or 2 weeks just long AI coin or meme coin you will get money or lose money. why is it matter it worth 0.87 ? in fact i would love if it worth 0.1 that mean i can buy bottom and guaranteed 10x in 4 years maturity date.
No unfortunately not, Pendle is a yield trading platform. Only if you hold it in your wallet
no get out from pendle i also out from pendle if you in usualx pool
do pendle USUALx holders get the USD0 rewards as well?
Pump gang
https://x.com/leo_escobar_/status/1877725495166673055?s=46&t=ODaqoZre1c8J49wK5RkjZw so usd0++ is not a $ pegged coin?
I have USD0++ and am not upset at all because I knew this was a risk and don't care what USD0++ trades at. Not sure why so many people claim to need immediate liquidity. Like maybe if you need dollars tomorrow they shouldnt be staked or even onchain at all? And like @sonnykeys said, these people have obviously been dumping usual constantly or they would understand how the protocol works. I honestly don't mind if people claim and sell usual. Thats the game, sell or stake and we'll see how it works out.
everybody earn usualx you decide to sell i decide to hold. why am i getting punished by holding usualx and keep being your exit liquidity? and you dumping everyday get rewarded ? you could stake usualx earn money and you can exit anytime you want. looks like win win win for everybody. but you decided loop into morpho leverage and dump usual with high leverages ?
This project has been launched barely 1 month ago. Relax, good things take time. DAI, USDe, USDC have been depegged many times. Itโs just a path of learning.
Could've been the case if the USD0++ people weren't constantly dumping on USUAL holders
Cowboy James
I do. I lost more than a third of the value of my USUAL since I bought it. But, I still bought more this morning (while itโs cheaper), so I can stake it again.
Huge update wow # ๐ใminor-updates
Honest question, how much did people lose? Did anyone lose more than 13%? Haven't been following all the leverage stuff closely.
where did you check this
Dude, I really liked this protocol. I hope you guys can fix this. But honestly I dont see how.
Please tell me you guys didnt get shaken out today lol
New updates just dropped! # ๐ใminor-updates
how did you get the OG role though? (what I mean is explained in the # ๐ฃใannouncements ). If you deposited in the berachain vault you can't do anything any way as it's locked until 1 to 3 months after mainnet launch. so you can just chill.
Cowboy James
Lol, yes, please and thank you.
simaskzo | Pirate
We are going to 1$
You have no idea how much people have lost in the past few days . Even the TLV took a major hit because of this.
USD0 seems a bit bugged on Debank rn, not sure why
The bad debt in this case just affects an external protocol, i.e. Morpho users, etc. Not the actual backing of each usd0. So different situations, but yeah probably a learning experience to be had from both
$USUAL is pumping lol
literlaly the sstuuupid things i ever read. usd0 back by USYC which is short term maturity t-bill and held in BNY melon bank assets management not consumer bank like circle held your dollar paper.
i want more usual bro can you ask btc stop injecting token so we can go to 100k ?
Usdo is literally backed by USDC so its just as vulnerable if not more so because you can't get decentralized backing. I did the opposite, I was arbing ust down to zero making 10 grand in a day ๐คทโโ๏ธ. Treebeard: hence what usual just offered to do because of the bad debt they could have caused but the good news is, both get to learn from that They just torched Pendle....well to lock in that tvl.
Lol ๐ he bought and want 0 emission after he solely bought
For the love of God please postpone injecting of tokens and let the market recover.
Just exit early guys and pay the usual so holders get rewarded more thanks in advance
You havenโt read announcements? # ๐ฃใannouncements
If you're referring to DAI black thursday, it was rough, and gas went insane. You might want to give the auction/oracle failures a read. It left a bunch of DAI uncollateralized and MKR was minted and auctioned (diluted) to cover the loss in effect
u can exit in 6 months by burning usual yield why wait 1 year ? 2026 is bearish for crypto anyway i want still earn bond yield
https://x.com/HadickM/status/1877836679244841467 Team should let people exit and unwind. Or risk lawsuits. EU regulators are very aggressive, bad situation for the team if they don't resolve
Yeah, They even bribed some of the pools. I dont know how they are going to fix this. This sucks. I liked them so much.
biased because you never know it will repeg once it depeg that literally same when UST DEPEG people also thought it can repeg in a day ๐ i long ust at that time from 0.75 to 0.95 and then it dump to $0 same with usdc it depeg for days you still cannot swap to dai/usdc anyway
Only USUALx generates an income
while everyone is arguing usual is grinding back up. Comfy
Lmao you mean when it depegged for a day mind you and you could've made 10% profit instantly by borrowing. It's survived bear markets, usual doesn't even know if it's a viable product past this redemption scheme and all first comers are negative during a bull market ๐.
LinkedIN Usual Team
Hello , I'm new to the protocol I want to stake the token to earn passively should I buy usual or usualx
Why i can't access to the page about the team ?
There seems to be a lot of people who thought USD0++ was pegged 1:1 with USD. I have some sympathy for them because not a lot of people take the time to read how a protocol is designed but its really important to make sure you understand something before investing in it. It turns out that USD0++ is different from USD0. USD0++ is for people who want to bet on the protocol long term and those people are rewarded equity for doing so. After 4 years, their USD0++ is redeemable for USD 1:1 but between now and then, it trades on the open market. It is designed this way so that cashflow to USUALx is somewhat predictable. USUALx holders want to know that a certain amount of yield is coming to them over time and are hoping this yield will grow but don't have to worry about it shrinking. This is important because we need people to hold USUAL instead of just farming and dumping it to zero as we've seen so many times when protocols use their governance token as a liquidity incentive. People are were very pissed off when USD0++ was .87, are slightly less pissed off now that its .92. It is unclear how they will be if USD0++ goes closer to $1. But right now they are mad.
lol he compare usd0++ to DAI imagine one of worst stablecoin that always depeg everytime in bear cycle. @JelledJam it doesn't matter i don't want my $1=$.88 stablecoin when in bear market literally the time that i need money the most to buy crypto token. i literally give you 2 example DAI depeg in 2020 aswell 2023 every bear cycle depeg
This was due to USDC scare to be fair but they were responsive as a team and to the community have scaled back on their exposure to stables. Btw depegs on their protocol actually are positive in some sense because it means you can profit by paying back your loan instantly. The depeg was only really a issue if you held just dai or had loan with USDC rather than a eth loan. It turned out btw the usdc scare was for nothing and I'm sure people will get 1:1 in 4 years with usual.
Difference between USD0 and DAI USDC is that these were actual stablecoins and depegged. Bro USD0 has never depegged except one single time with like 0.1% ๐
if DAI never depeg i already farm it bro lol. but here we are i'm buying liqudity bond token ๐
Yeah the PT offering is complete bogus.
Not basis trading backed but the og usds (dai) which gets the yield from its lending market and rwa like tbills. They never even had to sell their sdai for a premium to attract liquidity and lock it in with promises of knowingly creating a space for bad debt to be possible. Different methods, dai has survived bear markets, let's see how this protocol survives it's first organic epoch after this one.
he already read and still not understand this is super normie lol
# ๐ฃใannouncements
Guys I beg you explain to me what happened today I genuinely donโt get it ? Edit : I read the announcement the last 2 I just donโt get it
They are thinking short term, yesterday vs today, they donโt think about tomorrow, too far. Obtain Usual over time, get APY over time?? Hell no. ยซ Today I lost 13%, not fair ยป said crypto trader
DYOR, no points following 'people', people are stewpid and not responsible for YOUR investments, 'people' bears no consequences in the crypto KOL space for what they say. the good thing about crypto is 99% of activities is verifiable on-chain by EVERYONE
I am new to crypto , but I see everyone calls almost all projects scams , be it the zk airdrop , usual . And many to see
what ?? stablecoin back by funding rate that can be negative the whole bear cycle ? if you don't want exposure to bond soar your choice. literally usd0++ is diferent lol. what token you mean ?
Yes, but you don't get Circle equity. Thats what I don't understand about the outrage. Like if you held USD0 and that depegged, sure be mad. But if you hold USD0++ you are getting USUAL tokens. Presumably you were selling them every day, fair enough your call. But why do you think those USUAL tokens have value? Oh, because thats where the treasury yield goes. One other thing to ponder, if USD0++ trades up to 95, 97, 99, is everyone still a scammer?
unknown l
i think so
just buy stake and come back after 2 years
Then go there
There's other competitors to usual besides USDC and usdt.
Wydm paying back yield? I just buy USD0++ few days ago via curvefi to join berchain fault in veda.
If you sell USD0 you will even get better rates than any other stablecoin. So whatโs your point?
its in the name. zero
Whatโs the future of usd0++ ????
yes you try that in bear cycle ๐ maybe this time is different. when bank implode try redeem 1:1
You have a good point here. This is what sucks about this situation and they knew what they were doing. I fear the repercussions for Usual.
01/10/2025 at 17:15:30 ESTI really don't man. I know Tether has a history of shady practices, and the US banking system is a disaster. But the truth is, if I use coinbase to redeem USDC, I get it 1-1
It's definitely a weird business strategy to make your first service period inorganic by burning your first customers. Flumbo: it's not really a good argument to say that the team was selling something 1 for 1 dollar and just decided to give it back for .86. that's not helping their case at all nor is insulting people that are first comers to a protocol for it ๐
Lmfao I remember this day so clearly. People made crazy money buying sub 1$ tho
yes. but the first point should say "by paying back your yield". P.S. 5 minute cooldown is a terrible idea. Always makes things look and feel worse.
mb yeah I meant bought something worth $0.86 for $1
Yeah, I agree. I am not sweating this at all. And I am down decent on paper. I am worried that this fiasco will hurt the brand name of Usual in the long run.
It wasn't sold for .86, they sold it at a dollar.
did you account almost 40% apy in USUAL tokens?
Literally the entire US banking system is operating on this principle. Study BTFP ๐
Should be live tonight I think
in fact 15% loss when you buy usdt lol have you top up usdt in binance ? bro just buy fartcoin and buy pepe $1 you will be so rich. also it is not a loss when end of maturity you get your principal back + apy lmao. you are not trading token you are not loss lmao.
Clayboi Parti
Wen new morpho markets?
"it doesn't matter that I bought I zero coupon bond for 0.86! I can just wait 4 years to redeem so I didn't lose any money!"
01/10/2025 at 17:03:31 ESTYes, everyone should just never realize their losses, so they never lose! Why didn't anyone think of this before?
Hello hi the coin name USD ++ so i think it must better than dollar? why lose 0,08c?
The only reason why they kept the price floor near 1:1 was to encourage liquidity growth, the only reason why they dropped the floor was to lock in that liquidity amount to prevent bleed. I'm sure if you're a usual holder your happy but usual is worth nothing without depositors so time will tell if people are willing to deal with a bank that drops rates and mechanics in vagueness. Again this epoch is gonna be great, they have the liquidity locked and they can make that vague unlock mechanism do whatever they want and require pumping up their token. This is one way to have a good turn over for the first few years 100%, once the tvl is subject to the market let's see how sustainable this is. Yield is not the issue, rather the quirky business practices like sucking up liquidity than locking people in with no clear information with direct financial ties to managers of lending markets who admitted to receiving early info from somebody. Again nobody said hold USDC, there are just competitors who simply have to be transparent and not lock user liquidity in to be successful (prevent tvl bleed) Yeah the fud is bad and usual holders won't really be able to price it in until the tvl is subject to change, that's their overnight depeg.
Redeem Tether directly into USD you give up your identity engaging with KYC and on top of that take a fee loss and a minimum redemption amount of 100k all of this non reimbursable while you hold usd0++ get a yield in USUAL and can redeem @ 1:1 on maturity. no KYC bs
u can buy usd0 with zero loss. usd0++ is yield version u get yield lol. are you alergic to money ? u can stake all your usualx -> get usd0 and buy usd0++ end of maturity you will have usd0++ as principal + usd0 (from usualx) + usualx early redemption for what ? u buy cabal coin and dump -50% ? when bond yield go to 5% tradfi will swap their btc to bond for risk fee. usd0++ has exposure to yield when yield soar higher
Isnโt the beravault locked for 1-3 months?
Why are you saying a 13% loss? I hold a lot of USD0++ and i didnt take any loss. This is like an optional loss only available to people who can't read a whitepaper.
I don't think leverage was promoted in any irresponsible way
you know that hardcoded morpho pools saved a lot of holders from liquidations, right?
Bruh , I deposited USDC into beravault one week back. Just give my usdc back , i donโt need your APR also
Why even offer PT USD0++ if the team knew that it would be impossible for any buyer to not be underwater? Clearly the team handled this horribly. Incentivized people to leverage USD0++ to boost TVL metrics, then pulled the rug. Its fine if this wasn't a stable to begin with - but then why offer Pendle pools? Why offer hardcoded oracle Morpho pools? Just complete fraud and incompetence
01/10/2025 at 16:58:18 ESTYes, everyone who buys usdt takes a 13% loss. You thought visa or Mastercard was bad at 3%? Welcome to crypto! 13%
Go try to redeem Tether into USD and soon you'll see what happens to your principal LMAO
the did in 2023 infact they use user fund to buy high risk assets that cause SVB bank collapse and need to bail out by goverment. that's exactly usdc depeg 2023 and people crying and ask circle to refund their money lol. when you join crypto blud ?
I traded my USDC for USD0++ because Circle doesn't give me any equity for holding their stablecoin. They give me the underlying yield if i keep it on coinbase. Still have some USDC but its in a different risk bucket for me and I want it to be immediately available to buy dips on other assets. USD0++ is where I store my profits from this cycle. If cycle ends early, I'm happy I took risk off the table. If cycle is extended, I think USUAL will be worth a lot. I really don't care what USD0++ trades at. I'm more concerned about all of the fud and accusations because I don't think anyone who read the docs is surprised that USD0++ isn't always at $1. My concern is that the loudness of the uninformed will affect fundamentals and prevent adoption.
Lmao literally. Iโd rather give up 6 months revenue and enjoy risk free 20%+ APY than give Tether my money and get 0 back lol.
Which is why they dont share revenue
01/10/2025 at 16:52:38 ESTAt least they don't take the principal
You do know that Tether keeps all the revenue for tehmselves, right?
yeah cus USDC or Tether eats the profit generated by YOUR underlying assets, USD0 = USDT/C, not 0++, you're inherently redacted
Call the police
That's good they stopped after it was discovered their shareholders run usual and they admitted they learned about it before it went public (go figure). Cortina: USDC couldn't pull something like this because they would be crushed for anti-consumerism. Tether wouldn't even do this because it's really obvious what they did lmao ๐. The only reason why they kept the price floor near 1:1 was to encourage liquidity growth, the only reason why they dropped the floor was to lock in that liquidity amount to prevent bleed. I'm sure if you're a usual holder your happy but usual is worth nothing without depositors so time will tell if people are willing to deal with a bank that drops rates and mechanics in vagueness. Again this epoch is gonna be great, they have the liquidity locked and they can make that vague unlock mechanism do whatever they want and require pumping up their token. This is one way to have a good turn over for the first few years 100%, once the tvl is subject to the market let's see how sustainable this is. Yield is not the issue, rather the quirky business practices like sucking up liquidity than locking people in with no clear information with direct financial ties to managers of lending markets who admitted to receiving early info from somebody. Again nobody said hold USDC, there are just competitors who simply have to be transparent and not lock user liquidity in to be successful (prevent tvl bleed) Yeah the fud is bad and usual holders won't really be able to price it in until the tvl is subject to change, that's their overnight depeg. Again usually financial companies would have this stuff clearly explained and wouldn't do overnight rate changes etc etc while offering 1:1 redemptions with direct connections with benefactors from let's say your overnight liquidity lock.
This is the problem with explaining USD0++ as a bond. Bonds don't pay you equity from the bond's custodian. USD0++ traded at .87 for a bit. Its trading at .92 now. No one knows why but we definitely know today has been peak panic by A LOT of people who have no idea whats going on. I wouldn't be surprised if it traded very close to $1 soon. People who are selling at this big of a discount might be wrong, time will tell.
01/10/2025 at 16:46:28 ESTEven the name ++ means to only go up. In coding, ++ is the increment operator. Using this it is impossible to go down (unless you hit the int limit and it rolls over).
you got greedy, run too slow, got trapped it's just another squid game
Because you are greedy? EVERYONE who thinks that they should get 20-40% APY for fully backed stablecoin with no risk ARE FOOKING RETRDED. Don't argue that you can get such APR with USDC, lending/LP:ing as it comes with other risks.
1) it's not illiquid. 2) There is 137B in Tether earning zero yield or equity from tether. You don't think USD0 can eat some of that market share with more defi, L2 and exchange integrations?
Can you stop the useless FUD? https://x.com/mevcapital/status/1877744081045995970?s=46
Yeah it's the same math though - you buy a $1 4 year t bill for $0.83 @ 5% yoy
TBH why are we buying bond at a premium if we know beforehand it will be unpeg? Why can't we be given time to swap back?
msulc (๐,๐)
go to debank dot com and just paste your address. You will see all your assets in there.
This is the real reason it happened the way it did. They're the ones raking money in from the TVL.
@st4rgard3n moreso like a zero coupon bond. You'd buy at a discount then profit at its full price at maturity
what is debank? Where can is find it?
Dont forget their connection with mevcapital which is making a killing right now in the tune of 100k a day. I mean locking in liquidity will work this time so at least the VCs will come in I guess based on quarterly reports with a tvl no longer subject to the market.
"They" changed it 1:1 because there was no other choice to get income from the protocol, and then without warning the token was made cheaper, and "they" lost the profitability. Yes, it was written in the docs that this unpeg was in Q1 2025, it was supposed to happen, but they didn't say that Q1 was three months away, and they didn't know on which of these days this event would happen... The point is that if they had warned about it in advance, everyone would have sold everything 1:1 in advance, and then they would have bought everything back for the same money, they would have just taken more bonds for the same amount, and then they would have received a fair profitability...
01/10/2025 at 16:39:58 ESTGrift man. We were on the wrong side :/
It's the opportunity cost of holding an illiquid asset of USD0++. APY's were high because the protocol was in it's TVL growth phase giving the false picture of USD0++ being reedeemable to USD0 instantly at 1:1. Now that the game is up, and people realize they are stuck for 6 months+ the TVL shrinks, token price drops, and APY's go down.
Does my USD0++ on Arb also accrue USUAL and where can I see it/redeem?
4B is max supply? If 33% of USUAL tokens will be burned while USD0++ redemption it means that USUAL supply will decrease ilttle by little?
Simulate unstake. It show the real rewards.
If you stake USUALx you wonโt see your rewards on Earnings. But there will be an UI update soon that will make that happen. For now you can copy your address and go to Debank, paste it and follow it from there.
msulc (๐,๐)
have you checked on debank? i think there's a ui bug on usual site when it comes to the compounded usualx. Please let me know if on debank the amount shown is correct, i am also interested
After reading the docs I understood USD0++ would trade at a discount - " There is real value in unlocking USD0++ early, they will pay up to the risk free reward rate of stables for the time remaining up to the end of the 4 year lock cycle" - But I never imagined the team would be so grossly incompetent/malicious to simply jolt the system with a sudden unannounced step change rugging the existing floor while insiders shorted the hell out of USD0++ as seen with the massively negative funding rates just before the rug.
Only people whining about this are those who want to come in without giving a sht what the project is, and mines tf out of USUAL and dumps it on the market
why do you say that? From my perspective I am holding an asset that will be worth $1 in 4 years and I am rewarded with a significant venture bet on one of the fastest growing themes in crypto and finance. Why should that trade at $.87? Are you saying that you are 100% sure that the equity token will be worth zero tomorrow?
@famousfxck you're correct. However, I think what was meant was that when you purchase a zero coupon bond (non-yielding) it is at a deep discount and when mature you profit at its full value. If you "paid" 1 USD0 for 1 USD0++, when USD0++ reaches 1 dollar in 4y you will have broken even. However since USD0++ does have yield with USUAL you could print even with this happening. Should've been set to 0.87 to begin
You guys only think in short term ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ Thinking like this with USUAL protocol is counterproductive. But fine stay smart
But nothing has arrived in two days. Is that normal?
It isn't going to .98 dude. nobody is going to lock up their liquidity at .98 for 6 months - 4 years to yield farm USUAL and 2% maturity over 3.5 years while TVL exits.
Those in the know, please tell me what will happen if usd0++ receives 1 dollar earlier than in four years (it looks like it should be written earlier), what then?
Because they swapped it as 1:1 and didnt read docs, and now think they should be able to swap it back for the price they paid for. Because itโs โunfairโ. ๐
Your rewards come in daily in the amount of your USUALx
Flash Boy
DeFi math: where your 1 USD magically turns into 0.87 USD with extra steps.
01/10/2025 at 16:30:59 ESTThe official redemption rate is 87 cents on the dollar. This is the set rate by usual, at least until four years passes.
should be trading at $0.87
Does anyone have a good argument for why USD0++ is trading at $.9255 right now? Worth thinking about where its trading and where you think it SHOULD be trading.
That's not even true. You buy a $1 t-bill for 4 years it's actually $1.20 That's the problem is with redemption mechanisms everything has to neatly line up. No one is going to convert a token worth $1 to a token worth $0.87 that's crazy. The only time anyone will convert usd0 is if the demand for usd0++ (and therefore price) is greater than demand for usd0. Then buy usd0 -> bond to usd0++ -> sell -> profit
the difference in revenue goes to DAO Treasury if people choose to use primary exit with the no burn method, ITS RIGHT THERE IN THE BLOG, and secondary LP will always have a higher exchange ratio due to market nature, you would probably get something like 0.94-0.98 once bank runners realized how stewpid they re rn.
It was clearly vague to trick people. There is no other reasonable explanation for the lack of communication. Today marked a significant change in mechanics. No dao vote. No clear explanation of the change until today. No warning
Hello! My question is about how USUALx staking works. I converted my USUAL tokens to USUALx and connected my wallet to the website two days ago. As far as I know, that's all I need to do, but Iโm still not receiving the daily rewards automatically, even though it says I should. Could you help me?
it's simple. they did it to trick people in locking up TVL
Nobody, thatโs how T-bills work if you sell them before maturity at the bank.
sophisticated or not nobody could have predicted codebase adjustments without announcement. If usd0++ shouldve always been 87c floor i dont understand why they set mint price to $1 initially or used stableswap pools on curve since theyre generally reserved for pegged assets
It's obvious the narrow price floor was to attract liquidity and the spontaneous drop was to trap liquidity. On one hand, yes this will bring in a lot of yield for the first epoch while on the other....you just social engineered a lot of people to be starting capital
Flash Boy
1 USD0 -> 1 USD0++ 1 USD0++ -> 0.87 USD0 lol Who takes 0.13 USD or 0.2 bil?
Unsophisticated investors should stick to unsophisticated investments. Such as fartcoin. Really that simple. Theres money to be made in different ways.
01/10/2025 at 16:23:09 ESTMy guy, this is obviously anti consumer design from the start. They hid the date to prevent a bank run. They obviously didn't put in the whitepaper, "by the way, you will lose 13% of your money at SOME time q1 2025, just a heads up." Actually malicious to think that if people KNEW that they would lose 13% of their money they wouldn't sell immediately.
myself and a majority of early investors knows of this mechanism before we even started investing, so we did our due diligence and managed our risks accordingly, ALL INVESTORS should too. A lot of us missed out on the full ROI because we were scared that someday it would be locked. and like you said 'unsophisticated investors', the protocol cannot be designed to protect those who doesn't do their research and don't manage their risks accordingly. and i myself came in with the mindset that i could only get my full capital in 2028. because that was the ONLY thing the whitepaper promised.
false since you would have a lot more USD0++ in your wallet
This is a joke, nobody gives a f**k about the 2028 date. The real issue is they made USD0++ 1:1 redeemable at the start to give the illusion you could easily get out, and attract TVL. not a single person would touch it if redemption was 1:0.87 Day 1.
This says it all https://x.com/cbb0fe/status/1877709959649001815?s=46&t=d1DCzo6SNo4ovmdOtoPqPA
Where I can check usual stake % and burn
why wouldnt they arb it down to the floor consistently if thats the case? would be free profit for the team and this situation wouldnt have happened
01/10/2025 at 16:16:35 ESTWhy was the 1-1 redemption date vague? It was "Q1 2025". Explain. Also, please read what I wrote. I never stated the USD0++ WAS a stable. I stated that because of the 1-1 redemption, many unsophisticated investors would ASSUME it was, BECAUSE it ACTED LIKE ONE.
yeah it WAS designed intentionally, USD0++ was suppose to be a liuquid (tradable) bond backed by 1:1 USD0 (which is 1:1 backed by ONRRPs of short term US Treasury bills) and fully unlockable in 2028 since DAY 1, date was NEVER VAGUE, IT IS UNIFORMALLY SET on June 23 2028, the date was in the whitepaper SINCE DAY 1, and they never 'pull the plug', currently its LP out of balance, primary exit IS CURRENLTY NOT AND NEVER WAS implemented.
Whats USD0++ APY/APR estimate if mintingfactory is 0?
you'll have to wait until they have a calculator but if you want 1:1 redemption it will probably be something like 10% of your TVL in USUAL tokens
So many snowflakes... Jesus...
Usd0 is fine. Usd0++ is not a stable idk whats not clicking for you
My question was specifically regarding the fact USUAL rewards have been live for a much shorter time than 6 months. So if the fee was for the previous 6 months of rewards does that mean the total could only be the rewards received so far, or could it be greater than all rewards received so far?
right but why was floor and mint price $1 and usd0++ has stableswap pools with usd0 and then adjusts to .87? ideally it shouldve scaled down as yield accrued while yield outpaces
01/10/2025 at 16:10:37 ESTThis was done intentionally. To make people stake usd0++ to create liquidity, which is why the unstake date was vague and not stated directly. It was obvious that unsophisticated investors would assume that "staked" USD0 would be like other products they had used in the past; until they pulled the plug. Yes, Usd0++ is a "liquid bond" but most people were not exactly aware of what this meant in practice.
Uhm first, USUALx will get a piece of the USD0++ revenue, paid out in USD0. And USD0++ gets $USUAL. Anyway itโs all the same thing. But anyway Pendle is a yield trading platform. Youโre basically giving up your potential yield to trade yield.
4% weekly? Or 4% APR? I thought it was about 4% monthly
you can stake usualx and earn usd0+usual every week to faster breakeven. or you can arbitrage exit from 2nd market with better rate 0.92-0.93 and sell your usual+usd0 (from staked usualx) the option is limitless those 6months is imply you don't do anything on your usual and you exit in floor price 0.87. reality you don't need wait 6 months. if you want buy now exit tomorrow or next 2 weeks. this liquid bond token not your you. you can long memecoin or AI coin
Thatโs your money, your call ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ
should I stake or hold in exchange to dump as soon as it pumps? talking about usual. it's def pump because of new APY, but should play the long game or short game?
because TVL doesn't have a way to get out yet
Adarsh Kesarwani
Guys read the announcements , all these things which are planned will work like magic for usual price and eventually the protocol .
"forfeit a part of their accumulated USUAL rewards over a maximum period of 6 months to guarantee the 1:1 ratio" - > Since we've only had about a month of yield does that mean all yield received so far will be the upper cap of the cost of withdrawing? or could it go beyond that, like current rate * 6 months?
Flash Boy
sUSDE is 1.14 USD, but staked USD00+ is 0.87 lol
susde based on funding rate usd0++ is not stables it is liquid bond token usd0 if still $1 and back by t-bill RWA
Lmao impossible. Revenue mechanism starting next week which will give you 4% APR monthly for USUALx.
Can anyone explain why the team made the decision to airdrop the USD0++ to USUALx holders, thereby ensuring that PT holders on Pendle lose out? It seems counterproductive if they want to keep the +$100m of traders between USD0++ and USUALx on Pendle (in addition to this USD0++ haircut debacle).
so, if YT pendle holders dont get revenue in USD0, where it going? To pendle protocol?
be somebody
by how
How come SUSDE and other stables with rwa backing have adjusted rates and didnโt drop 13%? Different mechanisms of course but it seems counterintuitive to an extent here
I asked chatgpt what bond is. It said Bond is a British spy with first name James
very clear to me lol. unless you got reading comprehension. usd0++ will be 1:1 end of maturity if people not buying in 2nd market. 2nd market got better rate 0.92-0.93. if you want early redemption you need forfeit your yield. ask chatgpt what bond is. @nserafim next week all usualx holder get airdrop usd0 from reveneue. mathematicaly imposible to zero worth X so if you want short short today.
Lol what im asking is very reasonable to ask dude, that would be no fair if someone (like me) just deposited in the protocol like 5 days ago and got a fine like 4 months of USUAL same with early depositors!
"forfeit a part of their accumulated USUAL rewards over a maximum period of 6 months to guarantee the 1:1 ratio" -> Since USUAL rewards have only been going for a very short time, say 1 month, this means that even if demand lifts the period to 6 months it can still only be what has accumulated so far right? So it should make no difference whether it's 6 months or 1 month worth since they the same total
Donโt need the invisible hand of the market will do the job
the USD0++ before is different to the USD0++after 1:1 ends the team should make sense
UP TO 6 months, theres no point shtting your pants over your own speculations ser. it will be available in the UI when the update comes
they are not clear because do not want to be clear ๐
I read the twitter announcement and I donโt get it, whatโs going to happen to usd0++ ?
I almost 1000% waiting for shorts, and I'm a beginner trader
Flash Boy
OK. Can you explain why would anyone want to convert USDC for USD00+ if he will lose 13% on day of conversion?
well good hindsight you can redeem it for free if usual goes to zero you can short it tho so it can be zero tomorrow
up to 6 months?? So if i held USD0++ only for the past 20days, it could be like 1 month or 2-3 months only right?? please Team make the rate "reasonable" for users sir
the key ponit is the buring rate, the team would better explain the calculation first to make things clear
i think market is acting really sentimental about this, they were getting good yield from the protocol but protocol decided to take care it's own token, so now they just cry in X and short and sell tokens. it's bullish for both usual and ethena because those jumped the ship will go to ethena probably, also on monday will see how much usualx makes apy-wise with this new revenue sharing stuff
I might get 6 months to reach 1:1 udd0++ but usual goes to zero
So can someone help me whatโs going to happen usd0++, I didnโt get twitter announcement
Short squeeze incoming?
absolutely insane negative funding rates on USUAL perpetual futures across the board, that's significant negative sentiment
opened 20x long now charts are bullish
liquidate shorter for free money. funding rate exists both way
i was holding my usuals in exchange, i think it'll get a pump sooner or later, how much usualx holders will get APY wise on monday, should i just stake? any calculators out there or dune pages?
Why do ppl still doing long? We reached 0.5
before 1USDC=1USD0=1USD0++, Now 1USDC=1USD0ใ=USD0
income distribution for usualx will be from february 1st?
Its a 4 year bond in exchange for free equity. Sounds like you wanted the free equity but not the bond?
Ironically it is lol
You sell a 4 year bond at $1 that's already a trap
soo usd0++ farmers made lots of usual, and jumped the ship and dumped their usual as soon as they heard that the revenue will go to usualx holders, and their usd0++ is now worth less than $1 and to reclaim it from $1 they must pay back usual they got? isn't this bullish for usual?
readdd bluddd readd for got sake. u buying 4 years locked of usd0 and want exit after 1 week ? how is take make sense ? go to your local bank and buying bond and tomorrow you want redeem try that. those 6months if you want exit early you can keep all your APY if you held until maturity which is 4 years. @nserafim yes because team keep doing early redemption and rebalance pool everytime people swap usd0++ to usd0 and you can dump usual everyday. how is that make sense in long term ? u buy liquid bond token and you treat it like trading pair ??
then why did morpho hard peg it to $1 lol
Did you read the documents or no? USD0++ was never supposed to be pegged to 1$ in the first place. But after max 6 months you can exit without any principal loss.
Its not of courseโ! this is not serious to say the least, people minted usd0++ 1:1 yesterday in the usual app! This is a scam done by scammers
What do you mean join? I bought bitcoin last week and its down, should I go complain to someone? You bought an asset and the asset is down a little bit. You can either wait for it to go up or you can pay a penalty to redeem it at par. How is that a trap? Who trapped you?
just focus on the buring rate, if it is reasonalbe the depeg would going back
if you want redeem early yes. you buying liquid bond token which is 4 year maturity blud. of course if you redeem early you get penalty.
I only join this for 1 week but you need me to pay 6 months of rewards to exit. Tell me how this is not a trap.
so sacrificing $usual price for$usd0++ ?
Dude they said you can redeem 1:1 starting next week, giving back MAXIMUM 6 months of yield in $usual, depending on usd0++ outflow
have you read latest annoucement blud ? liquid bond token 4 year locked version of usd0 it is not stable token. it was mention q1 will implement early redemption by burning your usual you earn. you can keep your usual if you held to maturity @kirten 33%usual* + 33%usualx + 33% burn
Correct, or maybe shorter than 6 months. But youโll need to pay fees
Usual paid for USD0++ redemption will be burned forever or move to treasure?
USD0++ redeemable in 6 months 1:1? Could you link the announcement?
there is no peg, it's not a stable coin ..... it's a liquid bond that gives you yield the stable coin that is pegged to the usd is USD0 and not USD0++
01/10/2025 at 15:26:33 ESTRedeem in 6 months??? They never stated a direct date for the removal of the peg
usde has lock mechanism usde back by funding rate which can negative in bear market. you do you
shortterm below 60 cents and midterm $2
dude, they can reedem it in 6months, plus they are getting the yiled people wanted to take advantage of the protocole, now they are mad cause they can no longer farm it Lmao ppl are hilarious
well said, people need to act sensibly here.
01/10/2025 at 15:21:07 ESTSo everyone that held usd0++ took a 13% loss? That's it???
everyone who invested in Usuals USD0 is up. Doesn't have to be zero-sum.
Nah problem is Usual is focused on the next 4 years. Other projects are focused on the next Q1. Usual wants to overtake Tether which they know takes a long time. If you want to destroy Tether and get a piece of their revenue, then hold your beliefs.
Dear USUAL Team, I'm reaching out from Victus Capital (wwwvictuscapitalio), one of the most active VCs and growth partners in Web3. Your project has caught our attention. We're interested in discussing a strategic investment partnership (minimum of 500k) If you're open to exploring this opportunity, we can set up a tg group where i can include the Victus Directors and explore synergies. Looking forward to your response. Best regards, Terfa Zahemen Victus Capital Website: wwwvictuscapitalio X: Victus_Capital my Telegram: @Terfazahemen
everyone who invested in Ethena USDE is up. Doesn't have to be zero-sum. There's real yield from Treasuries. problem is the team is extractive and making it zero sum
nihilistic button clicker
a gentle reminder that no one in this chat, other than insiders/team that joined before today are UP. Crypto is always a zero-sum game, in this case,we hit the home-run, a 100% negative - every one of us. yes blame his degenerate leveraging. but dont be fooled if you think this miscommunciation happened by chance
01/10/2025 at 15:13:31 ESTSo why did the peg evaporate today? Used to be $1?
Where do we see usual token goin now
Not really sure why thatโs anyone elses problem besides his. If heโs smart enough to loop boosted t-bills he should be smart enough to know what risks come with it. No free lunch kiddies
Pretty sure he got liquidated or hit hard trying to loop. No free lunch kiddies
Yeah im sue binance too im lost 125x leverage futures. Wanna join?
This dude got liquidated or panic sold lmao
I'm not sure, but I think that usual dont have this 7 days verification. Just usd0 and liquidity.
I have a bug also on debank USD0++ is not price well ๐
any clue why debank is mispricing the curve USD0/USD0++ pool? at $3?
bro it should be at least 10 usd not joking this is insane
Woah we are so undervalued, 1 USUAL should be atleast 1$+ imo
@Noรฉ I already have usual staking for 1 week. If I stake more today, will the total be eligible on Monday or just the part that has been staked for more than 1 week?
usd0 rising. 2 dollar soon
that was pretty much the floor price for the Usualx
Yes usd0++ user if need redeem early they have to burn their usual. Reduce emsission. Or they can stake usualx to get usd0 to break even.
I already have usual staking for 1 week. If I stake more today, will the total be eligible on Monday or just the part that has been staked for more than 1 week?
Fallen Angel
Hello Does the team plan to realize the Parity Arbitrage Right? Prolong the 1:1 redemption period? Unlock the bond early? thx
You get usual for usd0++ This usual you can stake for tbill yield
those are idiots
Bera lock probably 6 month. U cann burn all your usual reward and redeem it after bera unlock u will get 1:1
So USD0++ is no longer stable and you let us lock for bera
You get usual emissions unless you redeem.
Pendle is a yield trading platform so no.
why is everyone saying you dont get TBILL yield on USD0++
33% (for usd0++ early redemption)
How many % of the usual redemption fee for early unstake goes to usualx holders?
PECK (๐ซ๐งข)
Rewards epoch change to weekly ?
Nope. All pendle UsualX produces will not eligible for rev. Share
I already have usual staking for 1 week. If I stake more today, will the total be eligible on Monday or just the part that has been staked for more than 1 week?
brother just accept your loss this is not going to end well, yield is not susteinable, inflation in USUAL is super high, but please don't risk more money into this
@Jimny2024 yeah but no. Just want to understand why it is not working. Binance is one of the investor. How is it possible that user main not stake easily from binance...
Ok, clear, thx And what about already-earned and accumulated revenue?
Will YT-USUALX get USD0 reward after Money's Revenue switch activation?
13% from USD0++ stakers ๐ฅฒ
Change your wallet
Given the situation it will be the best option imho, but I'm not so confident that they will not double down on disaster.
I only staked 20 days of usd0++. I thought I only need to pay 20 days usual, but you told me it is not 20 days, it also might be 6 months. so I decided to buy the usual output for the next 2 months in advance. Is this a good idea?
layman term us bond
Revenue comes from the whole protocol TVL, as everything is backed by tokenized overnight repos (USYC).
what's the main source of protocol revenue?
Is there a bug from binance (web3) or usual? I may not stake my usual on usualx...any advices ?
Fallen Angel
Hello does the team plan to realize the Parity Arbitrage Right? prolong the 1:1 redemption period? unlock the bond early? seeing a lot of fud here thx
@Noรฉ hi, could you please advice
a week: it's the revenues
Bro, on Jan 20th we'll get rewards only for 1 week (13-20.01) or whole accumalated rewards from initial day protocol earnings?
Summary of todays events: "I didn't read anything to understand how it works and created a fake reality in my head. Now I'm finding out my fake reality was wrong and I'm angry!!!"
I can't really give you financial advices right, but staking USUAL into USUALx seems a sensible move knowing the rev-switch is coming on Monday, plus the Early Redemption fees.
what your liquidation price broo ? i'll add more long
I can wait around 1 month, but I can't wait for 6 months, so what should I do now? Buy some usual in advance and staked to usualx?
Guys, the team is licking their wounds right now. Youโll see that theyโll come up with a redemption system for USD0++ that wonโt be too impactful. This way, everything is savedโ weโll earn a bit less, but at least we can part ways properly, and they can cash in on what theyโve managed to grab. If they push things too far, theyโll end up with nothing and face legal action, which is costly and risky.
I think so. I would like to see weekly epoch rather than monthly ones. I can re buy Usual and restake it quickly.
It ranges from 0 fee, to max 6 months of rewards equivalent. Above that, Floor should be better. There's a whole doc explaining the Floor price decision.
That is what I don't get. Where is the 6 months number coming from. When I read the docs early redemption was described as being available if you burn some of your earned usual, which kind of seemed fair and is a lot different than 6 months of usual earnings.
Navis Evolving
Set the penalty to zero. You owe the community this for wiping out 13% of everyone's net worth. You got our usdc at 1 dollar there is no reason why you cannot return 1 usdc.
If I were you I'd probably wait anyway because outflows should be higher than usual next week, meaning, higher Early Redemption fee. Early next week you'll be able to simulate everything on the dapp.
I need to buy some usual now, but I don't know how much I need to buy for the Early Redemption. tell me, what should i do?
People do not read article/tweet and just bash here..
You are misunderstanding still. Your reward for locking your liquid USD0 into a 4 year committed bond (USD0++) is an equity token called USUAL. If you stake your equity token, you receive the underlying treasury yield from all of the users including yourself proportionate to how much of the total USUAL you own. So USUALx holders will start receiving the treasury yield. It is not a token printed out of thin air. It is literally the rights to the treasury yield. This wasn't hidden or obfuscated. It's the raison d'etre for the whole project.
Itโs maximum 6 months of yield Because itโs.. stated? Read again
If you want a real stablecoin with TBills yield you can buy USDY from ONDO
yess from what you accure.
Why are you sure that it will take up to 6 months, and not twelve? The commission will not be in dollar equivalent, but fixed in USUAl tokens?
If you wanted something similar to USDT/USDC, you should have held USD0 (remember, USD0 is the stablecoin pegged to $1), why do you think they gave a separate ticker to USD0++? as for why go from USDC to USD0++ , again, those are two different tokens. USDC is a $1 pegged stable, USD0++ matures to $1 in 4 years and pays some APY during that period. It's up to the market (i.e. you) to decide what that APY is worth. And then price USD0++ above its floor accordingly.
The live simulation will be available early next week
Flash Boy
OK. It is clear. I give them money. They invested in T Bills. Instead of interest I received some tokens printed out of thin air and 13% haircut. This is worst than USDT/USDC. At least in USDT/USDC i have principal + i can lend on AAVE for 8% annually. Why would anyone want to convert USDC for USD0++ now, after todays decision?
No, it means that fees through the Early Redemption can be, at maximum, up to six months of rewards sir.
It can range from zero up to six months of rewards. so How do I calculate whether it is 1 month, 3 months or 6 months? I need to know this is very important.
We'll definitely note that suggestion sir
Yes, live
PTs have no USUAL, so we would be forced to buy usual if we want to unstake or hold until maturity?
If you swap for USD0 you will pay the market price. Right now, USD0++ is trading at 92 cents. No one can tell you what it will be trading at next week other than it being above $.87. It's possible it could be at $1 if enough people want to earn the USUAL rewards and the yield that is paid to USUALx. The only reason you would have to burn USUAL, is if you do not want to trade at the market price but instead want to force a 1:1 redemption of your USD0++.
@Noรฉ forfeiting yield in max 6 months. Does this mean a waiting period of max 6 months? Like we donโt have to pay 6 months fees like an unstake fee
@Noรฉ, appreciate your hard work here. You and the team should consider graphics to explain things better imo. Many ppl here are neither reading or understanding the mechanism. Visuals might help to get the message across. Communication on that this will happen should have been way more frequent though
So first rewards are on January 20th, not January 13th?
When will USUAL rewards be available in the veda x berachain pool? Will it be possible to exchange beraUSD0++ for other tokens?
So next week we can see the usual amount that must be burned to redeem 1:1?
the team need to give the xplaination of buring rate calculate, so the depag could be back in rational
Navis Evolving
Is the team going to add to the curve pool? There is literally no liquidity
If you swap, you swap at market rate. If you Early Redeem (1:1), you'll have to give $USUAL in exchange of it. This amount depends on weekly outflows and time before maturity. It can range from zero up to six months of rewards (even if you held USD0++ only for the past 20 days).
unknown l
that's right
I have seen on the pledge interface that USUALX will no longer deduct 10% when unpledging
No, the first แบฝpoch counts from Jan 13. You just stake UsualX before that date.
where to buy ust0
I just saw the announcement on X and wanted to ask: Has the USD0 distribution changed to weekly instead of monthly? Previously, it was stated that no tokens could be withdrawn for an entire month, but now has it changed to earning USD0 as long as no tokens are withdrawn for a full week?
You are mistaken. USD0++ doesnt get revenue from t-bills. It receives USUAL. It is literally everywhere.
If you want principal+interest from T-bills you have to wait for maturity.
Any update on the USD0++ PTs yet or still waiting?
Itโs pretty clear: everyone who sells/unstakes usd0++ early will get rekt โ> Just hodl
so we can't redeem usd0++ to usdc 1:1 ?
I've been holding USD0++ for 20 days, so what happens if I swap it for USD0 next week, do I still have to burn the usual amount I got during those 20 days or 180 days or ?
Flash Boy
I want principal + interest from T bills. USD0++ is advertise like USDT but with revenue from T bills.
What are you talking about? This isn't what is happening. No one is forced to sell their USD0++.
USUALx enables to withdraw more USUAL with the same amount of USUALx as time passes, as it acts like a vault share. USD0 will be dropped directly on wallets afaik. Yes, no issues on that.
So the first distribution is on Monday January 13th, and we have until Monday January 13th to stake? Like 00:00 UTC is the distribution and we have until 23:59 on Sunday to stake? Thank you for your answers, very much appreciated.
Hey i don't see these from a quick search. How will users be able to get their USUAL + USD0 rewards. This will be from some future claim portal or is it like an LSD or airdrop? Am i ok to move my UsualX to a hardware wallet in the mean time until distributions come in late feb/early march?
Bros it all makes sense if they could actually explain in in simple language. The usd0++ floor is basically to enable arbitrage so when usual burn happens third parties can buy/sell higher but not lower . Penalty for early unstake is in usual farmed and will increase/decrease. That will affect the second market peg. Basically expanding from only platform to LP. Do i understand it right?
Clearly these people don't care about USUAL or the long term play, they want free money without risk and then to dump USUAL
are you aware that your usd0++ yields USUAL tokens as reward?
so snapshot for next week's distribution will be taken on this Monday right?
Mustache | Enclabs
Well fud impacting USUAL token price means the 6 month redemption cost less, which means gains for USD0++ unstakers... Protocol gov token holders and USD0++ holders have misaligned goals...
do yt usualx earn revenue?
Flash Boy
USD0++ holders got 13% haircut, and revenue from USD0++ goes to USUAL token holders. OMG this is ridiculous.
plz invite og
nope, on monday max sir iirc
Please talk about berachain vault, Usual likely plan to allow users to get back whatever original token they deposited (when unlocks open). ?
Essentially yeah. Not farmers dumping theyโre usual rewards daily thinking they have 0 risk from staking a stable coin. No free lunch in this world kids
@Noรฉ So for this Monday, we need to have had the USUALx staked at least 1 week prior? So by January 6th?
yeah. why don't you.
Sir, Which tool are you using too see that ๐ฒ ?
just wait for the burning rate
Clearly the way the Team executed/communicated this wasn't the best, but spreading more fud won't benefit anyone here. The reality is that with the newest updates the ones benefiting the most are long-term holders.
So if I burn usual tokens I get 1:1 claim?
If I hold usualx where I can see my reward
If I have pendle yt usualx, do i get revenue share from them too come Monday?
6 months of rewards is the maximum Early Redemption fee you could pay, not automatically what you'll pay
01/10/2025 at 13:39:28 ESTHahahaha
@Noรฉ Why don't I just buy government bonds directly with your 4-year income? Why don't I arbitrage the funding rate?
So funny to see people like you dumping usual thinking you don't have to pay a price lol
So funny to see people like you dumping usual thinking you don't have to pay a price lol
@Noรฉ Does that 6 month maximum count indefinitely? Have some PT maturing in June and want to know if it will be the same then.
nothing changed since yesterday , I didn't get any benefits compare to current moment I just lost 10% of funds and thats all . APY didn't change since then team decided to take 10% of my funds to sponsor USUALx revenue stream they could use their funds not mine ๐ซ looks like I won't get any reward to be good guy
Usd0 apy , legit fire
nice joke, you want to farm us
@Noรฉ you mean from 13/1 to 19/1 for distribution the week after?
@Noรฉ @Adli @Mr. Lin In the announcement there's nothing mentioned Veda X Bera Vault. In the vault it's not mentioned that usdc will be auto converted into USD0++ OUR USDC SHOULD BE MOVED AS USDC TO BERACHAIN WHEN MAINNET LIVE.
Bro this is defi do you want your hand held and to be informed of everything before hand so that you can make your own investment decisions? You clearly thought the apy was juicy did you not think there was some risks involed in that?
This is true but to be clear, this is *if you give up yield.
Nope, read # ๐ฃใannouncements . Redeemable in 6 months for 1:1 USD0 ๐
where the revenue from? usdo++'s short term T-bill interest?
You didn't read the section 3.3 of the 100 page whitepaper? TLDR just keep USD0++ for 4 years so you can redeem it, if they still exists of course
Monday to Sunday, UTC+0
why should I pay for it? I was slashed almost for 10% from my initial deposit to sponsor overall value of the protocol? why don't I have option to be able to exit yesterday and re-enter today same as any other new usuals client?
@Noรฉ Thanks for the update, when will the snapsnot of Usualx taken for the revenue distribution?
Wait why is there suddenly a haircut on usd0++, could anyone point where to start reading?
The point is benefiting USUAL holders and increasing the overall value of the protocol.
I have never been a moon boy lol And the price didnโt really react to the announcement tbh
Just hold and enjoy more than 20-30% APR lmao?
So for this Monday, we need to have had the USUALx staked at least 1 week prior? So by January 6th?
why should we give free money to protocol for next 6 months? I prefer to use them somewhere else for 20-30% apr whats the point of doing this?
Everything change againโฆ
Should be just like previously announced for the rules, yes
Holders of YT will receive apy in USD0++ ?
Buy 180 day USUAL in the market to redeem it
Buy usual and stake. Fee usual coins right now. We will see $1 soon. Remember my words, as always ๐๐
help me, please!!! I've been holding USD0++ for 20 days, so what happens if I swap it for USD0 next week, do I still have to burn the usual amount I got during those 20 days or 180 days or ?
Weekly epochs now
Yep, great response from the team ๐
What is the condition to be eligible to the USD0 share? Before, it was hving USUALx for the full month, what is it now since it's weekly?
1 min candle? lol
Business as usual. So everyone can unstake in USD0++ for 1:1 in only 6 months. And also revenue sharing starts Monday. W team, man ๐ญ๐๐ฅ
yeah I prefer to sell it at 1:1 ratio and re-enter to usual bonds at fair price 1:0.87 same as any other buyer since today
Great post very thorough @Noรฉ and the team. Please get some sleep guys.
lets goooooooooo ๐ ๐ญ
01/10/2025 at 13:20:26 ESTHAHAHA, where are all the moaners from earlier. Crying that price was dropping... ๐คฃ Look! It's going back up!
Is it the same that depositors at Pendle cannot receive revenue?
01/10/2025 at 13:20:09 ESTWhat people want is recovery for losses caused by depeg, but it will just end with an expression of regret.
That's the thing how is anyone gonna trust the team and provide more TVL with these kind of behaviour, there's no way USUAL gonna build "biggest stablecoin" in crypto
I believe in the project, but there are many confusing things that as an investor, even though I am not a large investor, I am not a large investor. .... I feel sorry that there is a lot of misinformation or controversy.
# ๐ฃใannouncements
if they give window of x days, then community will sell out and re-mint the liquid bond token and this way it would be more transparent, MEV capital swapped before floor price is set to 0.87, showing they have an idea about , so trust and user confidence can't be undo unless significant step taken by usual team for community.
what the f
you took our money , not protocol revenue money - to fund that revenue stream for usual stakers for next 4 years correct?
@Noรฉ help me, please! I've been holding USD0++ for 20 days, so what happens if I swap it for USD0 next week, do I still have to burn the usual amount I got during those 20 days or 180 days or ?
This is a kidnapping. No one will trust the team anymore, and no one will come in to provide TVL
People who say that most projects wonโt survive 4 years have barely any experience in this space. I know vaporware coins that went 50X just from benefiting from the BTC rally. Anyway Usual is something legit. USD0 will never depeg because itโs 1:1 backed. Has processed almost 1 billion USD in volume today and stayed strong its peg. This is the stresstest we needed. If Usual survives this FUD, there is no doubt that will eventually be in the top 3 stablecoins. Let the team cook, theyโre probably busy writing an announcement.
kinda heavy handed way to fund protocol
this money that you are referring to are coming to 1.6B of stakers....
Will officially communicate on that soon.
No one benefited? Well, now there's a 4-years locked revenue for USUAL stakers. I kind of beg to differ sir.
The timing and lack of announcement is... Concerning.
4 years in crypto is a lifetime, protocol will not be around in 4 years. Look at all the drama in barely 6 months the protocol has been live, imagine in 4 years. The amount of $$$ lost for investors and users, no one in crypto is gonna trust USUAL team going forward, absolutely no one benefitted from this change except team who has locked users with USD0++ in their protocol to try and save their asses in a highly volatile and downtrend market
What that means? Where do you see that?
almost 0 projects could live 4 years life span in crypto compare to total amount of them
I only recommend that the only salvation is the 4 years to see if we have the option to rectify! That most likely will be favorable and we will rectify, so arm yourself with patience and stop suffering, live 4 years and forget about the investment, then patience will flourish.
Believe in something.
The Southerner
I have a pretty offer for those who want to sell their coins nas are in doubt : I will buy all your usual at the market prices and with an interest rate of 30% APY . : applied for the price ranging from 0.25-0.5, and before 2025 February 1st.
Goes to USUALx stakers
Lol where?!
Thank you for your reply. So, does this mean that my USDO+ cannot be exchanged by repaying the USUAL earnings from holding for 180 days? However, I am currently generating earnings every day, and I am just feeling frustrated and donโt know what to do. In fact, if it were just a matter of waiting for 180 days, I would be willing to do so."
Will this sacrifice usual ?
No, you need to purchase 175 days of USUAL from the market to redeem 1:1
you should accumulate USUAL for next 6 months , give them back all of them and then you will be able to get your funds at 1:1 ratio . ๐ซ free money for 0% apy at next 6 months for team
So i have deposited/staked USD0++ 5 days ago, then i just need give back 5 days of $USUAL reward + my USD0++ to USD0 1:1?๐
ALERT! usual is mooning !
you have to buy it off the market for .915 currently, or wait 4 years as it slowly returns to $1 as the redemption floor crawls upward
but I see it in teams wallet, and Hashnote allows to redeem USYC for PYUSD or USDC?
Hi Noe & team I noticed this Usual team gnosis safe is invoking the PAR (parity arbitrage right) and making money through what is essentially arbitrage. (buy now cheap usd0++ and redeem with profits going to the treasury) It would be helpful to know the thinking behind these txs, so far it seems the motive is profit and not quite aligned to what is set out in the whitepaper? ๐ https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa5f46a5096c29ab2b4ac029783622cd328038f1759998fe2940a55d3fd5e924f THanks!
Hello! But what about PTUSD0++ position on contango?
Hello! But what about PTUSD0++ position on contango?
@Noรฉ I had a large looped position๏ผHow can I redeem USDO+ into USD0 without incurring any losses
I dunno where we were just slashed for 13% of our funds so they should go somewhere? will you use them for buybacks of USUAL or what was the initial purpose? @xun2x early unstake option won't help us. we were slashed for 13% instantly , if we'll burn our usual rewards it won't be possible to redeem all amount at 1:1 ratio
You can't guarantee a result in 4 years, but you can have it blocked! The law of the game, the point that talks to your saints so that the miracle happens that no one can guarantee you. This is an example.
don't fade Usual it is still democratizing profits for holders, sharing what tether and USDC don't but its defi, you must pay attention to the details, read. There is a reason why USD0++ has a DIFFERENT ticker than USD0
What about ppl just deposited in USD0++ for 5 days ago sir?what is an aomunt of $USUAL they need to redeem USD0++ to USD0 in 1:1, you haven't responded my wondering sir, also yes, if ppl is taking their loss, isn't DAO(TEAM) benefit those backed by USYC
Facing these pressures must be an interesting experience
# ๐งใspeculation
@Noรฉ what is your personal opinion about this overall vibe and loss in trading ?
Because it is locked for four years?
Why not allow to redeem for USD0++ for USYC then?
Where would they go? USD0++ is a staked version of USD0 which is backed by USYC (mostly)
their loss
this is the craziest part to me I deposited awhile ago but I can't imagine depositing last few days and instantly getting rugged 13% thats crazy
What about ppl just deposited in USD0++ for 5 days ago sir?
hi i put $1000 of usd0++ in curve and now its $900 why. ?
Bye bye
so I'm not sure to understand here tbh
Also, latest announcement is good news for USUALx
USUAL* already gets less rewards than USUALx since it isn't eligible for direct rev-switch in USD0 (100% of the revenue goes to USUALx). Soooo wouldn't be aligned tbh.
Lucas | ๐ง๐ท ๐ต๐น
I agree. Even more so considering the moment we are in the market and the macro economy. Some countries are already wanting to ban or restrict stable coins
I think he means Usual*
You are mistaken. Letโs say you have $100 worth of collateral and $86 in USDC borrowed. You could repay the $86 USDC and sell your collateral for $91.35 (at the current rate). However, if you leave it as is and hope the team liquidates you quickly, the interest could accumulate at over 12,000% APY (Morphoโs maximum APY). This means you might end up with nothing, even if the teamโs liquidation price is set at 0.955.
Team should also announce what is an amount of $USUAL needed if users want to withdraw their USD0++ peg 1:1 USD0, also need more reward for USD0++ to acctract more reward, otherwise noone would stake/buy USD0++ ever again..
USUAL stakers are USUALx holders
It's for USUALx
Offer a team to redistribute this fees (or others) exclusively for Usualx holders, not for Usual-star. Community are angry for feeding Usual-star and seing price dumping instead.
There are like 3 different things this could mean depending on myriad factors - best case they liquidate everyone in it and those users get to walk away having sold for 0.955, worst case they only cover "bad debt" as per the morpho pool math, which isn't accurate because the oracle assumes 1, with a load of things in the middle, but it doesn't make much sense for them to cover lenders explosive interest rate gains fully so we'll see what happens there. If basically everyone doesn't shift over to their new pools, which i assume a lot will but anyone with 20 minutes to do analysis probably won't. I have a small test position under water set up on morpho an hour ago to see if someone bites a liq, seen here: I doubt anyone will but worth having, if they signal they will do this at size you can basically just market buy USD0++ under 0.955 and max borrow to earn free money on the liq - though it requires people supply USDC for you to grab, or manual repays, which no one is really incentivised to do here.
any update on USD0++ PTs ? or still being discussed internally
Any info about depeg
The worse is that this will reverberate in all "new" stablecoin sector. Everybody will lose in this awful communication strategy and almost "dark launch" of such important feature that impacts all the ecosystem. Usual nuked itself
any good dune analytics dashboard for USUAL token?
And we're just getting migrated there?? Floating rate I assume? We're gonna get brutalized from the rates if utilization is too high. Liquidations will follow and protocol will end up dying anyways.
Yeah, people don't read.
Well, note that the Early Redemption fee is redistributed to USUAL stakers and partially burned.
Coopos Janesz
that means for example: bybit,kraken or smth or usual/eur or smth?
you should give them all your airdrop allocation + farmed usual during this period to be able to get your money back at ratio 1:1 ๐ซ
If you have to pay for the maximum Early Redemption, yes. Note, this is the maximum.
it doesn't really matter to you as a borrower - if the price is under 0.955, which it is guaranteed to be basically, it doesn't make sense for you to repay to exit, so the accrued interest is a fugazzi. The 86% LTV thing only matters in so far as how much you can borrow, for liquidations it doesn't matter a jot, thats just fixed at 0.955 per.
I've been holding USD0++ for 180 days, counting from the start of farming pills, so what happens if I later swap it for USD0, do I still have to burn the usual amount I got during those 180 days?
Hi Blurr thank you for your time and reflexion. As said new markets are on the way with total safety for lenders and borrowers. We'll help users to migrate and the DAO will manage all bad debt.
Anyone have the number of the French SEC?
@blurr - "Additionally, the DAO, as mentioned in the initial article about the floor price change, will be able to unwind any position with bad debt to avoid harming lending protocols and their potential curators." They will be covering any bad debt in the Morpho pool it seems
We're working on it
When will there be a proper statement out on all of this? It's kinda sad that we get more info from government posts on Morpho Labs by MEV rather than from the USUAL team. Should work on regaining some of the lost trust, not hide in the bunker and lose it all. ๐
Wow, you are good.
working on it
new market should be live tonight (CET)
What are you doing about the pools on Morpho?? People stuck without option of redeeming
No, you're routed through market price
Prince Pengu
so youre selling me a 87c bond for 1 dollar? jail for you bucko
hard to give advice. You're betting on whether the team liquidate you at a loss for them to avoid... political consequences for not. if I had a large looped position I would probably withdraw USD0++ to the limit and hope that someone liquidated me not understanding what they were doing, but that won't work for everyone. If they don't you don't really lose anything anyway. If you can repay the debt do that in any way you can since it will give you more time, but if you're fully stuck then it is what it is. Not much you can do from here - I definitely wouldn't move to the floating pool though. Then you're forced to eat the penalty with no recourse. Here you're holding their reputation for a 0.955 exit potential, which is possibly the best you can hope for. Flip flip side is that realising the position they now find themselves in (someone is probably going to sue them), it might make more sense to just let the whole thing die a painless death and pay it all out at peg, meaning you'd get rekt. Trades like this suck because you're effectively pvp'ing the team more than you're doing anything else, and if you're large enough a player they'll just do the opposite of what you need them to 9 times out of 10.
check this out:https://forum.morpho.org/t/usual-boosted-usdc-vault-whitelisting/686/9?u=adli
you're exposing yourself to the yield when you buy it. It's a bond. They gave a grace period where you could exit 1:1. But now you have to forsake yield if you want to exit 1:1.
You can't mint at 87, you're routed through secondary market unless it's pegged with USD0
does anyone know the Initial Supply used for emission calculation? Supply++ at time=0?
the 87c floor doesnt bother me the issue was minting at $1 and having stableswap pools for nonstable assets
Prince Pengu
why wasnt i allowed to mint @ 87c?
Good, man, nice job
Veda x bera vault should move funds to berachain when will be live with same coins : usdc, dai... Like Blast pre deposit.
Usual about to breakout. Back to Ath. Team rich
lol you seem you done your DD, what would you recommend doing then if you're leveraged on Morpho vaults??
The real money print machine is where you sell a zero coupon bond at par value. Okay not exactly zero coupon technically but a coupon paid out in something that depreciates 17.91 percent in a day
wow even pike when got double hacked in 1 week didnt get so much rekt
they can't be liquidated, which is the problem. The pools where they're hard coded to 1 are basically broken. The liquidation penalty is only 4.5% and the market assumes the coin is worth 1, so to liquidate there you pay 0.955 USDC for 1 USD0++, which no one is going to do because USD0++ is under that. This not only caps the max upside of USD0++ to 0.955, but also means those morpho vaults are basically shrekt because no one is going to ever repay them unless they close out soon before the interest starts to run away from them. They need to switch people over to the floating rate asap, but for a lot of people heavily underwater off looping it probably makes more sense to just sit there, and hope the team basically let them out at 0.955 by liquidating them to avoid the embarrasement of causing a cascade. Very screwed situation, regardless of what is technically true or not a total blunder from an optics and game theory perspective.
thanks for free usual guys
Are you saying you want everyone to get valuable equity token rewards for free and have full liquidity on the bond? That would require a magic money printing machine.
It was meant man. They wanted this. Theyโll pump usual after we all exit.
It was meant man. They wanted this. Theyโll pump usual after we all exit.
How is team gonna avoid the massive liquidations that'll start occurring in a few weeks/months once debt grows above collateral due to massive interest on borrow positions against USD0++???
How is team gonna avoid the massive liquidations that'll start occurring in a few weeks/months once debt grows above collateral due to massive interest on borrow positions against USD0++???
or mint today at $0.87 and not $1. What a bunch of amateurs
I would've done that if knew but why would anyone stake over buying USD0++ at discount on open market??
If team push users to sell before floor price, your team will sleep well
Inchallah? So now we're just hoping? ๐
why Usual keeps going down?
So why couldn't I buy USD0++ at .87 at issuance back in in July
No you paid a discounted amount like .87
It's like bond in Trafi. Bond's price is 1$ and it's matured in 4 years later. If you buy, you pay 1$, in return, you receive yield annually. And if you sell before it's maturity. It costs less than 1$.
Thanks USUAL team for trying so hard ๐ Hope ppl understand that if they go with this project for long term, they definitely get profits ๐ 0.87 is just a number
If I buy 1 USD0++ now for 0.87 USD0, how many USD0 will I receive at maturity in 4 years?
The DAO doesn't do this trade at $.88. Some other market participant would have to be buying to push it to $1. @CryptoCoco๐ฅฅ You wouldn't stake USD0 for USD0++. You would buy USD0++ at a discount on the open market.
I have a dumb theoretical question: If the floor is gradually moving from 0.87 to $1 over 4 years as the bond appreciates. Where the does the revenue to pay stakes come from on top of this? Is the bond appreciation not already baked into the rising floor?
Team did us farmers right when they launched in Binance. They added 1% bonus. I believe theyโre thinking about the best idea now for everyone. Trust the team, inshallah ๐โค๏ธ
"resting" no, we're working on it rn, and most of the team members haven't slept for 24 hours
Prince Pengu
Bottom line: if you do decide to invest with us for the long term, you will definitely profit.
is this for real? usual the next blackrock, crisis is happening, but the team needs rest before they can make an announcement?
swap at market rate
why would anyone stake USD0 for USD00++ if the floor price is $0.87
and they should think how to spend almost 150M$ they got just for 1 day of work
its friday, frenchmen dont wort weekends. so no more answers till monday
Guys, the team will be back after getting some rests, they got a tired day with the fuds and lots of questions, plz being calm and wait for them Meanwhile plz check Noรฉ pinned message
Conditional Exit: 1:1 redemption requiring forfeiture of a portion of accrued yields. This โEarly Unstakingโ mechanism is scheduled for release early next week.
lukita da galera
Its not safe bro
@ravished wrong Data, it's -0.0119% 0.0050% on Binance . @Cortina so why the price of USD0++ doesn't go back to $1 now ? Why wait $.86 ? And the treasury is not infinite ^^
It can, just like today it was changed from 1 to 0.87 without prior notice
New player can buy USD0++ For 0,87$ doesnt make sens
But that number is kind of arbitrary- if fed decides to hold interest rate the same next year for example itโd be easy for them to make a similar argument
what is the reason team change bond floor USD0++ from 1$ to 0.87$?
It's 1:1 after 4 years. During these 4 years, you get high APY paid by Usual. This is how it works.
I'm not sure I understand your question. There are treasuries backing USD0. The treasuries are worth $1. If you tell me I can trade those treasuries to someone who needs liquidity at $.86 and keep the profit I will do that all day. That is what the DAO is saying.
Is it safe to hold usual
Protocol's done tbh, there was too much leverage with morpho and pendle doubt it'll last, many positions are going to get liquidated from paying over 50%+ in interest, team kinda screwed the whole thing when they changed hardcode price of USD0++ to 0.87$
lukita da galera
Then why they forced us to mint in 1:1, not in a fair price from the beginning?
What happened if they don't do or if it's not enough ? The floor price can drop more nop ?
It will keep increasing from 0.87 back to 1 after 4 years <โโ FOR ALL WHO WORRY USD0++ PRICE MAY DECREASE
No, it was already confirmed that if you invested in USD0++ you're not going to make money. Unless you wait 4 years and turn trans
Today this discord is the most active itโs ever been
Is 87 really a hard floor? Can it be changed at will by the team?
Prince Pengu
Bottom line: if you do decide to invest with us for the long term, you will definitely profit.
USD0++ isn't pegged to $1. USD0 is. the rest of the tweet seems like a good explanation.
Does $usual have a floor to?
Coopos Janesz
what is the floor price means? someone tell me pls
When the price of USD0++ goes below .87, it is profitable for USUALx holders to give people liquidity
ma money, ma family
Fallen Angel
Hello @Noรฉ does the team plan to realize the Parity Arbitrage Right? prolong the 1:1 redemption period? unlock the bond early? seeing a lot of fud here thx
Lucas | ๐ง๐ท ๐ต๐น
USUAL was experiencing huge HYPE due to the partnerships, listings, not to mention the huge and successful Airdrop. If they made an announcement reinforcing the mechanics of the thing, it would be beneficial to the project, as it would be well explained before it happens and given the necessary time for the community to decide whether or not to embark on the trip. Now it has lost the hype, credibility and will have to try to remedy it with some kind of repair. Holders, traders and investors, all at a loss, some more than others, in addition to the FUD that spread in the market seeing a token called "USD" not worth 1:1
lukita da galera
Sell โโyour USUAL and wait for the market to show some buying strength. It is the safest way to trade USUAL at this time.
Stupid question but : why the floor price is 0.87 ? Is it hard-coded somewhere or not ?
Weak hands allways sell and lose on panic. Sell more. No cake for you boyZ.
Agree, I bought Sol around 8$ and hold until now hahaha, as long as the team keeps building the project, the token price will up soon
we getting slaughtered with borrow rates on Morpho
Pancake on my face, makes me extra happy, I like shampoo bottles that sit on my lappy
market takes care of this. 0.87 is the floor. below that it becomes an rfv play. How far above that is a function of what market thinks is the APY going to be.
Coopos Janesz
why acces app not working?
chaos is a ladder
Usual has intrinsic value. It is not meme. When price down to a point, there are people coming for it.
What we thinking with usual price. Reckon team will pump now with all that dolla they earnt
No liquidation risk from depeg but you are paying 100+% in interest. You will get liquidated from interest instead.
no liquidation risk itself but paying 110% borrow fee with leveraged position would basically lead to liquidation in a few days
Its 20 January, BTC is 200.000usd USUAL 22,22usd HODL, dont be pssy
lukita da galera
Unfortunately it was reduced to 0.87 for stability reasons, meaning it is not possible to return to 1:1. The smartest strategy is to sell at a loss and return to Usual when it shows some buying strength. I just sold all my usual tokens
I am in a loop USD0++/USDC morpho vault hardcoded Oracle, please confirm there is no liquidation risk ?
every token relatively goes to zero lol. what's the point this is crypto. sol was $8
I bought some USD0++ this morning. Mostly USUALx but some USD0++ too.
You mean the usualx holders that are down 66% lol
Yea but the problem is, after this all, who willing to use (buy and stake usd0++) our product again?? ๐ isn't it leading to the death of... us? Also Pendle should peg PT's at USD0 not USD0++ lol, that traped a ton of "fish"
Can the Devs reprogram USD0++ to 1:1 por favor
Can the Devs reprogram USD0++ to 1:1 por favor
read docs guys
can devs do something?
thank you, I'll do that later this evening ๐
being emotional is not beneficial for you guys to make decisions. Calm down
What do you want? Theyโve been working late and didnโt sleep. Did you sleep? Be respectful please All of you. USD0++ hasnโt changed its definition. You just didnโt read it.
Most likely itโs almost 6โฆ
I think it's best time to buy USUALx
Will the team announce something about this horrible communication of theirs, a note of something talking about it?
Where are any admins? Or or working hours in France are over and we will see feedback only on Mon?
Buy dip usual don't look at fud
trying to figure it out too. as bonds works everywhere, we should have bought usd0++ at a 0.87 price if that was the goal all along
I would recommend reading the whitepaper. By reading things here you will be less informed than when you started.
Why the team didn't annonce nothing till now
DYOR before investing - literally every sane person
im pretty sure that was in the bible
"dont cheat, dont steal" -Michael Saylor
That's the question, it's on the threshold of communication incompetence or something even worth. This kind of change should have been announced weeks before, so people could plan accordingly, not just made from one day to another.... This move not only buries any trust in Usual , but in other yield bearing staking mechanisms for stables. usual just nuked this DeFi vertical
this 1000x
i am new here, can the team make an announcement that explains what usual is? i try to figure that out rn
usualx holder thanks for playing.
This, im currious as hell also, that's what i was referencing about, so after all, who sell who take the loss, then DAO (TEAM) would get 7% all of that right? And time to pump back i assume?๐
any moment now, it's only been 18 hours...
They intentionally kidnapped the user
@Noรฉ before the price go deeper we cannot have a clarification from the team ?? Many people lost a lot of money and it continue to go down. The longer you wait to communicate the lower the price will be โฆ
between the lines? its literally in the white paper
Lucas | ๐ง๐ท ๐ต๐น
The point is that even if the system worked this way, it should have been explained in advance, announced and not implemented without giving enough time for everyone who wanted to get out of it to be able to. What we have here is something interpreted as bad faith and perhaps fraud, because between the lines you leave your liquidity locked for four years, almost mandatory as no one will withdraw the liquidity losing so much, apart from settlements in third party protocols.
nihilistic button clicker
Not necessarily. It will be 6 months of the APY at that point. So if APY from today till 5 months later is 22% and after 6 months it's 200%, you have to pay 6 months of 200% to redeem. So you have a "fixing risk" that the APY after 6 months is too high. So even the 6 months accrued farm isn't enough to pay for the Redemption @Mr. Lin can you confirm this point too?
6 months redeem at 1:1? if i dont care about my usual rewards?
But when ppl swap usdc/usdt/usd0 or stake money into usd0++, the money still there? so now where the money gone sir?
They did it intentionally
Nobody cares
01/10/2025 at 11:30:37 ESTIm leaving this project byr
is this the right place to buy UST?
@Noรฉ is this fraud ?
Can you be more specific? My pending reward has been zero for the past 9 days. Where should I be seeing it?
lmao 500 cringe
@fredchan17999 Has the team clearly stated the time for the change? Has the team clearly stated the bottom line? If the team is so correct, why did they initially use a 1:1 ratio to attract TVL instead of 1:0.87?
Mateus Ball
Is it curve?
on the website i guess
nihilistic button clicker
@Mr. Lin If I wait 6 months and redeem my USD0++ via the redemption mechanism, usual* gets 33% of usual , 33% is burned , and usualx gets 33% right?
What is this
Mr. Lin
Without usd0++ it will not simulate the secondary market route which is cheaper than what you're seeing right now. We are not issuing any usd0++.
Team use your money to buy lambo
But actually this all stuffs doesnt make sense, If everyone swap their USD0++ to USD0 at first then DAO (the Team) get fully usdt/usdc/usd0 whatever to backed usd0++ no? Then now suddenly peg -7%, ppl keep swaping to take loss, then where the money gone? 7-13% of 1b5$ is a lot of money btw.
This guy will keep on losing money, if he dont read the articles and what mentioned on it
new depositors are just fine ๐ but everyone who invested their money before - they are fkcued
Mateus Ball
Unless TVL stays the same. Considering 100m daily withdrawals use curve
i guess so
you will have to buy up to future 180 days yield of $usual to redeem 1:1
So why itโs a lie when everything was documented and just as planned? Team has no fault on this Ppl who want easy money without researching correctly just got paid for their own mistake
Nice job, FYI all, a lot of people are getting 7day timed out because of just saying anything in the chat ๐
Lol that looks like trap a lot of new depositors isn't it?? What about ppl just deposited like week or 3-5 days ago..?
Well, this does not disprove the fact that yesterday the rate was 1$ today sharply 0.9$. Those who invested immediately lost 10% of their deposit and will get it back in 4 years. In addition, there were people who knew about this deposit and immediately withdrew money tweet: https://x.com/DeFi_Made_Here/status/1877693824790622480 What if tomorrow the team wants to maintain USD0++ = 0.7$?
looks like you should earn usual for next 6 months then you will give them back and after that you will take your 1:1 stables
Is it guaranteed that we can usd0++ for usd0 at 1:1 with a maximum of 6 months usual yield?
So when usd0++ will replace USDT/USDC on cexes? together we are bigger than blackcock right?
01/10/2025 at 11:12:26 ESTscam๐น
01/10/2025 at 11:12:25 ESTyou may need as much as 6 months worth of USUAL earnings, so you can either wait or market buy what you don't have yet.
This is a lie. Then why can you still buy for $1 and sell only for $0.91? Real tweet: https://x.com/ZorxKaspa/status/1877725377650364424
So if i want my usd0++ peg 1:1 to usd0, i just need give back all $USUAL which i earned am i right?? What if i just deposited usd0++ 5 days ago? sir please reply this
Why are you saying 5.33M annually?
am i unable to sell my usd00++ on arb anymore?
waited till depeg to say USD0++ was never a stablecoin lol
Mod, put this in announcement, so that everyone doubt will be clear.
Buying more usual here for staking
waiting here for you guysโ transaction fees
Read this to understand.. Last message from me today https://x.com/bocaluxury/status/1877730659600339001
@where is the FAQ?
should be (CET)
Will the clarification happens today ser ? Thanks for ur job tho
01/10/2025 at 11:04:23 ESTIs usual going to zero? Should i hold it?
So if i want my usd0++ peg 1:1 to usd0, i just need give back all $USUAL which i earned am i right?? What if i just deposited usd0++ 5 days ago?
They dont need. Usd0++ get reward $usual. They just need to give it back for early unstake
Uh actually real tho, USUALx gets 100% of the revenue
01/10/2025 at 11:01:17 ESTThe problem is the usd0++ deposited in veda's bera.
Noe i think u guys need abit of help on comms - the team did no wrong except that maybe comms wasnt the best. i read and re-read the docs many times and its part of the roadmap.. the layman in crypto just didnt understand the product. kudos to the team for coming up with this and if you can take our feedback, beef up on comms. let me know if u need help.
Yes, until further official communications please refer to the pinned FAQ ๐ซก
Lets the game begin.. Soon back to $1 https://x.com/bocaluxury/status/1877730659600339001
All of you guys plz read Noรฉ recent pinned message for more correct info Stop asking why what how LOL
Why dump?
what misinfo?
All share this post https://x.com/bocaluxury/status/1877730659600339001
i think that the team should make a post on official X to clarify this fud, so much misinformation
lol the communication was bad.
how to redeem 1:1 ?
Is it time to close our eyes and embrace death?
When other coin try to recovery, #Usual searching for a reason to dump? How this coin is work? What's going on? Come on
how to redeem 1:1 ?
The drama still going on?
youโll get a response from the team and i believe theyโre working on it.
Incredible how ppl start spreading fud as soon as the market is down
Can the CEO or Usual team say something about what is happening ? All people who bought their coins are now afraid
Lots of it is people trying to send a message or something cringe like that. Genuine questions and engagement super low.
What happens when meme traders think this is going to pull a luna/ohm and get rekt trying to loop farm
Fake ?
01/10/2025 at 10:53:36 ESTMost people who said there was no problem probably don't hold usd0++, right?
unUsual... ๐คก
Crazy misinformation going on in this chat.
The fact is that they forced USD0++ to be minted only at a 1:1 hard peg price with USD0. Forcing this while believing it could never maintain a 1:1 peg fits the perfect definition of a rugpull. We need to focus on this fact and alert various exchanges and their VC backers to solve this problem.
just hold
The next #LUNA?
What's happening? What is the root cause ?
let's dump usual to ZEROOOOO
i mean why you guys (stacker of USD0) sold your USUAL daily? why not accumulate and stack it again? you guys are the one who makes the market go down. if we stand by it together, maybe we can go to moon.
in 4 years, but cryptocurrency projects usually don't live that long
0xcaiado || NATA ARMY
USUAL go to 0????
USUAL go to 0????
im bulish in usual, but how do i see how much tokens are in market? and how i see how much are realease?
In 4 years time
Why did we depeg
usd0++ will go back to 1 dolar?
very good try to FUD, you should try harder
msulc (๐,๐)
Because of fud. Market value in fact is above the Floor (0.92 vs 0.87)
Was the formula of USUAL total emission rate published?
minting factor meaning
You guys are total retar dios. Nuked the brand due to carelessness. Assets etc are fine though - but almost got dumb loopers rekt with no parameter change information in advance. Better that arbs take advantage instead of getting people liquidated. Of course - those who never read the docs were going to eat dirt because it's a 4 year coupon bond for underlying Treasury bill, with yield in Usual tokens. The USDO asset backing is secured by short term Treasury bills, it will be 1:1 redeemable, but in 4 years. Not like LUNA or some other scam.
the solution is dont sell ur USUAL, stack it. you can get from the revenue switch additional USD0
Can USD0++ go below 0.87?
Iโve been wondering this too
Why do people price USD0++ as a zero coupon bond? It's not zero coupon, there are daily USUAL coupons (which are greater than treasury yield), therefore the net present value shoud be above $1. No?
Use debank sir if you stake USUALX For USD0++, only their dapp
Major part of it or maybe you even have to buy extra USUal tokens.
is there any way to check how much pending usual i have beside official ui?
Read my previous text. You can find from usual web. Early unstake next week come from admin. Check previous text
is early unstaking means i have to return all my usual reward?
From the moment USD0+ is off-peg, assuming no new USD0+ will be staked, the emission of USUAL should drastically decrease until the peg is restored. Can you confirm this? Regarding the amount of USUAL needed to "invest" in order to redeem USD0+ at $1, will this amount vary over time? For example, if today the APY is 22% (paid in USUAL) and it is established that 3 months of yield are required to redeem at $1, this means I would pay 1/4 of 22%, which is 5.5% in USUAL, correct? If tomorrow the APY for USD0+ decreases to 10%, would I then need to pay 2.5% in USUAL? Can you confirm this?
It's a pity about this project. It was good. It's a pity it didn't work out
If everyone is looking to exit usual token will pump due to them burning their tokens no?
where did you get this from ? is there more details
yep, but if everybody wants out and people buying usual like hell, then Usual will get pumped
buy USUAL at pico bottom, the same for USD0++ (from 0.9 and below) and then redeem at discount with profit, in the meatime you will get uselss USUAL token to dump on plebs
nein ๐งฒ
yes dump to zero everybody can redeem 1:1 for free
Why price is decreasing guys? What happened?
If we dump USual low enough on Binance we can redeem for free next monday. Just saying.
I think it is better to use this channel to discuss how to develop a good strategy for USUAL, rather than just venting emotions (for long-term investors). I look forward to hearing good suggestions from everyone. After all, investment is not a one-time thing.
how to buy ust0--
No it's just useless fud I buying and stake usual
Analyze the chart of Ondo and compare with usual
They are all living in France and doxxed. Lawsuit might not be the scarest thing they should expect when they are going to go this way and make ppl lose millions for their greed. This should be dealt rightfully.
You can do it next week Ser. You just need early unstake by burn your reward ($usual)
so even MEVcap didnt know about it, quality communication...
01/10/2025 at 10:34:08 ESTI learned that we need to be careful not only in Korea but also in France.
Kinda questionable ye
someone should answer about it's real or not.
i agree
Your method of retaining TVL is not honorable. You will lose the trust of users. Or bring a lawsuit for oneself
it was public last night everywhere on twitter lol
u can do that next week from daaps. you return the usual and you can redeem 1:1
Of course
how much coins in market now?
Pay 6 month usual, not 3 weeks LOL
For the team, there's no point in arguing with those who bought your product. When a lot of people are feeling misled then they have some valid point to it. As a businessperson, you need to understand that the feelings of the customers do matter regardless of who's right, regardless of whether you've point out that this kind of mechanism exists in the whitepaper. So thanks for the initiative of having a discussion for this and hope there is a resolution for this. Because if the people keep losing your trust it's the same as death in business.
Because we have a lot of acoustic people
DAO==TEAM now since there are no voting system. so team should decide this quickly if they don't want delisting from binance due to red flag from community. This unexpected ratio announcement is just a tricky rug-pull.
01/10/2025 at 10:28:18 ESTBecause trust has been lost. Very few people say there are no problems.
Is it possible to talk to a team member for USUAL ? I put in 7mm USD and farmed maybe 3 weeks max. I'm happy to return all farmed USUAL to redeem my USDC back.
then you end up with a bank run on USD0
Why usual drop ๐
open unstake again
yess people just missunderstood. usd0++ is liquid staking bond
will there be season 2 airdrop?
the decision should be done through community voting instead team and investors @Noรฉ
who did they receive the information from?
Stop posting this 10000 times
@Aerovall then you haven't been here long enough. @CryptoMDz Voting rules are outlined in the documentation if you look further. Or even Search this channel. Edit: Can we get a ban on @voidlook ? I like fud but his is low effort.
Prince Pengu
Not the first time bro, are u new to this channel? Haha, he is trying his best, stop judging
"Letโs become CrickCrock together" (oh... what a worrying crack... could something be shattering?)
You're all bitches
not sure, they are still vague about it. the number of usual tokens needed to be burn should be reflected in the site once they give us early unstaking update. Usual tokens price are currently taking a hit because it converge to real bond APY which is 4%, right now APY is 22%. if APY become 4%, usual price will go down and usd0 holders can buy at minimal expense, so usd0++ holder can exit at 1:1. When usual price is at 10c, that means APY reach 4% which is the fair value
wow this is the first time you got professional tone in answering people,most of your replies got lol and lmeow
Whitepaper specifies that "the DAO reserves the authority to set this price floor, allowing USD0++ holders to exchange their tokens for USD0 at a rate below the standard 1:1 redemption ratio." Where was the DAO vote? USUALx holders needed to vote on this.
Mateus Ball
it must be 0.2 by the end of the year. if you ll see to the emission
Space X?
Gunner funk
Can you do X space whatever it's called
I know and daddy BlackRock would be proud too
is this period starting from 0.87 floor price implementation (starting today to onwards 6 months)? we burn accumulated usual token burn and get back funds. ? or airdrop farming period also counted?
0.56 and falling run your life guys
We're working on a communication to address everything, that's why I'm not answering right now
Yes, especially the newest coins.
Need to commend the team here. 17 hours not a message on Twitter. But according to @Noรฉ from this morning, communication is on point, everything is fine.
Usual going down like hell day by day
what would you like for the team to do ?
In a nutshell. This is mostly usd0 stakers venting.
How is it possible to go down like that ? Why the team is not doing anything ??
Accepte aucun message privรฉ de personne, c'est forcรฉment un scam Va dans # ๐ใlanguage-select et active ๐ซ๐ท , rejoins nous ๐
Whales will flourish ๐ฐ๐ฐ๐ค๐ค and Retail will get decimated as USUAL ๐๐๐คฃ๐คฃ
The market in general is not the best, dont Panic on USUAL, the whole US stock market is collapsing, avoid the FUD and trust your project
@Mava (AI Support) @Noรฉ We who stake UsualX/Usual don't need to do anything? And are not affected by this news other than the Usual share price going down?
team says, if you farm 6 months of usual token. even though usual drop to 10c or even 1c, you can burn that tokens in the usual website and they will give you 1:1 usd0++ . if usual price reach 1c, you could just buy at the market and redeem usd0+ at 1:1 with minimal expense. so it is better for usd0++ holder to let usual price go down
I bought usual at 0.6 it will recover right?
@Mava (AI Support) so there is no mechanism defence for mass sell off ?
1/2 of yearly apr
this is what I am worried. SEC jump in, lock and freeze any RWA assets and we will wait decade to have back the money. I don't care about the team in prison. in this case we are not getting 0.87 but zero